VOL IV ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY. JULY 2 1, 1914 $0 59 irt. V 4v J ilEID OTS Defeats Both Opponents By Large Majority TURNER DEFEATED BY SAWYER Pasquotank" Citizenship Fails To Sustain Against Blind Tigers And Vagrants Small and Thompson Nominated , But These Contests Were Not Decided Until The Last Two Wards Were Heard From Chas. Reid. Sheriff by a ma joifity of nearly five hundred votes; W. L. Small Represen tative with a majority of 7!) votes Ernest L. Sawyer Trial Justice with a majority approximately 475 votes; Thompson Treasurer with a majority of over two hun dred' votes these are results of today's primary in which inoM interst is centered. The county Commissioners are: From New land H . W. Bright; From Prov idence J. M. Jennings; Mount Hermon ETihu Only ; Nixonton V F Jennings; Salem J. C. James; Elizabeth City J. G. Fearing and W, A. Pinner. -That Sheriff .Reid would win reelection 'was generally conced- - ed'and hist friends were confident that he would win out in th first primary, but few if any had pre dieted so overwhelming a land slide in his favor. That Boscoe W. Turner would succeed him self m judge of the Police Court was until a few days ago the gen eral belief throughout the city and county. But as the primary drew near grave fears were ex pressed as to . Ms success and vwhen the votes were counted yes terday it was evident that Sawr yer had won by. a comparatively wide mapgin. Results of the primaries in townships outside of the city com ing shortly after six o'clock show d Small 31 ahead of Perry, and Reid in the lead of both his op ponents by 79 votes. The vote by' wards !iw as -lows : FIRST WARD fol For Trial Justice Sawyer Turner For Representative Small Perry For Treasurer Thompson Carmine For Sheriff ' Read Anderson Morgan SECOND WARD 137 03 128 1)2 165 60 175 32 26 ( 110 57 187 m 125 199 93 176 109 For Sheriff Anderson Morgan Beid Ftr Treasurer Thompson armine ror Trtai Justide SaD Turnei "' UForSftistentative C Small 'f , THIRD WARD For County Commissioner ) Fearing 126 i Pinner Stevens For Trial Juttice Sawyer ' 126 140 34 n 4HXtrtl If TOT PRICMI Fight omy w E Only ten days are left for the contestants lin the Niagara Fallp race to show their caDacitv for doing work. What they accom plish in the remaining short time of the contest will show what sort of stuff they are made of. There are three leaders in the contest now who keep constantly ahead of the othefcrueiand are never very far apart in Iheir records, Miss Vertip Broherg with 1.565,760; Miss Ida Owens with 1,553,590; and Miss Allie Wittiams with 1,465,255. The respective votes of the oth er contestants are as follows: , Mary West 329.777, Pattie Walker 194,135, Mary Jenkins 264,550, Mary Mann, 240,765, Lil lian Swain 138,680, Minnie Tox ey 99.965. Nannie Simmons 99,- 135. nazel Sykea 94.132. Bertha Chapel 75,825. For Treasurer Thompson Carmine For Sheriff Reid Morgan Anderson For Renresentativte 116 38 123 22 9 70 'Small Perry For Treasurer Thompson Carmine FOURTH WARD For County Commissioner Pinner Fearing Stevens For Representative 116 38 173 153 36 143 41 152 16 2fl 129 55 113 70 Small 'Perry ' For Sheriff' Retf 'Anderson Morgan For Treasurer Thompson Carmine . For Trial Justice Sawyer Turner Cartwrighfa gave Small 22 and fPerry 29; Sawyer 43, Turner 7, Thompson 36, Carmine 15, Reid 16, Morgan 32 and Anderson 2. : tNixontwa gaVe.6mall 33 and Perry : 26, ' Sawtrer 42 and .Turner 12, Thompson 19 and Carmine 35 Reid 44, Morgan 9 and Anderson 4. , . -' .. - .v V Pool-gave Small .92 and Perry 14, Sawyer 73 and Turner 32, Thompson 46 and Carmine 78, Reid 81, Morgan 18 and Ander son 5. Salem gave Small 98, Perry 20 Sawyer 82 Turner 38 Thompson ,73, Carmine 48 Read 91, Morgan 23 nd JLuderwm JJT Y MO E LEFT THE -BOAT Ready to Respond When Preacher is Called for Rev. L. T. Reed Miss es His Appointment Manteo, N, C, July 18th Dr. L. T. Reed of Elizabeth City was discomfited by getting" In the wrong boat last Monday aifter noon. Dr. Reed was on Captain1 Martin Johnson's new and popu lar boat euroute for Manteo for" the purpose of conducting a revi val at the First Baptist Church ,of Roanoke Island. When off Coatan light the boat was stop ped by a Man us Harbor launch manned by two men who askqd if there was a preacher aboard the steamer. Dr. Reed at once a rose, got together his baggage aud embarked on the boat, in the meantime the steamer was on its way. When some distance away the men leurnqd that they bad the wrong man and Dr Reed learn ed that they were expecting a preacher to hold a meeting at Manns Harbor. They according ly turned about and gave him ov er in the hands of Tom Dowe who was passing in his motor boat. Dowe carried him to Roanoke Is land but 1r. Reed was late for his pulpit. During the week he has been conducting .a very pleas ant meeting. Incidentally, the Methodist preacher intended'fOFMaOTif Har bor continued on to Manteo, thus making both preacher late for their pulpits. y POEICEHI Officer Was Attacked And Shot in Self De. fence Roper, N.CJuly 21st While Policeman C. II. Parish had one negro named named Milton Ar nold under arrest Jor profane lan guage on the street, his brother, Freeman Arnbld jumped on the policeman and threw him to the ground, and Milton Airn.od e caped. While still on the ground the policeman shot Freeman Arnold in the side, the ball coming out of his back and striking Mr. L L. Chesson in the side. Having no headway the ball did Mr. Chenson no harm. The negro was taken over to Dr. Speight's office where his wound wag dres sed. He was then tken to Ply mouth, turned over to Sheriff Reid and lodged in jau. Milton Arnold is still at largfe. The Moonlight Excursion given by the BaracaPhflathea City tin ion was quite a success. About a hundred and twenty five young people were on board and the eve sing passed pleasantly for th n tire party. .The boat left town at a few minutea paai eignt and returned hortly;aJre8 elevetf GOES TO MOUNTAINS FOR HEAirn Colnmbia, N. "C, July 18th, Mr. S. M. Combs and wife left for the mountain this f week. Mrs. Combs has not; bem very well recently and is taking the trip tot her heatuiiWj r ACHEH DUf DED ill PRIMARY HELD SATUROAV Sawyer Treasurer, Wals ton Clerk of Court; Fer ebee Register of Deeds, the Ticket CaTBden, N. C. July 20th The Democratic Primary for Cam deh county was held Saturduy. W. P. Barco for Representative J.I?. MiirLtll for sheriff, S. K. Overby for Recorder', and the old commissioners, W. Stevens, n M, Forbes and (1. T. Abbott, were nominated without opposi tion . In the race for treasurer there Wt're five candidates. The pres ent incumbent. J. R Sawyer re ceived a plurality of nix over Thomas (iodfivv, his nearest op pon ut. (iodfrey withdrew in Sawyer's favor and Sawyer is therefore the nominee of the par ty- J. Y. Wnlston, the present Clerk of the Cnrt, defeated his opponent, L. S. IA'ury, by a nia hority of 241!. M. W. Ferebee, the present 'Register of Deeds, defeated W. J. Burgws by a majoriy of 401) . The primary passed off quietly. COURT AT CIU i Camden, N. C, July 2Lst. Superior court convened at .Cam den this'weW!wlln"'ltudge"WliI bee on the bench. The two cases set for Monday, Tillet vs The Nor folk Southern Railway, and Lamb vs Camden Drainage Commission ers, were nonsuited . The big case case of the Richmond Cedar Wks vb the Roper Lumber Co. began this morning and will probably consume the rest of the week. ICE PLANT IS IM'I COMPLETE Dare County Concern to Supply Ice to Fisherman of This Coast Manteo, N. ('.. July 20th The plant of the Dare County Ice Co , which has been in the course of erection here since the winter months is now complete and the new enterprise will begin opera tion Wednetday. The plant has a total capacity of thirty tons and -will manufac ture ice to supply the local de mand here and on the banks. The supplying of ice to the fisher men of thtse coasts is expecteo to consume a large part ox tne output. The erectwn of this dee plant marks the establishing of an iu dustry which Roanoke Island has long felt the need of. It Is beliir ed that the undertaking will be a financial success in itself and be sides being a great convenienc to the town and to the section it will afford employment to a con siderable number of men. Mrf . TJiervJuirc r Meefcia oi this dty .Js' maxager of the new cnterpri:!, ., , - s AT SAWYER'S CREEK Belcross,- K . OY, July 20th Mr. Silas Robertson conducted the. .erenfini service at Sawyers Creek Church, Sunday night and made a . most pleasing address. Mr. Bobertam is! attending Win teryilI.liIjA ifltcrial studcot rnicB promise. ORPHANS CONCERT MM SPEAKS . AT COINJOCK A! COLUlDIA Small Town Stands Third In Amount Raised For Odd Fellows Or phanage Children Coinjock, N. C, July 17th A class of children, fourteen in number from the Orphans Home of (lolcb.boro. N C, gave a de lightful entertainment to an ap. preclative audience at this place last night. These children sent out by 'The Home' an-institution maintained by, the I. O. O. F., of this State Tor the education and training of the. children of deceased nieuibers of this Cranfl Order must lie do ing a great work judging by the way these children acquitted them selves at the entertainment, and the way they deported themselves while in our midst. Mr. A. M. Simmons of Cur rituck made a short talk citing the good work done by this liusti tution and also invoked' divine blessings for Ihc success of the entertainment. Mr. Berry, manager of the class, explained the work of the institution telling npbically tiie success of the inl'Uitjon ai-J pointing to the higher ambitious ot life instilled Into the many toys and girls wli.. are inmates o' i he home. Then, the childrci took up thttfr aertisesTi1idv"deli.!tM the an i1 ence with songs, mi tion, din Icguefetc. Each piece was well rendered aud it would take a d scrimiuat iug person to dect le which was the best. After ihe exercis.s ji collect ;o'i wa lai.m up. It was explained by Bro. Emerson Sirv that tiiii (i.llecii-'ti was to be divided per collection wan to be divided per capita among the members of the class o as to give the little folks same spending money of their own. This collection amount to something over fU.OO thus giv ping the children over $1.00 each. After this the good ladiw or Coinjock (and there are none bet ter or more ready fn a good cause Mike this) got busy with the re freshment busines and thus adr ded to the general receipts . It was gratifying next morning to see Bro. Spry, Barco, (luard, and other prominent citizens and Odd Fellows of Coinjock render ing able apsis tan ce to Mr. Berry Kin securing subscriber to the pa per published in behalf of the Home . In the meantime Bro. Spry '.posted himself at the most public place and occasionally held up some prominent citizen for an ex tra dollar for the good cause, ana the beauty of it was he always got it. The total receipts at this writine is $102.00 not counting ,the $14.00 received in the collec tion for pin money for the chil dren and not counting the many subscriptions to the paper. In the meantime the children are here and Br. Spry is still collecting, consequently the ar ffmount is expected to be greater. . Coinjock now stands tnira in amount raised at these entertain ments. Much of the success of this en tertainment is due to theenerge ic work ot'the'Bebecca lodge:; Rev. I. N. Loftin is conduct- Ing revival services, at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in Camden county this week every afternoon and evening. Mr. Loftin jwffl return ;to . the, dry in time to fill Guest of Honor at Educa A C tional RaUy Held Under ; ' Auspices of Secret 7, Fraternities Columbia, , c, July idtC " Hon. J. Y. Joynen, State Supef intendent of Education, Dr; -J, L. Spruill of this city, and Ret Jackson Johnson of CtnNWuti made addresses here last Thurs' day, July 16th. on the occasion of in educational rally and basket picnic held here on that date. The Junior Order, Odd Fellows Red Men, the Charitable Brother hood Farmers' Union and Wood men of the Worljd joined hands in preparing for this event, and ut will be long remembered in this t city. , - The long table with bountiful. repast was spread along Broad street, and a bid crowd was on fhnnd to do justice to the delicious' viands .under which it groaned. The addresses were enjoyed, ap parently, not less than the dinner and the day was most pleasantly spent by the entire community It is hoped that the occasion will give rise to increased inter est in education in thL section.' ' DEATH IT BBPEB Roper. N.Cv. Julv irlt krs. JyM. Oliver of this place diedUr . her home here after a short Illnes last Tuesday night. Heart trou ble is assigned as the cause of her . death. V Mrs. Oliver was apparently in ..V, good health until a few days be . , fore her death . Her sudden and A' untimely end was a great shock ? to this community where she was : . ; Widely known and hjeid in the highest esteem. Mrs. Oliver was a consistent and active member of Zion's V, Chapel Christian Church. She ' , is survived by a husband and set en children and a host of friends join wih the family to mourn her lOSS. .m I tmm . t ' n BOY o News reached here yesterday of ' of the drowning of a negro boy, above South Mills last week in the Dismal Swamp Canal. - The..' boy with a negro playmate was- in the canal swimming when the Vansciver passed through on her .' way to Norfolk. The boys. caught hold of bushes and wa'tod -. for the boat to" get by. Just as .; the boat passed one negro play fully shoved the other from his ' support. The swell caught him and swept him out into mid canal , where he sank. 'The name of the victim was not given. -. Shiloh, N. C, July 20th4hr.., C. B. Wfilliams of Baylor TJnl u xl . . L versiiy, a native oi uamaen coun ty, who has been visiting his la-. ' ther during the past week preach)- , ed at Shiloh Baptist Church last - Sunday morning and at Oak Ridga in the afternoon. The bril, " liant'young prcheYaid teaches was heard - Bv lanre comzrcitdLr v tions at botn enurcnes LATED TWELVE INNINGS .. ." The First Ward defeated Mala ZK- Street in an interesting ball game ; ; on the local diamond by, a score,: - of to 3. t The winning run'waJ scored in the twelfth buiing ;, Batteries ; - First Ward, nomas ? j and Davifj Street' latt fl- St 1" (IT li.1""- xoui.ii.iijs.u.4.r&i ft. -.fff f- "nV'H.'il. i'"

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