THE ADVANCE" Published Tuesday and Friday v By HERBERT FEELER Kdltor and Manager. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. , Om Year -HO , Six' Mentha Mo "AUiwrwa oguuuxituM urn uer tuy i, urn, i u pot mo a UMtwu Cuy, iNortn Carolina, under f - Aotllig inW KioWJY iue news got about iasi esuiUiuaV Uiomtug liiat TUuiuus liau won over an couiiuioits iu tue lute lor mc cilice 01 Cmei ol roiice, we couiu not help wouuenujj How loug Lhzubeui City win put up wiw . iu pieseat uew8paK!i- facilities. ' We cau hear pieuty ot cussing because Elizabetu Guy lias uo dm lv iiewsiuDer: but seldom if ever uo we him a inau willing to help lilizabetli City's leudiug iiews- - punier to become the paper that is wanted iu this town. The Advance could have come out with an extra giving the re sults of the primary that might have beeu on the streets by eiev- - en o'clock Friday night and that , at no very great expense". Such an edition would have involved great deal of work on the part of the Advance editor, but had e felt sure that enough copies would be sold to pay tor the ex ' peuso of type-setting and ! .press work, 'the paper wiuiU have uumo "off the press. But up to this time, we regret VO BOjf LUC1C UII9 UW.U "V ' - J -s marked appreciation m Elizabetu .'City of this paper's attempts to give the people the news ahead of the out of town dailies. Last Mayj we went to Baltimore to the Democratic convention. While there we sent daily tel egrams giving the latest reports direct froln the convention halls. After we got back home, we went - to considerable expense to get a Baltimore 'reporter to continue '-' to send these reports until Wil son's nomination was announced. We got back, of the money that we put out, one dollar and seventy-five cents which was colleet ed by Mr. Latmb. We have un derstood that some other collec tions 'werer made; but if so the other moneys have not yet reach-- .dus. - .. . . " v - . t; , This is but one experience. We luive had others. We got out an "extra after the primary last fall. It didn't pay at leas. so i : , immediate results were concern ed. We got out another when reached Elizabeth City of the appointment of Dr. Tendle- ton. as postmaster. That didnt ; . ,pay, either. . , The Advance is willing to do ' &U pari , out na euuvi , been poor and he has got poorer since going into the newspaper business. Between paying rent on his building and plant and pay ang his bills for paper ami m. and printers, he is kept between ' the oevil and the "deep sea. And ' before going to another conveu tion or gettiug out another extra he wants ,io be assured that he will-get back the actual money " that he has put out. A word to the wise is sufficient. The Advance hopes , that Eliz abeth City has got a good set of aldermen for the next two years. One or two candidates were de ; feated whom we would have pre- ferred to some who were selected ; but taking the board altogether we expect it to act for the town's ; best interest. This paper, as has been its policy heretofore, expects .- without fear or favor to criticise the board's action when we deem it unwise and to commend it when - it takes a step in the right di rection. We may make mistakes, and expect that we shall ; but our . columns are always pen to those who will show us, our ; error. ; - Did you know that of the thou ands of the people refused insur unc every year by one large life insurance company, 41 per cent - were declind because of degenera tive affections of the heart, blood "(Ve8els, kidneys, ete;? A great ' many of these people' were in ig norance of their danger, and im mediately took steps to have the trouble corrected. Hence the val tie of a chance of medical inspec tion. Why not make it a regu 1 lar ihiogr ! v . - . . hTATE AID IN - GOOD liUAD liUlLDIJiU .' ' Maintenance - as well on cou Htiuctiou of jroou louds la'uuuie uecessaix by modem tramu couth nuns, -oi only must a road be iiul in ifood coudilUou. but it must be Kept iu gooa condition iu oiuer to serve me purposes for u inch it is intended, una be a per manent beuent to tue community and to the state, in the ear liter wars of state - a aiu, the maintenance of the roads was generally left to the counties and townships. ' Through this ac tion many miles of good roads, constructed at heavy expense, were permitted so to deteriorate that large sums of money were required tor resurfacing and res toration. Later laws cstablish- inc 'state aid in road construction hafe generally made provision for maintenance. . As lonir as the control of the roads is left in the hands of coun ty, or township oilicials, so long must there be idiegulanty ana uu eveiincHS in Uie upkeep. L.ocal oluciais, to inuke u lecoiu lor e cuuomy, may permit gooa roaus to get into sucu u couaaiou oi ujs-i-fcpair, thut a succeeding aa-uiiUisu-aUou may. be obliged to siH'ud twice as mucu for iesiora lon as rcasonuDie maiuLeuauce Would have cost. r miner, many local olliciah have not iet realized tuat improv ed roads change tiailic coiidinons joL oiiiv uo adtouiouilists seeU oiit good roads, and add largely to tiie travel, but every resident iiiuiiir the road will huch up nis team ahd go somewhere half a dozen times, when, were tue road unimproved, he would have let'l the horses in the stable. To correct this irregularity and 'uueveuuess an the caie of the high ways, it is necessary that uni form methods be pursued, and this can only be accomplisued uu der state direction . ine actual work mav verv woueny be plac ed in charge of count engineers but these should be accountable too and act under the authori ty of the state highway depart ment. In order to maintain the roads in good condition, uniform plans must be out in operation, apply ing to all localities alike. It is not sufficient to state that county or township officials must keep the roads in repair; the partic ular condition expressed by the words "in repair" is susceptible of too manv constructions. The exact condition of required ex- cellence must be cieany stateu and the methods to be used to maintain the standard plainly ex pressed in order to secure ae duale results. Even then, the state should have authority to proceed promptly, iu case or fail ure o local officials to perform. the duties devolving on them." ,' . Arguments' of "home rule" and county or township "units'' in road managpment only tend to bec loud a subject that should be, and is, as clear as daylight. - This age is an age of "standards" in almost every factor which enters into our commercial arid social existence. Standards of road and bridge construction are nec essary to make the highways a yailaide to the jeopIe to the great est advantage. , Likewise stand ards of maintenance must be es tablished that the. functions of the highways may he continued without interruption. When state funds are invested in the highways thCinvestment is for the benefit of all the people of the state, and it is the duty of the state to see that the integri ty and value of that Investment is maintained in a condition which makes it at all times worth That's All IDo Examine Eyes And Furnish Glasses But l Do It Right Dr.J.D. Hathaway OPTOMETRIST Ovr McCsbe & Grice the money which was put into it ; otherwise the. money might as well not have been expended. A road can never be worth less than it cost, unless, through neclecL it is permitted .to bo to ruin. In order to 'preserve the value of the hignways, so tnat thpv shall always be an asset to to the state, always . represent funds well invested, earning div idends in the enhanced valuations of property, in the economy of primary transportation, and in the heightened welfare and hap piness of the people, the systems of maintenance and "repair and upkeep must be. under ..the direc tion and control of the state, and paid for, partially at least, with state funds. JUKT A WORD The Advance has tried, in the two years of its life in Elizabeth City, to avoid flattery, of publu men and to refrain from venom ohm and spiteful attacks upon those in high places. It has al ways been our policy -to say, noiu itig about matters about wnicn wi knew nothing and to keen oui month shut generally where no good could be done talking. Pursuing this policy we nave hild nothine to do with or to say ulwut the attacks of W. . Saunders upon men in public life In these attacks he was talking about things generally which hap pened ltefore thi8paier appeared here and about which were not m-ptnrcd to sneak with authori ty. Hut noting how maliciously I'alse and untrue were many of his insinuations a gains): men in private liffe we long ago censed to regard as worthy of be lief his charges against any one. We note that Saunders has been nsked to retract and apolo- Norfolk Southern ; Railroad CUASQElXTliB SCHEDULE OF THE NORFOLK SOUTHERN Schedule in effect April 27th 1913. N. B. the following schedule figures published as information ONLY and are .not guaranteed. Trains leave Elisabeth City SOUTH BOUND : ' ' ' ) 11:00 T, M., Daily for Raleigh. Pullman sleeping cars for Ral eigh and Goldsboro, and Inter mediate stations. Connection " at Mackey's for Belhaven branch leave Mackey's-daily ex. cept Sunday 7:15 A. M. , . ; 11:37 A. M., Daily for Raleigh Goldsboro and intermediate stations iAlso connection f or all branch lines south of the sound, t Pullman Parlor car . for Newborn. NORTH BOUND "f. 6:08 A, M, for Norfolk ond lo cal stations. 2:30 P. M., for Norfolk and lo cal stations. ' .. - 1:43 P. M., Monday, Wednes day, and Friday for Suffolk and local stations. , - For Further Information hjh plv to F. L. Garret, Ticket Agt., Elizabeth City, N.C. . W. A. WITT Gen'ISnp't. W. W. CROXTON Gen'l Pass., Agt. NORFOLK, YA., gise for his latest attack upon E. F. Aydlett. It has taken no keen observer to see that Saun ders wus pursuing" Mr. Aydlett with malice and the dullest of us have been able to detect gross misrepresentation in these at tacks from time to time. The Advance is glad fliat a halt has been called upon them. They are continually stirring up old strKe 'in this community to no avail. RJUESH, II. G. CHILD Made Strong and Well by VinoL When w tell you that Vinol 1 ths mkiimIt In our whole stock for making weak, puny, ailing children strong, robust ana rosy, we are oniy telling you what ha been proved by hundreds of mothers. " Mn W n. Strother. Raleigh. N. C. Bays: "My UtUe girl. Hazel, has been . ... a . i II. taklcg VlnOI lO duiiu nor uy wwr m severe spell of sickness. It has dona bo much good by restoring her appe tite and building up her strength that t thtnv la tW flnpnt tonic ever prepared, and I all telling everyona about It ' , - What Vinol did for this littla girl it "will do for very weak and, dint child, because sickly children need the strengthening cod liver elements' and the tonic iron tnac vtnnl rnntalna that is why Vinol builds them up quickly3 and gWea them a fine, Healthy color, ii is niaaaont tft tVft atH wa guar antee that the results will satisfy you money back if they do not. Standard Drug co. E1U, city, N C ' Wood's Seeds. Cow Peas, the great forage and soil improving crop. Soja Beans, , the most nutritious and best of summer feed crops. Velvet Beans- make enormous growth; are splendid for summer graz ing and as a soil renovator. Write for "WOODS CROP SPECIAL", giving full informa tion about these and other Seasonable Farm Seeds. T.W. WOOD 5f SONS. Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va ' SSS11B1SWS1B ' Our stocks of Cow Pen and Soya Beans re choice retleanedatockaol supe rior quality and gnjunbon. MM One and Two Horse Wagons; wc have them in all sizes, with iron axle or with the celebrated Long Sleeve-Thimble Skein v. Also New Century Cultivators Stock -Cutters, l)isc, Spike, tooth Harrows. Weeders, Middle Bus ters and H. F. Avery's steek plows. , Just received a carload of A flriaii wire fence, a full line of Clover and grass seeds, Oats Wheat and Rye. etc. See us and get prices. . ' v- ... - We Buy All Kinds of Peas. Let Us Quote You Prices.. mm t nioimi co. Nor ITT) ' IC ? I1 - THE BIG STORE 105-115 Poindexter St. Elizabeth City, N.C. A BREAD r Making F MACHINE The latest thing out for Bread And Cakes We have t he above machine. We dump into it one ansd one half barrels of Hour put in the proper fixings; set the machine; and in less ,-Dough" scientifically knadeed ready for the oven. This means scientific work. Every; thing done correctly, hence the best bread and cakes in town HARRIS BAKERY, b.t. harms. Prop. SPECIAL! Prices On Wool Dress Goods GREATLY REDUCED We can save you money on any purchase of material SUIT, C0AT,-Si(lRT OR COSTUPE FINE ASSORTMENT TO SELECT FROM Mi ELIZABETH CITY, N, p. WE DO JOB PRINTING At Reasonabe Prices A ECousehoId Necessity Because they save cooking materials, economize on space, prevent loss of silverware, crockery, etc (by providing a handy, permanent place), tave labor and cut kitchen work in half. ' Twelv Special Features make the Boone always the best! . We have a number of these fine cabinets - . on Special Sale i ' - than "no time we have the for bread, biscuits and cakes,. I ! : 1 hiiil 0 P :i j

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