... v., SB TOsDAY - - " "S. STOR 'ilfEWS WITHOUT omCIAVPAPj BIAS OP CURRITUCK COUNTY )WS WITHOUT PREJUDICE ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JULY 17, NO 59 AT ONE O'CLOCK . - . . :' ' ' - - ' . .. . : , i"." 7rr nr7 7 n .. r--k n n ri . n n f 7 7 1 . ... r7 ri-' '3- : i u I 1 f Q. ALEXAriDEfl 10 SPEAK IDE President of State Farmers Union Will Make Ad dress at Court House $pon An occasion of unusual interv est to the farmers of this section and to the. people generally will be the address at the court house here on Saturday of next week ; by H. Q. Alexander of Matthews N. C, president of the Farmers' Educational and Co operative Un ion of America. The speaking will le held at ten o'clock on Saturday morning uij zoin, ana me occasion wui 1 be a public one; not only mem--bers of the farmers' union but the people generally being urged to attend. Ladies are especially) invited to be present and spec ial seats will be reserved for Aon. rw. :-""TT Men in this section who have iheard Mr Alexander say that he is a very fine speaker and that those who fail to hear Mm will miss a rare treat. No doubt the number in attjendande will 'be unusually large for a meeting f this sort and the meeting will afford many an opportunity to meet their friends here, on the 25th. .President Alxander will speak in Camden .county at the court ihouse on Friday morning, July :24tiL All farmeus in this sec tion., it is thought, will do we 1 ito .hear one or the other of these ; addresses. Dromon refehed Poplar Branch, N. C. July 14th Captain Edmund Wood house and his wife and little son FrarikBn, were the guests' of Mr jandMrs. D. W. Woodhouse and Mr., and Mrs. L .C Baum this Dr. W T. Griggs was ia lllfzabeth City today on business. Mr. and Mrs. C P Jerome are visiting in Gates county his week. An interesting play, "TEe Mat rimonial Exchange" was ' given at Poplar Branch" School Build ing for the benefit of the parson age last Saturday night. The play was successful but a severe thunder storm prevented a large crowd. The same play will be repeated next Saturday night, July 18tEt Mr. James Taylor of Maple was the guest of his aunt, Mrs. J. L. Gregory last Saturday and Sunday. Misses Pearl and Lucile Hamp toa are the guests of their grand mother! Mrs.. Lydia Owens this rcck Mrs. Sallie White of Norfolk, Is stM'viBiting her son, Mr. J. T. WMta. Mrs. Walter Parker and chil dren of Corolla moved1 here last week. "JRev. C. P. Jerome closed a very successful revival at Mt. Zioa Church, last wee in which Jjfee was assisted by Bev. E. B. rChJen of Elixabeth City. There seven additions .to tne eh and the entire body was tgreatly revived. BLACKWEUU MEMORIAL Bev 1. N. Loftin will speak at Blackwell Memorial Baptist jChurch next Sunday morning on ithesu6ject, "Citisens. of heaven dwelling in Elizabeth City' At the. evening service the subject will be "A crown for Citizens of Heaven "Dwelling ; la Elizabeth Hty.M The 6ublic V la cordially .invited and urged to attend these 0 WORK 1 New Plan of Work at Chapel Hill Increasing Interest and Raising Standards Chapi Hilii N, (i, Jdly lfcth The atmosphere of the State Stilti mer School thisr year is decided ly different from that of previous years. There 'is a greater spirit of earnestness and an increased disposition on the part of the av erage Buninierite to do conscieu tious, thorough work. The cause of this, undoubted ly, is the innovation of offering courses giving university credit. FoY the first time, since its foun dation under Dr. Battle, in 1877 this is so. Credit was offered with the iplea of giving teachers, and oth ers limited in time, a chauce to fecffre a degree, when otherwise they probably would not be able to do 60. kp;' BUI1 ":J About 75 have registered for credit work, over half of them being university men. The pres ence of these persons in class adds a steadying influence, not only to that clasa but to the whole curriculum. Undoubtedly this feature will be continued antf "enlarged next year. As it become better known and ins advantages appreciated, it will grow in popularity. The addition of this feature will In fluence markedly the trend of the whole summer school future. We are seeing - history made here in our midst and its inter pretation is, Better Education for the State." We are becom ing a better workshop for the training of life architects. SMI 19 risprm News was brought here yester day that on Wednesday night a veiy severe wind and ram storm, covering an area about a mile in width passed through the New land section' doing considerable Klamage to crops, especially corn. Kesidents of the Bection affect ed were in the city yesterday and said that within a half hour raiu fell in larger amount than seen in that section in many years and corn was swept to the ground by the force of the wiud. Also a queer prank of the storm is re ated of a large chick en coop- which was lifted over a four foot wire fence and deposited on the other side with out touching the fence. NOTICE! I am a candidate for County .Commissioner and if my friends telect me, will serve the interest of the people to the best of my ability and will appreciate, any help in getting the nomination from my friends. Respectfully, C. W. 8TEVEIJS . s. raira sura Mrs. B. Nixon Morgan of Eliz abeth City, U. P. D. 3 was the successful candidate' in the ad vance Carpet Sweeper Contest, which closed yesterday. Mrs. Morgan's vote was 8,180 as against 7,975 for .Mrs. Da vert port. , 1 pZ. Julian W. v Selig; eyesight spec ialisU is located & suite 315 in the new UintonI But ding.; . ' SUMMER H r IL. . .J M fcAMER ANNIE L. VANSCIVER, which h as been fcbfttterfcd wmon lor a Moonlight Exc irsion on the river next Monday night; Vansciver is the best boat in thee wat. rs. POTATO PROSPECT 6000 Kitty Hawk, N. C, Julv 15 Judging by the number of jotato houses being- built truckers of this section are expecting a big crop of sweets. The revival meeting at the Methodist church closed last Sail day night. It is hoped that much good may roult tvm these ser vices. The bvaeh at Ais season of the year in quite' a popuar gathering place for the young people of this community. A large, num- -ber went over yesterday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Ira M'idgett f tlie Life Saving Station, who have been visiting Mr. 'Midgett's daughter hem have returned1 t tt he station. Captain C H Toler of Whales Head Life Saving Station, spent Saturday and Sunday in this vi cinity visiting relatives. my D PLEASED There is all the difference in the world in having the confi dence of the people and not hav inn if A tH rmo nf tha HtrnilfT fS PTflnii.leH nf this on'ln Homo time, was the success of the Mid Summer Clearance Sale of the popular Womans Wear Store of the M., Leigh. Sheep Company which was heM this week. Wednesday, the first day of the sale the tired but happy sales ladies reported the busiest and most successful sale that this store had ever experienced; and .the business has kept up all this week. The success of this sale was due partly, to being thoroughly advertised, but no doubtL the true reason for this huge throng coming out to attend this sale, notwithstanding hot weatner, was due to the reputation of Honest Advertising, and square dealing which this store has es -tablished. This sale will continue all next week every woman who can, will find it to her advantage to investigate the offerings of this popular store. Every word of their advertis ing can be relied upon. Noth ing better could be said of any one. ' Advt. BARACA-PHILATHEA MEETING POSTPONED The regular monthly meeting of the Baraca-Fhilathea Union of Blackwell Memorial church will meet next Tuesday night, July 21st instead of Monday night, the 20th. This meeting ia post poned on account of the moonr light excursion" : which! will take place on Monday ; night given by the ity; Union ' V- V.v-.. THEY SHOULD Ml INCREASE EFFORTS Free Trip To Niagara Falls Will Not Go To Contestants Wbo Rest on Laurels The time for closing the Nia gara Falls free vacation trip con test is drawing near apace. Only a few days more and the name of the winners will be announced. For it shoud be borne in mind that two young ladles can win honoro in this contest and that the same reward goes to the' one who finishes second as to th one rwho finishes first. The closing of a contest of this sort always is marked by intense activity on the part of the con testants and many suprises are likely to occur. It behooves every contestant utill in the race not to be idle during these hot days as she may be assured that herRC. i the guest of Miss Ethel A 1.! opponenw ure puiuug .urui re aouww euwu w wm pr.. A ir "V l" f "ga fione hundred dollars in gold eith er is not picked up every day and lit is not to be expected that these prizes wU go begging. They are for the young women that work . Hereafter the votes will be counted eve,ry week until the close of the contest. At the last count the rote was as follows: Allie William. TSKOnnft TTnrel Svkp 94,330 Vertie Brothers 1,327,925 Pattie Walker 194,135; Mamie ,Simmons 99J.00; Mary West 329, 777; Mar Jenkins 264,550; . Lil lian Swain 138680; Bertha Chap pel 75,825; Ida Owens 998,895; Mary Mann 240 765 ; Minnie Tox ey 99,065; Olive Owens 13,690 ek:i:::i to eeacb Blackwell Memorial BaDtistlton in the "Possum Quarter' Sunday School will run its annu al excursion to Virginia Beach' on Wednesday, August 5th. This Sunday school excursion is always very popular and no doubt a very large,' number will attend this year as no other Sun day school up to, this time has announced a similar, excursion . The train will leave from the old Norfolk Southern station at eight o'clock in the morning stop ping at Camden, Belcrosst Orego ry, Shawboro and Snowden. The excursion Offers residents at any of these 'points an exceptional op portunityto spend a' day at the beach' af small cost. i v V by th City Bfaiil - PhiUthea A good time in expected. The HEW BOAI IS Mauteo, N. C, Jul yUthr Captuin M. L. Johnson arrived at Mflnteo Sunday with his new steamer, the Trentou. The pub lie niu.v ilotf 1k flsniiml of quick and comfortable' y.tswHger ser vice. The Trenton iff fast and vonimodiouh steamer, the" bfcst ev er plying between Elizabeth" (Jiif and Mauteo. Captain Johnsotf carried away twelve of the four teen passengers that left Mauteo Monday morning and would have bad the others if their baggage had not been sent to the other boat beforehand. ROPER BRIEFS Boper, N. C, July f4th-Jles srs. (ieorge Jacobs and Elma Spruill, spent Sunday very pleas antly at the home, of Miss Min nie Hodges at Skinners ville. Mr. and Mrs. T.A. Rooks of Bath, accompanied by Miss Ethel Kessinger of Washington and Mr Jatha Marsh of Bath, toured ov er in their Studebaker Sunday . Miss Eva Thomas of Stokes, N Bauey. Misses Annie Leary, and Mary Johnson sjent the week end at Pungo visting friends. After a delighful visit to rela fives and friends in Eden ton Miss Mildred Johnson has returnqd to her home. Mr. O. B. Hooker and fami ly have gone to Oriental to visit their old home. Miss Elma Gilroy who has been the guest of Miss Mabel Roper, has returned to her home in Ha zelton, Pa. Mrs. H. M. Jacobs went to Oriental Monday to visit her pa rents. BOG DEMOTION A new bug was brought to town by mail carrier J. C. Per ry on Tuesday of this week, which is playing havoc with cot section. A number of the bugs have been 861,4 to the State entomol ifflff E S5????- 5! kills the plant by sucking the sap froin thestem. . HI l"B foil unci Port Landing, N. C, July 14 Mrs.,W. W. Belangia died at her home here today after a long and painful illness which had made be ran invalid for a long time. She la survived by her husband VV number of relatives and a tost pt friends Join him in mourning her loss ; .. CI innmuu j 10 BE PRESENT Secretary of County Farm er's Union Urges Mem bers To Hear Dr. Alexander Editob The Advanck: H. Q. Alexander, of the North Carolina division of the Farmers Educational and Co-ojerative Fnion of America will make a public address at the court house in Elizabeth City on the morn iug of July 25th, 1914. , The public is cordially invited. and fanners are Urged to COmo lhd bring their wives with them as, in the words of Dr. Alexand er, "Ladies always give a stimu Ion to nily hiRetihg." Those who have heard Dr. Alexander seak of him as a' forceful and eloquent sjeaker and a man who has a great fund of practical knowledge. His adV -dreM siiould be of much practi cal betiellt to every farmer. ' The Farmers' Uuion is a new" organization in our county but fll ready its influence for good had been felt in a great many ways. Its aim, as its name implies, is to better the condition of tie" farmers by education and by the introduction of cotopeYafive methods of buying - and selling: en the farm. Such addresses as Dr. Alexan der will make add to the useful ness of the Union . I would again urge that no one interested in farming can afford to miss this lecture. W. H. Pbitchaed, Secretary. oiE-eif Mr. Cecil White of Hertford and Miss Inez Only of Belvidere were married here Wednesday by Rev. L. T. Reed at his res idence on South Road street. Mr. and Mrs. White left on the Northbound train for an ex tended trip to Atlantic City, N. , and other northern cities. They will make their home at Hertford. The bride wore a traveling suit of blue with hat to match. She is one of Belvidere's most charming and popular young la dies and a graduate from the State Normal school. The groom is a young business man of prom ise and prominence at Hertford. Both Mr. and Mrs. White are well known here. OPEXS JEM STOKE Manteo, N. C, July 14th Mr. (). J. Jones is planning to open a jewelry store here 'In a few days. He will also handle; school furniture and books. Mr, Jones now makes rubber stamps . , and does job printing. Mr. Willie Hayman is visiting his parents on the corner of Road and Bay streets. Miss Virginia Davenport is via ' iting friends in Ellzabeth.City. ; : Miss Oallie Jones spent Sun- day at Mother Vineyard Farm ' the guest of Miss Annie Griffin. Miss Lillian Hassell returned '. URGES IDP1CD0 from Elizabeth City Saturday : night where she has been visiting ; friends. She waa accompanied ; fby her friend, Miss Tolson. r Miss jfercen of Camden coun ' ty ia visiting Miss Buth'Meekins of this place. Attention is called to Louis' -SeUgs leer tea spoons, advertise ment jo j Jssuev " ' T&fct '

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