, . .. -' .... I , ' .- ' ,. ., ":.... usi iph wile i! : OFFICIAL PAPE3" " OF CURRITUCK COUNTY ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROJJNA, FRIDAY JUNE. 1 6, NO. 26 VOL III i i - !! D TO IIIIIF If El! PROPOS TlOil HELD UP OV DIG 01IS THIS WEEK But Announcement is Made on Good Authority That There is No Idea of Abandoning Plan Number of Options on Right of Way Al ' Ready Secured and No Trouble An ticipated iu .7 For home fhe plan to bmM a railroad that would put Elizabeth - itv in aulckcomraunication oy ater with Tyrrell couniy . the sara lime tap some of the finest Jarmmg lands in the doun ty has been on foot here and the Matter has been agitated in, the mJ . . A o fl T columns of this newspaper- , The first project was to build this railroad to Lister i . Pier and to establish a boat line frem there rs have now got behind the plan and it proposed to build the rail road to Wiggins' Landing or some adjacent point on Little Biver. This plan will make necessary the construction of a ..W wt Tailroad lineone something Uke '-eight T ten miles in length, TMnew plan has been under Vay for some time but this paper asked to make no statement a8 to the matter, . before plans Vere more definite. The. exceed ingly 'et weather, however, has presented the work frorot being pushed ana this, write-up is giv . n to let the . people understand that the project ft as .ontians lDE - arnxr have been secured along part of the proposed route and no trouble along t this lme 5s expected . V As soon as the Tight of way is secured there will be more to be said about this matter. , ' At present the wet weather is -preventing ?he promoters from getting out on the right of way and securing the options as rapid ly as they expected to do. FATHER OP O . N . , MARSHALL DEAD Rev. O. Nf ' Marshall spent "Mondav night in Eliaabeth City on hi9wv home from Nashville "N. C. wlere he had been galled It the sickness of his father. Mr, , Marshall fond his father sink ing rapidly and remained with Trim until his death . On the morning of the night that the death occurred there was another death in the family when the lit tle daughter of ,Mr . Marshall's "brother died. Mr. Marshall's father was sev-enty-flve years old and a veteran of the. war between the" states. "There am three sons surviving the death, C. E. Marshall of Nash vill, a farmer; W. R." Marshall, & builder and contractor of Rockj y Mount, N. C, and Rev. O, iN. Marshall of Manteo." There Is also one daughter, M"s. J. A. Babbitt of Nashville. BLOOD HOUNDS TO EDEN TON : Mr. J. W. Shores received a -telegram from Edenton yesterday .morning to bring his man'chasers -there at once. There is no in formation to wha the trouble Is. -CHAMBER OP COMMERCE MEETS TO-NIGHT v The Chamber of Commerce -meet to-ment xor tne purpose ui i electing officers and to take up -again the matter of freight dis ' crimination In Elizabeth City.. tend and all interests 1 in the freyit rate fight areilaTited-to be present. securing nu JAMES ROUCHTO'I DEAD Fort Iandintr. N. C June A- T?rnyhtnn nf this nlace tfll WWUW f died this morning at about eight o'clock. . TTo 1m a hwn in had health for several ytears, his illness dating' from a stroke of paralysis suffer ed some time ago. For s the last few days he has 1uun coon in hA rflTtidlv falllDff in UVVU "VVU w f c health and strength and the end was not a surprise to tnose wno ! watched by his bedside. nV Mr. Roughton was proDaoij about seventy years of age. He lpnvps vrai children and a host of friendB .to mourn their loss. THn funeral will take place to morrow from Mount Zion Baptis' church. ELOX COLLEGE CLOSES GREAT YEAR Elon College,, N. C, June 4th LT.fl 24th Elon College Com- tn a close here to;night with the AlumnUBan. ' 'q-uet.in;.;:thertxrollege;;4inin..g;.,haJl,., which followed immediately upon the Alumni Address by Mrs. ,i K. Ruebush, of Dayton, Virgin ia, whose theme was ."Universal Democracy,." The Commencement oegan iaai Satiirdav evenins with the class day exercises of the class 1913, v - . mi a most enjoyable occasion, nuea with good spirit and fine fun. Tr. WarrenyR. Denison, of Norfolk, gave the baccalaureate sermon on Sunday morning, nwnrhine on "Life's Great Rule'' the theme beine devoted service. President Harper that- evening delivered the baccalaureate ad dress and spoke of present-day educational problems, using as his -rr Jl A.- M m.A ureoa hiww v. .-v-t subject "The Ingredients of True Living". The Society Representatives on Monday evening were iferuumj, r m . . . 1 nM.a.4M 1 deserving the fine praise they re- nS,raA -hoii oaaava and orations deliehting the vast concourse of - 1 Ll 3 1 peepie wno naa assemuieu 10 uer them. Dr. Charles W. Kent of the TTniVonciv nf ViriHnia on Tues - 111 T V& J " O ttnv morning SDoke delightfully IfMia flnmraiimtT nf TiifA.1 Dr. "l .wwjy. " ; Kent is a great scholar, and equal ly great oraior nu wan with great pleasure . Th EXDression , Kecitai tnax afternoon and the Annual Musi cal Concert were largely attend ely, attend- ed and thoroughly en, eu auu iu.vu6UV music department , enrolled just "5 i ifW 4-Yt S r. Thfl i inrfti The iThoiit 100 miDils this year. The art exhibit, was also excellent. Rnt the irreat event was grad uation day on Wednesday morn w whn 52 nersons received de grees, diplomas, and certificates, the largest number so nonored at any-one time here.. . - Tn 11 dpnartments this year the College enrolled 358 students from, 12 States and more than 100 counties. . FOR STEALING WATCH David Warren - and George White, colored, were brought be fore Judge Turner yesterday morning on the charge of steal ing a watch from another negro. uotn were oouna over xo me next term of superior court In Q iiami oi douu wi wu bubww uu fifty dollar. All Wool And A Yard Wide . ; i ;- y" - - V"' : ! The" Advance carried,- some per; and every big crowd brought thing like a month or two ago, here increases the Advance's cir the announcement of the reorgan-' culation and influence. It is ization of thg Albemarle Fish needless to say, too, that this pa and Agricultural Fair 'Assocla- ersi record of last year shows tion. Or reporter was inform-that It stands ready to get behind ed that the premium list would and boost such a project for all be in the hands of the printer it pt worth. But. we do not before, the passing of May. " wish to booHt any enterprise for -When the lastx of May came more than it worth and will and nd announcement from the not An an knowincrlv. Our editor- association reached us we natur- ally thought that matters' were being permitted to lag and that the way ' was being paved for continual Drocrastination and such Blipshod methods as have too often characterized the-con duct of this Association in the v - - - past. Therefore appeared ( our editorial "What's the Matter' on jaa -nu ' : ' We take it as a good indication of the wide awakeness of the fair thnt tlo Pilitnrial has not escaped notice and that members of tne organization nave expostulated with us as to our position. In regard to the mat- ter of the premium list, we are told that it has seemed & little earljj to get out one yet;' and 'that other like organizations have (taken no such early action. We are, too, informed that the report that the Associations had taKen action authorizing the prepara- tion of the premium list in May . was a mistake. The Advance wants to see a good fair here this fall of course. It is not only , to the interest of the town but to this paper's in terest as well. For it is the man ,who interested in its pa . . w.,,.. POTATH DUTLOOK Irish potatoes , sold yesterday bi the northern markets at f2.73 to $3.00 per barrel, the price be ing practically the same on all the markets. vThe markets reported heavy re ceipts and much of the stock in bad condition; but the New York market reported bright prospects for an advance within the next few days. Tha Wat fomniission merchants i .uv - - fare rather slow in advancing pre- 1 m . A XL M. 4- ts dictions as to the future potato market. Eastern Shore has been holding back to get other sections I 1 M Xl If A n qui oi me wuy, uui iuiub uic " terferred" with all sections and I IT! qb turn Rhnr hflfl hpfin forced to dig heavily this week and will I . ,1 ' ! .11 - inandie tne crop very rajnuij uui fweek. Eastern -Shore will influ- Lnce the market. If shipments Inra honvr the nrlv will scale J J ' Mown some. It is believed how- Iaitai. that thA mnrlrot will hail 2 .--- -"-7" I around 2.50 and f3.U0 for tne men ween. Pasauotank with the exception of the Weeksville section has scarcely dug and . potatoes yet, fct iU di vrettj heavily as I it ..it I SOOn as llie weaiuer vicars up. Continued wet weather will like- I - . . ai ly cause potatoes to rot, after the potatoes have matured. ; Tyrrell has cleaned ' np the crop and Currituck is very nearly over.. Mr. Alex Outlaw has returned home from Chapel Hill. . Mrs.' Will Blades and Miss Try Blades have returned to their home in Newbern. Mr. and Mrs. Ezekiel Blades, of Barry 111., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Derrickaon. Rev. J. B. Black, pastor of Cann Memorial church has gone to Colorado Springs to visit his mother who la wry ill: ial What's the Matter'' simply meant that we wanted to be nhown. S3 Wft hav4 been over the matter with us and we are- assured that they mean buBines.i "It is pointed out iliai liercnic , ito hag heen scattered and so there j heen R diffusion of energy. Now the Association ls-nmue 0f nine business men Qf Elisabeth City .5 Heretofore the fair grounds LA hnn naA tn nntil af- ter the fair was held. This year the full vjear s rent wiu ue pnu before Fair is opened and half of the amount is; already in jfr croon's . piwket. It is the purpose of the organization to get out the premium list just as soon ag other associations begin doing . v The A(lvnnce i9 pleased at these ngguranceg an(1 gtrongly believes thflt theJ.e win be a Fair with a difference this year, We do not ., tn wm officious In the mat ter or wise beyond our scope, but we suggest that in view of past disappointments here, it might be wise to take action along oarhejt.than is customary,, . - BELVIDERE NEWS Miss Rose Bush of Edenton is viBitiug her father, Mr. John Bush. - ' Afisp -Rachel McQuiston of Pittsburg, Ta., and Edith Henry of Herman town, l'a., are visiuug Miss Ruth Lamb. Misses Selma Meade of Weeks ville and Pattie Chappellof Ed enton left Tuesday for their homes of ter -spending some time visiting Miss Silbyl JNicnoison. Mr. Robert Winslow is quite sick a his home near here. Rev. and Mrs. - Alonzo Cloud atonriorl. thn Quarterly meeting and went to their home at Corinth V a., Monday. . , Miss Mary Lamb returned to her home at Guildford, Monday. Mrs. Pohn Leary of Edenton a nd Mr . and Mrs . Victor J or dan of Sunburry, visited their brother. Mr. Henry White, Sat urday and Sunday." Misses Bessie and Lucy, Hayes of Gatesville visited -Mis Ruth Lamb Sunday. i Dr. I, AvWard made a bus iness, trip to Hertford Tuesday. Th Hun da v school Conference was held at Belvidere Academy Saturday night. Interesting pa- rwra wpn read bv xaisses auc- lnldA White and Elizabeth Wins- low and Mr. Troy Lamb. After the reading of these papers Rev. ,Earl Harroll, of Greensboro gave a talk on Graded Sunday school lessons. ' JIUS8 XVUCUCl JUCycuiBiuu gaio Garden Tarty to a number of her friends Tuesday! evening at tne home of Mr. W. H. Lamb. , A very " lanre crowd attended the Quarterly meeting at Piney Woods church Sunday. Miss Allie Yann of Corapeake In the guest of Miss Algine Only. I. M. lleekins gave a banquet at the Southern Hotel Wednesday nicht to th board of Aldermen. the sohool trnsteei, and a few other guests. Quito an elaborate spread was provided, and all the Alder- men in win wex proocww . f Julian Bella has gone to Bich aomd, to fixxrpt a poaltita . MAIL CARRIER WANTED ATMOYOCK The United States Civil Ser vice Commission announces an open , competitive examination at Currituck. North Carolina, on June 28th, as a result of which it Is expected to nil a vacancy m ihifl.YMMrftion of rural carrier at Moyock N.C. and other vacancies as thevi may occur on rural - routes 'at Postofflces in the same countv. The Aisual entrance sal- try for rural carriers is from six to eleven hundred dollars annu ally. ' ' The applicant must be between the ages of 18 and 55 years, the matter of the maximum wage be ing waived in case the applicant has been honorably discharged from the United States military or naval service. He must re side in the territory supplied by the postoffice in which the vacan cy .occurs. ' Those wishing to become appli cants y should write the United States Civil Service Commission at Washington for application form 1314 and for full particu lars. MEETINGS CONTINUED Baptiauf was administered Thursday night at Blackwell Me morial church, and will be admin istered on Friday and Sunday night also. Interest In tliese meetings . is errowinir and members are con tinually , being received' into the church. There will be servuees Sunday morning and ev.ening with specMl music. Miss Goodwin's solos 'and (he duets' h;f MVr and Mrs. Skinner are being, received with a great deal of appreciation. The revival iu this church is remarkable in that when the time came for the meetings to close and Mr. Martin and the sinzers fwith him had to leave, the mem bers of the church were so im bued with the evangelistic spirit that they were unwilling to close the meeting without greater bles sing. ' The services' have been continued and conversions are be iug made largely through the Iersonal. work of the members. CONCERtrAT FIRST BAPTIST CHUKUH There will be civen a concert at The First Baptist church an- ner to-nignt, June etn, unuer tne auspicies of the Baraca class . The program is as follows : oninc chorus Association orchestra, The Bells of Beauty. Tenor solo SIgnor Peaunutti The Wild Rose of Dog Corner. Limbureer Quartette Signors Sapaghetti, Chesnutti, Mushroom Princtello the Dead marcn in Solomon. " Qratorial selection Twinkle Little Star Little Willie. Solo, Miss Mary Gilbert. v Reading-rClassical Selection From, the Jungle. Oration The Rights or woman Chorus Full Orchestra Selec tion. Solo Madame Shoemaker Heike, A German Medley. Admission 25c. including re freshments CHILDREN'S DAT EXERCISES 8UJNUAX Children's Day exercises will be presented at the First Metho dist c&UTCtt next Bunuay monuug June 8th, at the regular preaca- ing hour. An attractive program naa oeen nrmAreA and the little people are expected to present a most Inter esting service. The public generally art invit ed to attend these exercisw. DniEoin ditcii Four Year Old Child Wan , dered 'Away From Mother and Body Is Found Floating 1 In Water. The four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Lowrv of Weeks ville was drowned in a ditch near Lowry's store Wednesday after noon. Mrs. Lowry was keeping the store for her husband and tne .... . f 1 i. 1M . XL. cUlld was piaying nuuui m ms Btnr. While -the mother , was busy with Customers, it is said, the child slipped but witnout me( mother's notice and wunoui Be ing missed for some time. r ) tlipn Mrs. Lowry, missed the khild and went out to search for, him, she found the little boy float ing in a ditch nearby The heavy rains have flooded all the ditches recently and this one was a large ditch and was about full. ..k FIRST BAPTIST SERVICES, In the absence of . the pasto tha fnllnwinur services, will be held at thel First Baptist church i aL ! v , next euuuuy Iliuruiut;. , ; - : Organ Prelude Praise Invocation ' :Song ' Prayer W , 1 . uov W. K. Carter ' -Scripture Reading. J.G.Gregory; Address The Yonnj! Men It the Church," Walter Bmall !' rong . ' : ' . ' Address, "Our New Pastorium, an investment'' Judge Ward . Address, "Our Church obliga- tions during, the summer, W. N. Gregory Song Open Discussion "Our Opportu nities. Closing Song and benediction, t ANTS TO SELL "ALMA" Tf ta Mnnrtmi hfr on iTood au thority, that Captain Clay Spen u autin un a stock Company to buy the Alma, a steamer, ply ing between inzaueiu v"j Fairfield, uyae county. A representative of Captain Bneneer was in Elizabeth City this week taking subscriptions for stock. He said that he would have no trouble in selling the stock . at Norfolk : but wished to place 'some of it here. Captain spencer nas ueeu uu the run to Fairfield now for quite 4 nil n.W nf rears. Thouch burn ed out once, he has prospered and amassed considerable money from his boat. He is how ready to re tire, however, and this is his rea. , son for selling. FORT LANDING NEWS Fort Landing, N.AC, June 3 M .Tnhn Ttflnniirht of this place who has been " seriously sick lor timo ia not imnrovins. . Mr. Arthur M. Combs has re turned home from warrenton, O., where ne nas Deen aiieutuu school. . . . . Mr. Henry Baanignt oi bouiu Shore was here Sunday visiting his brother, John Basnight. Mr. Bart Basnight ran an ex cursion on the gas-boat James E. Brown rrom Aiugaxor i Frying Pan Sunday. The hail storm which swept this iAn Ift-Mflv nlirht did SOEa DCVUVU - J O - J.nom in tha STOWiniF CTOCS. CHC no serious harm is thought to have been done. Mr. and Mr. Ed- Basni3x of this place were visiting friida and reiaures la jerrx yesiwuaj