LEGAL AND SALE NOTICES I i N O TI 0 E ! Sale of Valuable Property By virtue of Superior Court County, N. C. an order of the of Pasquotank ma jo ou the tit h day of November. 1012 in the siecial prot ceding cut! lied "In Re .7. T. Davis. 10 1 A Is, Ex Porte to the court" 1 shall ex .' pose to public auction for cash a the Court House door of I lie saiu county to 1 lie higest bidder on Saturday, December 7lh 1012 ai 12. o'clock M. the following ile 'scribed real projHTtv: FIRST TRACT -'Lying "and being in Providence Township. Pasquotank county, N. C, an! beginning on the road at Char lotto llalstend's or the Mary Da vis linet, thence along said line to the lands of the heirs of the late I'hilip Seeley, defeased, thence along their line to the line of William Ilalstead, where Nathan S. Jeninngs lived just before his ' death thence along his line to the main road, thence along the main road to the lands of Charlotte ilalstead or the Ma ry Davis line, the place of begin ning, containing five acres, more or less and being the same piece of land which Wilson Davis bought at a public sale niade by order of Court of said county at Spring term, 1870 as will more fully appear on reference to the deed of A .B. Seely.. Com., re corded in book P. P., page 280 office of Register of deeds of pas quotank county N' C. SECOND TRACT: Lying and ''being in Providence Township, Pasquotank cd.miU. X. C.. am' imunded as, follows : " Commencing at a ehinquepin .post corner of Providence church lot and running south 50 12, west 5 .34 ehs., to n sweet - gi.m slump, heme south So west 1.1!) In a black gum slump, thence .south 1."! east 7.22 chs., to i sweet gum, thence north 33 east "7.20 chs., to .a white oak on the "line of said church lot, thence binding 'sainl line north 5S west 3 elm to the first station, contain ing by estimation .'5 1-2 acres, tmore or less. TIIilRD TRACT: Lvin-r and being in Providence township, ; Pasquotank -county, . P., and described as follows: Beginning at a slumped sweet gum standing at the coiner of the O. L. Whitehurst, Malirhi .-Stafford and the lands herein de scribed, thence running a north westwardly direction to a whit-e ,'Jiik standing at the Nathan S. Jennings line, a westwardly di rection to the .Joseph Jennings line, thence along the said Joseph Jeniih'gs line to a black gum on the edge of Gr.lbn Jennings lead ditch', tbciv-e down said ditch to a branch, thence down the mid die of said branch to the Malichi Stafford line, t.'iencc 'alone his . ... -T lt line to the first station, contain ing 10 and 0-10 acres more or less and l"ing the same land which Barrell Davis purchased of Mali i hi Stafford. FOriiTII TRACT: -Lying and Ixdng in Providence Township. Pasquotank County, X. P. and described as follows: - I't'sriiuiinsx at a stake on the line of (lie late C. L. Whitehurst line, thence noth 40 10 15(10 feet to and down a ditch to a stake. memo ts .; I, .ion leer io ine center of the branch, the line of Miles Davis, thence up the ecu ter-of . this branch southwardly and westwardly various courses and distances, thence S 07 W 300 feet. -thence S 05 W 2(10 feet ihenee S 30 deg.. 15 min.. W .245 feel no the center of the branch ! Whitehurst's line ditch 7S0 feet to the beginning stake at Culpepj'cr's line, the same con taining by survey made by H. T, Greenlenf Oct," 10. "70 twenty eight and 12 acres. Items cue half of the whole tract of ."7 acres by . the same nnrrcr. This XovemU'r 0th 1012 CEO. J. SPIONCE j , .Commissioner of ihe Court. XSM5 22 29 NOT 1 c K : Sale of Valuable Properly. By virtue of a Deed of Thust r rrcated to me by Freeman Ca baros and wife Eliza Cabaras, for certain purposes therein men -O O O O lioned, whic h l)c(d of trust beaia dale August 10', 1007 and is reg istered in. the office! of the reg ister of deeos for 'Pasquotank county, iu Book 31 Page 330. 1 shalli on . the 10th day of Decern tier. 1012 at 12 o'clock M., oiler i or 'sale at the Court House door in saiu county, at Public Auction lor cash, the property conveyed to me iu said deed of trust tu wit: THAT certain piece or par cel of laud situated on the South side of U'ilkors Lane, and Intuitu ed as follows. On the North 'by al Lane, one the iOast by lot ol liiur Pool, yu the South W'adswoitli property, on Uci s Ar by t la lot. West by Eariuiu l.'cfkins in J.'titi acre' ' containing . .one acre ' more or less, and being the same prop erty Eliza-Cabaras heired from her father, Samuel Collins. And the same is recorded in Book 13 Page in Register of deeds olliee for Pasquotank county X.C. This November 10th 1012 X. R. PARKER Trustee, X 22 20 DO 111 X O T 1 C 10 NORTH C ARC-LI X A i'AsgroTANK County, Superior Court Before The Clerk. IE. (J. (lodfrev and Otelia God frey vs Williainl Berry, Zeb Berry and Z. B. Berry, guardian of Wil liam Berry and Zeb Berry. Sale of Valuable Property By virtue of an order of the Suporior Court of -Pasquotank county made ou the 0th dav of Xovemlier in the 'year 1012, in the above entitled action where in II. (1. Cod frey and Olelia Ciodfrey are plaintiffs vs; Wil Mam Berry and Zeb Berry and Z. B. Berry, guardian of Wil Jin mi Berry rind Zeb Berry, de fendants. I shall sell at the Courthouse door in Pasquotank County, N. C. ou Saturday the Uth dav of December, 1!H2 at 12 o'clock M. by public auction for cash the following described lands and improvements to wit: That certain house ami lot sit- anted iu the town of Elizabeth Vitu, Pusiptotank Count, Xorth Carol'na, avd more fully describ ed as follows: llryinniny on Second street at the South east corner of ,1 .(J . and L. P. Ether idjp's laud and front in; alony Second street to the. lands of II . (!. (iodfrcy: Thence West IT, feel Thrnce Xorthwardly 50 feel: Thence Eastwardly 7." feet, it being the same lands that W.C. (hulfrey purchased of It, B. Wlrle'and wife. Eliabelh White by dec! dated August 21 1000. .duly registered in iool; K. paye 207') the office of the Iteyister of Deeds of Pasquotank county. orth Carolina. This November 0th 1012. -ROSCO10 W. TTRXIOR CiHiiniissioncr. X 1T 22 20 -DO X T I C E : Sulr Of Valuable- Properly By virtue of a mortgage deed executed to me by Nathan M. Oiilf mill wife, Lizzie M . Butt., for certain purposes therein ex pressed which' said' mortgage deed beai-s date date. March .th 1000 a.nd is registered in the olliee of Register of Deeds of Pasquotank county. N. ('.. iu book page 032, 1 shall on Mondav, December 23rd.. 1012 at 10 o'clock A.M. ofTer for sale at the Court House door in said, county at public auction for' cash, the nroterty conveyod to me in said mortgage deed, viz: 'Lying and being in Elizalicth City Township. Pasqnotank' County, N. C. and situated on the west side of Boiul street in Klizalteth City, X. C, and com mencing at the southeast corner of the lot formerly owned by J. C. Brooks, known as the Abranf Shannon lot on. Road street, run ning thence Westwardly along the said Shannon lot one hundred feet to the line of the William IT O ( o -(.'- () OOO OO o o (ireen lot, f hence southwardly along the line of said (ireen lot and the Charles Perry lot a dis tance of fifty feet to the Molly Thomas lot, Ihence Eastwardly along the Molly Thomas lot 100 feet to Road Si reel, thence north wan'ly along the west side of Road street to place of beginning and being the same land purehus-' ed by Nathan butt of J. L. Saw yer by deed recorded in Register of Deeds ofiice of Pasquotank count v in book No.' 21, -page 02. This Nov. 22. 1012 CI0O. J. SIMON CIO (Inardiau . X 2!) - -DO 1.1-20 X () T I C 10 ! Xotiee of Administration . Having qualified as Executor if (he late Henry Davis, I -hereby give notice to all persons in debted to his estate to come for ward and make immediate settle o'ent and those holding claims a gainst the same to present them for payment within twelve months from the date of this no tice, or will lie pleaded in bar of their recovery. 1II0XRY DAVIS Executor (if Henry Davis November 2nd 1012. XS 1 .12220 1)01 3 N O T I C E NOTICE OF ADMINISTRA TION Having qualified as administra cr the late Major A. Jackson I hereby give notice to all persons indebted to his estate to come for ward and make immediate set tlement and those holding claims against the same to present them for payment wil him twelve months from the date of this no tice, or it will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. J. CLAUDE PERRY October 2." 1012 Nov 1 S 1T 22--20 D 0 X O T I C 10 Sale Of Valuable Property ISy virtue of a deed of trust ex ecuted to me by Henry Wilsoil, on i lie -'1st dav of January 1005 which is duly recrded in the of fice of register of deeds of Pas quotank -county in book 20. page ISS, I shall oiler for sale for caisli at the court hose door in City, on the 2Mb day of December." 1012, at 12 o'clock M. that certain piece or parcel of land situated in Nixonton Township. Pasquotank ..County, bounded as follow. Beginning at Little Bridge Roa'd and running thence S., 22 3-4 West 1.25 chains, thence South 20 1-4 West 3.25 chains, thence South 22, W 4 chains thence North 7S 3 4 West 1.70 chains to Fresh water's Line, thence S. 42 14 E. 10 chains, to (iiim Bridge Road, thence Noriiiwamty f.iim lirnige Load its various courses to placed beginning, being 20.75 acres. November 23 10. 1012 F. A YD LETT Trustee !) - Hi 13 20 X O T 1 C 10 Sale Of Valuable 1'riiiirt y By virtue of an order made by the Superior Court of Camden County made iii the 25th day of Novenilier in the year 1012 in an action wherein Caleb Jones and others are plaintiffs, mid Bet tie Meiver and husband John Mer cer and others are defendants: 1 shall sell at the Court Hons" door iu Camden Comity, North Carolina.- on Mondav. Dcceuiltcr 30th. 1012 at 12 oVhnk M. by public auction to the highest bidder forvash the following -described lands and improvements to wit : That certain lot of land and improvements there-on. situated m llie court lloir township. Cnmd'ii Countv. '-North Carolina and more fully descrilxv! as fol- flows: Hounded on the Xorth bit the Main, Xorth Itivvr Itoud and tht lands of M. X. Suwyer and oh the West by the M. X. Sawyer and I!'. E. (Jreyory lands; on the South by the W. E. (Irej ory lands, and on the East by the lands formerly owned by Ca leb Deals, the same eonlaininy i acres more or less. This November 25 1012. ROSCOE W. TLRXIOi: Commissiouei N 20 - DO 1320 N O T I C E ! Sale of Valuable Property By virtue of a mortgage exe mtcd to nio by. Samuel Lewis, rated the 10th day of March 1010 (inly registered in Book No., 0 Page 202 in the ofiice of the Reg ister of Deeds of Camden county North Carolina. 1 shall sell at the Court House door in Camden county on Satur dav the 7th dav of December 1012 at 11 o'clock A. M. by pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described property to wit: That certain tract or parbel of land situated in Camden County. Xorth Carolina described as fol loirs Adjoining the lands of J. '. Elliott and others eonlaininy twenty (20) acres more or less and briny the same lands conrey ed to the sa'd Samuel Lewis by his . father Charles Lewis as by reference of the tcill of Charles Lewis recorded in Hook. E, paye 370. recorded in Camden will more fully appear. This November 4th 1012 YV. A. WORTH Jtortyarce Per Itoscoe Turner N S 1 a 2220 N OTIC E NORTH CAROLINA PIORQCIMANS COUNTY. 8 uerior Court, Before the Clerk. Mrs. .Marv' Whidbee and hus band. J. P. Wh id I tee, and Marv Blanchard. y-. ' rs t : Martha Harris and husband. John Harris. "W. R. Blanchard." C. C. F. Blanchard, Percy Ulan chard- Dora Blanchard. Lottie Lee Blam harH, and , Cardian Ad Litem for Percy Blanchard,. Dora Blanchard and Lottie Lee Blanchard. -, NOTICE OR PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS To Martha Harris and husband John Harris., W. R. Blanchard and C. C. F. Blanchard. The defendants above named will fake notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Perquimans county, the purpose of the action !ei!ng to have a sale made of the lands in said county which said plaintiffs and defendants own as tenants in' common and which lands are fully described in the romi(;lt flIed hl tIl1s Court bv ,,,',. ,;:. iha cni, isaid plaintiffs; and the said de lenuaius win TaKe nonce . uiai tfiey are required to appear be fore the clerk of Superior Court of Perquimans County on the 2nd day of December in the year 1012 and answer or demur to the complaint of said plaintiffs or the relief demanded therein will !egranled. - . This November 1st 1012. C1IAS. JOHNSON Clerk Superior Court Pcryuimans coiinty i ;n .i-t t - ROSCOE TURNER iiA1lorncii 't , . NS 15 22 20 . ; i N O T I C E r Sale of Valuable Property By virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to ine on the 1st day of Jnly in the year of 1012 by Jno J. Barnard and his wife Mary Francis Barnard, which Deed of Trust is dulv registered in Book 7, page 270 in the office of th Register of Deeds of Camden Co. North Carolina: I shall proceed to sell at the Court House door in Camden Co.. by public auction for cash on Monday the 0th day of December in the year 1012 at 11 o'clock A. M. the following described prop erty to wit: That certain tract of land and inprorcmcnt thereon, situated in Sh'loh township, Camden Co., Xorth Carolina, more particular ly described as follows: ' Herinniny neari the third brunch siyn post and thence run tiny up to Hie main road tJ the lauds-of J W Harr son's heirs to the lands of A. Mitchells; heucc a Southwardly course a 'owf the lands of said Mitchell 'o the main road; thence, aloivj aid road to the place of the be riiniiny, beiny the same lands for nerly owned by II.' L. Forbes lid sr.ld by sa'd Forbes to E. Will'ams and- briny where the said John J . liarnard now re tidcK. coiitaiuiii'i twelve (12) a--res more or less. Thin November KOSCOK r.tii ioi2. W. TURNER T rustee . XS 15 i -20 N O T I C 10 ! NORTH CAROLINA Pasquotank County, . In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. I). E. Williams Plain! ff, vs Heirs at law,. deceased, viz: The heirs at law of John Griffin deceased, Viz: Theophelus Grif fin Moses Griffin, Isiah Griftin nnd others, whose names and idaces of residence are unknown to plaintiff, heirs at law of Josh n a Griffin, deceased. Viz: Caleb Griffin Josua Griffin, Saner Grif fin and .others", whose names and places of residence are unknown to plaintiff, heirs at law of Solo moil Griffin, deceased. Viz: AIk-1 Griffin. Nelson Griffin, the heirs at law of Jacob Griffin, deceased Yiz: Lizzie Griffin and others. whose names and places of resi dence are not known to plaintiff heirs at law of Caleb Griffin, de ceased. Viz: Sarah Griftin Rid dick. Nancy Griffin. Ferebee and husband, Albert Ferebee, Mary F Moore and husband, AY. T. Moore the heirs at law of Estella Griffin Temple deceased,- Viz:. .William Tenitde, Sarah J. Temple. Fred n. Tennple, and others whose names and places of I residence are unknown to plaintiff; heirs at law of Jakie Griffin Moore, d i-eased. Viz: Thomas Griftin Moore, the heirs at law of Mar th a Moore McPherson, whose names and places of residence are unknown to plaintiff; the heirs at law of Relecea Moore Burms, deceased. A'iz: William R. Burrus Jakie Wilson and husband, Willie Wilson and oth ers,, whose names and places or residence are unknown to plain tiff, and Elijah Spellman. Defend ants. The defendants above named. Moses Griffin. Isaiah Griffin. Ca leb Griffin, Josna Griftin, Saner Griffin. Abel Griffin. Xelson Grif fin. Sarah Griffin Riddick, Wil liam Temple. Fred IT. Temple. Thomas Griffin Moore'. William R . Burrus, - Marshall' Burrus, Takie Wilson and husband,? Wil lie. Wilson, and others. whose names ana residence are un known to the plaintiff, who claim through, by or under Isaac Grif fin, deceased John Griffin, de ceased, Josua Griffin, deceased, Jacob Griffin deceased Solomon G ri fli n. , deceased. Caleb Griffin, deceased, Jakie Griffm. Moore, deceased, will take notice: That an action entitled as a hove has been; 'commenced .before the Clerk of the Superior Court, of Pasquotank County to obtain an order or judgement of said court to sell certain real estate situate in Xewland township, Pasquotank County, for division among the -plaintiff and de fendants ami that the said de fendants are interested and the said defendants will further take notice that thev are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Pas quotank county, at Hie ,Court House in said county, on Thurs day, the 5th day ' of December 1012. and answer or demur to the complaint of the plain! iff whirh is deposited with thej said court, or the plaintiff will applv to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 4th dav of Xovember. 1012 " G. R. LITTLE Clerk Superior Court W.I.I I A LSTE A D, Attomeu for Petitioner NS 1 5 2229 NOTICE! NOTICE OF ADMINISTRA TION ' ' Having (nullified as Executrix of the late Mi L. Guii-kin, de ceased, I hereby give notice to all lersons indelited to his estate to come forward and make imme diate settlement and those hold ing claims against the same to present them -for payment with in twelve months from the datft of this notice, or it will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. 1WL .11. VI I Hi A1CI .VJ4 This Novemlier 7th 1012 XS-15 22 2!) 1 0- -13 N (I T I C 10 ! Sealed bids will be received until 12 o'clock M. on Thursday December, 20th 1012 for the con struction of a building ' to be used as pastor's residence, on the lot belonging to the First Baptist Church on . West Main Street, according to plans and specifications, to be seen at the office -'of Dr. S. W. Gregory. Flora Building, corner Main and Water Streets, Elizalicth City, X. C Said building to lie com plete, EXCEPT: 1. Said contractor is not to do tlin ivii-inr uiii iitshill dectric light fixtures. 2. Nor furnish heating appa ratus; ; v 3. Nor furnish or djjf the plumb g or piping; . 4. Nor painting, except said building must have a priniii coat thereon, inside and out. , 5.. Said contractor, must dijj and construct the pit for ihe heating apparatus, whielj, pit must be all concrete, and must be completed according to the plans and specifications. (!. Each bidder must accompa- ny ins oui wiin good ana sum- cient bond, m the sum of lie Hundred ($500 00) follars,. co.i- ditioned for the faithful perfor mance of the sa d contract , :.i the event it is awarded to him. The right is hereby reserved to reject any and all bids; This 'November 20th 1012. S. W, GREGORY Secretary Buildimj Committee X 22 201)0 13 X O T I C 10 I Sale of Valuable Property. By virtue of a deed of trust executed to -me bv W II, Jones bearing date October 20th 100S, and recorded in register of deeds office for Pasquotank county; in deed, book 32, Page 335. , I shall offer for sale at the. Court House door in 'Elizabeth City, X. C. on the 10th day of December, 1912 at. noon, for cash all that certain lot of land and improvements thereon, situated ron the west side ol .Martin fcr.. commencinsr at the south east corner of the colored free school house lot. and running thence, southwardly down Martin St., 00 feet to Hwiry Bowe land, thence westward down said Bowes line 85 feet to Hester Barbers land, thence northward-. ly along said Barbers line 00 feet to the said colored school house, thence eastwardly along said col ored school house lot 87 feet to place of beginning,. Being the same, property that W. II. Jones .bought of Isaac Leigh and wife Emma Leigh and dated July 10th 1002, and re corded in deed book 25 page 02 in register of deeds ofiice for Pasquotank county, X. C This Xov. 20th 1012. X. R. PARKER ' Trustee X O T I C E " OP ADMINISTRA TION XOT1CI0 Having qualified as Executrix of ihe late Ff. T. Greenfcvnf, Sr., deceased. I hereby gire notice to .rllpprSMis indebted to his estate to come forward and make inline diate settlement and those hold ing claim against the same to present them for payment with in' twelve months font the date of this notice, or it will be plead- in bar of their recovery. Gertrupe .B. Greenleaf Sr. Executrix. November lGth 1912. Ct. N 2220 I 0 1 32027

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