Uzz C:z3 Q:j is - 1 I York, and Lillian Brite of Shi-lub. aV Absolutely Pure The only baking powdor nuu!a front Royal Orape Cream of Tartar x society. The Senior Rook Club met Fri day afternoon with Mrs. Way land Hayes at her home 'on Road street. A most- enjoyable after uoon wan spent by those present. Refreshments were served during tho evening. . The Tennis Court on west ChUrch street is much enjoyed by. u number of young people. The Bound Dosjen Club met Friday evening with Mrs. Mattie Leary at her home on ChUrch street. A pleasant evening was spent in reading, fancy work, and conversation. Delicious refresh ments were served at the close of the evening. Miss Carrie Alexander of Chase City is visiting Miss Mary Peu- dleton at her home on West Church street. . FOR ALDERMAN I , . . . ' I hereby announce myself a can didate for alderman for the fourth ward subject to the action of the Democratic primary. Respectfully! v B- F. SWINDELL- AlStf n.pd. FOR ALDERMAN I hereby announce myself a candidate for Alderman from the third ward subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. S. W. GREGORY. FOR CITY HEALTH OFFICER I hereby announce myself a candidate for City Health Officer subject to the action of the Deiu ocratie Primary. Your supiMtrt is solicited. IJeHjwct fully, . .1. II. GRIGGS Mo. is as great as any one's and that luy ability, to do the work i proved by actual test,' 1 solicit from my friends the same gener uum HupMrt they have always giv en me. M. W. BERRY, FOR CHIEF OF TOLICE l ncreuy announce myself as candidate for Chief of Police of Elizabeth City subject to the ac tion of the Democratic Primary . Respectfully. J. C. MODLIN tf pd. .... ' 0 (I The district meeting of the U. D. C. will be held Thursday, A pril 24th in the Annex of tho First-Baptist Church at 2:50 o' clock. An address of welcome will bo made by one of the mem bers. Mrs. T. G. Skinner wil respond to the address of wel come, fche will also give an out line of the work the U. D. C expects to take up during the coming year. The lion. J. B LeigliwjH then make a short address. After thi a musical program will beVgiyf.n Jiy local talent. Tliose who are Mnreresi od in the work cf the U. D. C. are cordiallv invited to attend. Luncheon will be served to the local chapter and to the delegates at the home of Mrs. Louis Selig, .110 west Main street, between 12:50 and 1 0 o'clock." The Elsinore Chapter of D. R. held a rummage sale Saturday, and realized a neat sum. This will be devoted to the fund for the fountain which the D. R. expect to erect some day in the aot far distant future, on the Courthouse Green, in memory of Virginia Dare The three chap ters of the D. R., the Sir Wal ter Raleigh Chapter, the Elsi nore, and the Virginia Dare chap ter have combined to raise mon ey for this object. They will begin an earnest campaign in the fall to interest the town in this patriotic move ment . The ninth grade of the high school spent a elightful day Sat- lurday at Arneuse Creek on a pie- nir. They were cnaperoneu dv 'the teachers. Mavor Flora has been sick for sone time but is now much im proved. FOR ALDERMAN For. Alderman for the Fourth Ward, subject to the Democrat ic rrimary, i hereby announce myself for alderman cf the fourth ward. If the people elect me I will be governed by the oath of office od justice.' Respeetfullv T. B. HAYMAN. ' Apr IS tf. Pd The officers of the various church organizations are earnest ly requested to meet at the Pres byterian church, at 3:30 oclock Wednesday afternoon. Miss Pearl Conrad of Raleigh and Mrs. Willis Gregory of Heit ford are here to attend the .New- bold Gregory wedding which will take" place Wednesday at 1:30, P. M. , FOR ALDERMAN I hereby announce mvself a candidate for alderman from sec ond ward subject to the action of the Democratic primary. Respectfully 8. II. REII) tf. Npd Apr 18 FOR CITY HEALTft OFFICEI I hereby announce myself ii nn.'idate for Health Officer o Elizabeth Cilv subject to the ac Mun (if the IHmocvnt;c Primary. JcKject fully DR. C. B. AVILLIAMS ATLANTA COAST 1DFJE The Standard I I h M il 1 1 il in ) ,i , . i den tin" Ttit ih i) &ttu cl VIRGINIA NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CAROLNA G GEORGIA AMABAMA an? FLORIDA. FOUR FAMOUS TRAINS H 1 W .YORK AND FLORIDA PICIAL (January to Apr!') FLORIDA and IST NPAM LIMITED", -PALMITO ' -COAST LINE FLORIDA MAIL Dining cam la cart aerrlca All year round to rough eat ' c from Nw York to both Port T"mpR i KnjlRhtr Key, connecting with amnhip jo Htn) from Hmt . '"' Kit fN jUIUrMMv ti'ii-"rtt,,.i , K,,, . ' I Cuih f.ii. in..-. '.hIi Vt't ' L1MITBO VV!! iinn lii !. (i . -J " F01?TAX COLLECTOR I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of City lax Collector, subject to action mi ueinocrauc miliary. Any support 'or favors will be jreatly appreciated. Very respectfully, tf. pd. JAMES" M. ' HILL, FOR CITY TAX COLLECTOR FOR CITY TAX COLLECTOR I hereby announce mvself a can didate for tho office of City. Tax Collector, subject to the action John W. Evans of Manto, is of the Democratic primary. here on business. Mrs. J. A. Haste, has return ed to her home in Edentoii. after visit to frionds and re'arives here. Your support is solicited and it will be highly appreciated. Resepctfully, M. M. JONES Miss Margaret Htokely has gone to Norfolk to visit relatives. Miss Mattie Banks and Mr. G. R. Bright have gone to New York on a business trip for the firm of Fowler and Company. Mrs. Jane Grandy of .Norfolk - is visiting is vistting her daugh ter, Mrs. Margaret Seymour; FOR MAYOR I hereby announce myself as a candidate for mayor, of Eliza beth City subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. Respectfully T. P. NASH. tt.-r-pd. ; u Miss Annie Whaley of Belcrosa is visiting Miss Ruth Hastings. Oscar Long of Norfolk was here yesterday visiting his friends. FOR CHIEF OF TOLICE I hereby announce myself candidate ..for .the office of Chief of Police, subject'to the action of the Democratic Primary. Respectfully, A. C. BELL All tf pd. Mrs. Clay Foreman celebrated her birth-day Friday by entertain ing at dinner j of her relatives, a who Atrtuese flath City; Wo hate a speed of tfnety present. , ; knotts per toig'Xf&& Mrs. L. S. r Anmtf vTAlr. and Mrs. L. S. uiaaes, Mr. ana Mrs. t. r . Derrickson, Mr and Mrs. C. W. Hollowell, Mr. and Mrs.. J. W. Foreman, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Blades, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wr. Foreman,1 Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Foreman, Mr. andMrs. M. L. Sheepuj'WvB 'Foreman, James DerricKfyyh, and two grand sons, mafttefs 'Wesley Foreman Sheep, , and Roscoe Foreman, Jr. Simeou Burgess and Miss Lu cy Burgess spent Sunday in Cam den v)sit?ng an aunt who is ill. FOR CITY HEALTH OFFICER I r - ' Mr. L.. W. Twiford. spent some time last week at his old home in Mann's Harbor. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Health office of E- lizabeth City subject to the no tion of the Democratic Primary. Respectfully -DR. I. FEARING. All tf pd. The Chafing Dish Club was en-, tertamed Friday night by Miss Elizabeth Rerrickson at her home on Main street. The game of "Rook" was played and refresh ments were served. , . The following were' present: Misses Elizabeth Derrickson, Nel lie Grice, Nellie Etheridge, Mary Ferebee, Margaret Griggs, Mary Brk?ht, Helen Aydlett, Ruth 'Glover, Maude Palmer, Marion Barclift Messrs. Bush Leigh, . Ray Toxey, Camden Blades, Ed. Oriffin. Ciarence Reid,, WilHam 1 Meekins, Elwood . Weatherly, -Fleetwood Dunstan, Bradford Griggs. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Duck worth have 'returned to their home in Tennessee after having spent the winter here with their daughter, Mrs. W C. Glover. FOR CHIEF OF POLICE 1 hereby announce mvself a can diiliite for the office of CITY TAX COLLECTOR, subject to the Dem oci-Htic Primary. 1 have never before asked for or held oUice 1 am now and always have been loyal to the ' Democratic Party and supported its candidate Citv, Countv, State and Nation al." Any Rupport that you may give me will be appreciated. Respectfully, J, O. FEARING. tf. pd. FOR CITY TREASURER I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election of City Treasurer, subject to the Demo cratic primary. ; J. T. 8PENCK jumaa$mat Blood Was Wrong AH women, who suffer from the aches and pains, dne to female ailments, are' urged to try Carduf, t';e relkble, scientific, tonic remedy, for women. Cardui acts promptly, yet gently, and without bad effects, on the womanly .system, relieving pain, building up strencth, regulating the syrtem, and toning up the nerves. During the past half century, thousands of ladles have written to tell of the quick curative results they obtained, from the use of this well-known medicine. The Mrs, Jane Callehaa suffered from womanly trouble for nearly ten years. In a letter from Whileville, N. C, she says: MI was not able to do my own housework. My stomach was weak, and my blood was wrong. I had back ache, and was very weak, I tried several doctors, but they did me no good. I used Cardui for 3 or 4 months, and now 1 am In the best health I have ever been. I can never praise Cardui enough." It Is the best tonic, for women. . Whether seriously sick, or simply weak, try Cardui Mkftv tadh AWMff Pwt. Pttwm MwBchw Ca.. CHm,i f , r ff f", f"f-vi"iii I ? 1 I hereby announce myself a candidate for Chief of Police sub ject to the Democratic Primary. O. F. SEYMORE N. W Daily of Fowler & Co. spent some time, in . Currituck last week on a business trip. He made a trip for Mr. J. A. Hoop er who has been sick. FOR STREET COMMISSIONER av.r r fkjnor fk fk.t 71 Vf 7 EOWEER- & CO., y v i I i The Y. M. I. Club held a de- lightfnl reception at the home of y at iss liontas Edney last nigot. ; I Those present were: Messrs. ' Noah Garrett, Ambrose Ward, jSi Charles Ward, Virginia Morri wette, William Pritchard, Wilson Williams, Roscoe Wynne, Willie Palmer, RuRbee Jones, James Bartow, Willie Munden, Elwyn ' Trueblood. Misses' Carrie Brite, Mae Garrett, Hontas Edney, Am ler HoIIoman, .. Evelyn Mnnden, Ethel Munden, Mary Ward, Ame lia Owens, Nlnr. Bartlett, of New CANDIDATES FOR ALDERMAN I hereby announce myself a candidate for alderman from the first ward, subject to the action of the Democratic primary April 25th. . Respectfully, L. ROSCOE FOREMAN tf pd. 1 t " . FOR ALDERMAN I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of street Com missioner subject to the Democrat ic voters. I have had Five Years experience , and will greatly ap preciate the soppore of the public ' Resepctfully. -I ' , J. W. BETTH 1tf Pd.'! ;,.-.?' FOR CHIEF OF POLICE I hereby announce myself ;'a candidate for Alderman from sec ond ward subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. -, Respectfully N. O. GRANDY Aprl8 Npd. v - I hereby announce myself candidate for re-election to the office of Chief of Police, subject to the Democratic Primary , a Resepctfully, J, B. THOMAS FOR ALDERMAN FOR . , .i .THE-FIRST WARD FOR ALDERMAN I hereby announce mvself a candidate for Alderman from the first ward subject to the action of the Democratic rrimary. Respectfully - J. W, BALLANCE tf pd. Subject to the Democratic pri mary I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Alderman for the First Ward , Your vote and support will be highly appreciat ed. - ' -' harry GREENLEAF FOR CITY TAX-COLLECTOR I hereby announce mvself as candidate for re-election to the office of City Tax Collector, sub ject to the nefion of the Demo cratic primary. Respectfully org ing that my need of the position t Y v - V V ' V - - - " v 4. DDC5V QDD8, NOTDdKNS, CILDTD1IDME, SDHOEST DU(0NEST MIERCOHANIUDSE ATTENTON .: ! :.; :':- . '--;: y- LOWEST PKHGES v A sr h -I ft ft i i vr fi sr ft. s' f v f ft t sf ? ' Poindexter St k CO Wafer SIrcz s f. t . .4 , f r 4. I f 4. I 4 I, i