"MAD 'ERE HIS PRIME" Greensboro Record Eulogises Glenn Hudson who Took Bride From This City y A Year and a Half J Ago. (From Qreetisboro Sem Apr. 10) Stephen Ulenu Hudson, only t,on of Air. and biv. ilcory h. Hudson, and hinint-lf a father of three moutha, last night fell ui ou eternal sleep. Death came at ti:41i o'clock and it niuikeil the end of a valiant lijjut of 11101-e than live uioutns. iast fan tue oeceaaed went to Lake baranuc, where everytuing tuat scieuce auu K loved ones coulu ouer wan giveu Heel jr.. Keturaing home more tnau a uiouiu uyo ho wen i to Montrose, in Mooie county, iudso wUo have reuiauieu by uis, uiuu and couHianuy oeeu Willi mux iu tne battle fo- lile i-eaiizuu teu uays ago taut the ena was near ana last week he was brought to tne Jioiue of his parents, ac -No ii'M Ashuboro sti-eet. It was there that he dieu. i'repareu lor death, however, did not les sen the great shock which Us an nouncement brought to relatives and ; friends. id lirueusboro where Glenn Hudson has lived his fall and splendid life, the loss falls upon many and the sorrow extends throughout his wide ac quaintance. Just across the threshold of manhood, surrounded . by loved ones and happiness, and facing a future which promised to yield to him the best of life, the aeatu of this young man is peculiarly sad. February &!, last he was 15 years of age, being born in this city in 1888. He entered the pub lie schools of this city in his early boyhood and continued to his seu : ior year, being si student of Wi ley II . Swift, later his law part ner, during a part of his time. Prom the fOreeaijboro schools he wentfo "Guiltrfoto college and from there to the ,. university, J where he was graduated in law. Receiving his license three years ago he came back to the city of his nativity and embarked upon a course which has now come to such an untimely close. lie form ed a partnership with his old teacher under the firm name of Hudson & Swift. It may be said truthfully that no young member of the bar gave promise of great er, success or more ' useful citi zenship. . ,. In October, 1911 the deceased celebrated one of the Happiest e ... 'veuu of hiir lite "when, ac l.imi- beta Cityae tiuirieo ALwa X'au i, aiue-v tsucep, dauyuter ot . A'j-ules- futf and itn. , i li.-" toheep, of " ihat place, a graduate of tne ssoi- mal, college Uu w tj ,and m i every -sense & woman wortny 'a share i with, this clean and stidng man, In a life which ottered uuusu , al prospects. It was since he was stricken with the fatal malady that, this union was Mewed "witu ji daughter, a ( beautiful baby now inner thirdnionth, To the moth er'ot thus child, the wile and the father and mother o fthe deceas: "' ed the blow falls heavy and for them the hearts of - mauy are warn in sympathy. ' Glenn Hudson was a member of the Westminister l'resbyferiau attendance and in f performance of . his duties; and also of the Knights - of 1'ythias and members of this order at- . tended the funeral and burial ser vices in a body." The funeral took place from the home Friday at 2 o'clock. It was. conducted by Rev. C. E. Hodgin, pastor of Westminister church and Rev. Mr.' Hawley of the Presbyterian church at Mebane. Interment was held in Green Hill cemeteiy. In Glenn Hudson's death the city shares In the loss which has come to those to whom he was dearest. . It is not easy,' to unr deretand just why a young" man should fall early . Uider certain 4-onditions "the very fall stuns v.one. V We ask ourselves why so soon. If one has lived to build for himself -a character noble and true, to show himself the posses sor 'of those ' high traits which jnen of worth . have, and to love und hf lovpd. it fn frnnd? Thoui'lk utricken in the first skirmish of he battle such a life is good. Glenn Hudson was white through and through. In hi own quiet way he has taught those who knew him the high pos sibilities of young manhood, Greensboro has produced no ,Mung , man of more , sterling wortu. Honest atid square, atti dious and thoughtful, che-jiful and patient, he had made hiu.self a man. - Ilia great promise at me bar was ner teaniteu, but if one has ho lived us to stand vicnu at the hnai accouutmg, nolltiug else matters much. Gieuu liuo hou stands clean. Life for him was gtod in the living and the uromise will not fail. There is a more. J UPPKRHOX'H ltlHTHDAY FITTINGLY ORSERVED Charlottesville, Va., April 14. The Uuiversjty of V irginia to day celebrated the 170th anniver sary of the birth of its founder, Thomas Jefferson. Talcott Wil liams of Columbia University school of journalism made an ad dress. Messages of greeting from alumni chapters throughout the country were read Dr. WiHiiamis declared Presi dent Wilson in his task had pro lited by the newspapers for which Jefferson laid the foundation for national liberty beyond any other mair in recent history. By the advance in journalism said Dr. Williams, president ' Wilson through all his campaign had the country as an audience. To Jef ferson he said no such air for tune came. The principle that publicity is the, best protection of liberty which Jefferson urged is univer sally accepted. Dr. Williams said and partisanship never has less controlled the newspapers than at present. ACT QUICKLY. Ilnx Bern Dangerous Elizabeth City in Do the right thing at the riglit time. . i Act quickly in time of danger. In time of Kidney danger Doan's Kidney Tills are most ef- feclive. Plenty of evidence of their worth. j H. B. Choppell, Court street Hdonton, X. 0., says: "Mv kidneys were very weak and at times the flow of the se cretions was profuse, then again scant and distressing. Back ache caused me much suffering and I had sharp, shooting pains across my loins. Whti' a friend told me about Doan's Kindney Pills. I cot a supply and was careful to take them--according to directions. Mv kidneys were soon strengthened and my aches and pains left me . You -may continue to publish all I have ev er said about Doan's Kidney Pills for they made a permanent cure in my case. I have had no need of a kidnev medicine whatever, sim I took DoanVKidney Pills For sale br all dealers. Price 50 cents.4 Foster-lJJilburn Co., Buffalo.. New York sole agents for the United States. Reniemlier the name Doan s- and take" no other. , You Have a Righc jto Know a whole lot about the nature and formula of the remedies you use for yourself and your family. . . ; ' j The day of the secret nostrum it paitth people are no longer fooled by extrayagant and im possible claimsjmade in mislead ing advertising ." Honest open . franknesa i$ your due-there , being nothing tocqnceal about Nyal'g Famify Remedieiwe freely furnish full information ; . You wouldn-'t think of eating food of which you knew nothing of the quality " , . Then why oaa medicine regard ing which neither jou nor your druggist know anything. ALBEMARLEPHARLIACY Corner Road and MainSts, PHONE 152 ' I KOISTH CAROLINA, CURRITUCK COUSTY, Superior Court September Term, 1913 ' ' ANDREW KMERIKE, Plaintiff v. . ... . . . JOHE1MI TAHAULT, I)cftndnt D R D KB xt. appearing u i-c tvan mA IUC UClUUUtUlt 1 U UUll'tlMiuKUl ox tun fciuie auu cauuok ,unv uue uingc-ifce, lie lounu wiuiiu tae biune; uuu i luituei- appeuuu to lue court taut tuo xiu.uuu uus a goou uuu weriuuious cause oi act.uu agaiubi tuo ueieuuuut, of wuaCu luis court uas jurisuic uon: aud it lunuer uppeaiiug to me Court, mat me JJeieuuum nassLJottwnat Nags Head Each Way. property wnniu mis state, in tne taiitpu of juuguieut debt uue him as uppeais by tne records of this Coun; aud at lurtner uppeariug to tne court tnat the saiu iseieuu ant is about to collect the said judgement and remove the pro ceeus of same out of this state and without the jurisdiction of tbis Court: if 18, THEREFORE, ordered that publication be made for the said, 1 defendant, commanding huu to apjiear at the said ISepleiiiber Term 11)13 of the Superior Court of this County to bo held at Cur rituck Courthouse, on Monday, the 1st day of September 11)13 and answer the complaint of the Plaintiff to be filed in said Court yr demur to the same, as he may be advised . . ' IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the publication, of a copy of this order in "The Advance," a newspaper published hi ' Eliza beth City, Pasquotauk county, North .Carolina (there being . no newspaper published in this coun tv), once a week for four succes sive weeks, shall be sufficient no tice to said Defendant of the '.pen dency of this action y- IX IS rUKIUtilt UliVVAlfAJ that a writ of attachment issue out of this court, returnable at the same time and place above' named, to the Sheriff of this Coun tv, 'commanding him to attach the said indebtedness or judge ment in favor of the defendant in this action, or any other'prOp erty of the Defendant within tnis state. The Defendant will take notice that this jrrit of attach ment is returnable also at said September Term 1913, Currituck Superior Court," to be held at Currituck Courthouse on the 1st day of September 1913; The purpose of this action is to recover the sum of f 12,102. 60, with 7 per cent interest on fl, 788.29, from - April 4th 1910, which debt arose' upod a certain judgement received by this Plain tiff against the Defendant, in the Court of Common Pleas, , Lucas county State of Ohio; E. W. ANSELL, i- Clerk Superior Court. Ehrin ghaus & Small At t '.. f -"''-.J I i 1 We Sell Hardware That is Our Speciality. We make a study of that branch We keep posted on the hardware ' market, We buy the best We buy ( 1 1 the latest styles and designs. . We carry a full line and can sup . ply your wants in hardware. J. H. AYDLETT HARDWARE CO. ' J, H. Aydlett Sole Owner and Manager SMOKE "HAVANA RACE" A CIGAR of highest auality.the beit five cents cigar on the market. Ask yonr mer chant for it, he can get BURGESS & Elizabeth City's New Corner Water and WE DO JOB PRINTING Mr. and Mrs. Noah Durfoot and daughter, Ada, have gone to Wilmington, Jf. Cv Mr. Rurfoot will attend a meeting of the Royal Arcanum, lie Is deputy grand regent for North Carolina. Frank A. flpence Is In Nor folk visiting his sister. EASTERN CAROLINA .TRANSPORTATluS COTY Only line offering regular service to ... NAGS HEAD and MANTEO All the year round. 8TEAMER HATT1E CREEP Leaves Manteo 0:00 a. m. Leaves Elizabeth City 12:45 p. m. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY, Passengers will find courteous and aorommodating crew and a safe and ooiAfortable boat FEED MID SEED We have in stock a full line" bf SEED for farm; Corn, Oats, Clover and Grass seed. For gar- den, Peas, Beans, Irish Potatoes Melon Seed,, Onion sets, and all other seed in season. Our seed are as good as can be found on the market and better than some Our FEED department is well stocked with the best on the mar ket, Hay, Grain, and Mill Feed. We have taken on, in connec tion with our feed and seed bus iness, the Electric Supply and Contracting business, and can furnish anything in the Electric supply; business for lighting, heating, and power. Wre have a competent electrician in our em ploy, who can go on short notice for any installing or repairing electric work. v ; Pit ICES RIGHT Yours to Serve, WHITE S CO 'Phone 64 120-122 Poindexter it from us. . AYDLETT, Wholesale Grocers Mathews Streets v 1 Don't hide your Money YOU never know who has been watching you. Put it in this bank wjiere it is safe. You can withdraw t at any lime.. Come in to-day before you lose it and open account FIRST NATIONAL BANK ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Oldest And Largest Bank in Elizabeth City. ; . - '' OFFICERS. CHAS H. ROBINSON, Pres. LS. BLADES, V.-Pres. ; W. G. GAITHER, JR., Cashier SANITARY Remember I am prepared to do all kinds ot plumbing, steam and gras fitting also special atten tion to sewer connections. Thoroughly Equipped -1 1 " SPECIAL ATTENTION given to Hot water and Steam Heating. Nothing but Ideal Boilers and American Radiators used, OilLY SKILFUL VORKMEII EMPLOYED ' Prices reasonable. Personal at tention to all orders. VIP. KNOWLES Fearing Street THE CHARLOTTE SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily $6.00 Per Year Daily and Sunday Sunday only. ..................... . . ... . The Semi-Weekly Observer Tuesday and Friday . . $1.00. Per Year The Charlotte Daily Observer; issued Daily and unda is the leading newspaper'between Washington, D. C. and At Ianta,lGa. It gives all the news ot North Carolina besides the complete Associated Press The Semi- Weekly Obsesver issued on Tuesday and Fr- day for $1.00 per year gives the week's news; The leading Semi-Weekly of the State. Ad dress all orders to ' '-. V V THE OBSERVER COHPinY CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA PLUMBING Elizabeth Cit, DAILY . 8.00:Per Year .2.00 Per Year service. , . : reader a full report of. the OBSERVER

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