I1UBBE1IT CBS! ' The National Geographic So 'clety voied f 20,000 to Captain Roald .Ainuuuaou as u couti'ibu- .tion towards the expenses of his I coming trip to .the orth Pole. , . The danger from flood h in the Mississippi valley Jh not ended. The levees ou t ho lower .Iissis!ip. pi are under Ri-eat strain and are weakening.- Army officers pie- . diet very high water near ew Orleans. FOR ALDERMAN , " ipOR CITY HEALTH OFFICER I' hereby aunounce myself- uil ' candidate for Alderman from the J I hereby , announce myself a third ward subject to the action .candidate for Ilea Uh oftice of E- uzabcin city subject to the ac tion of the Democratic. primary. V1 Resist fully ' ' , DR. I. FEXRIXO aii tf pd..:. .;.! x i of the Democratic Primary.- ' ra. W. CREQORY. FOR CITY HEALTH OFFICER 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for City. Ilealiu Officer subject to the action of the Dero ocrutic Primary. Your HiipjKiit is solicited. " Jiciccifullv, I. It. (iltKHiS Ml. FOR CIIIEF0F POLICE FOR CIIIEF OF POLICE ' - . i J1 r I hereby announce myself a candidate for Chief of Police of Elizabeth. City subject. to the ac tion of the I emocratIc Primary. tfpd. Respect fully. 3. C- MODLIN I Ownijj to the delay at Wash ington the United -Mates lout the chance to.. In the first nation to recognize the Chinese Republic. The Republic of Brazil recog nized the Republic of China A pril 8th. The day after he read his tar in message to Congress, Presi dent Wilson again went to the Capitol and took possession of the long unused "President's Room.'' There he conferred for an hour and a half with Sena tors and Representatives, smooth ing out difference of cpinion and tactfully getting all to pull together. FOR ALDERMAN . For Alderman for the Fourth Ward, subject to the Democrat ic Primary, I hereby announce myself for alderman of the fourth ward. If the people elect me I will Iks governed by the oath of omee and justice. Reseetfum? T. R. DAYMAN. Apr 18 tf. Td I hereby annoum-e myself a candidate for Chief of Pilice sub ject to the Democratic Primary. -' o. f. seymorh Woman's suffrnge, which al most won iii Michigan last No vember,' met a staggering de ' feat there in April. Though only a part of the vote has been rniintpd. it iim!irs thaf thft DCO- ' ' i . rde (men onlvl are now almost two to one aguinst the proposal. The lawlessness of the English suffragettes is believed t nave caused a reaction against "votes for women'' in Michigan. FOR ALDERMAN I hereby announce invself a candidate for alderman from sec ond ward subject to the action of the. Democratic primary. Respectfully 8. H.'-REID If. Nid Apr 18 Water, will not lie let into the Ciebra cut of the Panama Ca nal before October 1st of this jjeaer, according to the latest es timates ' ' Only 8,000,000 cubic yards of material remain to be taken out of the Cut. It is expected that 5, 500.000 yards -will be taken be fore October leaving 2, 500,00 cu bic yards to be removed by dredg es after the water is turned in . President Wilson takes the ground that it is within the rights of -a sovereign State to enact a law prohibiting the holding of land by aliens. Therefore he will not follow the example pf President Taft and Roosevelt in teyingl to prevent the passing of such a law in California. j If the California law, as pas sed, does violate the treaty with Japan, as Japan claims, then , i.t will be the business of the courts if set the law aside. The Presi dent sees no reason why he should heed the protest of 'Japan, or in terfere in the matter in any way.: FOR CITY TAX COLLECTOR I hereby announce myself a can did ate for the office of City Tax Collector, subject to the action of the "Democratic primary. lour supjort is solicited and it will be highly appreciated. Resepctfully, A M. M. JONES FOR STREET COMMISSIONER . . . 1 - ' " ' I hereby announce myself a can d'date for the office of street Com missionbr subject to the Democrat ic voters. I have had Five Years exierienee and will greatly ap- preciate the suppore of the public Resepctfully, ' J. W. BETT8 tfpd. FOR CITY HEALTH OFFICER I hereby announce myself candidate for Health Ofllcer , of EHabeth City, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic Primary. Kesjectfully, : . , DR. C. It. WILLIAMS J. L. WALKER GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT ; Wholesale Fruits and Produce We guarantee the top of the market and prompt returns 65 ROANOKE AVE NORFOLK, VA. , Apr 18 Jul 18 FOR CHIEF OF POLICE FOR TAX COLLECTOR . i .... i iiert-ny announce myseir a candidate for the office of City Tax Collector, subject to action of Democratic rrimarv Any support or favors will be greatly appreciated. , Very respectfully, Hathaway's 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Chief of Police, subject to the Democratic Primary ' Resepctfully, J. R, THOMAS .. tf. IKl. JAMES M. IIILL, FOR ALDERMAN FOR THE FIRST WARD FOR MAYOR T hereby announce myselfLns a candidate for maj-or, of Eliza beth City subject to the action of the Democratic Primary, Respectfully , T. P. NASH. tf pd. FOR CHIEF OF POLICE I hereby announce mvself a candidate for the office of Chief of Police, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. Respectfully, A. C. BELL All tfpd, , "Subject to the Democratic pri iWaru 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for Alderman for the First Ward. Your vote and support will be highly appreciat ed. nARRY QREENLEAF FOR CITY TAX COLLECTOR FOR CITY TAX COLLECTOR I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of CITY TAX COLLECTOR, subject to the Dem ocratic Primary. I have never Deiore asked for or nem onice f am now and always have iK-eri loyal to the Democratic Parry and supported its candidates , City, County, State and Nation al. ' , Any support that you may give I me will be appreciated. Respectfully, J. G. FEARING. HI Care For Your Eyes Your Eyes Will Care For You Dr. J. D. Hathaway OPTOMETRIST Over McCabe & Grice tf I hereby announce myself as candidate for re-election to the FOR CITY TREASURER Best Glasses J T fiPFahir nnnnntinA vmreotf a office of City Tax Collector, ub- candidate "for re-election of Citv ject to trie action of the Demo- TrenHnrr. Rnhwt, to tha rw,mo. i'riinnij, ivcniiun.y uiK iCratlc Dr man. ing that my need, of the position is as great as any one's and that tny ability to do the work is proved by actual test, I solicit from my friends the same gener ous support they have always giv en me. - .- - M. W. BERRY, J, T. SPENCE Alarming reports have come from Rome during the past week, regarding the health of the Tope. .His Sllness starting with in Hnenza, developed into bronchitis cemplicated with heart weakness. Three times there was a' partial recovery, followed each time by a relapse. At latest accounts there were symptons of pneumo nia. - -': Pius X. was born about 78 years ago of an Italian peasant family najned, Sarto, which means the same as Taylor in Baglish. He was elected Pope after the death of Leo XII, in 1903. Before that. he had been Cardinal Tatriacle of Venice. ' REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Elizabeth City in the State of North Carolina, at the close of I business, April 4th, 1913- . , RESOURCES; Loans and discounts. . : ........ Overdrafts,secured and unsecured U. H. Bonds to secure cirulation U. 8. Bonds to secure U. 8. Deposits fljOOO ... Other bonds to secure Postal Savings f 6,000 ... i'reminms on U. 8. Bonds .... ......... Bonds, Securities, etc. Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures ......... Other Real Estate owned . ... '; . . . . . . Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) ...... 54,65X88 Due from state and private banks and bankers Trust -- Companies, and Savings Banks .. . 6,987.44 Due From approved Reserve Agents 37,763.24 S 37430.95 232.57 100,000.00 1,000.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 95.600.00 17,500.00 7,850,00 CANDIDATES FOR ALDERMAN I 'hereby announce myself ' a candidate for Alderman from sec ond ward subje t to the action of the lemocratic Primary. ' - Respectfully; N. O. G RANDY AprlS Npd. Checks and other Cash Items Notes of other National Banks Fractional Paper Currency. Nick les and Cents LawfuL money reserve in Bank, viz: Specie fl 1.428 Legal Tender Notes 9.000 Redemption Fund with U, S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) Total LIABILITIES: v 3.000.02 1,266.00 308.57 20,428.00 2?200.00 1731,020.67 Makes GooMng ML M n Ki Bearable Yes, More Than That Enjoyable A Gas Range in your kitchen means a daily half holiday for the cook, a comfortable house, and a saving in your food and fuel bills. Mil YOU AFFORD TO BE WIIMT ALL OF T A l uereoy annou i candidate for Aid I first wa rd subject LDKRMAN myself FOR 1 m announce myseir a Alderman from the to the action of the Ieniocratie Primary. Respect fully J. XV. BALLANCK . tf. Pd. FOR ALDERMAN , I hereby announce myself a can didate for alderman for the fourth ard subject to the action of the Democratic primary. Respectfully! B. F. SWINDELL 'A18 tf -n.pd. Capital Stock, Paid in Surplus Fund Undivided Profits less Expenses ind Taxes Paid Nationa 1 Bank Notes Outstandin ....... . . Due to State and Private Banks and Bankers -. ? 2L4fl8.20 J)ue to Trust Companies and.Sav- ' inps Banks , 4,803.03 Dividends unpaid 6.00 Individual Deposits subject to elMH-k 433,5rr.3fi Certified Checks 1,000.00 Cashier's checks outstanding .... 1,605.51 . United States Deposits 1,000.00 Iostat Savinfjs-Deposits-rrvTTTT -2,451. 98 - Total ?1 00,000. 00 ' 50)00.00 J 3,0 J 6. 28 100,000.00 H Reservel for accrued- interest -466,012.73 1,091. fC ;, Total 1731.020.67 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County of Pasquotank, s.s. : r I., W. O. Oaither. Jr., Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the alove statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief. - , ; W. O. OAITHER, Jr., Subscribed and sworn before me this 11th dav of April 1013 W. n. JENNINGS. Correct Attest: Xotarij Puhllc. CHAS. n. ROBINSON, L. 8. BLADES. -D. B. BRADFORD. - '- . ,;a - V- Directorial. FK it I ' J V A Connected Order yoiir Raoge mow So that it can be installed before the spring rush nnu .01111! H POINDEXTER STREET www www V VVV WW WWWWWWWWVV