'4 raw uu THE BEST ADVERTIS ING MEDIUM IN ELIZA BETH CITY. A NEW PAPER WITH AN INCREASING CIR CULATION L VOL II ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1912 NO. 16. n a nnrr in nn nn n ii f i if if i if iu j ii t j. an if i IJRRROIV ESCAPE FROM DEADLY GAS UNCONSCIOUS OF DANGER MEN ON STEAMER HATT'E CREEF BE COME DROWSY AND LIE DOWN TO SLEEP AROUSED IN TIME iBY CAPTAIN JOHNSON A tragedy, in which four prominent r,tizens would have lost their lives, was narrowly averted on the steamer L-.ttie Creef last Saturday morning, nhile she was en route to this city .'iwn Manteo, N. C. Messrs. F. M. Grlce and D. A. Mor gan of this city, Mr. Newby of Hert itrd and Mr. Johnson, a traveling salesman were passengers on the lit tie steamer. .They wept into the sa loon to have a social game of cards. Tfce Jother passengers either remained en deck' or In the pilot house with C&ptain Johnson. About two hours af- tt i wards, lone one entered the sa loon and found these gentlemen ly iD down asleep. Their appearances rfiicated that there was something -wrong with them and Capt. Johnson was notified. He Irushed into the tUoon after he had thrown the doors ftid windows open, and dragged the ryn'.on deck where they partly re vived. When they arrived here Dr. McMuI---.-. rendered necessary medical at Tf j. tioji and they were soon out of 'K.ngTr, but i,t was some time before ;t';l of the bad effects of the gas, which c.me near killing them, disappeared. Mr. Johnson was the worst off of mid he was not able to walk when. ihr Ifattie Creef arrived here. Or. McMulian stated that these, gen jen, were under 'the influence of . ; vbon Monoxide, one of the most i r-Irndly gases known; and in thirty m mites more they would have been dead. Members of the party stated that rbey first, began to feel drowsy which grew on. thenr till they all lay down . aBd wen? to sleep. This was the last thins they knew until they were revived on tVe deck of the steamer. They stated that tliey could not de tect any gas anywhere and other pas sengers who went into the saloon to help rescue them stated that they cculd not detect any gas either. The absence of the scent of the g:s was easily accounted for by the iind that was escaping. Carbon r.vnoxide has no smell. Capt. Johnson, since the accideift b:: located the leak and the ma chinery has been repaired. Every precaution is being taken by Capt. Johnson and his crew to see to it that such an accident never happens .Viin. LAST STAND FOR HID ROUTE. FIGHT IS MADE SOLELY ON GROUND OF DAMAGE TO CANAL PROPERTY AND OF INJURY TO LOCAL INTERESTS J B. Flora, mayor o( Elizabeth City, D.M. Jones, president of the Mer chants' Association, J. P. Overman, postmaster, C. II. Robinson, Ex-Judge J. B. Leigh, W. T. Love, J. Q. A. W ood and Secretary Lamb of the Chamber of Commerce spent some time -in Washington, D. C, this week if the interest of the Lake Drummond canal. , v The delegation, composed oSome of the leading business men of the city appeared before the Rivers and Harbors Committee of the United States Senate- Wednesday and pre sented the interests of the people of this section in this canal as a water course for local commerce. The dele gation did not go to Washington for the purpose of fighting the Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal, but on the other hand, to advocate the purchase of the Dismal Swamp Canal and its maintenance by the United States gov ernment as a" free waterway. The delegation took a position should the A and-C. Canal be maintained as a free waterway, the owners of he Dis mal Swamp Canal will soon have to al.w.-.on tir canal for the want, of patronage, as shipping and commerce will not pay toil when a free water course is ottered. U the Dismal Swamp canal is purchased by the Government and maintained as a free waterway, though on a smaller scale, the canal wiirbeTieptopened to the commerce of northeastern North Car olina. PPfWDItlG IT HERTFORD Miss Nellie B. Newby, the Bride of Mr. Thomas J. Nixon Revival at Baptist Church. Special Correspondence of the Ad vance. A very pretty wedding was sol emnized at the Methodist Episcopal church South, at one o'clock Wednes day when Miss Nellie B. Newby be came the bi.'de of Mr. Thomas J. Nixon. The church was beautifully deco rated with ferns and bridal wreaths, from among which gleamed the soft 1'rht of many candles. The cere- irony was performed by Rev. F. M. Shamburger, pastor of the church. The bridesmaids were beautifully gowned in white marquisette over pink. The maid of honor was Miss Katherine Newby, sister of the bride. She wore green massaline and carried pink sweet peas. The bride was dressed in a travel ing suit of tan with hat and gloves to match, and carried bride's roses. At the conclusion of the marriage rite Mr. and Mrs. Nixon left for a northern tour. Mrs. Qua,nty and daughter, Mrs. Xicenlieims left tor their home Tues- ' (!.! after spending a few weeks with their daughter, and sister Mrs. W. H. ' Jenkins. ! Revival services are being hold at i the Baptist church , this week. We j hope they will have a very uccess ful meeting. Mrs. Daniels left a few days ago for her home in Arcadia, Fla., af !e; spending some time here visiting sister, Mrs. It. B. T. Thach. FIB GROUNDS STILL PATROLLED - ' r-i . . El Freida Hat Not Left Carolina In lets and is on the Alert to Enforce Law. litTa The expedition of the State Milit t::rt has been in Pamlico Sound for several weeks enforcing the fish law, liiii., beeirj ''disbanded, and the mem bers of the different naval reserves have, been returned home. The EI Freida, with six men on beard is tyjtill in that,, section of the sound wpero the . violations have been going on, patrolling the waters and seeing that the law is obeyed. It Is reported now that all fisher men re complying with the require m nts of the fish law and that there arc no violations at all. The pa trol will be kept up during the re mainder of the fishing season.. It was freely prophesied, when Mr. Venn first attempted ,to compel obey- ance of, the fish law, that he would fail, as tie law is very unpopular in Dc.re county, and many of the 'fisher men feel' that they are morally jus tified in breaking the law, which they consider infringed Upon their rights.. It. - looks now that Mr. Vann has been very successful in enforcing lie law, though he had to adopt dras tic measures. If is predicted that tl;(re will not be any trouble another season, as the fishermen who have hitherto broken the law, will hereaf." J'ter obey it rather than be pip; to the I trouble thy have been put to thi.-i a son., . BURGLAR ROBS COUNTRY STORE BLOODHOUND PUT ON TRAIL AND THE ANIMAL TREED, BUT THERE WAS NQgfipjffifoM E. A burglar broke in the store of Mr. Crowder Meads of the Dry Ridge sec tion near Weeksvillo lust Friday night and stole about twelve dollars in cash from the cash drawers and several dollars worth of merchan dise. As soon as the burglary was dis covered next morning, Mf. Shares wag sent for to take his blood hound on the scene. When the dog was put on the scent, she trailed the burglar to a tree and stopped. She. re peated this act several times and the attempt to run down the miscreant ha(i to be Kiyej it. It Is certa.:: tl at the burglar rode to that tree on a bicycle, and leaving his wheel there went into the store pnd committed The robbery. He walk ed back to. the tree; .mounted the wheel and rode away. This pre vented the dog from taking the scent any farther. DATE CHANGED TO APPIL 25TH "MISS TOPSY TURVY" TO BE PRE- SENTED IN HIGH SCHOOL AU DITORIUM NEXT THURSDAY AN EXCELLENT PLAY BY LO CAL TALENT OF THE BEST. SUED FOR $10,OCO; WAS AWARD ED $2.50. The Elizabeth C.'ty delegir on re turned from Washington, L. C, yes terday. This delegation and big del egations from South Mills, and Wal lacetown, Va., appeared before the Rivors and Harbors Committee of the United States Senate, Wednes- drv at eleven o'clock to present the claims of Eastenr North Carolina to the Dismal Swamp canal, in an effort to induce the V. S. Government to purchase the Lake Drummond Canal inc! maintain it as a free waterway. Secretary Lamb of tbe Chamber of W. P. KNOWLES OPENS PLUMBERS STORE There is a big difference between 1 ,(.!( and $-'.50; but that is just" ii . '.u difference between what J. L. On Fearing street, just a door or l'.;,ncliard of Hertford sued the Nor tw0 from the Advance office, there p r,; Southern rairoal ami what the was opened last week an establish- j uy awarded Lim damages last NEWS FROM COLUMBIA , o Mr. D. O. Newberry of Elizabeth City, was in town this week on bus iness. Mr. M. If. Tillett-of Elizabeth City spent' several ' clays here this week cluing some legal work for the Rich- The play entitled "Topsy Turvey" which will be given under the aus pices of St. Catherine Guild of the Episcopal church, will be presented n the Auditorium of the High School on the evening of Thursday, April 25th instead of Friday, April 26th. I The change of date was made nec essary on account of a meeting of Odd Fellows on Friday evening, Apr. 201 h. This is an excellent play, and with the strong cast of characters that It bar for Its presentation here, the event should be the success of the sea son. The characters are: Nellie Clar endon, or Topsy Turvy; Mrs. Claren don, or Topsy 's mother; May Golden Tcpsy's cousin; Frarfk Golden, May's brcther; Miss Spriggs, Topsy's gov erness; Lord Clarence, a rich Eng- liftman; Deacon Jones, a pillar of the church; and Ned. a ncro seiv vpnt. Miss Alice Newconib is "Topsy Turvey",. Miss Grace White will play - Miss Spriggs, and Mr. Will G. Guither as the deacon. Others tak ing part are Miss Rose Key, Mrs. L. E. Skinner, Guy Broekott,, Albert 'Worth and Elbert Sponee. The play opens in the parlor of the Clarendon home, disclosing Deacoa 1 Jones on the eve of proposing to Miss iih'11,1 Cedar Works. . Mr. C. H. Balfour, traveling sale-1 Spriggs. The Deacon's attempts to man of Elizabeth City, made his rf fular. trip to Tyrrell this week. MARVEL REEDER J Mr. W. C. Marvel left to-day to go to Philadelphia, where he will be .Married to Miss Emma. A Reeder, of "J.at city. Mr. Marvel and his bride rill return to this city next Tues day. Mr. Marvel is manager of the Five and Ten Cent Store. He has made bis home in this city for more than a year. . He Is very popular with a large number of people. '-p- MR. PRITCHARD HAS .MOVED ELECTRIC 8TORE 1 Mr. C. G. Pritchard, the electrician ha., moved his office and store rooms from Main street to Water street next to Main street Mr. Prltcharn" has installed an ex trusive liae of up-to-date electrical fixtures, and is prepared to give the Mrs. Carolina Hayman, daughter ture,s and In the wcrkk of Installing them. - Mr. Pritchard has been a resident of Elizabeth City all of his life. Ev erybody knows him, and knows his ability to handle any kind of an elec trical Job that may be placed In his bards. vt i '; TRY ONE OF HARRIS' REGULAR 25 Cent DINNERS. THERE ARE NONE BETTER. YOU' GETYOUR MONEY'S WORTH. ment that will supply a long-felt need Friday. in Elizabeth City. This Is a show- The second of the two big law tooin in which is displayed an tlabor- , suits of last week's Federal Court was ate line of plumbing fixtures and ac- j ldanchard vs. the Norfolk Southern cessorie. Heretofore the pre pec- railroad. The suit was for $10,000 tive purchaser of such supplies haa j I'm- alleged damages, sustained by the had to make his selections from a plaintiff by being assaulted by a con- Commerce and Ex-Judge J. B. .Leish crtalog or go outside of Elizabeth City 'ductor of the Norfolk Southern while. spc.ke in behalf of the Elizabeth City 1 10 supply hi wants. This is no long- !, was in the act of leaving the train d( legation. . J er the case. One has now only to' .v Hertford. Judge Leigh took the position that i visit the. etablisbment of Mr. W, P The trouble .which caused the suit, the failure of the U. S. Government j K nowles, who by the way, Is one of 'cn-un ed in a dispute over the pur to own and maintain the ' Dismal the best plumbers in the State, hav- liase of a seat in a chair car. Mr. Swamp 'Canal as a free waterway, inf: come to North Carolina from Eng- I ,'; ncharcl and the conductor became land, several years ago. : volved in a row, and the plaintiff, Mr. Knowles has an especially elab- , nianchard, claimed that the conduct- orate displayof bath tubs, but a sam ple of almost anything in his line that the most fastidious could de sire will be found in his shop, and keeping these things now on hand Mr. Knowles can give orders for Installing them very prompt attendtlon. The store occupied by Mr. Knowles lp that In which the Electric Supply Co. was formerly established. It has been thoroughly renovated and Is kept clean and neat, so . that lady customers may visit it at any time to rnike selections of fixtures or plumb- irg accessories of any sort for the J . i tcme. i .. - i The stock already on hand Is a Canal Company had representatives j a large one, but it is Mr. Knowles i Mrs, J. D. White died last Sunday present and they spoke in the i plan to continually increase it, as ne ' at her home in Main streets, after wil! compel the owners of the prop erty to finally abandon it, which will clrse up this important, watercourse and thereby destroy' all "means" of water transportation to the people of South Mills and the section tra versed by the Dismal Swamp Canal. This -will depreciate the- value of property in this section; and, at the same time greatly injure' the busi ness interests of Elizabeth City. The members of ' the Committee todk a great deal of interest in the discus sion and asked a great many, ques tion ' pertaining to the condition of affairs as connected with the canal. Attorney W. I. Halstead and oth er . spoke' in behalf of the South Mills delegation and the Lakje Drummond o.' knocked him senseless as he he stepped from the train in the night, and that he lay in an uncon-' si ions condition until found by friends. The trial in Federal Court was a lengthy one, and took up much of the court's time in hearing it. The case was given to the Jury Thursday afternoon and it was about 10 o'clock when a verdict was reach ed awarding a Judgement against the railroad for $2.50. MRS. J. D. WHITE DIED LAST SUNDAY icterest of the owners. Members of the delegation state that much attention was given to this hearing on the" part of the Senv ate Committee, and that something may have been said that will final ly result in saving the Dismal Swamp Canal. At any rate the final efforts hrve been made, as this hearing clos es the matter as far as Elizabeth City, people is concerned. Mrs. Clay Foreman, Mrs. M. L. Sheep, Mrs. C. W. Hollowelif and Mrs. Frank Derrickson returned yes terday from a trip to Washington, D. ("., where they spent several days. becomes more fully acquainted with the needs and demands of his cus tomer , Mr. Knowles has been a resident of Elizabeth City for nearly eight years. He is a successful plumber and a good citizen. 16 SIZEELGIN WATCH $5.50 AT SELIG'S. . .-, ZIMMERMAN MORGAN a 'long illness of pellagra. The fun eral services were conducted from the home Monday morning at eleven o'clock; and the Interment followed it: Hollywood cemetery. i Mrs. White was about 40 years old I and is survived by a husband and seyen children. She was a' most estimable woman ! and was held In high esteem. Mr. G. L. l.ivermau of Gum Neck wrs in town Sunday. Mr. T. II. Woodley made a bus i'M'ss trip to Hertford this week. Mr. J. E. Norman of C'reswell was ;;i Columbia last Sunday. Mr. E. P. Cdlvoot) spent several dsiya in Roper this w;eek working on u telephone line. Mr. V. II. Dennett, principal and M!ss Ethel Railey. one of the assis tant teachers of Scuppernong high school, was in town last Saturday the i;iifsts of Miss Bessie Owens in Main st l eet. Miss Eva iiateinan who has been t'.f. celling in Wake county, lias re uvued home to spend the summer. Miss Stella l'edo of Norfolk, is the .nest tins week 0f Her sister, Mrs. Benjamin Hpntill. We are glad to see that all the -t'!ek work has been completed on the new M. E. church. The work of putting the roof on will be begun in a few days. The new bank building is now be- ine; completed by the contractor, Mr. J. If. Hayman. They expect to have it finished and by May 1st to occupy it. Mr. G. N. Hurdle is having a store building erected on the corner of Church and Bridge streets. Attorney I. M. Meekins of Eliz abeth City was 'in town this week. Mr. Clive Liverman and Miss Mar tha Alexander were united In mar riage last Sunday evei.ing at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Alexander on Road street . Both parties are prominent In social circles here, and we wlshfor them a long and prosperous life. Mr. J. L. Thurston of Hertford was here this week on business. say what Is on his heart arte ex tremely, ludicrous the brave begin nings of his declaration of affection ' trailing off Into feeble .remarks about the weather. Just as he has con fei sod, however, that he meant to say what he just said hp didn't say, and things are beginning to come hi.i way, the scene is Interrupted as the- leading lady makes a character i:itic ilenoument upon the stage. She is joined a moment later by her , cousin Frank, and the two trouble makers of the p'ay are seen together and at their best. Before the cur t ; : 1 1 1 falls Ned, the negro servant in the Clarendon home, who plays no sn ail part in the little drama of fun mh: lov". Mi.Kes his initial appear- IllWe Oil 'll" stage. With interest aroused from the start, thy audience will find no te dious moment during the entire per foiuiance. Tickets are on sale at Fowler's Jewelry Store. General admission .T cents; reserved seats GO cents. HOME OF MR. GUIRKIN TO SOLD BE Mr. Alexander , Zimmerman and Miss Mae Morgan, both residents of , SCHOOL CLOSES AT WEEKSVILLE Norfolk secured a marriage license yesterday and vere united, In mar riage by Justice of the Peace J. W. Munden. , The were accompanied by Miss Emma Rhodes and Mr. C E. Powers of Norfolk. - The closing exercises of Palmer's school. -near Weeksville, N. C. will be held at the school house on Wed ufsday night, April 24th, 1912, at eight o'clock. An admission fee of hi teen cents will be charged. The beautiful home of the late J Charles Guirkhi in Church street will be sold next Saturday at public auc tion by the executor of his estate. Thip is one of the finest residents in this city, and the sale gives an opportunity for the purchase of an elegant home. DFBATE ON WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE TO-NIGHT. The debate on woman's suffrage will be held to-night in the audito rium of the High School under the auspices of the Womans' Betterment Association. The debate will begin at 8:15 o' clock harp, and the doors will be v closed at that time and will not be opened again until after the first speech has been made. This will be done to prevent interruption. Rev. C. F. Smith and Ex-Judge J B. Leigh, and Rev. J. D. Bundy and attorney I. M. Meeklng are the debat ers. These gentlemen are well known i . speakers, who are capable of debat- a Ing this question In avery lnterest ir. manner. ' The public , is requested to patron-Is- thlx debate. The proceeds de i ': ( from he sale of seats will be (' oed to the work of the association. J, T. Wood, of the Woodville sec tion, was in the city Monday. ! CARD OF THANKS , . o We wish to extend through the col umns of the 'Advance, our sincere thank? to all who were so kind to u.i and helped us so faithfully, in our recent troubles and great affliction. Respectfully. JXO. D. WHITE and FAMILY. 1