TIE WEEELi ADViECE Publlehed Every . Friday 1 - - By . HERBERT pekle, Edi.or and Manager. 1 tort fact .-anil emphasizes - uru nesH. He is Jow downer than liar and who would draw a car toon and call it-Ji photograph, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year Six Months ... 91.00 . 50o . "Entered as second-class matter May 19, 1911, at the post office at ".-Elizabeth City, North Carolina, under M hho Act f March 3.1879.". OXCB AGAIN I . . .' ",:,. Ye believe .that with veiv lit tle effort thin iiier could win the .i'dvertixinf; of quite U number of 1rnis outhide of Ulizalx'th City who ai anxious to reach the ieo jlc of thin section, hut' firms who would eoinpele with our own fl'tiUH- merchants' for the people's Trade. Wc have never made the effort - towever. And the columns of the Advance, tilled as that are al nost exclusively'-with home ad ' - vert isinjr offer (striking- contras to "some other local jiapers w might liieufion . -The truth Jsf the AdviiiK believes that the paper that sell faost of its -space -to competitor of the merchants of its own town speaks with little jrace and les consistency when M ' hiiisc it . readers to "burnt home." We ' tl'imk, too, that the tnercl nt who IhiwIs over the fact, that many Elizabeth" City shojiper, iro awav from home to buv their ;oods, and then himself tttrns uj his nose at thehome paper m advertises in one published in larger city, is' more of a howler - .. htn lie is. a mere liMit or man But we have always endeaVoi rd t shun etty spite, am' where possible, to'., return - good for evil. We have pursued the c?en tenor of our way. counsel ing nnr readers to buy at home ft Tind saying no word, of ill of the erring -merchants whA took twelve months and more to find out that ? 1 HIM l ii4t tmu-mmiiikv in Elizabeth City. 'FllltJ TwklioV lltlw tiOlil AtVkM -Tltlilll -J. il 1. I'l'lll T II IF(MMt H U IH'III a business standpoint, as the in reusing number of names 111. our advertising columns will attest Firm after firm that viewed the . .Advance first with suspicion, or .. 'en with contempt, has come o rv into the ranks of our friends asd alreadyihe amount of busi ness seems to maue necessary an Increase in the size of the paper . , , But it is not liecause we know if ovill pay us for our readers . to support their home merchants that we continually urge them to buy t home. It is because we know that in the long run it will pay tjieni. 'As a rule, those who sro elsewhere to '. lmv fee that thev can be better served in n birwp i-itv. 15nf if flint vnniMi ijiKi' uif 1 1 me ami me trouble- to trv to satisfy them- c sflves in the home stoi-es. even ; . going to the isnnt of insisting : If necessary, that their merchant for, in a little time such insis tence would not le necessary The merchant is most anxious fo satisfy the most fastidious customer, and will go to greal . length to meet her demands. Jt the home merchants get the lilieral patronage of;these rnsto iners. and Elizabeth City's stores already 'the lest to le found in any town of its size, will become the ltest in the state. Not only, however, because it will pay should Elizabeth V'it.v's whoppers buy at home. .They - should give their business to the home merchant because it is right. Any town that-, is good enough for a man to make livinir in ought to be good enough for him to buy his food and clothing in. In oilier words, it is. nothing but right thai n fll.lll IMHMIMI f inni iij .. 1 1 14 ,1 it' where he has made it vea and likewise they of his own houe 110m . If their is anything on carta that gives us a longing for-etet nal, i-est and deep damp' solitud it is a man who c ines to a town or a community, builds up a big business, grows rich, and then squats down on the gold like hen on a doorknob and is too sttn gy to let the gravels grind in hi; own big gizzard. " A Veal, genuine IS karat stin gy man can t be honest, and If In should ever get to heaven and have wings he would fold them up and walk for fear " that he would ruffle a plume or lose a tail feather.; The - men. win build up u town and ..make good citizens are enterprising, energet ie arid liberal J not . tight-wads who 1 when they , not a dollar squeeze it until the American Ea gle .feels as if she had on a corset. pies of Jndge Clark's key note sixch. delivered at (ireens boro and extracts frohi which have appeared in the .Advance from time to " time, may be had by calling at this 'office. Those interested m the senatorial race and who mat not have yet de cided how thev will vole in this contest should not fail to read this speech invfull. It is a com plete exwsition of the Chief J it tire's platform " -7 z 1 .. : . : MECKLENBUItaAYA- TEI5S WORK -CL'KK Don't blame the newspaper .'man '"for what happens in the eommunity. If there is any thing In the loiuniunity life that Jon ifo not wish to go abroad, blame yourself that it exists not the pnier for saying somr thing alxmt it. It is the editor's bnsiness to make a tyjiogrnphical photograph of the town enrh week; and if you take a homely I'irtnre don't kirk the instru ment but try to get a letter ex pression on your fare next tim This is not intended a an apol F? for the newspaper that dN-i ' ' (A(hcrtisciiient) A WdlDefiticd And Obsthmlc Case of Jf right's Disease Cured: That of Mr. J. 1). WuLrleld, For merit of Walefielii Kentucky. The following statements and certificates fully warrant ilie claim that the .leckleubndg AVa ter has ..effected a most wonder ful cure of Blight's Disease. Mr. Wakefield's condition when lie arrived at Chase ("ity was most deserate. For-, a number of years he had . lieen a sufferer f rornlc i du eyrt rob le in an-n ggra va ted form and had used in vain other remedies, including a wide ly advertised Kithia Water -which lie hud also used for a number of years without obtaining relief. I'roininent t physicians of Louis ville, Kv.. in consultation pro nounced the case Blight's Dis ease, lie came to i nase ( iiy and commenced 'drinking Meck lenburg Waters, which in three months restored him to good health. Wakefield; f. DrUloom field A'., phfHiciani atlendina J. It. Wakefield. This certifies -that for ten vears was the physiciAn of Mr. Jnc, Wakefield formerly of Spencer county Ivy., now of Chase Citv Vn. and that "during this per 1011 his health vs very poor .Aooui Tour years ago urinary anai.ysis revealeiP the existence of Bright'8 Disease. The ontained large amounts of renal 1 . t . derivatives. Kemedial agents gave him for a time partial re- lef. but soon lost their effect His sufferings lit times were se vere. He sent for the water of Buffalo Lithia Springs, which for some tune cave relief hut flit lost its arood effeets. nn,l lis-i'ondition became hopeless he was advised to visit Chase Citv and try the virtue of th nt. there. The result was wonder nil, as he now writes m ihat ha is fully, ii'rovered. I nm fnl 1. 1 . m satisiied that the water of hasp ( itv. Vn si nWi i,i- is J did not lielirvA -U 1-itf iw him that he could live-three months. .. - , . - ineme,it of Dr. H. L. Harwell hexidenf PhisieianrrT,at- r;f a., an to Mr. II nlrfr hVuj: linn. '..-'''!.. !is4o my present condition, I wil state that for four years prevt ous to to April 1WMI, mv health was in verv bad condition had suffered with Brfght's-IMs wise in the nios;t aggnivated' form tnd also with the various distres sing .ci mplirations " usually at tending lhat disease. During this lime I suffered great lv-'from very severe convulsions ? which increased in frequency eacli year and when I came to Chase City, in April 1S90. I was ill such a ''ewperate condition that T real ly did not care whether I lived or not. I had commenced the use of the Water on mv arrical here, and soon began to improve In three months I was complete ly restored to health, and to-dav I consider , myself in perfect health, 1 would . further state state that all of" the statements made by the company, and by Drs. Wakefield. Hughes and Bur well, are correct in every partic ular. - Fourteen Year Later Mr.AVale Tcstifiex to Vermaneueg of Cure. 1 Motf ITellenger Count v. N. D. I a 11 uar if 1, 1!0." Mr. CiKo. A. Exiu.y, Vice iiieni- " dent. fcvklcnhuri Mineral HH'ingH Co., Chf'ixe Ci, Vaf Mv Dkar'FuiknpI It has been w ine time since J was in ( nase ( Mty, and as I know you were particularly interested',' in my T"ase. I thought it 'might be of some value to pou to know mv jnt'sent condition, I am now located in Mott, N. Dakota.' and am running a farm. am glad to say. that, although it is fifteen years since I drank the waters at Chase City, which effected my cure from Bright's Disease. I am still strong as any man of jny years could lie. s you well know iny case was supposed to lie hopeless, and I had been given up bv all plu;si- ians as incurable, in fact I V- lieve when T'weut to Chase City they thought they could do noth ing for me.' - In fact, one of the proprietors... refused to keep me rTthe TioTeTTor lea rTlvouId71 le in jure the Wheg Mr. John D.-Wakefield commenced using the Mecklen burg Water on. his arrival at Chase city, he was in the condi tion as stated above bv his phy sician. Dr. Wakefield ' of Ken fucky. . It worked a wonderfnT change in him. ne looks like a new man.- nis digestion Is good he sleeps well, and says he has no trouble with h former troubled Mr. Wakefield's Statement; " my Keplying to yonr inquiry as to v condition previous to mv cominof.to Chase Citr. and fltSrt there, and it would reputation of the waters. 'but am glad to say that after using the waters... for a short time Iconr inenred-lo improve at once, and before I left Chase Citv. wan' en tirely cured. I will be glad to write to any one whom von might chance to er lo ue. Vou have t lie cer tilic-ates of die physicians who treated me. and I will gladly cer fify.to their being true. It is my great pleasure to recomniei.d Mecklenburg Waters to anvone who is suffering as I was. h ish the conijiany ever.v shcivm;, is 1 fit'l sure that their waters are a gift to' suffering humani!;. lours very truly J. D. Waeefiki.p 11 nas ik'cii moii' than tweniv it.. .... ' .'i'"" in i-r .nr. uateneld was cr.red by ilrinking Meikienbiug ia'i and he is today in good nea it n. not-withstanding his age. Hh address is Mott. Helling ion i.ounry, jNorin Dakota, so should any one doubt the abov assi'rtion we should be more th.n pleased lor them to write nim there. "Doubtless nuinlH'rs -of Iticlimond ieople will rirtneini"i' having seen him at Chase City dming'lijsKicknessi - These Waters ai-e for sale at all the best' places o.."ll per case of 12 ane-half gallon bottles ami $3.00 per 5 gallon carboy. Jfi.OO paid for empty casis and the car boy f.o.b. Chase City, hmre vou can get the best water now for .what you have Ikimi paiing for inferior. . Oct. 25 Ol BELVIDEBi: NOTES C. Oct.. 22.--left Monday for o visit relatives Belvidere. N Miss Ira Ward Elizabeth Citv and friends. Miss Belle (iriftith of New York is I lie guest of Miss Clara White. Mr. Troy l.amb left Saturday for-New 'York. Misses .. Adelaide White. Tillie Lane and Mary Lamb and Mr. Satnniie Biddick spent Sunday at Whileson . Mr. Hinlon of South Mills assed through our village Fri day afternoon in Ins automobile. SANITARY PLUMBING Remember I am prepared to do all kinds of plumbing, steam and gas fitting also special atten tion to sewer connections. Thoroughly Equipped Shop SPECIAL ATTENTION given to Hot Water and Steam Heating. Nothing but Ideal Boilers and American Radiators used, : ONLY SKILFUL WORKMEN EMPLOYED Prices reasonable. Personal at tention to all orders. W. P. KNOWLES Fearing Street Elizabeth Cityu FOWLER COS SPECIAL VALUES Ladies s Misses Suits f 1' And Dresses PROFESSION CIS R. . W. GREGORY. DENTIST. OCea Ia flora' new bnllilag, Cor. Mala and Water Bta. OR. M. M. HARRIS DENTIST Kramer Building, Main SI f Elizabeth City, N. C. ' . Honre S to 13 and I to I. Every Suit New, representing the very best of the season's models. All Wool Material, handsomely trimned and tailored. Now is the time to see theni with tli6 sizes unbroken. - Ladies' Misses I Chidren's Coals Bought in large quantities and priced at 4f lowest possible figures. An opportunity to save some money on your coat purchase. Dr. H. S. WILLEY '"DENTIST Kramer Building.. Room No. 11 f J. H. WHITE, D. D. S. Twenty BVe years la DENTISTRY. " la all 1U branchee. Otlee orer lfcCabe A Ortce'a Store Cor. Main and Potndexter atreeU. GEORGE J. 6PENCE Attorney , and Counsellor at . Law 208-209-210 Kramer boJldlwf ELIZABETH CITY. N. C Make our stores your headquarters and profit by the price that we offer you 9 FOWLER- CO Poindexter St. Water Street