J VA' s - A r V : J t "r f .' ,1.4,.- 1 NEWS WITHOUT , BIAS. VIEWS ; WITHOUT PREJUDICE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CURRITUCK V- COUNTY - ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, APRUS H, 19? 3 f ' ' " ' i ' NO. 15 ;. . it : 7 . .K: ' - DIG EDUGATIOriAL CONFERENCE IJfEIS III RIGDI IIEXT WEEK 'Questions of Vital Import Studied Farmers, school' workers and "business men are to get. toother j in a big conference at Richmond j next week, which is to assemble on Wednesday and continue in .session throughout the week. ' On Wednesday the lfith sepa rate meetings will be held for the farmers, for the school workers, and for the bns'nesg men, resrec--tivelyj; bnt after Wednesday those attending the conference will meet in a body. The farmers' conference will Te held in the htoh school nudi "tbnnm, the mornlnsr session be ginning! at ten o'clock and th afternoon session, beginning at "half past two. i3 Co-onerat?on will be the kev note of the discussion in the fann -era' conference nnd there will be told exactly what farmers have -achieved by co-ooeratinj; in othw sections. "D'scnssion will.,,, show, also, how .' farmers in other sec. "tions have effected a comnact or- an Nation In various parts of the Union. Clarence Poe, of Raleigh "N. C. is the general secretary of 1hia conference. , . . , The business men's conference will be held in the auditorium of the Jefferson hotel. General Ju lian S. Carr of Durham N. C. is the chairman of this confer ence. .-.The discussions of this meeting will center around these "two tonics: "Facts about the Farm F'tnati on' in - tnjTOmfh " nd "What can be donetomak" Farm Life more Attractive. ' xnese onestions will ne niscnssea "by experts and much new light , will doubtless be thrown on , them. There will be various meetings -of educational leaders; but these are too numerous to mention in -detail. Countr' Superintendents '. .and teachers, however, of what ever rank, will be able to hear ' and take part in discussions of . special interest to them. There will be also on Wednesday a spec lal conference of nreachers. . Amonsf the subjects to be dis--cnsi"d in the general conference -on Thursday and Friday are Co iwrative Local Credit Associa finns, it be'ng the object of the discussion to determine the best ; metrnd of co-operative credit, for ' . f?onthern farmers. , , Also there will be ' held ' on Thursday a serial cdnference on the country church, in which the rosin topic for discussion Is. '"How can the Country Church work for Better Farm Condi- -Hons?"- . V;'-. . The speakers on the various topics are among the strongest in 1 fbe South and nation. Among them are governors, college presi . fents, and men standing in the forefront of America in their va ;::tIoub professfons. ' " ' This conference should be one ' v f far reaching result throughout the, South; and it will no doubt e worth while of any live, wide awake business or professional man to attend. A CORRECTION In the editorial, "Making good'' last week, the lint on hand at the nd of the oil mill's seven weeks' rvsould have been valued at ftV in8tead of 116,000. The etn7 was typographical, the fig ures havingbeen correctly given in the printer'a "copy". , to Rural People ANOTHER SUKIPE? Mrs. John Sawyer of this city received a letter on Tuesday from Fairfield, Hyde county stating that her husband, Captain Saw ver, had been drowned near that place. ( Captain .Sawyer ; has been in bad health for more than a year. Last week he went to work on the schooner William H. Kenney as mate under Captain W. C. narrison . v - Ceptain narrison left Sawyer lying in his berth and went a shore. When he .returned Saw- was missing and upon search could nowhere be' found. As Captain Sawyer had often threat ened to end his life, it is suppos ed that he committed suicide by jumping ot'erboard. nia body had not been discovered when the letter informing Mrs. Sawyer of the tragedy was written. .Captain .Sawyer- was t sixty years old. He had a wife and a number of children in Elizabeth City. . NOTE : Later rumors from Dare are denying the foregoing story. , HAS ACCEPTED GALL Rey,,-Ci A Ash by of .rwt.- Virginia, has accented .the caif by the vestrv'of Christ Church, and will be here, to begin "work about the first of June.. He is said to be a man of splendid abil ity, sterling . character, and of a most attractive personality with al. The members of the church are congratulating themselves np- on securing his services. Mr. if. O, Jacocks nnd Jr. J H. White went, to Amherst some weeks ago to hear Mr. Ashby, at his present charge. They, were struck not only with his ability as a preacher and his popularity with his congregation, but also by his magnetic personality which has made itself , felt at Amherst both in his own church and throughout the city. Heron- enterine the ministry, the Rev. Mr. Ashby waa a law ver and had a good practice at Newport News. Men formerly associatedwith him there in4 a professional way speak most high Iy of Mm.,,,.!,, The ,new rector of ' Christ (Church is said to be not over for ty years of age. He has a. fato? ily. ,-. ., .'- : WILL PREACH TO -: - JUNIOR ORDER Rev J J. Hi Buffalo, pastor; of City Road Methodist Uburcn, win preach a special sermon to the Junior Order on next Sunday afternoon, April t3th at 3 iOO o' clock P..M. v; FRESH COAT OF. PAINT - : i '" I - - '. :'. has greatly added to the attrac tiveness of the meat market and fruit stand of Mr. n. J. Grego ry at 210 Poindexter street. ' Ev erything about the shop now has a spic and span appearance re freshing to see, as is always the case when J.. A. Chick, has 'put the finishing touches to a job. Ton are Invited to call at this stand for your fruits and meats. Advertisement) GOT CAUGHT IN STORM Manteo, X. C, April 8th On Tuesday March 25th... while out 'ith h.8 little afflicted son, look ng after the lights which he has in charge, Mr. Will Lennon of okyco was caught in a gale that a me near being the end of both af them . The wind, which had been blow ng a stiff gale when the two set rnit, at last came on so hard thU they decided to give up the work nd make their way home. Vhen in sight of the landing the boat was flooded and the two tuccceded in reaching the shore nly by the most heroic efforts. On shore they spent the stormy Wght without fire, food or shel ter, nungry .and cold thev -atched the gHlo nnd put tip ma ny signals of distress but so highM vas tae storm that nobodv saw heir signals. . Mr. Lennon has had a partin stroke of paralysia ever since the adventure ; but is now improving MANTEO BRIEFS Mr, I). P. Orav of Buxton N. C was here this week visit ngi his daughter, Mrs. W. W. Midsrett. Mr. Willis Midgett of Croatao .yas here Tuesday on business Mr. L. I). Tarkeenton Teturn d last Fridaji nighr fi-onj Balti more. - Mr. Joe Tom Daniels of Wai hese, caught a large sturgeon and a large porpoise last Monday av eraging about 150 lbs each. ., Rev. J. T. Draper, the past or of the Methodist .EpiM-onal "hurch vis ver.' much , pleased at the rate the members are raising money on the church debt. Capt. Jv R. Williams, dept.; Fish - Commissioner, is here this Mr. Ellis Midgett who for the past five years has been grocery clerkvfor the TJ S. Meekins Co., severed his relation with this Lcompany; in order to , become the head.. clerk , for S. A. Griffln Company's, store the first of A p'ril. - ' - ''" '' . Mr. L. D. Uassel has been confined to his room for several days with carbuncles. ;' x Mrs. Will Lennon of Skyca has been sick for some time, confined to bed. " ; y Commander llrj'den, of . the vacht Tarrago, U.S.N, landed here last Friday night, and found about 25 gas boats under con demnation not being lawfully e quipped. He took the owners by surprise and they were right sick as well as surprised, : Miss Edner Chapnon of Virgin ia, the milliner for Mrs, . Ben Pnniif awivaA loirf' wV nnH tin a opened a beautiful line of millin ery. : : Dare county court is just one month off." The' clerk 4Bayg that the docket Is a full one. ? Mrs. B. B. Etheridge received a message Monday that her moth er, Mrs. uaiste, nad tne misior- tune to "fall 'and wound herself very badly. . Mrs. Etheridge left Wednesday morning for Norfolk for the bedside of her mother. Mrs. O. J. Jones baa opened np a Deaaurm line oi muiiuerj with Mis9 Edna Stone for her milliner. Miss Stone is From Matthews, Virginia. ... I FOB SALE One 25 H. T. Engine and Boil er, One Grist and Saw Mill com plete. One planning machine, one 60 saw Brown Cotton Gin, with condenser and - self-feeder, One Boss. Steam Power Cotton. Press, One 15 H. P. Engine and Boiler and One zo u. P. Boiler. Will sell cheap, tiny or all . -I' , Apply to - " -"... J.: n:.SAWTER, All 15 18 npd. 5 PLAY WAS BIG SUCCESS Hertford, N. C. April 8th The playrloving people of. Hert ford were highly pleased on last Friday night by the. skillful pit' mentation of the "White Shawl'. a farce play.' The cast was the local talent of the " Epworth league, directed by Mrs. Dr. Cox. r The, spirited acting" prov ed that the plrty was well in hand and expressed credit to the one or ones rendering . it I ' , The nucleus of the play center ed' about J. 8. McXider, as Dr. Katts and . Miss Adelaide White as Aunt Betsy, who at every turn were. met nv the piavful tricks of Arthur Clayton ' ahd George Ryall. Just lefore the curtains were drawn. Dr. Fields nnd M;ss Ma ry McMullan, appeared with sev eral well selected character songs which exactly suited the. taste of the large audience present and" prepared Jthcm for' what was com ing. - The proceeR were to go to ward furnishing the Methodist Parsonage. " Edenton is to have the pleasure of seeing this play Tusday night April loth; HERTFORD IL1PPEN1NG8 Hertford N. C. April lOth' Miss Fnshia Marsh banks - left Monday 'night for her home at Mara Hill N. C . She -was call ed home; suddenly on account of the' illness of her sister. She is missed a great, deal by her pupils and it will be a bard task to find someone to fill her place. ' , Charles "Campen received a se ious hurt while playing baseball on the school green this week . A smaller boy ran against him and his shoulder was either broken or dislocated-r:- i i:; $ nM:. Mif Webster has gotten a mo-' tprcycle. 4 . : V - ' ': Mr. w:. r .. U. iiwaras lett Tuesday morning to visit his par ents and sister in Gates county.' Mrs. Budlong and daughter, Lelia May, who have been spend ing the winter with Mrs. Bud- ong's sister, Mrs. George Major, eft Wednesday for their home in Belfast New Jersey. 1 Mrs. Delos Crary of Ellzabetn City, who has been visiting Mrs. Carrol Blanchard has returned to her home. . SCHOOLS CLOSE Bayside,, Epworth and Fork Schools closed last week ery successful sessions Miss Mamie. Nixon was er at .pwortn, ansa jjiuam Pritchard at Fork and Misses Nina Widgieon and Iona Jones at Bayside There were closing -exercises at Epworth and Fork. " y : I t All these schools now have ong terms and good teachers; It; will be remembered that" Fork district has but recently voted special tax. , -. , ... " GLENN HUDSON-DEAD : Mr.! Glen Hudson,-a prominent young attorney' Of Greensboro, died at his tome Wednesday oi Tuberculosis . ' : ? , ' , i . This news reached here jester day." It will be remembered that Mr. Hudson married miss ran- ine ; Sheep of this city about ighteen months 4igo. ' ' ' He had been sicfc for some time but a correct diagnosis of the dis ease was not made in time to save his life. ! !. ' v He is survived by W wife and baby a few months old.. Mrs. Joseph Pike, and little son; Joseph IMke Jr are visiting Mrs.' Fike'g parents la Camdeajbouts; county near t-iiion. WW 16 r,liirj DONE " IH DARE COUNTY WOODS Robbed And ' Left With in Jail Anotner accused murderer, a yountf white man, is lodged in Pasquotank county jail awaiting appieliensiou by Dure -county of- UcialN. ; . His name is Franklin Stahl and he was arrested here Tues day night by Deputy Sheriff Rap erAnd Captain P., J. Thomas. The rase against young Stahl is not altogether clear; but there is sufilcicnt. evidence for his detention.- - ; 'About a, week ago another white man, named John Kartell wlio was an employee of the Dare Lumber Company at East Lake and working in the compa ny's woods there, strangely dissap eared and for several days no trace was found of him. But on Tuesday his body was discovered in the woods with the vkull crushed in. He had about epared and two were found on the body. Sever Movof. al coins were scattered around near " the" body and - this led to the discovery; The murdered man occupied a shanty, with Stahl and another white man. -Stahl was suspected at once and It was planned to ar rest him there; but he concealed himself on a lumber barge and came to. Elizabeth City. Officers notified Mr, Brown of the Dare Lumber Company and Mr. Brown notified Deputy Sheriff Raper. Stahl was arrested as soon as ot - here " und, immediately lodged in jail where he has Letu ever since. Stahl denies any knowledge of the murder. " He, says that his home is in Baltimore and that he is of good parentage, and about twenty-one years old. . Hartell also came' from Balti more. ' BARS MUSICAL AUTO HORNS French Judge Says Law Requir es Single Note Grave, Even ; Sinister. , ' Paris, April,8th The musical automobile horns which threa ten- led to fill the main streets of Par arteri, . ... ... li.. Iis who saaicuet vi n;puiur or classical airs instad of the usual 1 , 1 1 1 f 1 A - .. douk, nonn na e coum w quick - finish in France A . test case; was . brought . . a gainst .two motorists of Douai, wtn-nlivened the night trumpet ing the leitmotiv, of "Die Walk-ors,,lS.-'and it has been, decided that' these instruments are illeg-, al here. The decision , brought out a judicial definition of the word ""horn" which had titherto been rather widely interpreted. "The latter"; ' said the judge, "must be for the purpose of sounding in alarm and be used to" warn the public, not "to amuse it. ' It must give forth, a single note which should be grave, even sinister in order to call attention to the impending danger. - - 'The new fanfare horns," added the Judge, "lack seriousness, and are therefore outside the meaning of the act.' :. STRAYED OR STOLEN On Sunday night, April the 6th a Jersey Cow, light in color, me dium size, small horns. When last seen had short rope on horns. Suitable reward for information as , to her wherea- B. E. LEWIS TO DEATH Head Crushed. Suspect Here ik .; T. P. NASH FOR MAYOR Mr. T. P.; Nash, for the last two yesirs chairman of the board of aldermen . has definitely an' nounced himself this week candi date for the office o Mayor of Elizabeth City. Mr. Nash has had this matter under advisement for soie time; but has not been willing to com mit himself, presumably awaiting- Mayor Flora's decision as to whether he would stand for, re-1 election. ,; i Mr. Nash has- been a resident of Elizabeth City for thirty years coming here from Camden county. He has been a successful business man and farmer, having been in in the mercantile business Inra if a ninrantvii. I. . ' " "'f tlon. ', Mr. Nash has also a creditable political record, ne has been e lected to the board of aldermen a half dozen times and in the ab sence of Mayor Flora has acted as mayor, showing himself a good presiding officer. He will no donbt receive strong support in his; candidacy. . :! , 3 i V DR. AYDLETT s WANTS CHILDREN Says That Under Contract With Wifs Chtl--i'-n t -'! Al lowed to Visit liiui uuj Afcw-e-. ment is not Being Kept.. Dr. T. Aydlett of this city has begun habeas corpus proceed ings in the Corporation Court at Norfolk agiainst his wife, from whom, by mutual consent, he sep arated a little over a year ago. ' These proceedings were Institu ted. Tuesday .and Judge Allen B. nankel issued an order requiring Mrs. Aydlett, who is now resid-' ing in Norfolk, to produce the" children in conrt on Saturday April 12nVat 11:30 A. M. Agelasto arid Miller of Norfolk are attorneys for Dr. Aydlett and . also Roscoe W. Turner of , this city, ' ' - - ' '7 Dr. Aydlett alleges in his peti tion that not only has Mrs. Ay dlett failed to keep her agreement in permitting the children to vhv it him;' but that she is using her influence to estrange them from him. He will contend in court, therefore, for the custody of the boy and girl. . Dr. and Mrs. Aydlett had been married for fourteen years when they separated. , - ( ".., PATRONS' DAY ' Superintendent Sheep has. issu ed invitations to the patrons of the graded school to attend , the exercises of the school on - next Tuesday and Wednesday in or der to see for themselves the work being done in the class rooms and to give them -an op portunity to inspect special ex hibits of the pupils' work. Professor Sheep urges that ev ery patron who possibly can take the time, visit - the school on these days and see exactly what their children. are doing and how. they are standing in their clas ses, lie is sure tnat a oetter un derstanding between parent and pupil will be promoted by such visits to the school on the part of the patrons.

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