o o o O O O O O 000 0 o o o o o o o 0 O 0 -0 00 O 00 o o- o o O 0 0 O 0 0 Q 0 0 0 O LEGAL' AND SAtEKOTiCES )0 O O O O NOTICE By virtue of the power vested ia iue. as trustee in a certain Deed of Trust, executed to me ""by Greely David, on the 3rd day of February, 1912, and recorded in Bood 36 Page 168. I will on the 21st day of September, 1912, at the Court Dlouse Door in Eliz abeth City, N. C, sell at Tublic Auction, for Cash to the high est bidder the following describ: ed property, to-wit: All that certain Trainroad through lands of W. G. Chory, M. R. Fletcher. W. J. Harrison, and others, privileges and fran chises which said Davis purchas ed of said W. G. Chory, M. R. Fletcher, and W. J. Harrison, for the ppuroses of cutting and removing the timber the lands of said parties. Also one dark bay horse, named Charlie. This August 19th, 1912. J. B. LEIGH, - Trustee. ; aug 30 4t. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRA .. TION .. Having qualified as Adminis tratrix of the late Oswald O. Owney, I hereby give notice to all persons indebted to his es tate to come forward and make immediate settlement and,,, those holding claims against the same to Dresent them for. cavment within twelve months from the'aad 26 ft. thence N. 85 W. to date nf this notice or it will hp. j Wilson's Creek: thence up said which ia known and designated as lot number C2, in, the plat of lots of Conrow, Bush and Lippin cott, and recorded on pages 38 and 3'J, Book 4, in the Office of the Register or, Deeds for Pas quotank County. ThhrAuut C'tii, 1912. CI I AS. RE ID, Sheriff, Pasquotank Count v. Sept. 13 4t. . . NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, PASQUOTANK COUNTY In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk H. Sawyer, Petitioner, Vs. N. M. White, et als, Defendants Jt'ersuant to the power vested m me, by virtue of an order to me directed in this cause I will on the 23rd day of September,' 1912 at 12 o'clock M. at the Courthouse door in Elizabeth City, N. C. sell at Public j Auc tion to the highest, bidder! .for cash the following described prop erty, to wit: A certain parceV of land situ ate in the State - and County aforesaid and in Salem township and beginning at Wilson's bridge thence down the road leading to Salem church 2 1-2 chains and 22 ft.; thence N. 15 E. 31-2 chs. pleaded in bar of their recovery MARY L. OWNEY, j Admix, of Oswald O. Owner. This Aug. 23rd, 1912, aug 30 6t. - NOTICE I hereby announce myself candidate for the office of Regis ter of Deeds in Currituck Coun ty, subject to the action of the Democratic" Executive " Commit tee1 ':' I .. DR. F. W. BITTER. NOTICE Having qualified as adminis trator of the late Elizabeth , Da -vis I hereby give notice to al persons indebted to her estate to come forward and make imme diate settlement and . those hold ing claims against the same to present them for navment within twelve months from the date of this notice, or it will be pleaded jn bar of rueir recovery. August 30th 19 12. Uw J. T. DAVIS, Geo. J. Ppeiioe. Atty. -.. ep 6 M. ( NOTICE . OF ADMIXISTRA ' TION Having qualified as ndminls--trator of the late Jeremiah Saw yer, I hereby give notice to all persons indebted to his estate to come forward and make imme diate settlement and those hold ing claims against the same to present them for payment within twelve" months from the date of this notice or it will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Sept. 2nd.. 1912, . ERNEST L, SAWYER. "Administrator. v sop 6 Or. : - sale . rxi);:u i:xk(Ttiox By virtue of n exeMitiun in the 'matter of Anne Ellis (feme sole) ,' vermis Sarah Boom 'and husband. Fred l?o;ne. and which execution is directed 1 Mie under signed from the Superior Court of Pasijiiotatik County... North Carolina, in the above entitled action. I wi' n Monday, the seventh day of'Octoler. 1912. at the hour of 12 o'clock. M.. at the court house door of Raid conn ty, sell to the highest bidder, for cash to witifcfy said execution, all the right, title and interest which the said Sarah Bonne, the defen dant, has in the fol!wing real estate, to-wit: All that -certain town lot sit uated on the South side of Wal nut, utreet in the town of Eliza beth City, N. C. and bounded on the East by the lot of W. n. Jennings; on the South by the lot of Charles Morgan ; on the West-by the lands of Charles Morgan and Itfing the same lot creek to the beginning, contain ing one acre, more or less, to gether, with all improvemets thereon. This Aug. 19th, 1912. ' J. B. LEIGH. Commissioner. Aug. 23rd. 4t. NOTICE Sale ol Valuable Property. By virtue of an Order of the Superior Court of Pasquotank County made in' the case of M. B. Culpepper, executor of Indi ana Randall, deceased, vs Peter Perry, Clifton ilann an(J Clarissa Price, on the 10th day of August, 1912, I shall proceed to sell, at the Courthouse door in Pasquo tank county, on Saturday, the 28th day of SeptembtV, 1912, at 12 o'clock M.. to the highest bid der, for cash, the. following de scribed real estate, to-wit: Situated in the town of Eliz abeth City, N. C'.,' -and bounded on the north by Edge street; on the east by a lane which sepa rates this lot from the Matthew Overton lot; south by George Felton. and west by Fields Lind- sey, which is duly recorded in the .... - m ii . - 71 I i- . Tkuiila on ice oi iue liegisiei vi iwo for Pasquotank" county, in book No. 18, page 398. - Said land is sold for the pur pose of paving the debts of the said intestate and the charges i administration. ' - " This the 19th day of August, 1912. . W. IT. JENNINGS, ."' Commissioner. auc 23. 4t. . - NOTICE OF SALE Under and. by virtue of a deed , . ' i .1 XA 11, i.ii1a1.. ' signed .trustee by Christian Haw kiavaud for certain purposes ex presf-cd in said instrument of conveyance, the terms therein set forth not haviug been complied with, and which instrument bears date of Oetolver 22nd. 1908. and registered, in Book 32. pac' 319 and 320, in the office of the register of deeds for Pasquotank county. North Carolina.;" T shajl P!H at nub1?! auction, for cash find to the hicbest bidder, at the court bonsn floor, in said county. m Saturday. October rth. 1912, at 12 o'olock.-M all that certain nrtwrtv . descried in said deed of.tsrnt. and which property lescrilied as" follow, to-wit: That rertain town lot. with 1m nrovements thereon, situated on the North wide of Crpress sfjM int ho town of Elizabeth dir. N. C. and ndioinine the .lands of nenrv Whitehurst et a1s. nnd le ins the southern half of that rcr tain lot conveyed to W. Tt. John son br M. N. Sawyer et Fx. bv deed 'dated. Oet. 1st.. 1P90. and registered in Book 17. pasre 3.19. t fK Hd records nf Pasqno- tank county, N. C. And being also the southern half of that certain lot which is known and designated as lot No. 110, of the plat of lots which is recorded in Book 16, page 487, in-the office of Register of Deeds for Pasquo tank county. '.,; This 5th, daj- of August. 1912. ROSCOE W. TURNER, Trustee. sept 13 4t ' ,-f , ' NOTICE s Sale of Valuable Real Estate By virtue of an order made bv G. R. Little, Clerk Superior Court of Pasquotank County on August 31st, 1912, in the special proceeding pending in said Court entitled ''Elizabeth Jennings, W. ii. Jennings. M. IV Jennings and Elinda Jennings, Plaintiffs vs Mattie Brothers and --husband. Paul Brothers and Lula Davis and husband, G. S. Davis, De fendants.'' I shall offer for sale at tne Court llousoaoorsin Pa-' tober 7th, 1912, fat 12 o'clock M., tlie following described tracts of land: 1st, In TSixontoii township and bounded, as follows : Beginning at the Southeast' corner of the Wilson land on the "Gum Bridge Road.'' and running along said Road S. 16 1-2 W. 2 chain and 61 links; thence along the woods and a ditch N. 68 1-2 Wr. 16 chs. and 72 links to a ditch, Cope- land's line; thence along a ditch N. 25 E. 10 chs. and All I W IMMMMWPIMMM 30 links; thence S. 68 1-2 E. 1 ch. and 6 links to Wilson's line and thence along said Wilson's line 8. 4212 E. 16 chs. to the first station ; containing 11 1-2 acres, more or ess, and being the lands describ ed in the deed of M.' P. Jennings. Trustee to Cader Jennings, re corded in Book 34, Page 473 of fice of Register of Deeds of Pas quotank county. 2nd. In . Nixonton Towhshii) and bounded as follows : ' Beirin- ning at. or near, an ash tree at the corner, of Burley Riddick Tract apd the Brooks Land, and running along Wood's line 8. 72 E. 11 chs. and 11 links to a 'ditch to the woods; thence N. 24 E. 1 chain and 8 links to a ditch ; thence S. -71 E. 2 chs. and 24 -links to Henry Wilson's Line; thence N. 25 E. 10 chs. and 30 links; thence N. 681-2 E. 1 ch and 6 links;-thence N. 421-2 W. 16 1-2 chs.' to Brooks Line, and thence along the Brooks Line 8 23 1-4 W. 19.39 chs to the first station, being a part of the Hen ry Freshwater. Dillard Land, and containing 20.61 acres, .'and beina: the same land conveved to said Cader Jernings by M. P. Jen nings, Trustee, by deed recorded in Book 34. pnge472. Office of Register of Deeds o". .'asquotank county. 3rd : In Providence township, bounded on the North by the Pas ouotank river: on the East by the land of M.N. Sawyer; on the South by the highlands of Mrs. Nettie Culpepper and - on the West bv the lands of said Ca der Jennings; same containing 4 acres more or less, and beina the sa me land conveyed to said Ca der Jennings, by deed from W. F. Stokely, recorded in Book 22, Page 649. Office of Register of Deeds of Tnsqnotank county. 4th: In Providence Township bounded on the East by the lands last nlove described: on the S. bv the highlands of Mrs. Nettie Culpepper ; on the North br Pas- nuotank river and on the West by the swamn land belonging to the heirs Of Frank. M. Charley, de ceased, containinsr 6 or 7 acres, more or less and beins the snuie lands conveyed to said Cader Jen, nines bv M. L. Davis, by deed re eorded in Book 16. Pa?e 23t. of fice of Register of Deeds of Pas Miiot.lnk county. -Ternmnfsale: Cash. This August 31 sf. 1912. C. E. THOMPSON. Commissioner of the Court. When Your House is Afire you will be too busy to think about insurance. Better take a minule right now, . Telephone us and name the amount of FIRE INSURANG you want written and we will at tend to your wants without delay. The companies we represent are responsible and losses are paid quicly. , ,. . utile ssn MR. HOUSEOWNER: " lkj you know that It takes more of common paint to paint your house than tt takes of Good Paint? Do you know that it takes the painter longer to apply common paint than It does good paint? Do you know that STAG SEMI-PASTE PAINT Is the BEST plant, and It costs no mora In the end than commrn V paint? LISTEN I stag semi Taste paint costs you $2.00 pel gallon, and Linseed Oil Ccsts you $1.00 gallon. You mix the two together and you have iwo gab Ions of the BEST paint that Is possi ble to produce, Jiod the cost to you Is only $1.50 per gallon." One. gallon makes two and you can get It of SHARBER A WHITE HOW. CO. E. City, N. C. Mi j. : NOTICE Having qualified as adminis trator of the late A. B. Lukens, I hereby give notice ' to all ier- sons indebted to his estate ; to come forward and make imme diate settlement and those hold inz cfaims agaiiist the same to piTsent them for payment within FEED AND SEED We have a full line of seed for garden and farm in season:. ; Feed for stock and poultry and poultry supplies a'specialty: Before buying elsewhere call and examne our stock and get prices:" " . 'V ' W.S. WHITE & CQ. "TO RIDE OR NOT- TO RIDE' ' THAT'S THE QUESTION Whether its not preferable to walk Than to ride in a common vehicle We Settl the Question for you Ride by all means, and ride in the best buggy made. That is what you do when you ride in one of OUR Buggies. You don't hve to tkc our' word for it. Come and see us niake them. Then buy one of our buggies and youH ha7& the satisfaction of knowing you have the best and that you are pat rcnizing a honie Industry. - ' - ' , ELIZABETH CITY BUGGY CO., 400Matthews St. ' PHONE 149 Kramer Electric Co. -mm Electrical Supplies and Contracting All work guaranteed. 8 S. Water St. Phone 340 J. . Flora xtfW. Company Q:535i Sell the Best BuggieSpPhaetons GSurrieo ! At the price. In the city MANUFACTURED BY A. WRENN & SONS Why pay more for! something ; not so good We carry a fill line of leather and webb harness. Summer and winter lap robes horse blankets etc. Come and See Us Before Buying twelve months from the date of this notice, or it will be pleaded in bar f their recovery. ; Sept 10th. 1912. . f II. 0. nosiEK, - : s " . Admix. . TOSIUION WANTED So ber and reliable young Indn de- . sires position - as engineer in saw mill, cotton mill, or elec tric plant.: Four years' expe rience. Engineer's marine li cense. References if desired. Address R. K. care Adrance. WANTED Small Proof Safe, Must Good Condition, Fire be in Give inside Dimensions and price. BOX 277 Elizabeth City, N.C - r aug 9 tf." FOR - SALE Ulood Hound ruppies delivered six weeks old br August 20th. For prices ad dress, J. W. Shores, Blood Hound Runner, Elizabeth City, N. C. ' aug 9 tr. EASTERN CAROLINA - TRANSPORTATIOSI Otly line offering regular service to NAGS HEAD nnd MAN'TEO All the year round. ' STEAMER HATTIE CREEF .. Levet M4nteo-5:00 a. m. Leaves Elisabeth City 12:45 p. m. Touchln? at Nags Head ach Way. "DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. T Passengers will find courteous and accommodating crew and a. safe and comfortable boat : ZJhe (Bit iz ens SBanA , . . i i ' t . . i . ) ' i - . r I t. f: I I i S' ' " ' Open Saturday Hights, 6:00 TO 8:00 P. M. Kz PAID 01 Jill SAVIS6S ACCOUNTS

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