THE ADVANCE published Tuesdays and Friday y ( - HERBERT PEELE, '.; Editor and Manfr. ' - SUBSCRIPTION RATES On Yar $1X0 tte Mentha ........ ....... SOo "Enteral u aacond-olaaa matter May It, 111, at tha poat offloa at CUubetb City. Norta Carolina,' under Ua Act of March t. 187." . . There is nothing in the world which needs so Uttle decoration or which van' so well affords to , spurn it altogether aa the abso lutely genuine. ' Imitations are likely to be exposed unless carefully ornamented. Too much embellishment gctierally covers a blemish in the construction. It therefore happens tliat the first rate invariably rejects adornment and the second rate invariably puts it on. Tlte difference in the two can be discovered at short range, and safety from exponure lies only in imperfect examina tion. If the vision is clear and the inspection careful, there is no chance for the sham to be taken for the genuine; and that is ufhy it happens that among all forms of activity in tlvis very active age no struggle is more sharp than that of the first rate to be found out ank.of the second rate not to "be. It is easier to conceal what a thing is than to prove it to be what it is not. , One requires only concealment the other dem onstration. Sooner or later the truth will appear. Some time the decorations will fall offhand then the blemish will appear greater "because of the surprise at finding it." ; Craftsman. . The whine of pereecution is the confession of defeat. 1 There is such a thing us deserv ed persecution. For instance, the man would be a fool who trould preach tolerance to dumb animals when men and children were being bitten by a rattle snake. f' The man guilty of the most bra ten' effrontery is he who asks for support from those whom he con Usually defames.. ; In other words it is the fellow ! who puts grog shops and churchy es in the samel boat nnd then asks for the support of the church member. ' ' " ' In the long mystery of prehis toric ages the spirit of God's love lirooded over the desolation of a roid and formless world and con tinents laden with life were bor out of the womb of the great oep. , v -On another dav the same -infi nite Bpirit overshadowed Mother Earth until out or its aust came Adam t and even while . 'Adam - slept, from his heart's dear, neigh tiorhnnd rame live. '.- '. On another day the spirit of the Most High overshadowed the - vircrin. May. . and Jesus was ' Tell this to a wise man and he will bow his head in reverence and say amen. Tell it to a fool and he will laugh you to scorn. , Give not that which is holy un to-the dogs neither cast ye your pears before swine. The Advance editor was out of , town When Tuesday's paper went to press. So the editorial matter that, he intended :-.o give first plac-0 was left on the hook; This paper has added approxi mately three hundred new sub scribers to its list since the con vening of Currituck court in March . We expect a circulation of twenty-five hundred before the passing of the summer. Friends of this paicr can do it a special facor, if they have business with commission men at Norfolk, by investigating the mer lis of the firm of L. J. walker t tio Roanoke avenue. - If to do were as easy as' to find fault wrongs wonld be right-, od as soon -as recognized. And if to enforce laws were as easy as to make them crime would have vanished as civilization be pan to dawn. The Advakck does not believe in the suffrage for woman; but we'd like to give thoaifwW think that wiia the right to vote they could keep our streets clean a chance to try it. To know that ninety, per cent or mote of our . business men are opculy violating a city ordinance certainly does not make for. re spect of law in any community. We bave an ordinance to the ef fect that no paper, garbage or waste shall be put on the streets except in closed receptacles. Yet, so far as we have seen, every, mer chant in town is putting his waste paper on the street iu open boxes. , ' The Advakck urges all Eliza beth City to-eet out to the high school uuditoriuinv on . Monday night, April 28th, to hear the chil dren from Oxford Orphanage sing. e have hardly given these children, on previous visits to us, more than Hertford or even Man teo. Let's do better this time. THIS CONQUEST OF DRUDG ERY . f From all over the South are gathered to-day In Richmond lead ers among the professional' and business men of our country. And the great theme of this con ference of great men is the im provement of the environment of our country people. The farmer has always been the most independent of men and from "his loins have ever sprung the leaders of the face. But though the farm has been regard ed as a good place to be born and even to grow up, young men have generally had to leave it to a chieve fame and fortune. It is still true that the very flower of the young men who grow up on the farm leave the farm for town or city as soon as they have reached manhood This is because even jet the life on the farm involves . the maximum amount of drudgery -and the greatest difficulty to so cial intercourse.. We do not know what will be the outcome of the conference at Richmond. But we know that ii indicates that the world is com ing to feel more and more strong ly its debt to the man who ills the' soil. And the day is not distant when once more the young men on our farms will have the advantages and opportunities giv en to the sons of wealthy planters in the days before the war. , The Advance believes that good roadsj the use of machinery, the building of commodious school houses that may become the so cial as well as- the educational center of their communities are among the factors that will bring this result to pass. v Elec tricity is another factor to be reckoned on . Already the tele phone has done much. But the day, is coming when the hum of the electric motor will be heard around the farmer's barn and mayhap it may even come to pass that his wife may sit, in a clean cool kitchin and bake her bread in an electric oven. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES . v EUlt THE EASTERN DIS TRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA Whereas libel has been tiled in the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina, on the 15th day of April 1913 by Auto and Gas Engine Works against , the Uasboat without name, owned by Ed. Reals,' her tackle, apparel, 'furniture etc. in cause of action, civil and maritime and praying that ' process may issue against the said gasboat ' without name owned by, Ed. Reals; her tackle, apparel, furniture etc. and that same may be condemned and sold to pay Baid Auto and Gas Engine Works, libellant that amount of its claim without costs, charges Now therefore, in pursuance of the monitian under the seal of said court to me directed and de livered, I do hereby give notice to ail itersons claiming the said Gasboat without name owned by Ed .-- Reals or in an v manuer in terested therein, that they appear before the said District Court to be held at the Court nouse in the town of Elizabeth City, in and for the-Eastern District of North Carolina on the 30th da yof April 1913 at 12 o'clock M., of that day provided the same shall be a day of jurisdiction, otherwise on the next day of jurisdiction thereaf ter then and there to interprtsej their claims and make their alle gations in that behalf. '. Dated at Elizabeth City N'.'O this 13th day of April 1913. CLAUDIUS DOCKER Y U. S. Marshall, Eastern District of North Carolina: ' . ; J, Vt WILCOX "' Deputy. GEO. J. 8PENCE, Vroctor for Libellant A1823. , " ' REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF. ciirasEmoFfliziinHCin at Elizabeth City, in tba State of North Carolina, at the eloae of business ApriMth, 1913. RESOURCES Loans and discounts. . .$247,845.20 Overdrafts secured 630, -. - and unsecured, 164.09 1271.48 North Carolina Statfe Bonds ........ 40,000.00 All other stocks bonds and ruort- . gages 1(5,700.00 Banking houBe furni- ture and fixtures.... 8,700.00 All other real estate: ' owned.......... .. 1,200.00 Demand Loans. .... . .. 11,235.74 Due from banks and . ' ban kern 35,124.40 Cash items v 1,903.88 Gold coin 2,197.60 Silver coin, including all minor coin curroucy. i,84U.i National bank notes and other U. S. notes 4,384.00 Total.... 372,403.17 LIABILITIES . Capital stock paid in.. 4 25,000,00 Surplus fund " 25,000.00 Undivided pronts less current expenses and tAxestaid 10,171.16 Bills Payable. ......... 20.000.00 Deposits subject to check; 126,540.52 Savin 2 si " T.' . ifc Deposits 155,435.22 . Z iTOBtaepOBIli Cashiera Checks Out- t standing. 7,041.60 290,231.39 Postal 'Sayings Deposits. . . .366.B5 Reserve for Interest. . . 1,633.97 Total..... 372,403.17 State of North Carolina, ) ' County of Pasquotank f ' I, M. R. Griffin, cashier of the above named . bank, do solemlv wear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ' r M. R. GRIFFIN : rr' ', " ' Cashier, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of April, 1912. W. II, JENNINGS . . ' Notary Public. Correct Attest: ;. 'y- O. McMULLAN, W. C. GLOVER, T. V. NASH, , House For Rent ,On South.Martin Street Nine rooms. Water, Lights bath room and screened Apply to W. H. ZOELLER BRACELETS - Just, received a k large, and hand- . some, line of Bra- I celets. Newest ' designs in Sboth plain and J hand engraved.j Also tne --r : Watch Bracelet ILCBdlCIIT, Jeweler Poindexter St. Beginning Wednesday, April 23rd lastssthe; REMAINDER "OF i THE aveek ? " We will off eii made, popular priced, dainty under muslins ever shown under one roof in Elizabeth City. Don't fail to attend this sale. We will offer special bar gains for each day of the sale. Remember the date. M. LEIGH SHEEP CO., Y, M. C. A. Building, N.G.GRArjDY SCO ... COTTON, GRAIN, PRODUCE Klizabcth City,!!. C i AVMh 17th 1913 BUYING TODAY PEAS Black ichh er bushel 1.90 EGGS Hen Eggs jer Doz 15c. Duck Eggs per do 16c. SELLING TODAY 1 Corn lcr bushel 70 to 72c. OATS VTiite Oats ir bushel 40 to 47c. HAY No. 1 Tim., per ton f 21 . 50 COTT&N SEED Improved per-bu. . 75c. MAN OR WOMAN KNOWS What their future c will be, hence the need of providing for it now! ' You can make no mis take in opening a Bank Ac count a"t our savings Depart, ment, depdsiting weekly, and 4 per cent Interest added to your savings DheGitizlnsSBantc ELIZABETH-CITY, K. C. AGATE WARE U Every now and then you need something in Tin or agate ware. Have you seen our line? If not do so today. It will pay you- LI Tobaco Snuff and 'K ' ' Cigars. Poindexter and Pearl Sts Phone 122. IIIJ i OnniSETTE BROS Wait For Our Duclin Inder- uear Sale NEXT WEEK positively, the srreatest WOMAN'S WEAR 0H8 STOCK DOUBLED During the oast 30 days We have a big line of brand new furniture r and house furnishings. Nothing old or second hand in our stock. Our prices areas low as anybody's; quality considered Call and inspect our stock before buying' Marktiam & Ferebee Co. Corner Main and Water Sts. PECIAL Prices On Idol Dress Goods GREATLY We can save y ou money on any purchase of 'material SUIT; COAT, SKIRT OR COSTUME FINE ASSORTMENT TO SELECT FROM Jlffl ELIZABETH assortment of well Main Street mm t to CITY, N, C. .LV 1 - - : i