1 , . - x . . ' ........ r. ... w- ' . - .... . . , , . , . , ... ' ' - , .! , 1 ' " 1 ' .. v . . . . ;. ... i - -.,-.'.-. y w. - " ,.... ....... . . A VOL III ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAYj APIUL. 4, 1913 NO. 14 EXECUTIVE MIHIIEt CALLS EBiy 3 WEEKS KI TO-DAV Polls will be Open From Noon Till Eblit O'clock. - Ruled, Poleholdcrs, and Probable Candidates JOSIAII IliCHOLSOII At a roseting of the Democratic Executive Committee for the town ' of Elizabeth City held on the 1st day of April 1913. It wa ordered - that a democraHie primary for the nomination of town, office" . -for the ensuing two yearn be held ' -on 1 . , . Friday, April 2th,tM dnring.the'honrs and at the plae e hereinafter named, upon "the ' conditionB andunder the rules hereinafter named. The-otinc Dlacea. to-eether with the names large . concourse of the poll-holders in the various friends an(j relatives Belvidere, N C., Ajril 1st Depurted from this life shortly after midnight March 30th at his home in llelvidere, Mr, Josi ah Nicholson at 1 he age of 82 years. ' , . ... .. . , . The funeral service was held at elilvidere Academy. Tuesday, April 1st at three o'clock. A' sorrowing assembled CAPTAIN GUARD BURIED YESTERDAY v " precincts are as follows! ; jto pay the last rites of respect 7 : First Ward, uodrrev s rirw and affection to the dead a W V f T A M- 1 an . ... n. I xne service was begun with a - J J. B. Fereticc. Bolo Agw tn xmn" hv Mr VT. D. aUwer Charles Henrv White. Mrs. Rob- A Second WarV Commander s ert J. White gave a short Juit. feel Store. ' CnmanHer 5nR tribute to the deceased, dwel- . ' E. if. fffrren on jjie great Iohh to the com Qro. .Ftterermn munity of one to whom all about Third Ward. A 'ones "" him lookwl for. the fatherly aid . y, a, w A ?. JT. CmnmtttHirr o Fourth Ward ' Onnn's J. P. Flore' nm.- . 11b . n-ni OTe. -fryvm i 1? oVlofV At.. in'l R n'"W1i T. . M.. ...1.. ..ninumlnil tllO nMDIlt 'inn riiwx."- . . .. dntrTlPO Too OT and sympathy .which was alwavs so-lovingly given.,.' Miss Julia ATiite then read a short but Mo- Client sketch of his life. Mr Walter White read his favorite Psalm. 'The Lord is myi fihep' herd." Pro ver was offerWI bvk Mrs .v U T White. Mr. ' James Thomas Ohannell made an aniirooriate address. ,Mr. Rufns W!ite. one of fhe oldest and nuipt tominent memliers of Piner- Wtoii meefsr mvp in iii" lwiHuiinv .a.ni;.iii"K beantv and worth' of the charact er of th rtocpjiRPrt A quartette, "Yes I Shall See Him Face to Face," was sung. and while the 'casket was being removed, the congregation-' san ''Jesus iLover ,t My Soul.'' The interment was made in the new cemetery not far from Helvi k ni'b vaniti' opttA'; irlar, 19 rtVlrtPV'M. - the h'"oet. h"- rnKi tor i . jgj, xicholson was born at "eVoK V wp T7 Belvidere April 13th 1831., and onfr thu '""flw1- j so lacked just two, weeks of being pnch cnTdiint, siinn j mi' g2 years old. Certainly beyond inse. "of conducting the second tn(, thrPe poore yearH and ten't nut -primarv. v . - jnot beyond the-rears of useful 3.' None but bonaflde Demo- jnew, fflnfl flrtiritv'in everv sphere crats elegible to rote In the reor-1 nia i,fe mnv be fittingly char ular muuicinni election nnan w acterized br the word of the apos allowed to vote m either or Tno fle f Paul , pnieent in business. DemMTnt!c pHmaries.y Poll hold fervent in Spirit serving 1 the era shall be fndses of the qu- Tord.'' It was in the ouiet ser flcation of the voters. vieej ' the careful painstaking J. M. liEWOT, Kecrciaw, thonehtfulness for others and a W.C. Clover Chairman vui ,-ntr In nil thnt nmmnt. 'This notice will doubtless be re LA ih W(kfnrfl 0f the communtv -ived with a great deal of Inter ti,nt his influence was most -tel-,t in Elizabeth Citv ns the po- ,ni? ; . liticftl situation is Deemnmg to For more than fifty years he Attract consioeraoie siiiriiimu. ..ijWas an elder ia Piuey Woods to this time, however, the indica tions are that tne primarv wmi Tm rather quietfor Elizabeth Tt inortiw1 that Tr. T Fear 1n0,will not offer 'himself for re election. 1 .... ' In all probability there will be warm race and a second prima rv for the office of chief of iwlice. Chief Thomas A. C. Be". nd ofDcpr Reymonr are, the leading candidates . If is for the office of City Tax Collector that the candidates are ' announcing themselves in numb , r too numerous to mention. Col lector Berry and J. G. Fearing swere the first in the field; - but eack day now seems to see a new candidate for this place. VrTk nT Brockett is announcing nelf a candidate for re-election as city clerk and lieutenant Kpence Is again asking to be e- .lected citv treasurer v . The City Health Officer is to "be elated by the people this year ( "J Continued 08 Page Bight) monthly meeting. In later years the burden of the executive work of yearly meeting has fallen up on younger shoulders but the ad vice of Josiah Nicholson has been not infrequently sought, and what he had said has carried weight. ' Belvider Academy; found in him a staunch supporter -and the new. building owes much to him in the way of planning and over sight in its erection. , , Besides the home interest in ed ucation, he was for about twenty years, senior member of the Board of Trustees of Guildford College; Isiah Nicholson while a stml. eht of Friends Boarding-school at l'nvldence It. I., met Ellen Bartlett who afterwards became his wife. By this wife there were four children, three of whom survive him. They are: T. II . Nicholson, of Greensboro, N.'C; Mrs. Walter White of High Point and Mrs. Archie Riddick of Bel videre. . , . Several years after the death of his first wife be, married Mrs.J Captain Thomas M. Guard died Tuesday afternoon at half past six at his home on the corner of Pearl and Water streets. . He was seventy yenrs old and .wpII known ' throughout this city 'and section. , , . Funeral services were conduct ed from City Road Methodist Chureh yesterday morning at 10 o?clock and interment followed in Hollywood Cemetery. The Odd Fellows and Pythtans attended the funeral carrying out the pe culiar funernl rites of their 're spective orders. Captain . Guard is survived. If e son nd two daughters. The The son is Captain Albert Guard of Smithfield aiid the danpiiter re Mrs. Earnest Burton -and Mrs Levy Mnsnn of Norfolk1. Captain Guard cr.me to Eb'zn- Nth City from Mann's Harlmr. Dare connty, about thirty years nrrc. He wns fnntain of a snil 'n 7 vessel at that t'me.'and beort ' in the 1'fe sav'njr serr?f f'nr slmot s loii. At t'w tii" of bin flench bo r'as CHotnin of th.tr. . s. "Cafni;a; C"Tfn!n r"nfd wb beM J flirrhpqf 1rnnr ' f rHtHtn throiihoi't tb' section. ' Ha n'n win of Hnlv 1,a'' a"d ! 1oti rniTch hroVpn u" bv the 1ovj of his wif nn'b' .Tfnnrfson. T.' T,. Olovpr. Tloth ' thw d'ed n-lhjn twelve ninntlis of one another. PRETTY WEDDING? . AT WEEKSVILLE Weeksville, N. C, March 31 The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Eves near Weeksville was the scene of a quiet but beautiful wed ding last Thursday. wheu'Miss Grucie Bell Eves became the bride BfPOfif SIIOl'JS IIOOKMfJ IIIFECflllll LOW III PASQUOTill But Probabilities are Many Having theDisease Did Not Avail Themselves of Treatment Mr. Walter F Berry, Rev. Pasquotank county's hookworm. PLAY. . AT FORP TO NTOHT Hertford, N. C, April 2nd-J;n- der the auspicies of the local Ep- worth Jjeagnei and the direction of Mrs, Tom . Cox. a play-: is to be given at the graded school au ditorium on Friday night, April 4th, at eight thirty p. m. This play. is for the benefit of the Meth odist parsonage fund, and the members of the church bespeak the hearty support of the people of the town in their effort to raise money for the object . Some of the best local talent of the town will take part in this play; which will be presented by a" cast of several characters . A mong, those in the cast are Mr. 8. McNider, who .will take the part of Dr. Kats; Miss Ade laide WTiite, who will play as Miss Bettie Briggs, an old maid aunt from the country; .Misses Mary McMullan and Jennie Blanchard, who will take the part of the two sisters, Katharine and Elizabeth Steete ; Carl Winslow, who will plav as a Mr. Clayton, engaged to Catharine; while the part of Elizabeths lover will be plaved bv Mr. Robert Blanchard as George Ryal. The play, "A White Rhawr . is said to be a good one; and the occasion prom ises to be a most enjoyable one. 'An admission fee of twenty-five cents will be charged those at tending the performance and re served seats will be sold at thirty- five cents. r It. Ilaight of "Belhaven per- forming the ceremony. - The wedding took place Ju the tlufection is low. softly lighted ; parlors of the I This is evident from the report home, Mrs. C. C. Meads playing 0f Dr. Jacocks on the work done the wedding inarch; and the wait- by him in Pasquotank 'connty dnr- ers 'being! aliss Annie iiae iwes ine the five weeks that the dis- with Mr. ,Martia Kcott and Miss pensary was open here. This re- Sadie Lowry with Tonri'arson. : I)0rt will be found below in full. The presents; whiclfln number I Fi-om fhe report it appears that nd Iwanty attested the iopuiar-jftipre vcre over two thousand ex itv of the bride and A the good ! aminationg made for hookworm taste of her friends, .were receivi disease in Pascm'otank county of ed in, the hall by Miss - Sarah Itrhich only 138 were found in Eves. There wen- two large ta- IfiH twI. P-o it' is safe to sav that bles covered w ith silverware and in Pasquotank county the per pictures, while there tfere other rentage of infection is unusually presents besides. ' .' ' low. ' "' After, the ceremonVHfie iruests it vonbl not bp safe to iumn wer invited to a wedd'Hsr supnei Jto the eonclnsion. however, that fn the dining room. Dainty dec- the figures of the report furnish orations of while and green gavr I absolute basis for computing the tnbb and th dminT room charm lprrentage of infection in the for the occasion. . AbouX,pne hun- J county. For two thousand is a rod and luty guests were pres- Hmall proportion of the in habi- ent. ; " k tants of the connty ; and one fact - Amoncr those her frort) iElirn- Mi,e ftarrireg of the report do noM i xt. iti.-if- u.a r: . ci Ti'll. I i. .i it l linms. Mr. and Mrs. Fdwfn Fre JaKt week of the d'spensary more bee. Mr. end ,Mr. W. JI. h ea- Ibookworms were found .than ul tn. fr. r.W M'ifk-firijd; Mr; the whole four weeks preceding, (Wden Blades Tt-wasSa Inte This shows that it was those in- hour before thfstivltiei were fected with the. disease who wero conoluded and the guests returned slowest to seek examination, and to their homes. . ' Heaves littlo doubt that. fhe hook ' Miss Eves is the Jovelf idanh-U-orm still exists-in the county. ter of Mr. Pearpe Eves.' of. this I - The treatment of the 138 who nlace and MfV Berry is a promi- (were .'found -infected s will " be Wnt young farmer of .the section , greatly to the county's advantasre. The'r manv friends extend con-1 however, as the benefits which Wntulations to the .voifn'iconnlel these .-will derive from the treat nnd'i(h them a, long and prosper meTitawilLftpen.,-the- eyes of any tns life. HERTFORD BRIEFS Iwho through prejudice did not tivail themselves of the privilege of free treatment while the dis- ipv,""r," nun iivt. - Dr. Jacock's report, prepared I for this paper is as follows Hertford. 'N. C. -Anril. 2nd Rev. A. A Butler 'conducted a missionary rally at Bandy Cross Total No. of examinations 2,020 in Gates county this week. iTotal No. of Infections 138 Total No. of treatments k 387 Mr. Herbert Pee.le of Elistabeth I'lon basis of jeach tterson getting Citv conducted praver service at three treatments a few failed to the First Baptist Church Sunday return for additional medicine) , night. r ' Total No. of children examin ' " -'.''; '. '-, ,' ed (6 to 18 years) ...... fli2 Linemen from Elizsibeth City Total No. of children in feet- are laving? a cable across the Per- led (6 to 18 years) . . . . . 102 quimans river, the old one haying I Infection percentage .. ..l0.7--- W A N T E D "... WANTED TO RENT A Good sized dwelling in good location. Apply to, - R. E. QUINN. nattie Hare, who lived ' - only a few years. His last wife, Mrs. Elizabeth A. White, survives him K Timotny .Mcnoison, or men- mond, Indiana is the only one of a large family of brothers to sur vive him. With the end coming so sud denly as It did we' can but rejoice that like a stock of corn fully ripe he was ready for the harv esting and has already received the benediction "Well done- good and faithful servant. " i parted early this week. The Williford tholel's growing patronage is making more room imperative if the , customers are all to be accommodated. Mr. Williford is planning an addi tion to his hotel In the near fn The work was divided as fol- I lows t ' . ' J :.' i .. , Wreeksville 362 examinations, 13 infections. Pasquotank 143 examinations 13 infections. D. S. Davis' Store 73 examin- f-il'.- :" v4 v. r ' i . r '. ; " Who has ha minstrels is. the traction at thc-Alkrama on Fri day, April ll(i., Tht! classiest minstrel show ever seen in Elisn- bcth Cit). ) .., .. T MRS. RIM.KVDES ' ! ENTERTAINS FRIENDS ture and the whole building is to 2S laminations, 18 infections (3 days Dr. Warren's office 283 examin ations. 22 infections - Elizabeth City, 1015 examina tions. S3 infections. ' Rnral homes inspected for san itary value 353 Those having privies 182 Those having no privies 171 be given waterworks and sewen connection. , , .' . Three negroes were up before Mavor Winslow Wednesday.' for Blind Tigering, one of whom was acqnitted 1 and the other two bound over to court. HOUSE BURNED; " '. v HOGS BURNED TOO A house on Pryor street,, own ed by T..J; Markham occupied by a colored person; was burned Tuesday afternoon. The build ing was a mass of flames before the. fire war discovered. A color ed person who was near by when the fire was discovered rushed in to the house and rescued some small children,, who were in great danger. The fire spread to-a reed patch in 'the rear of the house and burn ed up a pen containing several hogs. Very little of. the house-hold effects were saved. One family living up stairs lost everything. Mr. Jiartham had some insur ance on the, building. W A X T E D! A COMPETENT Lady Book keei- er-rState experiepce and Sal ary desired. Apply to, I X. V. Z. C. of Adrurnr FOR SALE ONE LOT of half and half cot- rs. G. (!. Rhoades entertain-' il Monday afternoon, in honor ot Miss Mildred Alexander of Nor' folk who is visiting Mrs. Win field Worth.. The guests were entertained with Auction Bridge. After an n teresting ' game refresh men ts were Berved. Those enjoying the evening were: Mrs. S. S. Lamb. Mrs. M. R Griffin. Mrs. Wilson Hoi lowell, Mrs. Harry Johnson, 'Mrs. C P. Brown. Mrs. W. P. Duff. Mrs. J. P. Greenleaf, Mrs. Sam Worthington. Mrs. W. A, Worth Misses Evelyn Aydlett, Maude Griee, Minnie Leary. Alice Out law. Mrs. R. B. Iimb, Mrs Carl Blades. Miss Margaret Hol lowell, Mrs. Wiley Baxter. Miss Annie Wood, of Edentoo; Miss Mildred Alexander. Miss Eloise . Robinson. The rooms were beau tifully decorated with wisteria. 'je Girls Section of the Mc-- Neif Literary Society of the HIeh School met Friday afternoon, its bi-monthly meeting. They pre sented a play the "Smugglew Family' which was much enjoy ed by all present. SALE EXTENDED Attention is called to the fact that Lavenstein has extended his ton seed. Yields ! pound of big opening sale for three days, . lint to 2 of cotton seed - Apply to. J. A. CHALK Hert ford. N . C. A8-1 115-1 8 Rev. J. H. Buffalo, pastor of City Road Methodist Church, will preach a sepcial sermon to the Junior Order on 8unday night, April 13th, 1913. . . the sale now closing April 0th in stead of the Cth as announced the first of the week. , The sue-. 'cess of the sale and the desire on the part of the management to give more country people oppor t unity; to take advantage of the -exceptional bargains being offer ed at Lavenstein's is the cause as ' signed for the extension. Adr.i V

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