H3 n UvJ u . If You Do, Come To The Big Furniture Store. 105-115 Poindexter Strum 1 TO jvJLu w E BUY every thing direct from the maker and for spot cash. This enables us to buy cluaper, so we caundersell pur competitors. Our z store is filled to overfiowii ig store is miea to oveniowing witn anyinmg ana every uung mat j uu uu home. You can find just what you are looking for, in any quantity from a single piece of furniture. to everything to furnish a mansion. Here is a few of the many good things we have to offer you:- One solid carload of mattings imported by us direct from Hongkong, China, One solid carload of Famous White Mountain Refrigerators, The best relrige- ator on earth: One carload of Lawn and Porch Swings. We have big line of Hammocks, Water Coolers, Mosquito Conopies etc. ' . In fact we have everything carried in first class furniture stores. We want your business. Let us have it, we can save you money. Kitchen Labor, MADE EASY 5 IF YOU OWNA COM Save your strength, prevent loss of valuable baking materials, provide a handy place for utensils, silverware, etc, and get a handsome, lasting piece of furniture as well by buying a Boone; they systematize the kitchen and makethe work easy. The Boone has twelve special features not found In any other cabinets. A style to suit your needs, at a very low price, is, now being shown at this store. it . mm I CALL AND 5EEywiis . THE BIG STORE I05--II5 Poindexter Street PSOCIETY6 town on the 27th duy of April. Mr. and.. Mrs, ..Eugene Cook, and Miss Katie Reed returned Wednesday from Charlotte, N. C, where they hare been attend ?ng th meeting of the Baraca- Vhilathea Societies. ' Lieutenant and Mrs. Hall en tertained the Whist Club at the Southern Hotel Tuesday evening. The parlors were beautifully dec orated with flags and. quantities of roses. . A close and exciting game was enjoyed . Miss Byrd Kntuier making the highest score vas aw aided Ue ladies first prize while Miss Dora (irice was given the consolation prize. lr. Pen dleton won the gentleman's lhst prize and Mr. Will Maither won the consolation. ' ' A large ;, puncji bowl stood in one corner from which the guests . Mr. amI Mrs. Strange iiKuimtn.. ..,.m,v York a iv in town 111 sii a pes 01 iruus were scrvcu with cake. Thos present were, J)r. and Mrs. A. L. Pendleton, Mr. and Mrs. If. Parks. Mr. and Mrs Louis Selig. Mr. nnd Mrs. 1. A Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. , C. W. rice. Miss Alice Outlaw, Miss Byrd Kramer,. Miss CJoldie Kra mer. Mrs; W. McQueen Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Walker, Miss Dora Orice, Mrs. Worthingtou, Miss Kate AHwrtson. Miss Minnie liOa- ry, iand Mr. AVull (Jaither. The Welnesdav afternoon soci al club was entertained Wednes day! afternoon br Mrs. W. .1 Woodlev at her" home on west Main street. The member met promptly, and the various games werp entered into with lest. Deli rious refreshments were served during the evening. rrT The D . II. Hill Chapter of the Daughters or the Confederacy met Tuesday afternoon with Miss Sonhia. Martin at her home on Church street. Usual business was transacted. Arrangements were made for the general meet ing of the chapters of this sec tion, which will be held in this MASQUKKADE PARTY .1 j -'-' . There will be a Masquerade Party at the home of Mrs. Chas. lleid on west Church street Fri day night for the benefit of the Ladies Aid Society of the First Ilaptist Crurch. C. P. Itrown returned homp Sunday from a week's visit to Nor folk. from Mrs. Crary is visiting her son nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. De los Crary. Mr. K. I!. Jennings of.Okisko was in the city Tuesday,. ITr. T. C, Story of Wihfall was here Tnesdar on business. Captain Ben Spruill of Cres well was here this week attending Federal court. v. ..... Mr. W. E. Shirley of Haiti more was here this week. Miss Tearl Sykes of Wanche'se was in the city Wednesday, Attoraey B. L. Banks, Jr., of uatesvme, was oh business. here Wedn ysdav Mre. Gilbert Stepheuson (nee Miss Grace White) of Winston Salem arrived here Monday niaht ior a visit to relatives.; Attorneys, A. 11. Worth and Malvern, Tili.it went to Nor folk on professional business Mon day. Mrs. day to W.A.. Worth left Mou visit friends in Norfolk. The many friends of Mrs. I. N. Tillitt will regret to learn that she is leaving Elizabeth to make her home in Norfolk. Mrs. Zimmer, of Moyock, with her litllevson. is visiting her t nrents MV- and Mrs. Charles Peid on west Church street. ' Miss Lillie G randy has gone to Oxfordwhere she will teach in in oxford college tor the rest ot the term. . Mrs. E: A. White of here, Misses Emma and' White spent Saturday in beth City shopping, SALE OF BONDS Belvi Clara Eliza- O "5 0 o vo do oh (J O O O G O O O O O O r. Gentle Styloplusiv WIU I - I - "'I ptneT"" tte worl4 OTr' r ..... ..." Mr. J. II. Freeman of nobbs- ville was in the city this week attending Federal court. Mr. John Alexander of Colum bia was here this week attend ing Federal court. Sealed bids will be received at this office for the sale of 1 6,000 worth of bonds issued br the school district No., 19 in South Mills township- Camden county. X. C, in denominations of $300 each, payable one bonI each year for twelve years, with interest at ft per cent payable annually; on the whole amount. Bids will be received until 12 o'clock noon the 12th day of May 191.? and will be opened same day and Hour, in the office of the Board of Education at Camden. Camden county, N. C. The committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. April 9th 1913. , W. R. DOZIEK Secretary to School Committer -; South Mills, N. C. nen wear good clothes not that good clothes make a gentleman, but a gentleman cannot feel at ease Jiv com monplace garments. ws You can spend a good " deal of money on your clothes if you go ahead without' consideration of price. On the other hand, you can be stylish and tastily dressed at a very reasonable figure. Accept our judgment of values and wear Stylcplus Clothes $17. , You will get the satisfaction that only well-tailored, correct-fashioned clothes can eivc. You wiU like the fabrics-they arc choice se lections of all-wool patterns. . You will find that this special suit made, by the largest men's tailoring organization in the , world is firmly constructed inside and out your clothes will wear and hold their shape. : ' f , All the newest spring effects in every style to please dasning young men or conservative men of older years. Come in and sec it's worth your while." McCABE & QRICE Tstosy Elizabetli City, N. C. V e J,