NX-"1 fSTOKES CLOSE ' T-ODSY NEWS WITHOUT OFFICIAL PAPEPJ BIAS OF CURRITUCK COUNTY WS WITHOUT PREJUDICE VOL IV ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JULY 24 , 1914 NO 60 AT ONE O'CLOCK. Tf" 1111 ' jap rtr - v ' s ' ' I MP mmuu. r iU It! LJ U i I I J i X I 1 l3 1' f I .1", 7 in BE!! iii or phi to i iiloulio Though Reid's Majority Indicated Fin cum tlllU The palmary returns given in -the last issue of the Advance .rwere gathered too hastily to be f 'anade absolutely correct and com ' yjblete. Errors, however, were of yetail and unimportant and the ifjesults are a" heretofore announc fed. I Kawver's maioritv in his con tent with Turner was 4IW votes. It was given in the hist issue as approximutey 475. Reid's majority was considera My lesji reported. He was over 500 vote ahead of liis nearest competitor but his majority was only :i7(' still a big majority, when a man is running against two opponents. Small's majority over Pern was 7!) as previously reported . It is intercHing o compare these tigures with those of the pri mary two years ago. IVrry pol bad only 23 less than at that time but Small had tn his credit Iniore than did Perry's former opponent. The vote in the con test letween Perry and Saunders was comparatively light, a eon siderahle number of citizens not being willing to vote f'V either. Sheriff Heid polled only 5 voles less in this primary than he did two years ago but his majority of 'AHi shows a loss of Hti. Mor gan olled S more votes than did Culjiepper two years ago and An derson made a be " than on hv 7" (I the one jority for Sawyer .out the city nd county. ,e not knowing) Judge Turner' Wrecord' would imaiiine from the vote given him that his con 'uct in office had been such as to al most deserve impeachment . The official vote at the prima ry 'is as follows : FOR TRIAL .11 STICK. f Tounnhin . Tthwycr, Turner. Newland j. rovinence Mt llermon Oartwri ghts iNivonton Toolt Salem Fii-st Ward Si'.onrt Ward ThW Trard IFjjdlai Ward ' iTotal . 71 37 7S 2!) 41 23 43 7 42 12 73 32 82 38 137 93 199 98 91 03 113 70 970 502 FOR REPREREN'TATI Vi: Township Newland Providence Mt Hermon Cartwright Nixonton Pools Salem First. Ward. "Second Waitt Third Ward Fourth Ward ' v '' 8mil, -Perry 11 41 25 22 33 92 98 128 109 76 143 98 04 40 29 20 14 20 112 176 76 H 778Vp9 IS FROM PRIMARY Dcnnntrn Tiiromu ncrun ilu iucouhi Was Not Quite as Large as ormer Account FOB TREASURER Townslaip, Thompson, Carmine Newland 23 84 Providence 29 89 Alt Hermou 51 17 Cartwrights W 15 N'ixoutou 19 ;?5 Pools 46 78 Salem 7:5 48 First Ward 105 60 Second Ward 171 125 ThVrd Ward lit; :;s Fourth Ward 129 55 Total S58 644 FOR SI I Kit IFF 'Totnixhij) Its id, Morgan .ndcrxon Newland 58 51 2 Providence 28 85 15 Alt Herman 40 22 6 Cart wrights 16 Wl 2 Nixonton 44 ! 4 Pools 81 IS alem 91 Z 7 Firs) Ward 175 20 Second Ward 137 57 III Third Ward 123 22 9 4th Ward 152 20 10 Tolal 947 371 202 FOR COMAIISSIONERS Fearing, Pinner Stevns 1st Ward 109 175 69 2nd Ward 219 170 112 3rd Ward 126 140 31 4tli Wai l 153 173 30 Total 007 004 251 Newland. 11. W. Bright 110 Pritchard, .Jennim Providence 55 "' Ml llei-nm- ,o2 ,Mi PUD . nuis physician of Wei I. Ohin. has recently receiv a Immjik'sI of a million dollars in recognition of kindness shown to a it-1 niggling farm lad in 1880. The physician is Dr. E. S. Hig ley atil the farmer's son was 'Charles Froelich. The Christian tells the story of how the farm lad in his poverty did not have means to complete a liberal edu cation. He borrowed from the physician $700 and graduated as a mining engiueer. He went at once to Australia and not a woid was heard from hiii- for twcniy five years. He then re turn i to the dodoes (1Tjre in his home town and paid the $700 principal with compound inter est. He went back to Australia and nothing further was heard from him until a few weeks ago when his attorney notifleji Dr. Higley of the million dollar be Ijnest left by the lad to hi bene factor. WHAT TO 1M) WITH EVIL Generally when there is a shade of evil report touching any. one's character, it flies from lip ;to lip with the wings of the wind. What ought to be done with ucn & report? Spurgeon gave this (good bit of 'advice: ''When you hear an ill report about any one, half and quarter it, and. then ay nojhing about the rest.." LOST Betwden plaining mill bn Martin Street and residence on we8tMai Black Parse con taining Shrinere card, receipts and about 5. la bills. VBeward (if returncrtcf JrKRAMER; PEC A M S IT THE ALKRAMA Sinking of Titanic Will Be Vividly Portrayed on Screen at Popular Playhouse Mon day Night The very remarkable and in teresting feature Mm "The White C.host of Disaster" will uudoubt edly attract large crowds Mon day night at the Alkrama. For some time there has heen no spec ..11 airraction m the ntv and the public will welcome this unusual ly marvelous tilm. l lie production (,f th . storv of the Titanic in actual, motion wtis work reuiring great skill and patience, "mt the result achieved is said to lc complete Produced by one ol Km one's irivat"! tilm i ri - - - . producer-;, the tilins. wliii li are in tli re., inn peei created a ire mendoiis Miisation in Kuropo and when bnnight to 'America had (he same cll'ect noon American ludiences . The .!m storv In-gins with the big ship leaving South Hampton, sliows pel feet iinperson.il:i.i ; c" Strauss, .stor, tile Alii ski s. and the iiiij uitaiit ollicials of ill sliin the handsome interiors of the ves sel with all their elaborate set tings are shown, the wireless room, the collis'on of the giant iceberg, the effect of the collfs ion above and below water, the lowering of the life boats, the life boats adrift and the final pinking scene. Each scene is shown in adual motion and the cost; of the production of the tilins js said to haw been one ' ' rs . -cognition of the princi ..iracters throughout the nto y adds intense interest in nceiug the films. Nothing half so thril ling could be produced on a the atrical stagt or half so realistic. Advt FORT LANDING NEWS Fort Landing, N. ('., July "JOth Mr and Mrs Enoch Hateman were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hateman last week. Captain Dan Hauiii and mate Mopin 1'ayne of the schooner "At lanUx" were visitors here yester day. Messrs. A. Melson, II. W. Shepherd. A. 11. Pledgeit and I!eu Havman attended the picnic at Columbia last week. Mr. Tar Gray returnerl Friday from Norfolk where he had heen with a ear load of stock. Mr. Lloyd Pledger was in Eliz abeth City last week. The Sunday school picnic for merly announced for Manns Creek was given lapt. Friday at Hodgern Liyidingj and wag great ly enjoyed by a large crowd. mm urn briefs ' KTitty Hawk, N. C, July 20th Mrs. Ella Beasley died; at the home ot her son last Thursday after a long illnesa. Mr. J, R. Best and family spent Sunday visiting Mr. anfl Mrs. It. L. Westcott. Mis. I D. Midgett and son. spent in this place visiting rel atives. Mr. Ed. Daniels of W'anchese and wife were the guests of Mr. R. F. Sanderlin Saturday and Sundav . Mrs. T. E. Midgptt and son, have moved 4o Manteo. for. short stay. "i - : k Miss IiUiao Wintoa of Young ville l fthe guest oC the Mifscs Perry on Pint Streej: W, HID 10 REST at mmwi Body of Mrs. Dutcher Brought Here From St. Vincents and Taken to Home of Deceas ed by Boat The remains of Mrs. Seth Dub cher who died in St. Viuient's Hospital Saturdav morniiiLf at ."i o'clock arrived here on the late train Saturday night -and were immediatey taken to her late home at Jarvisburg on the steam er anscier. The funeral scrt ircs ui.i-.. i on. ducted by h, r pastor, Kov. CI'. Jerome. Sunidav afternoon and her body was irentlv laid to rest in the lamily burial plot be-ide that of her brother who died less than a year ago. According to her rcqii'ist her brothers ai l ed as pall hearers. Th" deceased who' was about thirty yea is t age was lu ou'y daughter if Mr. and Mrs. .1. . Fisher who to"ethei' with her husband iiiu - vear old son and Ave brothers survive her. Mrs. Dulcher was a mot esti niahic woman and her death has left a gloom over the entire com tn u n 1 r -. THE TALKING POST CARD 1 1 remained foe an ingenious Frenchman to apply the talking machine to a post card . Hy mi mi, of his invention a pei-.-on .i. i .... i i . i ... who oesnes io m-iiii a earn iu a ri im a 1 ill IV a ACS AIW.pj IHMH q.)AV piWl.ij ,i"1"'" 111 ,""," 1 '" "ll.nv .lo vou do" enters a boothl'" Chowan county. A packed pin: .oo., auoqd,.i-M w t .utiuiiH 1,0UH Kl the class for then talks into his machine that' ret JiH'ft at this place and fliO.(M) coiyls his words upon a specially . W1,K realized, prepared postal 'card. When the I () Wednesday morning, July card is receiveiV thousands of ' "l,,st ,,f l,s ''re ,llk,',, '" :l" mile away, its .ecii.ient has sim t'"'ol)iles to Edenton w here we plv to take it to a nearby postal ' "' web-ml m g"'t of Ed ..,,...1, ,,.,) iiw. ,, u,.i f..m cntou lxlge number IS. 1 he -the far off land is repeated. The message can be preserved as the post card is indestrurtfible and is said to perfectly produce the , senders voice. The American right, for this invention have al.":' r'"' UM' ,01U1"V' ' ' readv binm secured, and before:"'" '1'"'1 wm,l1 ,,av' ,ar long the machine will be as com ,,. , ., 111011 in our public places as the slot n.aehinw. ROPER BRIEFS Roper, N. C, July IMst Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tarkenton left Saturday for Creswell to visit Mr. Tarkentons parents. Miss Ethel Bailey and brother Carl, left Tuesday for Norfolk to visit relatives. Miss l'vorah Haughton of Cres yell ent a few days here visit ig last wtek. Mrs. J. J. ITasfell who has been at Si. Y'n'ientH Hospital where she underwent an opera linn tor appendicitis returned home Sunday and is improving, rapii'ly. Mr.' L. M. Peacock left Mor. tUw for Evrabeth CM f where he is at work for a lumber company. is at ork for a. lumber company. After a mcasant vfisit to mis Ethel Bailer, Misg Eva Thomas has returned -to her home at Stokes, N. C. Miss Isabel McAllister is t the John L. Roper Lumber Com pany's store as salwlady in the absence of Miss Lula Cahoon who is taking her vacation . P O U N D- Between Alwood's Farm and Rliverslde one child's hat. with white. ribbon lace, and pink' for get me ndta . Apply to - TDE AbVANCB OFFICE 7 ) MANAGER MAKES I Pception Given Orphan age Children From Gold sboro Unusually Cor dial Says Mr. Berry The Manager EniToii Tub Advance: Ai a native of the First North Carolina District of the Improv ed Order of Odd Fellows and as the manager of their orphanage concert class for the year 1914 I want to make through the col umus of vour naner. which I of vour naner. which observe llsis a n iih- circnl:itfiim in I this section, a report of our tour 'of the district. i Mi r i nlay, .Inly, .iru, we came from Windsor to Eure. which was the point of our first engage ment in the didrid. At Eure we were treated royally by the brethren and had a fine audience The proceeds weir 150.80. Early Saturday inoirning we left Eure for Corapeake. We soeiit a verv oiiiel 'Fourth' hut a pleasant one withal and gave .i the concert at uVght in Parker's i Methodist church -one of the prettiest couutrv chiuehes we have ever shmi . ( Mir receipts were f'.o.OO. On Monday night, July Oth we were, the guests of Trotvilb liodge number 320; and gave tin concert at H(sey with a largi audience. We realized this (inn flO.OS Xn the LMH-sts ol I J in drove Lodge number 3.rl on Tuesday we were met at Cisco and enter 1 i . ... i : I..i Kitu hj 'Stained at Hotel " " 7,," Intainmeiil at Bel I s opera house ri0'75- wvr' U;!v l",,,,Ml ";' ,. , . , ,, 1 From l.denton we went to Hel . . , (,"Hs' " T s.orni came up "" "l i-n- i"' vented from going ui to church at all. Out of one hundred and fifty engagements Ihis is th.; Orst one ve have ever missed. The hrethren made up for the fud that there wen no door receipts hv, a collection amounting to a tidv sum. At Elizalieth City, which W reached on Friday, July 10th. we found the "committee under the leadership of Brothers Cliff Saw yer and J. H.' Eeigh. These wvre fsinted by Brethren L. E Skinner, Claude Perry, Herbert Morrisette. Winford Oregory, V II . Zoeller, E. F. Sawyer and manv otherK. With such men ax th(e at work we were confluent itint ArhoreA and Elizabeth Lodg es would do great things for th class; but our hopes were more than realized when at the close of the concert, we were handed two hundred and fifty dollars in real cash. We desire here and now t0 extend to the Odd FellowH of Eizabeth City our heartiest expression of appreciation for the splendid houne given us and for everything they did for our happiness anfl comfort. On Saturday July Uth we went to South Mills on the 'Ray', where we were met by the breth ren of Ehringhaus Lo J-. At Ramoth' Gilead Ba?tit church '(OoiHtauet m Vow VM) FULLTeiPREPOR TORIIEB SAKS DE IS HOT 00T YET And Asks Police to UiQ Every Effort to Make Clean Up of Town Complete Be fore De cember To the criminal element of thil city both white and black and to the habitual offenders in nollcfl court generally the news of Jujdge night was the occasion for much rejoicing. More than once Mr. Turner re reived an anonymous 'phone call Tuesday night tike purpose of which was to advise him that his enemies were howling over his downfall and that old offend ers were expecting better day nnder the regime of his succes sor. Judge Turner's term does not expire until December and on the morning after the prima ry he addressed the following re marks to the police force: ' :i i'i.k.m y. : "I wish to expiess my sincere thanks to vou collectively and in- , dividually, or the earnest cooper at 1011 you nave extended me since I have been in this pomit ion." "It would not have been possi ble to accomplish what we have, had it not leeii for the unity and harmony that has existed at all times between us." "Last night. I am informed, there were quite a number of peo ple both white and colored, in va rious parts of this city, celebra ting the fact that I was defeated. I'pon two different occasions, I was called up by 'phone and told that this town would Is- run wide oK'ii, and that I had nothing else to do with it. I wish to say to you. that I will be in office until December 1st. I ask that every member of this Police Force as sist me in cleaning up this com munity before I retire. There are dens of infamy, houses of Mil famte, and blind tigers still here, and it is m ysincere desire that these Id rooted out. To that end. I am djrvctingi your attention, and! wish you to work ,day ami mgnt until this city is made whole some, clean anil safe for all. Any service I can render you at any time, is a pleasure, aud I stand ready to nsslist you in any move ment you inaugurate looking to ward tlib enforcement of law and the best interest of our people." An interesting conversation ov erheacd on the street Tuesday in dicates the lght in which the de feat of Judue Turner m regard ed by vagrants and those in sym pa thy with them. "Wnere is Jim?" one negro asked another - in passing. d"He is in NorfoiK was the renlv. "When is he coming back?" "All depends on on election ' wan the answer, "Long as Turner is judge he dapu't set his foot here." BliACKWIELL MEMORIAL cnuRcii Rev. I. N. Loftin will speak' at the Sunday morniug service from th e subject ''The Great . Riches of Christ' Poorest". At the evening service th subject of Mr. Lof tin's sermon will bo "A m Young Man and a Clean Life." The young men are especially to vlted to attend this evening ser vice. FOR SALE One cradle and baby carriage. Apply to, ' 308 SOUTH ROAD ST. ' 4 1 .