MR. HOUSEOWNER: E NOTICE S ! LEGAL AND SAL , M O T 1 OK . , , A'ofcc of Administration Having qualified as Adiuiniatra ' tor upou the Estate or David Mc klmmie. deceancu, late or Cum tuck county. North. Carolina, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE to al parties holding claims against said estate to present them to me within twelve months from this date or they will be plead in bar of. their recovery.. All persons owing1 said estate will please v make immediate settlement., ROSCOE W. TURNER Administrator upon the estate of . Davie ITcKimmus deceased. M7 14 21 2& A4 11 N OTIC E ; Xotice of Administration ' Having qualified as Adminis trator upon the estate of Worth Newbern, deceased, late or cur ritnck county, North Carolina, I HEREBY give Notice to all par ties holding claims against said estate to present them to me or my attorney, Roscoe W. lurner, at Elizabeth City, N. C, within twelve months from this date,, or they will be plead in bar of their recovery, All persons owing said estate will please make im mediate settlement. . This the 4th day of March 1013 v W: W. NEWBERNE, Administrator upon the estate of Worth Xetcbern, deceased. M7 14 21 28 A4 11 . ADMINSTRATOR'S NOTICE Having, qualified as administra tor of the estate of Henry Sharp deceased, late of Pasquotank , county, JNortn uaronna, iu is to notify all persons having claims against me eiiw wi deceased, to exhibit them to the 3 ? J tLffiu TtTrn Tn- iinaersinneii oi er building, on or before the 22 day Of February, 1 91 4. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons in- ... - i i 4 . 1 1 nlAAan oeDTea to saia emie win make immediate payment. .J , This 21st dav of February 1913. ' w. L. SMALL, Administrator of llenry Sharp decease. . " Ml 4 21 2S-A4 1 118 February, 1912, and duly record ed in office of Register of Deeds of rasquotank county, In Book, 3G, Pace 37, I shall sell at the Court' House door in Pasquotank county on Monday, the 31st day of March, 1913, at 12 M., the prop erty conveyed to me in said deed of trust, being therein described as follows: . .. CERTAIN house and lot in town of Elizabeth City situated on the east side of Harney street being the second lot from the ditch, .which divides the Boush town property from the lands of M. N. Sawyer, containing fifty (50) feet, fronting on Harney street, and running back between parallel lines to the lands known as "Frank Vaughn Lands;' said land being further described as lot No. 12- on the plat of M. N. Sawyer, recorded in Book 116, age 407, -Office of Register of Deeds of Pasquotank County, Be Ing the same land conveyed to eter Murden. by deed recorded on page 205, in Book 16, and by I said Peter Murden George and - Mack land hushand, O. W. GOITER IHMITH. .otiiv of Summons Hon by Publico- - The defendants above named and other defendants mentioned in the title of this nrtiniv nnrl plaintiffs owning real property in fctate or .North Carolina, Curri tuck county, as tenants in com mon. that the purpose of this n-- tiou is for sale gf land held in common for division that above named defendants are non-res idents of the State of North Car nlmn T is. thprpfnroi mloiWI conveyed to flTIi orfhirtfrprt 'ir onnT ihnt Murden, by rmhhVntinr. ho mnAa far rfco nWo .1 1 JJ KT1 n..k ' ....... v uwu icumueu uu imire uu, vu. I rfofonilnTita in iha A 33, uince or Kegister.or Deeas or VAxr npwsnanpr nilhiUPa Snowdcn, , Defendants. ORDER OF PUBLICATION It appearing to the court that the defendants, George Bnowdcn, Tully Miller, Charles C. Snow- den, Mamie Culpepper and hus lwiH take notice that an action as band, John W. , Culpepper, after above has been commenced before tiue diligence can not be found ne fjieric or tue euperlor Court In the state of North Carolina, of Camden county, North Caroh that the said defendants are "a to sell the lands described iu proper parties to an action of the petition in said cause for par which this court has jurisdiction lition. The said lands being now Held by the plaintiff and defend relating to ral property in said Uts as tenants in common. state, the said defendants, John And the said defendants will W. Culpepper being party onlvlfurther take notice that they are as husband of Mamie Culnemei' required to appear before tue QoniiAtnnli- C.nnntv.' TRMS OF SALE: CASE. This February 26th 1913. C. E. THOMPSON, . , Trustee Mr 14 21 28 ' N OTICE! ' Xotice of AdnUnistration TTAvino- nil 11 11 fieri HS ExeCUtOI" of Sophia . Godfrey," deceased, late Of Perquimans County, N . this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of February 1914, ,r iliia notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. XA1I per please make immediate payment. This 17 th dav of Februfli-y 1913 ' . : B. H. ; WELCH, in i 28 A4 11 1 8 NOTICE! Sale Of Valuable Property) By virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to me by William John son and wife Lizzie Johnson dat ed the 18th day of December, 909 duly recorded in Book 33, page 430 office or- Register or Deeds or Pasquotank connry, North Carolina. ' I shall sell at the Court House door , m rasquotanic i;onnTy, North Carolina on Saturday the 19th day of April in. the year 1913 br public auction for cash at 12 o'clock M. the following de scribed property to wit : All of .the Lands and Improve men ts owned bif William John son and Lizzie Johnson in Salem toirnship, . Pasquotank County, Xoi-ih Carolina, Containing (3) three acres More or Less., This Notice dated andfPosted this the IRth dnv of March 1913. ROSCOE W. TURNER,' Trustee. M21 28 A 4 11 .. Elizabeth City. N, O., for -four successive weeks, once a week, notifying the said defendants to appear at Currituck Court House on the 21st day of . April 1913 and answer or demur to the Complaint or judgment will be (rendered neainst the said defend ants for the relief demanded in the petition. The relief demand- Clerk of ' the Superior Court of Camden County, North Carolina at Camden Court nouse on the 21st day) of April, 1913, at ten o'clock, A. M., and answer or dcnmr to the jtetition in said ac tion or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the said petition. . ; J. .w: WALSTON. Clerk Superior Court of Camden Countv This the 24th day of March 1913. n.TT.TiWtt, , Attv., for Petitioner. , M28-i-A3 10 17 ' NOTICE! Sale Of Valuable Property By virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to me by James Nor is that a sale be made for parti- fleet and wife, on February 12th tion amonest the tenants in Com ma, wlncn said mon. Publication of thfs Order is adjndced sufficient notice. This March 17th 1013.' E. W. ANSELL, i : Clerk Superior Court M21 28 A4 11 r sm, , , :. .N.O T I C E NOTICE TO REDEM LAND J. ed on the north bv the aforesaid road, on . the eat bv the lands formerly belonging to Bcnnoni Cartwright, on the south by the lands formerlj' belonging to Wil- Br. virtue of a Deed of Trust ''a Snowden, and on the Westl executed to me by William Pi-oc-jby the lands formerly belonging Deed of Trust is duly recorded in Book- 36, Page 187, , Office of Register of Deeds of Pasquotank County, I shall sell at the Court House door m Pasquotank-Coun ty, on Saturday, the 26th" day of April, 1913, at 12:00 o'clock 31., the property-conveyed to me m said Deed of Trust, described as follows : CERTAIN TRACT or parcel of land, situated in rasquotank County, in Elizabeth Township, bounded on the North by Brown You are hereby notified that street: on the East by the lands on me tm day or May, laia, Lew of John Jacocks ; on tne tsourn is Banks at the tax sale of Chas. by the lands of uiley Mulgett. Reid,. Sheriff of Pasiuotank and on the West by the lands of county, JNortn Carolina, at the Charles James, and bemg the jot court llouse door of said County with improvements thereon ,wnicn bought that certain described the said Norflet recently' piirchas tract of land Viz:. ed from Harriet Jacobs, and LVing on the South side of which deed is dnlv of record in the- road leading from Newbegun record in Office of , Register Creek to Flatty, Creek and bound Deeds of rasquotank County To All To Whom ents Shall Come: These Pres- of NOTICE! Xotice of Administration TERMS OF SALE: CASH. This March 17th 1913. THOS. J. MARKHAM, : Trustee'. M28 4 11 18. tor for certain purposes therein - - mentioned, , which said Deed of Trust bears date of Aueust 27th vjiz and is registered in the Regis ter s office of Camden countv in book No. 7, page 291, I shall pro to John Carter, the same lieing the lands upon which the late Caroline Sykes lived. .. Said land being listed in the name of Caroline Svkes, for the delinquent taxes for State and ceed on Saturday the 19th day of County for the years 1909, 1910, : April una to offer for sale at "nn Iiewls Banks N O T I OR Xotice, Of Administration Having qualified as Administra trix of the late D. M. Jones, I hereby give notice to all persons indebted to his estate to come forward and ' make, immediate settlement and those holding claims against the same to -present them for payment within twelve months from the date of this notice, or it will e pleaded in bar of their, recovery. ' . v : IDA T. JONES. , 1 d m'r of D'.V. J ones, dee'd per Attorney. lruary 17th 1913. J . Jl 28 M7 14 21 2S courtnoiise in said county, at public auction for cash, the" prop erty conveyed to me as Trustee: Being one house and two acm of land which the said William Proctor bought of v Cloe White and W. R. White as evidence at which sale was the last, and highest bidder for the said lands and the same was sold to him by said sheriff and a certificate of tax sale was dnlv issued to him therefor. . '; '' . --. You are further notified that by two Deeds Recorded in Book h"1 redemption is made of the No. 7." Pa sc 248 Register's offlee id real estate in the manner of Camden county, North Caroli-- provided by Law on or before the na. - ..a , - ; - ; ; This March 17th 1913 m. n. Lawyer, llortagcc. M21 28 A4 It NO T I CE .. , Sale Of, Valuable Property , :j virtue of a Deed of Trust cuted to me, by George Mur i sni wife, on the 2Cta day of NORTH CAROLINA, N CURRITUCK COUNTY, , ' Superior Court ; Before The Cferk. 1st, Monday in May,1 1913. L. the 'said Lewis Banks will be enti tled to a deed for the said lands and will apply to the said sher iff to execute and deliver the same to me. ' The amount you are required to .pay in -order to redeem said land can be ascertained bv cal- line upon said Banks. This daT of Februarr 1913 LEWIS BANKS M21 28 A4 11 . NOTICE It. E. Ballance and Clarence Bal , lance, Plaintiffs. . " : . vs. Hildah BaJlamce, Sarah .Payne, NORTH CAROLINA . and fcwftond Enoch L Payne, CAMDEN COUNTY George Snowden, Tit 11 a Hitter Mamie Culpepper' and husband John W. Culpepper, Charlen C. Snotcacn, Wtu- Snotcden, K. B. Torksey ueorge tsnoioaen, ton or ir. J. isnowaen, deceased ana Aeoljjfg. In the Superior Court j Before the Clerk. vs. HELEN COPPERSMITH EASTERN- CAROLINA IffiSFtllHlOHCPilJIl ; Only Une offering regular service to NAGS HEAD and MANTEO All the iwar r6und. - STEAMER HATTIE CREEP Leaves Manteo fl:00 a. m. Leaves Elisabeth City 12:45 p. m. Touching at Nags Head Each Way. . DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. ; Passengers will, find courteous and accommodating crew and a safe and comfortable boat ' WON'T YOU PLEASE? If you live far from the Ice Factory, like west Main street, west Church street, South Road street or Dry Point, won't you please order your ice sooa in the day or, by; 10 .-00 A. M., before the wagons start? This will enable us to take on cart, several orders at the time, and prevent going back and forth almost to the same door, some times. To get your ice quicker and surer and it saves us a lot of time. CRYSTAL ICE AND COAL COMPANY Fall is the best'time for Paint ing, and fall is here. Better paint . At m j e mat noue now oeiore tue com weather comes and thus protect it from the winter storms. See SnAIfBER & WHITE BOW CO about it. and you will be, sur prised to find how liftle it will cost you to "paint with Stag Scm Paste Paint, wbrch Is the Best paint you can hny; Every gal Ion of Stag SemhPaste Paint re quires one fallen of raw linseed oil before it is ready for use. A one gallon of v Stag Semi-Paste Paint costs 2.00 per gallon, and one gallon of. linseed oil costs $1.00 per gallon, you pay $1.50 ler gallon for the best and, pur est paint that ran be produced "One CU Maket TWO" FOR SALE BY J.B FLORA S CO. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. IBECllOII E DAILY OBSERVER SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily Daily and Sunday .. .. . Sunday, only .. $6.00 Per Year .. . 8.00 Per Year .....2.00 Per Year The Semi-Weekly Observer Tuesday and Friday . ; .... . . .... . ... ...... $1.00 Per Yea? The Charlotte Daily Observer, issued Daily and Sunday is the leading newspaper between Washington. D. C. and At lanta, Ga. It gives all the news of North Carolina besides the complete! Associated Press Service.- The Semi- Weekly Obsesver issued on Tuesday and Fr day for $1.00 per year gives the reader a full" report of the week's news. The leading Semi-Weekly of the State, dress all ordeisto : : ' v THE OOSEIIll COilMir CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA Ad- A t i j ; Nr ,. . 'j II -.. ,z rt ill- i III AUcnUc EZolel Ncrlolk, Va. . Newlr rnovML Lx, Uwht. lrr rooma Mod- tir proof construction. CIom to aU er Harm and u tae bart tke eboppin district acu tkeatree. $1 Per Day-Privilege Bath (2 Per Day wiCi Private Cadi Taiibon In 'evarv room hot and cold wtt Bleelr furnUhed Terythlna; first elasa As good as . ytru nna m otbr hotels at double th prico. FftCC, SHOWER BATHS ON EVERY FLOOR. Tor furthr particular and reserretlona write F. W. CALVERT. Mgr. Atlantic Hotel.

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