LEGAL AND SALE NOTIC iWoodhouse A mod. . . . . . .40 Young Wm.. . .,4 2.41 J. 03 3.. 1.93 ADMINSTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as aduiinistra tor of the estate of Henry Sharp deceased, late of Fcsquotank county. North Carolina, this is 1 to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned at his office, Kram er building, on or before the 22 day of February, 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. "All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 21st day of February 1913 , W. L. SMALL, . Administrator of Henry Sharp decease. M14 21 28 A4 11 18 v : N O T I C E ! Xotice of Administration . Having qualified as Executor of Sophia Godfrey, deceased, late of Terquimans County, N; C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate ; Qf said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before he 17th day of February 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per- .please make immediate payment. This 17th day of February 1913 It. II. WELCH, Executor M14 21 28 A4 1 1 1 8 NORTH CAROLINA CAMDEN COUNTY ' la the Superior Court ' ; ' Before the Clerk MATILDA BARNARD vs. ' ' IDA BARNARD, SUSIE BARN ARD, LUG IE CUFFIE and husband, RUFUS CUFFIE. , ; NOTICE will take notice that an action entitled as above has .been begun , before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Camden County to al lott to the petitioner, Matilda Barnard, her dower in the es tate of her , deceased husband. vnus. liuruaru. And the said defendant wil further take notice that she is reauired to appear before th Clerk of the Suiierior Court o Camden County, N. C, on the 3rd day of May, 1913, and answer or demur to the petition in said ' action, or the petitioner will np ply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the petition in this cause. . This the 31st dav of March 1913 i J. W. WALSTON. - : : Clerk Superior, Court ; II. TILLITT, , Attorney for Petitioner. AS 11 18 25 M2 -4 na to sell the lands described in the petition in said cause for par tition. The said lands being now held by the plaintiff and defend ants as tenants in common . And the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Camden County, North Carolina at Camden Court Ilouse on the 21st day) of April, 1913, at ten o'clock, A. M., and answer or demur to the petition in said ac tion or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the said petition. J. W. WAL8TON, Clerk Superior Court of Camden County This the 24th day of March, 1913. D.n.TiUitt, Atty., for Petitioner. M28 A3 10 17 Xotice Of "Administration having qualified as . adminis trator of the late Thomas i. Guard, I hereby give notice to nil persons indebted to his estate to come forward and make imme diate settlement and those hold ing claims against the same-to present them for payment, with in twelve months from the date of thin notice, or it will be plead ed in bar of their recovery.' E..M. BURTON - ''Ad ttt in Istrn tor: April 4th 1913. Al I 1 8 25 M29 1 5 NORTn CAROLINA , CAMDEN COUNTY In the Superior Court Before the Clerk. M. B.Torksey . -- -t. - Hnr. . nELEN COPPERSMITH and husband, G. W, COPPER SMITH. . NOTICE ! Sale Of Valuable Property' By virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to me by James ssov- fleet and wife, on February 12th 1912, which said Deed of Trust is duly recorded in Book $b, Page 187, Office of Register of Deeds of Pasquotank County, I shall sell at the Court House door in Pasquotank Coun ty, on Saturday, the 26th day o April, 1913, at 12:00 o'clock M-i the property conveyed to me in said Deed of Trust, described as follows: CERTAIN TRACT or parce of land, situated in Pasquotank County, in Elizabeth Townsnip bounded on the North by Brown street; on the East by the lands of John Jacocks : on the tsoutn by the lands of Wiley Midgett, and on the West by the lands of Charles James, and being the lot with improvements thereon ,whlch the said Norflet recently purchns eA from . Harriet Jacobs, and which deed is duly of record in record in Office, of Reeister of Deeds of Tasquotank County, . TERMS OF SALE: CASH. This March 17th 1913. THOS. J. MARKHA.M, -.7.-'- . Trustee M28 4 11 18. NORTH CAROLINA PASQUOTANK COUNTY . , Superior Court, Before the Clerk SALE OF PROPERTY FOR TAXES, YEAR 1 1912. For the non-payment of taxes for the year 1912, I will sell at the Court House door in the town of Elizabeth City, N. C, on the first Monday, in May 1913 the following described property . CHARLES REID Sheriff Pasquotank County ELIZABETH CITY TOWS 8H If Mann W. Mann C. FIRST WARD Cost 95 Lots,Taxes W. ..2 22.36 C. ..I 8.14 cents Total 23.31 9.09 SECOND WARD Cost 95 cents Lots,Taxcs W. L. SMALL. Administrator of Henry Sharp, deceased, rial in i if. vs. WILL SHARP ct als.. heirs at law, . ' ' Defendants, NOTIC r. The Defendant,. Jacob , Sharp, and John Sharp, parties to the above, entitled action, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of. Pasquotank County for the purpose of selling the lands of the late nenry sharp to -make assets, said sale being subject,' however, to the widow Martha Sharp's dower rlgnt, ana the said defendants, John Sharp and Jacob Sharp will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of th Suiwrior Court of Pasquotank county on Thursday, the first day of May, 1913, at 10 o'clock M . at the Court nouse In said County. State of North Carolina and answer or demur to the said complaint, or the plaintiff will nppl to the court for the relief demanded In the said complaint This the first day of April 1913. O. R. LITTLE Cirri- Superior Cottrt 4 11 18 25 Cohn Dr.B.W. ..1 Eubanks Bros; . . 1 Howard Mrs Lee 1 Jones Thomas . .1 Jones John .... I Morgan Chas. ..8 Norman.Mrs.E.S.l O'Neal Mrs.D.F. 1 Roughtin Ed. Sr. 1 Sadler E. C. ...2 Stowe A. J. . . .1 Sanford W. H. 3 Wood Mrs.I.W. 1 Granger A. L. 1 Kennedy n. J. 1 MeMullan T.W. 4 2.03 4.86 .61 3.24 5.69 15.65 .20 2.23 1.62 .24 .81 13.77 3.65 3.65 1.01 2.03 TOta 2.98 5.81 1.56 4.19 6.6 16.60 1.15 3.18 O K 1.19 1.70 14.72 4.60 4.60 1.96 2.98 THIRD WARD i - ' Cost 95 cents LotsTaxes Tota Davis Ella H. .1 1.62 , 2.75 Pritchard Mrs. . .v Mary A. 48 acres 28.79 29.74 Williams Lovie ". T. agent .. ..1 4.11 5.06 FOURTH WARD Cost 95 cents LotsTaxes Blades J. B. ..1 R.inm Samuel . .1 Davis Sarah F. 1 , Davin Edward . .1 Gnnrd J. E. . .1 Hollowell ,W. J.l Hathawnv A. C. 8 1-2 acres. . . . Hathaway A.C.20 Pilnnd M. L. ..1 Prvor R. O. . .2 Smith Sarah E. 3 Spruill James ,,t Sanders W. ..1 Stryon O. G... 1 Howard W. E. 1 Houston li. T. 1 Midgett O. W. and L. S. . . .1 Midpett Ira. . . .1. . Privitt W.L. .1 Swindell E. J. 1 Shaw S. S. ... t Strvun W. n.. (heirs) . . . . 1 2.03 .81 .32 .81 18.22 -81 9.42 8.75 .20 .41 .85 .81 .41 .20 : .25 .40 .40 1.01 .40 .25 .25 Total 2.98 1.76 1.27 1.76 19.17 1.76 10.37 9.70 1.15 1.36 1.80 1.76 1,36 1.15 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.96 1.35 1.20 1.20 1.20 COIiORED SECOND WARD - " ' Cost 95 cents LotsTaxes . - Total Xotice of Summons tion by Publico- The defendants above named will take notice that an action as above has been commenced before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Camden county, North Caroli- . FOR SALE One 25 II. P. Engine and Boil er, One Grist and Saw Mill com plete. One planning machine, One 60 saw Brown Cotton Gin, with condenser and self-feeder, One Boss Steam Power Cotton Pres. One 15 H. P. Engine and Boiler and One 20 H. P. Boiler. Will sell cheap, any or all. Apply to J. H. SAWYER. Weeksville, N. O. All 15 18 npd. 5 Bennett D. L. 1 6.92 Barber H. R. . .1 1.22 Bradshaw Nancy 3 r 1.22 Bolden Geo. W. 1 3.71 Bailey T. B. ..1 .20 Bryant Walter 1 4.54 Bryant Chas.P. 1 4.68 Bryant PattinJ7I2.23 Cartwright Lin wood .... ..1 1.22 Cherry ,PJeasantl--,4l Dosier Jai. L. '. .1 2.03 ville E. .. .. 1 1.22 ville E. .... l.l , 1.22 Griffin AndrewG 1 - 4.07 Harvey Sarah. . 1 1.22 Johnson Wm. 1 .41 Moore Silas . .1 5.37 Morris Geo. . . 1 5.29 Peel Arthur . . 1 4.48 Pickering Mary 1 .81 Riddlck Elsberry 1 .81 Rodgfers Geo. ..1 .24 Satchell Chas. ..1 2.86 Watson Clinton 1 3.26 Winslow John 1 .41 THIRD WARD COLORED 7.87 2.17 2.17 4.66 1:15 , 5.49 5.63 r 3.1S 2.17 -1.36 2.98 2.17 2.17 5.02 2.17 6.36 8.26 6.24 5.43 1.76 1.76 1.19 3.81 4.21 1.36 LotsTaxes Total XmVLAXD T0WXSHIP Cost 93 cents Acres, Taxes Total I Evans J. A." 100 6.48 ' 7.43 ne.wett W. Q. 60- 0.07 10. 0i Jones MiuM.E. 12 1.33 2.28 Cahnras Freinan 1 Collins J. C. . .1 Fearing Alice and John 1 Harrell J. A. ..2 Overton Mary V 10 Overton Lessie. 1 Perry J. E. ...1 Spellman G. W. 1 Sears M.A. ... .1 White Elias ...1 Whitehurst Abbiel 2.03 1.82 si 2.84 21.06 .81 .81 3.04 2.23 .41 :.81 2.98 2.76 1.76 3.79 22.01 1.76 1.7J ,3.99 3.18 3.06 1.76 COLORED Brothers J. S. 46 Griffin Vann ..20 Griffin Lohnie , .1 Lowry Wm. 5 3-4 Procter J. II. 6 1-2 Stokely Sam E. 16 Spencer A. E. 2 White Wm.- (W I.H) .... ..26 5.40 2.70 6.27 6.30 5.67 5.7: .81 6.35 3.65 7.: 7.25 6.62 6.71 1.76 2.11 3.06 FOR CITY HEALTH OFFICER FOURTn WARD COLORED ' Cost 95 cents SALE OF LAND FOR TAXEt Lots,Taxes Askew Ixiwi-enceS Buttler JJI.M. 2 Baccus Sarah J. 1 Benberry Joe . . 1 Brown Win. . . .3 Bowe Mary ... .1 Davis J. Q. ....1 Howard Wheler 1 LeWis Bertha . . 1 Lindsey Fields D 1 Leigh Roy.. ..1 Mnndcn Martha 1 Owins Demar. . . .1 Mitchell David. 1 rool Betsey. . ..2 rarker Philip . .1 Riddick Mary Ann .. .. V.1 Sprnill J. n. Geo.Banks agt. 1 Small Thithro. I Taylor Alice. . 1 White Cicero . .t Griffin Eleanor 1 Jones B. M... 1 2.43 5.79 3.24 3.06 10.55 1.62 3.24 3l67 .81 2.23 .41 1.62 Total 3.38 6.74 4.29 4.01 11.50 2.57 4.19 4.62 1.76 3.18 1.36 , 2.57 2.03, 2.98 2.57 5.41 3.38 1.62 4.46 2.43 1.62 ' 2.57 For the non-payment of taxes due to the town of Elizabeth Ci ty for the year 1913 I will sell I at the court house door in the town of Elisabeth City, N. C. on the first Monday in May, the 5th 1913 at 12 M., the following town lots or city taxes and land locat ed in Elizabeth City, Township upon which the graded school tax has not been paid.' An additional cost of 95 cents is added to til taxes herein spec ified, making a total as here shown . This April 4th 1913. M. W. BERRY, City Tax Collector. For Corporu.on of Elisabeth City and Elisabeth City Township lOraded School Tat. .81 3.42 .20 4.07 1.93 1.01 1.76 4.47 1.15 5.02 2.88 1.96 WHITE SALE OF PROPERTY FOR TAXES FOR YEAR 1912 AIT. HERMAX TOWXSH1P Dozier Eliz. . Mann W. W, Cost 95 cents - Acres Cost Total .15 4.92 5.87 62 3.53 COLORED Ackin Isaac Pool W. H 1 Wheaton James 30 j Cost 95 cents Acres, Cost," Total ..2 5.76 2.86 8.12 6.71 Biggs & Selig man . . .'. . .125 Iathaway A.C.65 rice James heir 50 .Cost 95 cents Cartwright nah .. ..10 3-4 Doyle Drusilla 2 Davis Harvey heirs. ... . .25 Felton Eugh 22 1-2 Johnson Geo. 24 Johnson Anthony27 Overton Roxanna 10 Overton Geo-Wr 10 Akiss J. J. 1 lot Aycock C. P. Hot . Ra n in Samuel 1 lot Babb W. H. 1 lot Bunting A. F. 1 lot Bullock W. O. 1 lot Creel B. n. 1 lot Oard J. T. 1 lot . Gallop Peter G. 1 lot Hollowell W. J- 1 lot Harris Thos Hot Hall J. M. 1 lot Hamilton L. E. 1 lot 4.'48 Hampton W. H. 1 lot Hampton N. M. 1 lot Harris Mrs.B.F. 1 lot Kennedy J. H. 1 lot Lupton Mand J. A. 1 lot Mc Williams J. W. 3 lots Midgett C,B. Sr. 1 lot Ol IlltJ ... T XT O 9.W7 Midgett P. D. 1 lot Mann L. E. 1 I t Norman Mrs. E. S. 1 lot Nixon Wm. 3 lots O'Neal Mrs. Delia F I lot Odom W. L. 1 lot Syjtes W. B. (heirs) Smith J. W. 1 lot Smiths. W. 1 lot Smith w; J. 1 lot Sample D. A, (Est.,) Sadler E. C. 1 lot Stowe A. J. 1 lot Stowe A. S. 1 lot Stvron O. O. 1 lot 1-76 Thompson F. G. 1 lot ' Cooper O. P. 1 lot Gray D. L. 1 lot Howard W. E. 1 lot Cost 95 cents Houston L. T. 1 lot Acres, -Cost, Total Kennedy H. K. 1 lot Knleht V. L. 1 ot 5.W McCleese J. J. 1 lot 5.00 Midgett G.M. and L.S.1 lot Midcett Ira 1 lot Norman W. N. 1 lot Pinner J. B. 1 lot Privott W. L. 1 lot Price flames H. 1 lot Total Qutfley J. B. 1 lot Sawyer A. F. 1 lot 2.57 Small P. H. 1 lot 1.45 Sawyer Job G. 1 lot Swindell E. J. 1 lot 2.76 Shaw S. S. 1 lot 7,56 Sykes Phoebe E. 1 lot 2.65 Sty ron W. H. (heirs) 1 lot o.o Bytes .w. J. 1 lot Z.41 7.14 COLORED PROYIDEXCE TOWXSHIP Cost 95 cents Acres, , Cost. Total Euclid Heights. Company .. 500 12.15 Lynch W.. .167 4.50 Sawyer K. R. 40 2.86 13.10 5.45 3.81 COLORED 1 lot 1 lot . ' Cost 95 cents Acres, Cost. Total Jennings Walterl-2 .81 - SALEH TOWXSHIP 4.05 4.05 s 2.03 COLORED Cost 95 cents Acres, Cost, Wil- . 1.62 .50 1.81 6.61 1.70 4.62 1.46 -6.19 1.35 1.15 . 1.35 1.35 1.11 1.35 1.11 l.ll 1.15 1.35 1.11 1.11 " 1.05 1.31 1.05 1.71 1.11 1.35 10.83 1.05 1.15 1.71 1.33 1.33 5.51 5.13 1.71 1.71 1.71 1.05 1.21 1.27 1.07 2.47 1.05 1.05 32.58 1.05 1.86 1.05 1.11 2.47 1.05 1.05 1.11 1.35 1.05 2.47 1.11 1.15 .1,06 2.47 1.33 1.33 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 3.23 Sawyer Geo. H. 1 lot 6.23 Suowden Alec and .Stewart 1.03 1.45 1.71 7.03 13.07 3.84 0.27 6.63 7.75 1.33 1.93 7.75 1.71 1.15 1.35 8.58 3.26 5.51 1.71 5.47 XIXOXTOX TOWXSHIP 1 lot Snowden Edmund 1 lot Sanders .1. B. 1 lot Spcighf Suan 1 lot Spellman John J 2 lots Spellman Henry I lot Spellman E. M. 1 lot Sjiellman G. W. 1 lot Taylor Joseph 1 lot Taylor Alice 1 lot Turner E. M. 1 lot White Cicero 1 lot White Elias 1 lot Whitehurst Elias 1 lot Whitehurst Abble 1 lot William U. W. I lot Wilson At instead 2 lots Wilson Providence 1 lot Wilson Thos. 1 lot ) VVutson Clinton I lot DELINQUENTS Ik?ll G. F. 1 lot "3.23 Cooper Jno. (agt) 1 lot 4.75 Griffin Elnora 1 lot 3.99 .lones B. M. 1 lot 2.47 Askew Lawrence 3 lots ;6.5t mes Henry 1 lot 8.15 Briley T. B. 1 lot 1.05 Benbury Joe 1 lot 5.09 Bowe Mary Mot 3.99 Boone Fred 1 lot 3.23 Brvant Pattie J. 1 lot 5.13 Brvpnt J. R 1 lot 8.21 Bond Clifton 1 lot 6.99 Backus Sarah J. 1 lot 7.03 Billups Rev. C. M. 1 lot 5.13 Bell Teter (estate 1 lot 6:27 Bennett D. L. 1 lot 3.15 Barber n. R. 1 lot '3.23 Barber James 1 lot , 3.28 Bowling Geo W. 1 lot 6.04 Brown Wm. 3 lots' 17.65 Barclift M. L. 1 lot 2.47 Butler F.W.M. 3 lots 13.07 Butler W. C. 1 lot Carter W. J. 1 lot Collins J. C. 1 lot Cabarras Freeman 1 lot Chamblee J. J. 1 lot Cheenev Pleasant 1 lot Davis J. T. 1 lot Davis Annie 1 lot " , Dozier Jas L. 1 lot Dozier Granville E. 1 lot Drew C. C. 1 lot 2ason Sheppard 1 lot Felton Nelson 1 lot Forbes John 1 lot Gorhnm Albert 1 lot Griffin A. G. 1 lot Griffin Willis 1 lot narvey Sarah 1 lot Hawkins A. L. 2 lots, Hollowman A. L. 2 lots' ITollowman John 1 lot- Holly nenry 1 lot ' Howard Wheeler 1 lot Horton David 1 lot James Joe 3 lots James R. V.. 1 lot Johnson Lovey K 1 lot Johnson Frank 1 lot : Johnson William 1 lot lack son Jesse J. 1 lot Tones L.n.G. 1 lot Keaton Isaac '1 lot Walter King 1 lot Kenny Harriett 1 lot , Leigh Emma 1 lot Leigh John 2 lots . Lindsey Susan (heirs) 1 lot 3.23 Lowther Dora E. & C. M. 1 lot ' 7.79 Moore Silas 1 lot 1.05 Moore Fred,l lot 6.23 Martin WTm. E. 1 lot 4.24 Mebane John 1 lot 4.75 Morris Mrs Lewis 1 lot 1.15 Morris Geo. 1 lot 9.27 McDonald Chas. Hot 9.39 Morgan Henry 3 lots 5.891 Malloy H. M. 1 lot 4.73 Malloj? Alice 1 lot 3.99 Mitchell David 1 lot ' 3.99 MeAbee L 1 lot 2.55 Mnnden Mathias 1 lot 2.95 Newby Maggie 1 lot 4.75 Nixon Emma 1 lot 1.15 Nixon Geo. 1 lot 3.45 Overton Mary V. 10 lots , 40.47 Overton Leslie t lot 2.47 Owens Dennis 1 lot 4.75 Owens Tama 1 lot 3.23 Owens Luther 1 lot 3.23 Pool Bettie 2 lots . 6.95 Perry J. E. 1 lot 2.47 7.03 T HA , . . ' 4.37 4.75 1.71 ' 3.99 -4.75 6.23 9.84 7.37 3.15 7.36 1.05 2.95, 6.99 1.55 5.93 5.n 7.7T 7.75 4.55 16.74 16.57 8.13 1.35 7.75 7.71 6.63 4.75 2.75 7.75 2.47 13.11 10.83 Harrell Addie 60 Perry S. D... 18 Waterfield KH. 18 9.84 4.86 5.64 COLORED Jennings Walter 10 Lamb R. A. ..11 Lamb Ben.. ..2 Morris W. H..4 Morris Matilda 1 Nixon James and CI E. .. .. ..1 ool Caleb. 5 12 Sessomm Wm. ..1 Perry Levy 1 lot Perry John. (heirs) 1 lot Cost 95 cents Parker PhilliD 1 lot Acres, Cost, Total Pickering Mary 1 lot 1 10.79 Perkins Aron 1 lot Riddick Elsbury (agt 1 lot Rice W. T. 1 lot Rogers David 1 lot Rogers Geo. 1 lot Rogers Gus 1 lot Smith A. F. (heirs) 1 lot 4.23 Spruill Gertrude 1 lot 2.57 Spruill Jno. H. 1 lot 3.03 Spruill Elizabeth 1 lot ' 2.69 Small Monroe 1 lot Small Jethro 1 lot 7.67 Small Wm. 1 lot 2.93 Simpson John 1 lot 1.36 I Sntton Cranberry 1 lot 5.68 2.38 1.62 2.08 1.64 6.72 2.03 .41 6.81 6.59 6.63 Total I 3.23 - 3.28 . 5.61 r 2.47 4.14 2.47 4.37 '2.25 1.07 1.45 r 3.99 399 1.35 2.85 . 6.25 WANTED Position as Book 5.78 keeper, can give good referenc 3.99! es if desired. Address 4.751 If you haVf any kind of div ing work to do, I am the man for ypu. - 1 have a first class Div ing suit and can do any kind of work in this line. Prompt ser vices give and charges reasonable. 1 J.H.BUNDY . . ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. (1 Month) W. P. 5.51 General delivery.