" a' r, e oo o T T r U f .: ' i : iUi rr7 n " 8 ncvj rc::T go r ; v . BTVV 2u . ,v.-'.s- Y. LI. C.A. BUILD!:!G rp::r.sT pikes deciieasiNg '' . ' ' ' :" ' VitiMton, 1). C, March 10 TLe Department of Agrieultnre Leoa figuring up .the losses I y. 'fires' on the National Forests 1 r t'-a calendar year 1912, and i" ' i that they ncre the -lowest -' s s cent, years... Less flian one ; m ie to every thousand 1 timber" I Liuds was burned over, and i!:e total damage is estimated at Z,'2':3f or less than one dollar 1o every 2,000 acres of area.''.' TIu good record is attributed to, first, favorable weather con Iit ions in most localities, and f '7-ond,' the increased efilciency of !l lire -fighting organization. A ress makes available the uns for extending the system (.'omnninieations on the "a- 1 Forests, the equipment of 1 , roads, telephones, and look i t stations ,'is yearly enlargel i .1 -.the 'fires, it is said, are dia ei.vered more quickly and fought j v :-;yrapuJly. Ai es-ecIaHy pood showing v h made by the Forst o3eers 1 t year, in extinguishing fires ' the National Forests le f n o i) "y i-eaelied the Forest bouq nic. Such Ares' Constituted i n- than one-sixth of all fought !.r ti ' Forest rangers and guards A1 r 'no tenths were extiiig v i ,1 before they had touched 1 lV-ests. Of "the fires with in the Forest InHinda lies more 1han 18 per cent were on lands in private ownership. Nearlv one-fourth of the extra expendi tures due to fighting fires that is, expenditures outside the tim of tl e-reaiilar Forest force was incurred in fighting these fires. Lightning caused more fires Hum any other agency, followed 1 r. railroads, campers, and incen II lies, in the order given. The : v itest lowes (K-ciirred in Ari- i. ArkauKas. and California, i s hi( h states there was also' the I t proportion of favs caused ' i' ' sning and by incendiarism i 'J7 per ent of all the f re ( (started by li-htnirand a t '.'.A jht cent were due ,'-.to :.s,nes. TLe proportion in i 'i case was practically the ; ' as in .the previous year, total nun.l. r of f":cs was I1.!"' us eorannred with 5,r p in 1 . Thev burnetl over, i.i t!.e f :it.. ,ro ia inr. r. : i ' 1 e.ll states in tot si r ' sr i f , rs. nnd in the min.tfr ( .:s i ' ' rzMning. Aii' i f' 1 1 in 1..- ;!i of tf- ' a- . Aik;insa stood for.Tili in ' ' 1 r.v::r of fires, au 1 first , tl nf incendiary origin. C i'if-.imia second. Tl c --1 Forest in TT.- ' , !p r:- 'fire. IK'j Ft: We want you to see tlrjin judge for yourself . appreciate our:merchandic--you vill too. Don't fail to visit our store during the coming n ; W liJu' FIRST METHODIST CIIURCU Rev.J. V. Wodten, Pastor. Sunday 'Services 9:30 A. M. Sunday School, T . J. Markham, Superintendent. 11:00 A. M.j Sermon t tbe Chril dren, on Palm Sunday. -7:30 F. M. Sermon on ''Follow ing Christ." 1 'v , There will be special services every night next-week. .., ; Services for Passion tWeek. . ' .- . of ; The First Methodist Church" 1 Monday' night. Sermon by the pastor. . .,' Tuesday night Sermon by'F.. v. J. II. Iluffaloe. ; " Wednesday night, Sermon by Rev. M. T. Flyler. T Thursday night. Sermon by Rev. A. Royall. Friday night, Sermon by the pastor. " '': " ' ' ". . All of the peonle of.'the city are invited o joinj with us in these services : : SPECIAL SERVICES ' AT FIRST CnURCIl The Fiwt Daptist Church, will hold an "Old Folks' Service', Sunday morning, A special pro gram of the old time music, C', tinio-preaching and an old fa :':ioa welcome to all has been prcpr: 1. Four new ushers have been elect ed to assist the present board, in handling the crowds, who are at tending the regular Sunday ser vices. ; ' On Sunday nigM the- psistor will preach on th subject, 'Christ 'and the use of wealth." BIACKWKLL MEMORIAL 'CHURCH SERVICES The public is cordially invited to the services of Blackwell Me morial Clairch next Sunday for both naming and evening sit ic es. TLe pastor, I. N. Loftia v. ill sneak -in .tie nornicg en ' e Kir-ttc-i a T" '?: Its .Li. i '.it Directed": a.l Li'tbe ever: 1 en "The Tr t cf Faith and a Vi .' i of rrovid?nee. Messrs. .Tames Derrkl" i f. ' j a 1 Will ' Fore r.r.n nave i : t i frcn-a-tr. ! '. trip to ; 1.11 to ft.riish. Jorth 1 Ja ke a bad no fires on its ;e-? -!1 Fcre't. - ! Cf t! e 2.172 fires, 'over 73 per cent were p'it out before 10 ncrfs were turned over, and nearly r.v) . . - A . rCT cent c e: , re oue-quaritr ci, an r.erc wr covered. Only 12 fire ve rro clibwino: this season, the greatest assortment of pretty tlressea lor street or evening .vear nobby suits of all descriptions 'daiftty vaists in exclusive styles the best values in the newest laces, el:., etc: V In. fact we are showing absolutely, the. mojft up-to-(Ir.l2 lines of everything in ladies garments that can be found r T .TATE SCAREOROUGU. : i, Tliomas 1). Tate ar. 1 Hiss llan nah Scarborough, . 4-ot h, 1 . res ideals of Curntotk county,'. secured u marriage license here l!onday eve lung aad were married by Ju tice of the' Peace, J. W. JIundcJi in the parlors - of the E-aropean Hotel.:. ' .--.',... 4 The ceremony was witriessed by Messrs. O. F. ' Eama cJ Kitty Ilawk and C. B. ScarLrrouh f Duck. TLe youthful abear ance of the tride caused Mr- llan den some tcsitation about per forming the eeremony wliea he arrived upon ,1he scene; tut a written consent from the yt :mg ladv's f. it Lor produced Iv .Tr. Tate prevented any seriou's 1. rich in the program,.' and the cocple were soon man and wife., . Roth IrLlz and1 groom ; are- well known iu Currituck county and,Lrin tLeir life with the gt-od wislies of a host of mends; v SUCCEEDS MR. JOM: At a recent meeting of "tV graded Bchool trnstees, Mr. . S'pen cer CLaplin was elected a r.;. i ber to succeed Mr. .D. M. Jc-os lately; deceased. Mr. .CnapTra. as was Mr. Jones, is a native of Tyrrell county. IXXXNET SOCIAL The ladies of City Road Meth odist church will have a bonr-et social to-niht at the hom-; of Miss Mae Sample on Firet street. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brock, of Powells Point were in the city yesterday. Mrs. Brock was on her way to Raleigh for .a vLit to her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J'. II. Hall. ""'.' Mr. J. M. Clayton of Ea;:, hard. .representative from Hi 'i county, was in the city yestcrJ y ou Lis way home from E.i!. '.. Jfr. Clayton spoke favorat!y t f the work cf D. C. Ferry in F a legislature thi.s session. -1 Invitations are' out '."ant : irg that Mr. and Mrs. F; M? Cock will ce!. Irate the i anr.ivc-n'ary cf tl r;r cani - ,;vrr wr t' " t Tl r - cf tbe ' II ? season. '.i- expected t i f social evct Mr. J. T. CcoreroftSum 1' is in x citv week". . CarUi'l Towe cf C was ia the city Wedne: TT TT. f1' t it. "Ur arid' Mrs. "(J. W. Meggs of Currituck are in the city the guets of friends. - MK Isaa'( ;F5sher .: Jarvis burg'wa fu the city "Wednesday visiting friends. " : . Lw.ST NOTICE To the- delinquent Tax oarers l Elizabeth City and Elizabeth City township,. Come forward asd puy your taxes at once- and save yourself and me trouble. Al so- your street-Paving Assessment and License Tax. If not I will oh the First day of April 1913, advertise an T levy as tie Law.di itTt nie to v ' 'I will al.- lew , on Boats if not paid at once. , ; By order f the Boarrd of Ar- derraenZ. ' v ' . ' '- -.Tour very thriy, M. W. BERRY, i City Tax Collector 5 Heitford. i;. 0- March 13th Mrs,. Fannie Kew hy is home from Nor:.,L. where the went for an operation. - , j , ML Janie Blancbard has re- tun:? 1 from an ex ten led trip to paltizioie and Wa.ir-.ton, I). C. Mr.. Iv. Tuttu- u here for a few tlays malini;; suiTrrTaU to cove his faLiily to c-Lir,l-ton, 1). C.r at aa early -date, lie will be cn?gfl in the real cstat buslsess. ' Jlrs. Hawkins has secured -Mb fpar; of Virginia as de si. ,-fr ia ter miUIaery store this season ; x .- - Mbsj Catharine Bruce of l'ofts iluith. is vbitlrg the home of Mrs. T. F. Vi'i-.slow. r' Mr. S-kott Fiivott - and wife fwere Lere Gar-iav visiting, the e cf Mr. J. F"Iott. iirs. m. s. Fiiicit cf jrr- C- was It re t!.i . ; . vi it- i-7 trr f trr, ?'. u I). F.Ili : 1 i i con- ctt r- d e r i ::r. J. J. i: t: -i. I rid f 1.' v :;.!!y f t, rc '.:t'r ci . Cr.v. I rl went to r:rf:'i t to t. . rated cn Tr rp A t ' n r : 1 ? r-' t, i-rs. a. f :: ' 1 that t!.e vs . ; t-ir--'r. - -. V, r 1 cf r.clvi.Trre was -"v vi Itir- fri-r . "rr T.-rlrr ef C-.';r.l t:::c Fr. People who appreciate true value week something new every day MAIN STREET IiAf,lBl!IQER'..5TEAK . . ' 'Ve zlao ; carry a - f till line of Fresli Meats' and Groceries. ;:V. I':B: Corner South Water t i JJ Vw V C3 ' '. ' . 'i ' . ' o?tc:::ti:i3T Office and Laboratory over McC&be tt Grice. st Glnsscs V "J'JJT ' A We'want to call your' attention to the fact that the spricg is almost here. We also invite you to come aad see oar tes-ti-full lire cf wash, goods for; the spring season. Pcrcaks, Ck - l.arus, Galatea Cloth, Whip Cords, T. K's. Chacbraya, aai a choice lire Cf wockn3, silks and new weave fabrics. These will interest you. Don't forget the carae' 8Dd ; ''C v ffi- a ' V 1 .' :,,J . -'.i .'. - .1. "' and Shephard Streets. " ""1 Jj CD V sy place, we will expect yon.. II llyi'l JU.i tt n ::ci r '. ? ti'r y ' i cf T,i" .it;? rtlatir: II tn n ;rrs l.r 1 each. .more than

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