.NEWS WITHOUT V DIAS. VIEWS WITHOUT PREJUDICE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CURRITUCK COUNTY 7 X VOL III ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, APRIL, 18, 1913 ( NO 16 V 4 ? A ' ALBfOARLE AGRICULTURAL F Fair Association and Drivng Club Organized Wed jifsday Night, Driving Club will Hold Matinees Twice a Month' and Have Celebration Fourth'of July.! A Gentlemea'a Driving Club .as -been organized bre this week with Charles Reid as president apd with W. R. Sawyer as sec retary and Treasurer. 'Albemarle Driving Tark has been leased by the club for one year with the privilege of renewal .'for fosr years more.-'' , , . ' i Th club will nave iunw--- twice each month and will cele brate July Fourth witu special "eatures. " i mi.!. ..mn:.itiAn will n lso un- 'Atfertake to conduct the Elizabeth II 1M II L'IIII1.ULJV11 " " City Agricultural and Jj'isii asbu v 'ation Fair each fall, and prom Ises a fair second to none in the state, excepting! the state fair at iRaleigh. The premium list will he ready1 for the printer by May 1st and is to be distributed by. . Mar 15th., The people are urg ed this time to begin making .preparations for the fair prompt xfr .T. Ttiisch is in charge of fminiilS stables at the Park "here he has several horses al feadvin training for summer and fall Mwn; Mr. Rusch has just 4 returned from -Norfolk where he . purchased two fine trotters oe - sides one for Sheriff Reid. ? Farther details will. 'be an . liounced later, 4be clubboldin a meetingto perfect its plans on fiext Monday night. v -; BELVIDERE NEWS . Ex-judge George W. Ward and -wife, of Elizabeth City visited his brother Mr. John Ward a few davs last week. Mrs. Emma II. White and daughters, Misses Emma and Cla ra and Messrs Henry Perry and Herbert Rea spent Saturday in Elizabeth City. ' " Misses Mary. Griffin and Mar tha Elliott of Center Hill called on Mrs. Josiah Nicholson Thurs day afternoon. Mr. W. R. nayes of Gatesville spent Sunday in Belvidere. HEARING DEFERRED The hearing in the habeas cor pus proceedings begun by Dr. H. T. Aydlett of this city in the cor poration court at Norfolk for the custody1 of his children has been -deferred until Friday, May 2nd, 1913. Judge Hankel issued an order on Tuesday, April 4th requiring Mrs. Aydlett to produce the children ia court on the following Saturday. At the request of Mrs Aydlett's attorneys the matter was deferred until last Tuesday, and ' on (that day, again at the requesf of Mrs. Aydlett's attor neys, it was postponed until Fri day, May? 2nd. Mrs. Aydlett's counsel and her physician say that she is not well -enough to appear in court. - GREEN PEA SHIP MENTS BEGUN , The first shipment of Green Peas from Elizabeth City - was nrtijte by Jennette Brothers on the of this month and the sec- shipment on .Tuesday - the th by R. C. Abbott. The pea sleets are now going out into the country in large numbers and an active market is expected within the next few days.- - Mr. W. K. Leary of Old Trap --was in the city yesterday en bus A DO REGARDED AS ASSURED WILL GIVE PLAY AT 1, SOUTH MILLS . At -South' Mills on Friday night April 18th the popular play en titled "Our Awful Aunt will rendered bv local talent from Camden Court house. Good music and recitations, will be given. Ice cream will be'for sale at popular prices. Admission, 10 and 13 cents. The proceeds ,'will go for the library of Naslies Sunday scliool. All'are cordially, invited to at tends .;; WILL FRESENT PLAYS The Senior Pkilathca class of Sawyer's Creek Baptist -Church will give the plays "Murder Will Out' and "Timothy Delano's Courtship' at Belcrons Academy Saturday? night, April 19th at 8 o'clock. - , ; Everyone is given . a cordial hi vitation to ,eoroe and enjoy the hour ,and a half of fun"? ''" v 1 An admission fee'of ten and fif teen cents will be; charged . , Ice cream will be.! served, after the play. . V : -v - A NEW AD Attention is called to the card of , J. L. Walker, commission merchant, of Norfolk, -Va., in this issue. Subscribers of the An vanck are asked to mention this paper when wfitirig to the firm,. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE EASTERN DIS TRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA Whereas a libel has been filed in the District Court of the Unit ed States for the Eastern District of North Carolina, an the 11th day of April 1913 by Elizabeth City Iron Works & Supply Co., against the gasboat without name her tackle, apparel, r; furniture, etc. in a cause of action, civil and maritime and praying that pro cess may issue against tne saia gasboat without name; her tackle nnnnrel. furniture, etc.. and that r f w y ' w same may be condemned and sold to pay said libeilant tne amount of claim with costs, charges and expenses: . Now, therefore, in pursuance or f hp monition under the seal of Aid ronrt to me directed and de livered, I do hereby giVfe public notice to aljt persons claiming tne said gasboat or in any manner interested therein, that they ap pear before said District Court to be held at the Court House in the town of Elizabeth City, and for the Eastern District oi JNortn Carolina on the 30th day of April 1913 at 12 o'clock M,'of that day, provided the same shall be a day of jurisdiction, otherwise on the next? day 'of jurisdiction thereafter then and there to in terpose their claims "and make their allegations in that behalf.. ' Dated at Elizabeth, North Car olina this 17th day of April 1913. Claudius dockery; V. 8. ManhaR, Eastern DUtrict of Worth Carolina. - :". J: W. WILCOX, Deputy. GEO. J. SPENCE, Proctor for Libeilant. . A18 23. . - " - POLITICAL POT SIMMERING SOME A Long Liat of Candidates in : Field and The Aldertnanlc Contest Getting Hot. Present prospects indicate that Elizabeth City's municipal elec tion is not to be the' quiet affair prophesied in the beginning of the campaign. ' The number of Candidates have increased at an alarming rate, re cently and indications are that in many) instances a second pri mary will be necessary. It was believed that Mr. Nash would be elected mayor without opposition; but yesterday' cards appeared announcing the candi dacy of -Mr. Maurice Wescott. Interviewed by an Ad.vanck re porter, Mr. Wescott stated that he had come out at the earnest solicitation of friends and that he would lunko the run solely on his record us a citizen and as a manr He. has been in the tail oring business in Elizabeth City for. thirtjj-five . years, w-. ,. The aldermnnic , coutest . is at present engrossing general atten tion and candida,teij''-)are. multi plying without-nnHifberv.f' In th first ward Harry Gi-cenk'af,1 Will Harrison, J . W . Bal la acof . Joh n Martin and-Mathias.. Owens aiv candidates, and there, is talk of getting Roscoe Foreman into the race also. In the second ward Louis Anderson, N., J . Grandy, and 8. H. Reid have,., declared themselves in the race? and there is some talk of getting k Wi-Ste vens jlo run ; but he is non; cbm mittal. , In the cthird ward S.r W." Gregory. 'Tom Love,- and C. Ch Pappendick are named - It is the fourth ward that is over run with candidates and in which the hottest fiirht will be made W.' L. Cohoon, T. B. Ilayman, Charles Robinson, Ben Swindell, W II. Weatherly and Charles Overman have all been announc ed ; but it is possible that two may withdraw,, The race at this writing is regarded as being be tween Cohoon and Hayman on the one band and Robinson and Swindell on the other. The status Of the candidates in the race for. city, tax collector remains about as it was in the beginning'; this, being one of the first contests to get warm. It is rather losing interest "as the ald- ermamc situation grows- more tense. None of ' the candidates up to this time have withdrawn. They: are M. W. Berry, M.. M, Jones, Jas. M. Hill, J. G. Fear ing and J. K. Parker. Chief Thomas has three oppo nents ik the race for chief of po lice, O. F. Sewmore, A. C Bell, and J. C. Modlin, all of whom have been in the field for some time. , - Dr. I. Fearine's announcement that he would make ' the run for re-election as health officer has put some ginger, in this contest. In the field before him were Dr. C. B. Williams and Dr Griggs, the former one of the most popu lar young physicians in the city. Mr. J. T. Spence has the field to himself as candidate, for coun ty treasurer and it ia not believ ed that opposition to his candidacy-will now devedop. . FOR ALDERMAN . I hereby announce myself a candidate for alderman from the first ward, subject to the action of the Democratic primary April 25th.- Respectfully, L. ROSCOE FOREMAN tf pd7 R. M. Only of Nicanor was in the city yesterday. TWO WEDDIIiCS LAST WEDNESDAY Bride and Groom of Manteo Embark Upon Matrimonial Life With Household of Ten Children - ".". Manteo, N. C, April 17th Two couples were married here this week. Th0 first couple were from Winchese, a bride of forty two and a groom of forty-five. Both had been married before. After some search for some one to H?rform the ceremony they ar rived at the home of Rev. O.N. Marshall, where they were quietly married.' . The groom was the father of four children and the bride was the mother ofVix. So they be gan their v wedded life with, a household of ten. Mr.-lflysses S. Mcckins and Mist Liljie Midget to - were mar ried at tlie residence of Rev. O. N. Marshall Wednesday night. The goom is a popular and promising young man of Colling ton while the bride's home was Manteo, she being-the daughter of Mr. E . L. Jlidgette. She has- bcn teaching in Collington this year, however, and will now make her home there. CHRISTIAN JEW SPEAKS C :""'''' - .-..4v'- Manteo, . C, April 17th , Rev. L. J. Ehriich,, the Chris tian Jew'of Atlanta Georgia who has been in Elizabeth, City for a numuer oi aays.wiu speaK nere at ; the 15 ptist Church :r, Snnday mornjng ( nd aojn at night, A large crjid JTijeitM it , the sen ice and tlie, public generally is cordially urged 1 to attend . th meeting. The subject of Rev. Ehrlich's address will be: "From Judaism to Chrstianitv, READY FOR BIDS ON SCHOOL BUILDING Manteo, N. C, April 16th On last Friday night the high school board with a number of patrons met in the office of County Sup erintendent B. G. Crisp, and de cided upon a site for the new high school building. The plans, blue print and all specifications may. be seen in Mr. Crisp's office and bids from con tractors for the construction of the building will be received un til April 25th. On that date the bids will be opened and the con tract awarded to the lowest bid-" der. '- ' . . The .people of Manteo. are de lighted that they are to have a new and commodious . school building. Some truckers are putting out their sweet potatoes hoping for an early crop. REVIVAL SERVICES ,- ' A series of Prayer and conse cration services will begin "fat Pearl street Methodist Churcbr A- pril 16th at 7 :45 0 clock, P.M. which will' continue daring tne week . ' ' Services Sunday conduct ed by J. A.Tharpey pastor. The subject of the 11:00 o'clock sere vice is: "Kingship of Man." Sun day School service at 2 SO, TE. Price superintendent. ' Evening service t 8:00 o'clock, subject, "The effect of the King's influence upon hia subject." ' On April 21st isetlval serricea will begin at 8:00 o'clock P. M. conducted by the Rev. L. T. Ehriich, a Christian. Jew, wh has been spending several days in the city and has made, many friends. Services will continue through -the week conducted as Rev. Ehriich deems best. A. cordial inrtation is extend ed to all to attend these services. THREE HUNDRED BOTTLES BOOZE COriFISCATED HERE LAST. TUESDAY Liquor Got Here at Night Spotted it. Norfolk Liquor House Lost ' Booze and One Hundred Dollars in Cash . Three hundred half pint liottlesO of liquor on exhibition in the court room last Monday morning set the mouths of the bibulously inclined watering when jiolice court was opened. Since the itassaee of the search und seizure law there has been a notable falling off in the ship ments of whiskey, to the express office in Elizabeth City. Still there was whiskey to be had in town. The officers were won dering how it got here and who brought.it. The matter was cleared up Monday night, when a hack driv en by George Mitchell, a local negro hackman, broke down on the street and the half tipsy driver and a companion began hustling suitcases from the brok en down vehicle to the house of a negro named Whitaker . on Brown street. "There the suitcases were seized by the local police, and found to contain half pint bottle of whis kev. This was the whiskeyin the court room last .Tuesday morning. - A negro named Eley from Norfolk and Mitchell the lintk driver, were both tried be fore Judge Turner Tuesday morn ing and Eley was sentenced to a year on the road He show ed a disposition to appeal the ease, however, and Vheif one bun- 'dred dollars was sent down by the liquor dealer in Norfolk tinder whose employ Eley claimed to be working, it was agreed that the negro, should- be liberated, the further condition being im losed upon him that he should immediately leave the state not to return. v ; This liquor house has been send ing its booze to Camden in suit cases for some time, it appears, in . charee of the negro Eley. There some local hackmen would meet Elev and bring the whis key to Elizabeth City for distri bution to various blind tigers. Chief Thomas got on to the racket some time ago, and when the last shipment reached Cam den he waR there waiting for it. He cave chase to the suitcase la den hack and followed it to Eliz abeth City. This explains the prompt seizure of the liquor which arrived here in the dead of night and of he arrest of ne groes concerned . 4 PATRONS' DAY A DECIDED SUCCESS A laree number of patrons ac- ceoted Professor Sheeps Jnvita-1 tion and were present on Tuesday and Wednesday, of this week . to examine the exhibits of the work of the pupils and to see the reg ular work of the class rooms. The exhibits shown reflected credit upon- pupils and teachers ; and the work done in tne class moms impressed the patrons most favorably. Anr one-visitine the schools was impressed that . both pnpils and teachers-are doing excellent work. v FOB' SALE ONE LOT of half and half cot ton seed. Yields 1 ponnd of lint to 2 of cotton seed. ' Apply to. J. A. CHALK Hertford. N. C. . A8-11-15-18 - ' '- non. W. M. Bond of Edenton was in the city yesterday. But .Chief Thomas Had HERTFORD HAPPENINGS Hertford, N. C, April 14th An impromfn card party was giv en at the home of Mrs. Alice White on last Fridav nitrht. Those present were: Mrs. P. II. Small, .Mrs. Tom McMullan, Mrs Wilson, Mrs. Watt Winslow and Mrs. M. S. Kawlings. The la dies sjient a very pleasant eve ning. ' Mrs. Bryan, an enthusiastic , missionary from China, gave a very interesting talk at the Bap tist church Friday afternoon. The children were delighted with the hymn which she sang in the Chinese language, and to the grown people present the discrip- 't tion of her work in China was most interesting. She made another talk Snnday evening.. Dr. Bryan who has spent about twenty-seven cyears in China is also here. ' ( He gave a lecture here Friday night and those present report that it was splen did. Drand Mrs. Bryan have been doing some splendid work in China and are only home on a . furlough, and they expect to re turn to China and continue their work after a, few weeks.' ( ' -k-MrV'' Thompson of Elizabeth . City was in our midst last Fri day,. Dr. H. T. Aydlett of Elizabeth City was here on business last Friday. - The Hookworm dispensary Is leing held in Perquimans county patients will be examined at Hert ford, every Saturday for six Mr. W. F. C. Edwards re turned from Gates county last Friday night. T , The play that was presented here last Friday night, one week ago, was given at Edenton last Tuesday night. Mr. W. N. Oregory returned from Norfolk Friday night. Misses Ellen and Kate Wins- low wefft to Norfolk Friday to visit their aunt, Mrs. Hamuli . WHITES PREDOMINATE , Complications of the recent censua show that of the 8,412 in habitants conceded to Elizabeth City the white population is 4, 433 and the negro 3,977 So the whites outnumber the blacks in Elizabeth City by 456. The per -about C3 white and 47 v.. . - yr- CREECY MOORE . Mr. William F. Creecy and Miss . Rosa Lee Moore of Norfolk were, married here Wednesday by Rev. J, H- Buffaloe at the South ern hotel at ten o'clock.. DOWDY JONES Mr. Earnest Dowdy of Grandy and Miss Nonle Jones .of Poplar Branch were married here Wed nesday by Register of Deeds J. W. Munden at the European ho- MANTEO BRIEFS Manteo, N. C, April 16th Rev. J. T. Draper left Wed nesday for Baltimorewfor hospi tal treatment. ' Hr. John 'Evans left Wednes day morning for Norfolk where he has been called on urgent business.