HOME HEALTH CLUB - By DrJ L'avid H. Jtccder . KVHtein, using hot , fomentations and inaHsnge, with diet, : ought to :ure it. If it- is due to a bo ny lesion or Klip between the Imhioh of J lit spine oi of the pel vic, then the services of a phy sician should he employed. All readers of this publication are tit liberty at all times to write for information jeitainin to the subjert of health Address all (nmiuiiicatioiin to the Home llealtli Club, 5039 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, 111. with name and address in full and at least four cents in postage. 1 DAILY FOOD Monday (Sod never wrought miracles to convince atheism, be cause His ordinary works con vince it. I'acon: Tuesday in activity we nmsi find our joy as well as giyry ; and 1 ibor lil;e everything else is good is its own reward. Whipple Wedii'.'sday Fai aw'ay llierein the Minshiue ;i;e iv hi.ahet nspi rations. I cannot reach litem, but" I 'can look uj and see tlieir beanly, lxdieve in them, and try to. follow" .where lliey lead.--Louis:! M.-iv Alcolt . Thursday He that studies on ly nu'ii will get the body of knowledge without the sou! and he that studies onlv books, the V Diptheria: Diptheria ' is a highly infectuous, contagious and profoundly toxic (poisons) dis ease of childhood, due to the Kla Baffler bacillus, or germ (named - after the discoverers), character ; ized by the development of a false membrane in the nasal cavity, in the post-nasal cavity and in the ' throat. It usually develops. on the mucus membrane of these parts. , The disease is spread by direct contract, contaguity (cough dis "diminution), clothing, drinking ( utensils, iencils, school intolcs. aim intermediaries such as pat ents, nurses and physicians. Al so -fond stuffs, pet cats and dogs room or street dust may convey it. We ti t not believe that a perfectly , healthy child will contract the disease, but an a cute cold, cmi eating or" some other disease' may lower the in sistence of ihe mucous' membra ue: of, the nose and ihroat, allowing the germs to gain a foot hold. It will be imposible lo ive you any definite, earjy. symptoms of the disease, sim'e many cases show but little er a'td appear to be a com pa-; tivelv rtiild at tack of ronsilliT with lijS mark ed throat syniplw.is, while on the other hand what appears to be a rue jnembrane upon the tonsils and the ILi'oaf, inay prove upon lnichiscopic e: amination to be hon-diptheratii . Ordinarily, how- tjever.Mheie is a general feeliuglsoul without the body, lie that pf illness, accompanied by chilli v ness, followed by a fever run tiing fronr 101) to 103 dcutees V. during the first day, and there ts always soi-i throat and what - is far more important as e r ly sign, enlargement of the glands at tle angle of i!n jaw. A true membrane of dipihei-ia is grey or drab tmorise color), du ty and usually shaggv and if ie moved loaves raw bleedwig sur face. One prominent medical authority says, "Membranous croup has properly been shelved by "modern melhods of . diagnosis and replaced by laryngeal (throat) . diptheria which in !)!) per cent of such cases is the proper descriptive term." We do not wish to discuss, the "treatment of diptheria, but al ways advise 'Hie faculty to call t a competent physician, and a- bide. 'by his decision. We will say this much,' however, in ror gard to treatment that should you suspect that one of your chil " dren has diptheria you can . do these things until the. physician arrives: First get the childs feet warm by giving a hot foot bath and put him to bed v ith hot wa ter bottles" to his feet. After you have equalized the circu lation give a high recital injec tion or enema to cleanse the bow els. Next you may clea;i, out the month and the throat with some antiseptic solution such as listerine, glycothj-nioline. or if you haven't these you may use white vinegar (not too strong) or a solution of salt.. T get these down in the throat, pre pare a' swab by wrapping a small stick with soft cloth. It is wise to have on band, Sehiiessler s el ements for diptheria, and if a physician cannot be' had prompt ly, use tli en t vigorously. , As to whether immunizing treatment. may be given the ot her members of Ihe family, must be left to the decision of the pat ents, aild the attending physi cian,. ' v According to the bulletin .'of mortality statistics, for the year 1910 the death rate from dip theria was 21.4 per 100.000.pop ulation. being an increase ..over the proceeding year, which was 20.4. EvenwTtii the use of an titoxin, which we are told is a specific, diptheria continues to cause about twice as many deaths as either measles, scarlet fever, or whooping cough. - . CLUB NOTES Dear Doctor: Can Sciatica be. etired by but termilk treatment which was published some time ago? If not, what can? Kindly answer through the columns of this pa per and oblige. ( II. W . . his jot. is, you might deem your self fortunate in comparison with him. The Watchman. . Sunday (iod hears us in our prayers, but lie does so in pro portion as we iidniit His aid in the rest of , our life. We cannot pray as we ought, unless we live as we o'ticht. Our prayers will partake of our infirmities. We cannot at once collect ourselves and. become other men , in ; the presence, of God from .what we were just before. Selected.' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Smith FOR SALE One L. C double barrel.' twelve gauge shot-gun, barrels made of tinn er Steele, left modified choke, right cylinder, twenty-seven inches long,' , , ''., Ai'li to W. S. HARNEY Eden ton, C. X 15 2--20 EASTERN CAROLINA transpqrtatignTcompany Only line offering regullr service to ' NAGS HEAD and lANTJEO All the year roi id. " STEAMER HATTIt CREE Leaves Manteo 6;00 a. n. Leave Elizabeth City 2:45 p. nV. Touching at Nags Hea Each Way. DAILY EXCEPT IUNDAY. . : ' O- Pagsengen will find courteous and accommodating creV aid a safe and comfortable boat lo wlial-lie sees adds obsci vntion and to what he reads relleclion is in the. right road lo knowledge provided that in scrutinizing the charts of others he neglects not his own.- Colton . Friday A man musj not choose his neighbor.. lie must, take the neighbor ihat Ood sends .him. In him. whoever be be, lies hidden or revealed a beautiful brother. The neighbor in just the man who is next you at the moment. The love of our neigh bor. -is'thc only door out of the dunpleou of self .-Cleorge Mae Donald. Saturday To suffer and be si lent, th-'t a. divine 'art." There is weak ness in 1 he excessive crav ing for symratby. You think that you are having a harder time than your neighbor, from whose lion no-complaint ever es capes; but . if you knew what ' O it S A L i; FOR SALEOne horse' and bug i'y. Horse 0 years old, per-, fectly gentle and without ;i blemish. Not afraid of automo biles. Apply to W. W. SISK ' .'HIS Cnlnf Street ELIZABETH CITY, X. C. xir.-tf Don't buy "'uiisight unseen'. Let (he nian who knows show you all 'about Ranges at our store one week, beginning Decent her mi). SI1AIJDEU & WHITE 1IDW. CO FRAIL SICKLY CHILD Restored. to HealtH. by" Vinol Letter to Mlthers. Anxious mothers oftin wonder why tlieir children are pofliale, thin and nervous ' and have jsollittle appetite. For the benefit of mi ll mothers la this vicinity we publi.l the following letter. ' J: Edmund Millerl JJew Haven, Conn., F.a.vs: "My liJti) daughter, ever since her birth, hadllieen frail 'and eickly, and was a coitant source of worriment. Several tnonths ago wa commenced to give lor Vinol. ' I Im mediately noted an improvement in her health and apiiarance. I gave her three bottles oflVlnol. and from the good It has donl her I can truly Bay it will do all y claim." This child's recolcry was due to the combined actio: elements extracted combined with and strength-creatiis properties tonic iron, which Vinol Vinol will build delicate children, 1 PeI,,a and tha weak, run-down anl return the money 11 It falls, STAXDARDl)i:U(J CO. ibelh City X of the medicinal rom cods' livers, ie blood-making pre contained li and etrengthen debilitated. We every case where 4 r - FOR.SALE 111 III .. - . . : i i You owe it to your family . I i to start a bank account and keep itffrow- ing. No man earns so small a wage that he cannot save something VVhat would become of tho.se depending on you if you wre out ot work? Come in here today and starta b.ink account-n ) rnattttr how small. RESOURCES NEARLY - MILLION DOLLARS National First ELIZABETH CITY Bank ne Large Bay Broken to Family use Any Lady Can Drjv : Will Sell Cheap. rforS Him OFFICERS; . " L I im, Viss-Prcs STEVENS MAIN STREET -15 -JMmM$. Wliether biiltprmilk diet will cure M-iatirn or mt, depends up on the caisp of Hie disofiso. Tlie diet will aid in the treatment of any cistv If the disease is due to a ois oned and TOTiorallv n:ii-down condition of the Hystcm, or. to muscular strain, clcansir-x the !T-'"f ia rne NEW MODEL FIp L.. Smith & (Ball 223j'-;g Lona WcEiing) The Printing Center is the point where all the mechanical operations become resolved into one unit of effort. I NlJr.c'-TV Mm usms. fcaTEmTJ-'arrmsssaggzs SAY--1. WORKING M When do you intend to own that home? i H4sn't .it been the dream of your life to own a cosy little home; a nest for the wife and childrtn? - Do you own it yet? If not, why not? Waiting to get enough money to pay for it before you buy? ', Weir yoii never wilK Buy the home and go to saving every' penny you can. SEE 7? r' All the energy of this machine is-concentrated on the type face the moment it touches the paper. Smoothness and harmony of working parts are achieved through a wonderful system of ball-bearings.1 Vibration and jamming of the typebars are made impossible by the Typebar Guide. Other new features are the Geared Carriage-Ball ; Controller and the Ribbon Color-Switch. rr.-.M -Km 1) Model F'ive has a certain crispness and vitality- of key-operation7 that is a de light and a help to the operator. . Write for the FREE Book of Model Five. L C Smith & Bros.-Typewriter Company Hei Offk far Domtstie uj Foreiga Buineu SyraCUie, N. Y., U.S. A, Branches in A!l Principal Cltle. . -WORTH'S ART STATIONARY STORE Local Dealers, ' 114 Poindexter St. Eliz; City i - Norfolk Office, 14 Monticello ArCadeJ In thislitlic bottle are 31 every one of Khich 10.000 steel balls, bs been tested and found tt vjrf mi. cnJ'.cn (hou!tandth of an inch. Fnteen talis art t '-td in the bear ing of .ery typebar. Thi attention to , minute detail mu-a-CIicitniy for the finish e4 product. PS. R. PARKER $c SOW, The Real estate Mem 5 Beehive Bldg, Very Hkely they can interest you. V " : i 1 Norfolk, Va. The Light for the Home r SaS use the' best lamp you can buy is the Rayo. There is no glare; no flicker. The light is soft and clear. The Rayo is a low priced lamp, but you cannot get bettor light at any price, Rayo lamps are lighting more than three million homes. f y ' Save the Children's Eyes and Your Own. - fi. Vta . av T ,VV,,t oritlinrt rffrnviniT chlmneT of. mjr. rm. aM " -. rfllf J -aa ,hade. Easy to clrart ana rewicfc . yy M,de Jn vtriou, stylus 0nd tor U purposei?iO' At Dealers Everywhere' , 1 2 ., STANDARD OIL COMPANY 7; (bewparmtea fai New Jnejl T rr'if.r,-r 3 'ffltfV Christmas Goods Nuts of all kinds. Raisins, Candies, Fcy,VCfiJiateS Plain Stick and fancy goods. Anything and everything in Candy goods. '.'",'-"" 'Ttn?r Full line of fancy groceries. Cigars, To;bacco'e.tjC?f Anything and everything that you need.lor yourh-oliday trade. " Let us have youj orders. ';'V ' A. F. TjOXfc VV -?Si- ; WHOLESALE GROCERS , . ...ELIZABETH 'pITYiN C.

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