SCHOOL BELL RINGS1 AGAIN And 930 Pupils Enroll Themselves on Opening Day of the Session 143 in High School The New Teachers: the Jlmiduv. tft'iiU'iubcr .10th wasO nu important day .for the boys aud girls of Elizabeth City: for it marked the close of the long sinnnior vacation, uud the begin ning of another BtrennouB nine months of school life. ' Bright and early, eager, feet were hurrying from north south, onst and west towards the- two bases of learning where the fu ture citizens of our fown are be-, jug trained for the duties that a wait tlieni in the coining years Among ihe crowd of lads and las sies. Shnkesrihcre's '-Whining school boy creeping unwillingly to school," was couspicuous by his absence For even the most reluctant urchin ever jK?uned with in school room. walls felt a lit tle glad on this moiuentuous day to get back to his old haunt a gain, if it were only for the fun of being witn the crowd once more. The opening exercise for the Grammar Grades and the High School were held in the Auditor ium of the High School. building at nine o'clock. At the close of the hyniu with which the exercises L-pgan, Sup't S. L. Sheep gave a short address of greeting to the members of the faculty and the pupils after which Rev. M. l Tlyler led the school in prayer, and Rev. J. I). Bun dy read the third chapter of Prov erbs. Solomons wise advice toXhe young people of his day. r . w 1 Rev. T, K. Loft in then gave a short but earnest address, taking for the subject of his dis course, Service to Others, the key note of Happieness.' . Rev. Black, former pastor of the Presbyterian Church, and Rev : Alexander the present incumbent of the First Baptist 'Church were present and each gave a word of greet ing and -counsel to the school. - Then the children were as tdgued to their various grades and classes and followed teachers to their several rooms, where les sons were assigned them, for Tues day. The school machinery was set in motion and the session of ' the number of Children en rolled the first day was largeer ?han ever before in the history of " ,t he schools.. In primary grades the total enrollment was 403: In the grammar Sscool, -324 llfllllf'R WIfP iwnwiixl fiiwl tl'l in the High School, making a total of 9:50 pupils. ( This numler will vloubtless be largely; increased be . f Ore the week is over. The following is a list of the teachers in the various 'depart ments - " H. fl. Grades : D. W. Sim mons, Principal, Miss Catharine Albert sun. Assistant Principal, Mi? Ytia Lee Price, Higher Krg lish and Historv, A. B. Combs and W. M. Marr. Grammar Grades: Miss .Mae wood. Misi Celia Winslow, Miss Ilattie Haruey", Miss Myrtle Greeu, Miss Jennie Simpson. Miss Mat tie Perry, MW Bessie. Weath c-rly; Miss Mary Wynne and Mrs. Keua Banks, . . .-.' ..'. Primary tirades: Miss Rose Kee, Principal arid Supervisor. Miss Emma Cobb. Miss Lucy Lau don. Miss ZoePorter, Miss Flor ence Bell. Miss Eva Gdfrev. Miss Essie Poag, Miss Susie Stevens Miss Emma Willis. Mrs. Minnie J .looks. , Mnsic Teachers Miss Mary Lassitcr and Miss Alice Xew- oiiib. - '. Teacher of Business Course: Jliss Bvrd Kramer. . Mis Will Green ami Children, are visiting Mrs. Percy Brown on Pennsylvania Avenue. ...,.'.,....'.'' Mrs S. W. 'Gregory received 'a telegra in Mou day, unm mncing t lie death of her father Mr. Simpson Deane of Henderson N. (.'.- Mr. Deane was seventy years old and had been in failing health for some time. ' Rev. C. F. Smith. Rector of Christ Church, returned home Monday after his vacation" spent in Chatham V a. and ilmingtou N. C. His many friends are glad to know that bis health has improved and to welcome him home again . , .. .. t Mr. I. N. "Loft hi. oastor of Blackwell Memorial Church is holding a protracted meeting in Indian town this week. '..' Miss' Ven ie Parker from Nar row ShoVe is in town this week shopping. BOY SCOUTS GETTINU BUS They Will Wage a CaiupaiguToi Public Health, and Sauita tiou iu Many Towns. Miss Jennie Kight from Shaw- boro was in the citv this week. - Misses Bessie Wllite, Clara Smith and Nellie Wood left Wed nesday for Raleigh where they will enter St. Marv's School, Miss Shelton Zoeller left Wed nesday for Greensboro where she will enter Greensboro Normal Col lege. , """" . " " , ..- ,' r r. , Miss Polly Bell ' from Belcross was in town Tuesday J 3. Glove i Mrs- W. C. Glover returned from New York Tuesday, where she has spent some time. . Mr. H. T. Oreenleaf and fam iy after spending the summer at Nags Head returned home Sun Yes, tiiese are busy school. days but the Boy Scouts are all Over the State. Many of them ure go ing to post telephone poles and other conspicious places with pla cards against spitting and against flies. Uuder the, direction of their scout inasters they are ' go in er to distribute thousands of leaflets an the cause and preveu tiou of consumption, : typhoid, malaria hookworm disease, etc., where it will do the most good. They are going to give mothers pamphlets on Care and Feeding of Babies and '.teachers and school authorities will be given pamplets on medicarinsection of schools, and soon. . ' Furthermore, in many places they are going to" wage a, war t the last ditch against flies. aud mosquitoes. Householders may therefore be on the lookout for the boys armed with anti-fly and other" public health literature for free distribution. JTrom all indi cations the scouts will inaugu rate a campaign of public health education in a lot of towns in the State, such as these towns have never seen before. Where will the boys get these placards and literature? 'The' State Board of Health is back ing up the Scouts. - When it "be came known to the scouts and Scout masters a few days ago that the board would furnish them public health literature free of charge; if they would distrib ute it, the mailing clerk at "office of the Board was deluged of leaf lets, -and placards. The scouts aud scout masters generally rec ogniz.Cd that ir golden opportuni ty was offered to do a great good in their community and they ac cepted the offer in- post. haste If the citizens in tons havrn boy scouts do not see anti-fly placards and don't spit placards posted around, or do not receive some free public health lihpra (ure in the 'near future-it might be,welLto a'skthe. Scout Mas ters why they a re not on to the job. - -;;.', ' i 3 : n ; ii i i" i i i a 'Mil H !. I As :4 . A M n nnnn K bUUUu 2? Constantly Arriving! ''.' .'..".''...' Every day brings something New A and Interesting! 0 0 r The largest aud mosc complete line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions and Ladies' Furnishing Goods ever stocked by this well known firm. : : : : : ,w 0 0 1 7k' r-1 fitf borne very extraordinary values in LI Misses and Children's Coats. t4 day night. Mrs. s. 11. liuglies nas re turned from' a vis it- to ;Norf oik . Misses Annie Morris and Mat tie Sawyer are visiting Mrs; John Palmer on Southern Ave. Mr. Frank Grice and famil closed tljeir Nags Head Cottage and returned home Sunday. . '. .... Mrs. L. S. Widgeon and lit lie daughter. Miss Margaret Bon du rant returned to returned to Elizabeth Citv from Baltimore Tuesday. Miss Julia Sawyer from. Curr tuck passed through the city Tues dav oh her wav to Kinston where she will enter school. Miss Finnie Sawyer of Currl tuck spent Tuesday in town shop fing. Mrs. Seth Dntcher of Currt-iin-k passed through the city Tues iv on her wav to Baltimore New York and other northern cit ie Mrs. Newliern of Currituck t'lent Tuesday in town shopping. Mr. J. F. Weeks Jr. returned Mondav night from a business E LKCTO B I A L 1 E LEG A T ' RE SIGNS Mr. Abion Dunri, ehn-torial del tgate elect from the first district h;:s resigned. The Congressional committee will either name his successor or bits chairman w,ill call a-convention for that pur rose at an earlr date , . Miss May Seldeu of Moyock is visiting her sister Mrs Wiley Bax ter on West Church Street. trip to Buffalo.' Mrs. Elme Walker swt Tues daj in tovin shoping. - M rT-.TtrmesMcNider f-Hert- ford is ih town attending court t ONGRESSMAN SMALL " - - WILL SPEAK Congressman John H. Small. Democratic candidate for Con - press from this district will ad dress the citizens of Perquimans county at Hertford, N. C on Mon day September, 23rd. GAVE SLUMBER PARTY Miss Hattie Glover entertained a number of her girl friends at a slumber party, Thursday night, at her home on West Chnrch St. At the conclusion of sumptuous repast served at seveu o'clock, the merry party adjourned to the :d.oving Pictures. After - the en tertainment was over, the young people returned to Miss Glover's home .-""The remainder of the ev ening passed merrily away, and it was not until ''wee sma hours'' of the night that the slumber iiumlter of the program was ren dered . The following young la dies were Miss Glower's guests, Misses Marion aud Laura Bar (lav," Lillian and Anna White- hurst, Ruth Glover, v Helen Avd lette. Shelton Zoeller, Nellie Eth eridge, Margaret Griggs, Eliza beth Derickson and Margaret Dawson. - ' v ' Miss Clara Covert, who is a graduate of the Elizabeth City High School of the class of 1912 will teach music in one of the music rooms of the High School building during the present term NOTICE ' Sale of Valuable. Property The Texas Company, Libellant, - vs Gas Boat Senorah By virtue of a writ of Yendi tioui Exixmas and Pursuant thereto issued to me out of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern Disrict of North Carolina on September 1 1th V.)Y1 I shall sell to the high est bidder for caslvat Public Aue tiou on Septemler 21st, 1!U2 at 12 o'clock M. the gas loat Seno rah, said gas boat now lying at Skinner'suwharf-in the Citvof Elizabeth City, North Carolina, Pasquotank county, said Rale to take place from deck of said gas boat, together with hef tac kle, apparel, engines, etc., as she now lies at said wharL This September 11th, 1912. ) CLAUDIUS DOCKERY. U. S. Marshal. Per J. iW. WILCOX, V. S. Deputy Marshal. Sept 13 tf v - - Several 100 Fine Wool Blankets -Samples- at less than Mfgr's cost j .. .. .. . .. . .- :-;:.-;y;:- . Li Whatever your need in our line we can save 1 you money on all purchases. A cordial. welcome always awaits you at our store ' 4 Sfiltfi. . . ., .., ' N': ,v1 Tm1 f Polndexter St. - mm DO Water St. 4 A E R 0 P-L ANE 1RLIG.H IS AT JME FAM . j - - - - - . , The management of the Albemarle Agricultural and Fish Associajion. Fair is completing arrangements with on e of America's noted aviators to jivi; f ra rebplane Exhibitions on the Fair grounds each day ot the Fair. -v Eight or ten years ago the first aeroplane ever successfully flown was by the Wright brothers down on the sands of Kill Devil Hill, Right here ia our very neigh borhood, heavier than air machines aerial navigation had its origin. But i in spite of the fact that the Carolina coast wasthe scene of the first operation of this wonderful invention, there his has never been an open exhibition of an seroplane in ilight nearer here than Raleigh, : " ' ,' - This will give the people of this section their first opportunity at home to see these dare devil bird men who are fond of soaring to" vast heights, often going a mile or so in the air, and then make the descent in Ihe loug, graceful rpiriaXgliges and the death dip which is considered to be .the most dangerous of the aviation gaits. - ' " :- : - : - x - - t. There will be other interesting free exhibitions. A midway of . good, clean and wholesome shows. Good raicing. Splendid Agricultural Fish and Merchandise exhibits. A FUN FEAST FOR ALL. mimi'.ua To be the biggest Fair ever held in Eastern Carolina OCTOBER 22 to 25th F. V. SCOTTYRres. E. F. LAMB, Sec.

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