.J- il ; : i ..iIDKNT'S CABINET : ft.ie I'losndent Wilson's In duration there - wus n ' great 1 of speculation as to who 1,1 constitute, the new prcsl t's cabinet, Mr. ,Wilson po i cf using to' commit him f i i to any appointment. . : f.liatelj after the inaugu i the cabinet member were ...need as follows: " -i notary of State, William .ir-s Hryan; Secretary ' of -. .sury, William Gibbs McAdoo; taiy of War, ' LJndley M. -i! Attorney uenerai,, das. sk Hevnolds; Postmaster Gen , Albert Sidney . Burleson ; itary of the Navy, Josephus delai Secretary of the Inter r, Franklin Knight Lane; Sec i ta'ry V of Agriculture, , David Franklin' -Houston; Secretary of Commerce, William Cox Ilcdfield Swretary of. Labor, William wau chop Wilson. -(. --'""f ' 1 Mr. Eryan is too well known 1i i!r-1 p'ny Introduction to the. nui people; but ; a brief I 3 to the other members ; cabinet might not be a- , ;;Uam Gibbs1 McAdoo i was i in Georgia in 18G3, bnt hns I for many years in . New York City. lie is a lawyer, an Inecr and n railroad presi it. Terhaps his most notable ; . Lievement was the building of i first tunnel under the IIud: Lindley M Garrison' is a New 7-Judge. He is a native , of .1 state also j;ru-s. Clark Melteynolds is a York lawyer; a native of :f ntucky. He is fifty years old s assistant attorney general in V .1 to 1907, and has represent- .l the government , in its attacks . i the big trusts. r:- V :';'' -Albert Sidney Burleson M a ; V xas law.vef,: born Us- 1863 . Ills home is at" Austin, Texas. If-, has been a member of Con ...m.ksi Rince 1905. " David Franklin Houston , was born in North Carolina 'but ..w in-tr in Missouri. He has ., a college professor- since I and is. about forty set ? - - old.' ' ..:,' " . TJoil field is a na tive of New York born at:,Alba-,.-:.. ior.a. Tto iwt liLs eouea- tion in the public schools and has i m a iig steel manufacturer William Bauchop Wilson is 4-,.,, lVnnsvlvama. ' u uo I n a member of Congress since It. .17; he is author ot.tne crating the department of bv , i I.., iioon vei-v active m the intents of woikingraen, Be bom in Scotland, W," , America when a Doy w ., minor himseit. . "j'.r.rWn Knight Lane is from v':.,i-ia, but was born in Can . v; ti. has been chairman of iVe interstate commerce commis 'u" iv,nila known over S-i,b Tarolina as editor.?; . wr nt WllSOll, . h editor of the Wilo w lHlicve. He Kpenwn m. . u cnrlv life in Wilnon ana win "- .. i .nrt mnnt 1. lie ,,v championed ; the cause .of Wilsn: in the rnce ior oora tic nomination- to the l ! si conceded ecn ,.rallV fr..m,tbC time that Wil ,t V noWflirtitf,that-Tanie H vonld receive a porwo. - -President Witaon seems to have ;.de a good lnnins a ier rxocntuef the. nation. Hi" j,.;h nM men of ex- prictice' and - sagacity. . They men who have stood for tbe , , uie. The administration ju. in .the history or tne cm 1-v witlan recent years. 1 nmiied tons of dyp . t -, i nt Baltimore re i roe es s it was being loaded on v .... ?n hi outer tiarnor. raner was blown into t- ... in i the. harbor stc V - i ..r.i-fni damase. ana . , i ..n.-tin were shaken r a.ations, windows be ,1 i. - in a severe earth , Vibrations from , , .-o f. It to a dis I The loosest dista: xA cover ed by "wireless" U n it. 1 as between 7,000' an J ',' ) i P s thfl naval .Station i t Newiuit, Rhode Island ha vi i picked up a message from jtomts in the Ar gentine Republic. . There are all the sitnis of new revolutions in Mexico. Most of the disorder is in the Northern borders. :- - ' ' ' HEALTH TTinn ER This health idea is a big one. It used to be regarded as u mat ter of sentiment. Not so any longer. Now; we have public health planks in our big nation al political platforms, health bu reaus in. the campaigns. A few weets ao VJovcrnor Crai? cilted . - c attention to ; the need of more health work in this State, and in President Wilson's short inaugu ral address he found ; time - to speak on public health in no uii' certain terms; Here is wha t. h! said: r-- ',r-:': "We have not studied and in?r fected the means' br which gov ernment may be put, at the wr vice of humanity,, in safeguard ing tne iieann or tne nation, the health of its men and its women and its children.-ns well as their rights in ' the struggle for, exis tences , This Is no sentimental 4uty. The firm basis ' of government is justice,,--not uity These are matter -f - InRtico. There can be no eoiialitv of on- portunity,- the first essentiat of justice in the body politic, if men and women - and children be not shielded in their lives. their very vitality, from the con- semicncos of ereat industrial and social processes' which they , can not alter, control, or singly cope with . Society must see to it that it does not Itself crush or weaken or "damage its own.conr stitnent parts. The first lnty of law-is to' keep sound the socie ty it, serves. Sanitary laws, pure Tood laws, and determining con ditions of labor w;hich individ uals are powerless to determir ; for themselves are intimate paris of the very business of justice a nd legal efficiency -., ; ... . ( Mr. C. If. Sanderliu who ban oieued up business at 150 and 152 1'oindexter sti-eet hits an at tractive stock of goods well dis- laved in clean and inviting quar ters. lie invites Elizabeth City ecple and visitors in t lie town to give, him a call. , ; Miss Glenna Walker of Tulis, N. .0., and Miss Daisy .'Brook who is teachings at that place, were in the city Satnitlay, visit ing fHeuds Mrs. ' J. T. SiHjnce, who has Ixen ill for some days at . her ionic on . 1'oindexter ' stiwt, . is now improving, .' ; Chief Thomas, former i Chief Bell, Officer Heyntore and ;-Jule Modlin have all announced 'them selves as candidates for chief of police, and are busy seeing the oters in the coming -municipal primary. , ' : Jfr".' Samuel 11. Buxton of Newport News was : hereon bnsi uess Saturday. ' : ;" .; . - - Miss Ella " Wbaley sitent Sun day in Belcross visiting i-elativcs, Miss Ira Iiyden of Okisco was here Saturday. ': Mrs. Y."; Iter Newbern of Tow 'lis Point we here Saturday the ruest. of friends.-' ; Mish Irene Twiford of F. - " ' City fs iu tie -city the giirt f nl.itivcs.- : Va-. Kt-tli- Duteher of Jarvis- burg was in tie city Saturday.;;- Tru: fpithet - I called Li: i a dog, though he'd t(v-1 i y friend For r.'l f a' " n years, x ' And scr ' - : 'i a f.'.ilh that ha.! ft 21 His glance has been t ::..It.".t and true: . And never a time has he ta'cn the chance .- To turn from his f;icnd in ruej called him a dog who iu all : his life . ' ' ' Had ne'er an unkindly thought For me or for mine, whatever - the strife, . Whatever the battles fouirht. ' Unwavering faitU, unwavering .- love . .. . - . ' These two were .the gifta lifi? bore. - , - - As tried and true as the treasure- tfove :;-,.' 'J.. We sock on life's golden shore called him ai dog who" had guarded well .. The interests of uie and mine In broad, blue skies and in stor my sjjelK - ' Alike did he hew the line: : By day and by, night, in joy and : v in 'grief, - ,-.--:c :".. 7"T.; Hethe meek follower, 1 1 the - chief .'--.'" And I called him a dog that day! " '' ' ;' v ' 'X I called him a dog, and I'm glad I did, , However the reader rail. Because of his joy that would not lie hid,. -. - - As he showed -when: he wagged " ' his tail! - - : y: -Samuel MYood 3 he Qitizens Cani 6. to C'.OO P. I. 4 FuIL.J,. ... J r.. . f.il L .is F0 n n it Ve have ia stock a fullj.i" of SEED for farm ; Corn,- Oat ' Clover and Grass seeJ,, ViX.pv den. Tciis, Beans, Irish Potatw Melon Seel, Onion sets, and a' other seed in season. Our sec are as good as. can le found c the market and better than so: Our FEED department is w; ' stocked with the lest oa the r ket. Hay, Grain, and Mill I'c ' We Lave taken on, in cc " tion wifa our f'J and seed 1 I: -. tie Elcttjic Snpply r C, '.:?-.'.' -- ; I " -inessii..' and ; ' i.f -ytli-.T in the.E! v' " - ' ' , for ! li;lt' " Vi J' i -wer; We 1 r . t "flctrician in our ; ' r, v I can go on short not y i.-.,lalling or repair; fA? wr:k. - . r:::crs nianr " to Perve, , c:iti OK - ' ' :' I V li tn. t. w, c-.rcosv. ' kCc ti Flora's new batlrftM Cor. lltlm sad Wtr EU. . . ; . DR. M. It HARRIS ' ',. ,';.:- DENTIST u"-- Kramar Eulldlng, Main ti Elizabeth City, H. C -Honrs l to It snA to r. M.. WILUCY "v.- I N T I IT Kramar Building.. Roam No. IU i ' v j. H. WHITE. D. D. ; ;. Twaixty va yaara ta .'-" i all its branches. : Ofiaa err McCaba ft Grlca'g ttr Cor. Uala sad' Polndaxter airaM . " GEORGE J. 6PENCE 4ttonay Counaetlr at La - 108-209-210 KTamer bulldlu ELIZABETH CITY. N. C. tH. IIOUSEOWNEH : . Fall is the best time foj? Pain I in;, and fall is here. Better point that house now before the eold wpnther conies, and thus prMect it from the winter storms. See ZHARBER 4 WHITE TIDW CO ibout itj and' yon will be . sur- nrised to find how little it wm ost yon to paint with Stay Sem ' ' " - . - . " 4 A Paste Paint, whteb u tne utsi naint votf can' buy. Every. rl ion. of 8tar Femi-Patte Taint re- nnlres one callon of raw linseed oil before jt ia ready Tor tee. As one. gallon f Stag Scmr-Ptrste Paint costs $ 2.00 per p; il Ion, . s n d m e gallon of. linseed oil r ' I' f 1.00 per pallon, you pay C t." -1 (er gallon for the best an 1 1 ..r i,t vaint that can te pro.! red ' Om"cSt Haifa TWO" li i r - --- c -Try Ordui,- .iizy I'ss. Z. V. C.-dl, cf Ilayne, M. C "I wa3 ia a very l:.i'.-t3 of hei':h, rnd wss net tbl'Q w ts up trJ tcnJ tJ cy duties. I CI try Cardul. and soon tcsan t? fevi t;";r. I cot V.ito be up end help (1j try Louscwcrk. I crr:'.:.::.-i to tsis C:a rechr, ar.J now I m t-l to do r 7 I :wcrk cr.J to curs f;r my cl-I-rcr, -J I l tl ts 1" -I cou!J nevcx.pral;3 CsrdU cr.cj;'; f it tit t ;r-t.:u i hivt x;ctlvti -Cr'. Ctrdu! Ij i ...... 1, ttcsuct It is nidtspec!.- f . - c:r.en, and r:; r ,zzMy cn wcnjialy co.-;:.. ( . C::--l dots c 3 i , crJ dot s it welL That ex; 3 r:t:t succ: tit Us tad, dud-j tit past W y:-r 'i rs!;is." t:.: d.wcaJc cad women tick t. U you art'a wcnia, t:d tired, dl, and afe Bervcu-, i and Irrit l!;.I;a trcr. -?you need a tonic hyr -' Ccrdui? CcxdJ t::dj, I'-'enhens,-restores, tr.J rc ; : i every way n a t.-?c!r.!. Onicjernedy t:-t womtx T: . 1 w rrIiri most rclicbls 1-nttrn for.fann uss U bthcRAYO, Iti?xdcofthcbcstina . A ttriah, so that it is ctrcn- end duyabla without 1 1 irig heavy end awkward. - . . - It gives a clear, stror- lht. Is easy to l:?ht arid Jff It won't blow out, wen't Iczi, and won t smoke. It i3 "n ex-rt.rada lantern. in various Btylea an. sizes.' Th2re ia a HAYO f.r every requirement. ' . . .. . - v- J - . - . ' J : V t ...... -I . r -1 'J - n - - " F T.r : .i 4 1 .iUi J 9 .0 J 1 . r I. 4 - JO- " t J !r Mos. . it ; was ;-'fss in In 1 1 rs . I .'VP l '