--STORES ME 'FRIDAY AT 0 NEWS WITHOUT OFFICIAL PAPER BIAS OF CURRITUCK COUNTY VIEWS WITHOUT PREJUDICE vol iv ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, JULY 28, 9 NO 61 - ONE O'Ct . . - r-i r7'- p SERIOUS ACCIDENT NARROWLY AVERTED CASf WHEN AUTQ CRASHES Reckless Dii in- Apparently Responsible (or Escap , ' That Might Have Had Fatal Termination What t ;i lin- -uis autoinohil (1 near t lie mar U-ing a sri accident oi-i'urr- 'opiH'isiiiith la mi mx or seven miles from here, on Jast Sunday afternoon at per haps about live o'clock. As a result of the accident two young ladies were painfully though not seriously hurt and one young man. the driver of tine inachinu, has a badly broken nose. The party left here Sunday af ternoon at about half past four for a spin in the country. Those in the machine were Miss Tingle and Miss Stilley of Washington, Miss Jostie and Janie Gordon, Messrs Herbert Thompson and Tom Madriu. Madriu was driving and going, it is stated, at a good clip. The Machine got beyond his con trol and skidded first to one ile and then to the other side of the road, smashing up into a telephone pole which probably saved it from more serious acci dent. One of the inmates of the 'ar ist- reported, as saying that the machine was tearing along at about forty miles an hour wben th accident occurred. Ma- (irm is quoted as saying), howev er that tie machine was going at a rate cot dangerous but that tin attjemptmg $cf throw on hs iDrfjie he pressed The wrong i-n-t jAnd accelerated its speed. f By what seems almost a mira yle the Btudebaker kept ou its wheels and none of the occupants was thrown out. Miss Tingle, however, sustained a badly bruis edeye and a cut across the fore head as a result of the accident and MisH Stilley was hurt about the mouth and her head cot. Madrin himself was most seriously injured'. His nose, it is tated, was broken tin three places and his hurts are very painful. The other members of the party all sustained minor bruises butappeared none) the worse for them yesterday. Mr. Jim Weeks of this city ame by in Ids car shortly after the accident and picked up part of the party. The rest were brought home by Mr. Gordon. Mr. h. C. Madriu, father of Tom Madrin, brought the damag car in under its own jower yesterday mornfng. It Is esti mated that the cost of repairs on it will amount to about $150. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AT SOU TH! TONIGHT Thje Chamber of Commerce ineetg tor-night in the parlors of the Southern Hotel. The purpose of the meeting is to effect a re-organization of that body and add to its scope ait usefulness in Elizabeth 'City. Prominent business J men hare a plan to put before the organization whirih they think wfll give Elizabeth City ' a more active and efficient trade organization than it has over had before. Members of, the Chamber of Commerce and business men generally are urged to attend this mefcting and take part in the discussion of the plan. Mr. Herbert Feele spent Sun day at "Clarksvillo; Va., supply ing his father's pulpit In the Baptist church of that city at the morning and evening scrrio N PHONE POST HOSPITAL GAINS I And Equipment and Con struction of Building Will Be Modern in Ev ery Detail At a nurting of the stock holders of the Elizabeth City Hos pi till Company last Friday night flfyOOO in bonds was voted to raise funds in addition to the aoniunt already subscribed for the completion and equipment of the handsome new hospital building. Work is going forward upon the building more rapLdlv than is the rule in the construction of large buildings. The plans have been altered wherever the need for more complete and "modern equipment was felt to be neces sary, and the inldiicatlions are that the hospital will be a mat ter of pride to the tidewater sec tion of North Carolina as well as of untold value to human life. The additional 915.000 voted Friday night raises th amount to be expended on the building and equipping the Elizabeth City Hospital to 45,0O0. Surgical ap paratus of the most modern sci entific construction and laborato ries fully equipped for the most delicate and serious hospital work will be some of the results of the increased capi tal of the hospital company. It is now expected that the hospital wfill open as early as Oc tolier . QAVIS BURGESS Old Trap. X. C. July 23rd Miss Mary Burgess the very at tractive daughter of Mr. G. K. Burgess, and Mr. Fydflie Davis son of Mr. Ben Davis, were mar ried at the honie of thto bride Wednesday eveningj, July '31n at nine o'clock. The wedding was a very quiet affaM only the intimate friends of the bride and members of the two families being present. A reception followed the ceremo ny. Delirious refreshments were served and the bride's cake was cut by the bride. Mrs. Dans will be greatly missed in the community by a largfe number of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Davis will live at Cam den. STILL 1 CHANCE FOR CLARK President Wilson last week made the statement that the man appointed to fill Judge Lurton's place must be tinder 65, prefera bly under 60. This condition would bar Judge Clark from the position but the North Carolina delegation is not wholly discour aged and will appear before the president in Jupge Clark's fav or again. At any rate, nothing against a man but eight years of well spent actively is an enviable rec ord. Miss Helen Elliott of Norfolk t slrilftoit 41, fKsaAar-' Tnii nil ADDlTlNA DENIED FOR PLAINTIFFS Important i .ise of Roper Lui.it. i i u;pan L. sicd Greater I'art of Last Week : ! l;n 1 Tin- iy in tlli weel LiiiiiIh i- I. V .Il.lv ..!li i'l 1 l.v the ju Superior 4 i ' u it John I,. IJoper auainst the 'a mien - , I s till' '"in; any Kichmond Ydar Works and the Dismal Swamp Kaili-oad. The jury rendered a veidiel in favor of the plaintill's. Tlie suit is one of many big land suits docketed in Camden Superior Court. It nev out of contentions over the ownership of lots Nos. 1 ami in th New Lebanon division of the Dismal Swamp. The plaintiffs were represent ed by Messrs. Small. McClean, Hra,gaw and Kodnian of Wash' ington, N. C, .1. K. Wilson of ElizaU'th City and W. I. Hal stid of South Mills. The le fendants were renrsented by Me srs. Ward ami Thompson of Eliz abeth 4'itv and W. W. Starke of Norfolk. ' ROPER BRIEFS Boner. X. Cv July 2oth Mr. MollTe Chesson and Sarali Wil li an i.s irturned from Robinson ville Friday where they hav been visiting Mrs. Williams son Mr. II. M. Williams- hiittle Dorothy and Leslie Brinkley of Gilmerton are visit ing their aunt, Mr. X . W. Spruill . Mrs. n. C. Edwards of Xew bern ds the guest of Mrs. E. L. Herrington. Messrs. J.. W. Buchannon and W. C. Walker left Tuesday for Baltimore and Cecilton. Md., to visit friends. Mr. X. W. Spruill attended the Farmers Union picnic in Ber tie County last Thursday. Mr. J. O. Highsmith Left Thursday for Richmond in re: sponse to a telegram stating that his mother was in a hospital in that city for a serious operation. Miss Hilda Tarkenton of Woodland is the guest of Miss Isalel McAllister. GOOD MEETING AT fltll GROVE Revival services held last week by Rev. I. N, Loftin at Pleas ant Grove Baptist Church, Cam den county, closed Sunday after noon. Tine ntew members were baptized at this time and a nun bef of others are to be baptized later. The meteting was charac terized by earnest interest on the part of the entire church. REVIVAL AT BEEEA Rev. W. R. Flannigan of Berk ley Avnue Baptist Church, Nor folk, will assSst Bev. C. R. An gell in a revival at Berea thin week and at Ramoth Gilead all next week. ANNOUNCEMEN I hereby announce my candida cy for the office, of Sheriff of Dare County, N. 0., subject to the ac tfjon of the Democratic County or said county. This July 15th, 1914. A. H. DAVENPORT, jul31 tf. A 13-year-old 1 pickaninny got locked up in a car of watermel ona and carried to New York last weetf. of. WCIiriU IIEiS (.in ( i-r.i h : i t u n o (.'v)i(j.. ny ( . W-rili i ui,:,. Witii I'Li'.t at H.itnlet .Mid RaleiIi llal.-t-,.. . C. July LT.lii M:-. II. I - ! eei.l ml. al.' 111. i ii.il;. 1 of the ( . in i iei a ( 'ompaiiv . ol' Norl'olk. a . . accompanied bv his s.vreiarv. Mr. W. II. Hall lr.. is in Ualeigh having papers prepared . Attorney James II. I'ou to incoipoiate the G'in Gerii Itotllini; Coinpaiiy of North Car olina . tie new company will be cap- tiili.ol for liMt.iKMl. Mr. . T. Old of Elizabeth Cit.vj former president of the Noith Carolina Hankers Association, will head the new corpnrat ion . J . M . I ar den of Suffolk, will be vice-pivs-idenl. The entire boiirdof direct oi-s will be composed of North Carolina business men, with the home ollies iit Italcigh . The company has already con strucled a biiitliuK plant at Hamlet and the second plant will be installed at Kaleigh. Mr. reel and i.s stopping at the VailMH-ough. He is seekiug the site for the new plant and local men to handle the buslines. DELIVERS ADDRESS TO FARMERS The Pasquotank Farmers I n ion was addressed by H. Q. Alexander, Htate president of the Farmers Unions on Saturday. A large number heard the adj dress with much interest. The point stressed in Mr. Air exaud'er's talk to the farmers was "co-operation". With, co-operation as a foundation, he point evl out methods of securing better results in the sale of farm pro ducts, and in the purchase of sup plies, lie suggested the erection of storage worehous where farm produce could he stored aud Is'tter prices demanded. He like wise urged the elimination of the middleman in the selling of farm produce and showed how consumer and producer could profit by such arrangement. AX rv iMMvtfsuov tlie manv Trienas. jruu viutoukil their support eoilj$buW& to. the large vote gir-tal"' the r cent puimartesr' lrtffl' especial ly deeply sensibly othe debt I owe to tlie people of the coun try who were stfearty in their efforts fin my behalf. Assuring them one and that I shall not forget my obligation, to them, I hope to retain their connaence and win the favor of many more friends before the next primary CHARLES CARMINE, lt.pd. Nqlrth Carolina is . behind in the matter of participation in the PanamaKPacflic Exposilfton. All the other Southern States wiji be represented. The North Caro lina Board of Agriculture made an appropriation of $15,000 con ditioned upon the raising of W 000 bs the Exposition Commis sion appointed by Governor Craig in May No funds have been raised by the ooinmission and the Board' of Agriculture's appropri- ttloni Will lapse? in ' three weeks unlaw til funaV axe ocure4. , i HEO PHAISES THE TfiESTOII Cin -poiuiiMit Says Sched uicis Com cniciit Scr k c r.xcellcnt a"d Captain Obliging M.intio. X C,. . I ii 1 L'.-.ili ( -;ip lain Marun Johnson's new steam t. Ihe Trenton, is the most iop '"'at linn has ev ! struck Mallleo. From the beginning of its run. the Manteo folk have been heiird lo ,s;iv that t!ie new boat would receive th -ir suimort. an, I the Hi-sL wei'k the passenger list ran to fifty or sixty. Since that time Captain Jolnison has earned a d;:ily ;iveragL. of twenty five pas Tigers. When Captain Johnson an nounced that he was oil' to Nor ioih. ior ii new noai, tnere were many who doubled. The news of bis going spread and on the day that he was exacted a crowd gathered at (lie Nags Head pier to see what would happen. Sure enough .the steamer was soon sigh hud and shortly after. Cap i ii i i . ..i i ;ii u .lounson iockci at the .airs i - C7 I Lead wharf and linvited the crowd aboard for a free trip to Manteo and back. He carried thirty ou this trip. The Trenton is ninety two feet long and seventeen and One half feet beam. lieavinir Manteo at sue an tlie monimir it eivew the travelling public more time for sleep and breakfast before start) ing. It arrives at Nags Head an nour arter tlie other boat leavvs. From there it goes di rectly to Elizabeth City, reach ing town shortly after eleven o'clock. It leaves Elizabeth Ci ty after tlut arrival of the 2:15 train. Captain Johnson carries anj an efficient crew. He him self has been on the water for twenty seven yars. From the dapper little chief to jolly John Bauni, one may expect "n loard the Trenton the most courteous Service and the best of accommo dation. And the oook of the Trenton served at the Tranquil House for a number of years, which is advertisement enough. BEST BALL GM.1E Played Friday Afternoon and Local Team Promis es More Like it if Sup port is Given The most exaiting game of the season was pulled off Friday af ternoon on the local diamond, Elizabeth City and Columbia showing fine sportsmanship in the contest. For nine innings there was good, close playing that deserv ed a larger crowd than attended, and at the end of the ninth the score was tied, five to five. The game went on through the tenth and into the eleventh. In the (eleventh Elltabeth City flunked and Columbia made a landsliido, with five additional runs. The playing of both teams showed more than usual skill and vim and the game was de- -cblred by the fans the best of the season. The Elizabeth City team declares itself ready for more good1 playing and expresses the, desire, fop better support from the1 town. Tha. batteries ior Elisabeth Of TDKSEISOa E VS OF CHACE b'ri R r.viin for Contestants in ucctful Contest Giv en By Prominent Merchants A Falls acai ion i; . to Niagara in August manv will, em vy it I o sui'vsi'ul vtiuriff la- (lies o( the Niiigara Fa I 'ontest their sjdendid good fortune. The good fortune will have Ixi'ii well earned, however, for tin- young ladies taking part in the contest have by no means been lidle. The contest, it will be rem '.'inhered, closes August 1st. and friends of the contest ants have but a short time to alid! in the good work. Some of the contest stores are giving double votes Nomie an even larger amount. Now or never is the time to rally (o the support of the contestants. Next week will be too late. A more excellent choice could not have been made in offering a contest prize at this season of the year. The wid and earnest- ONLY THREE M interest taken in the contest is shown by the manner in which the votes have juiled up each week. The enterpris has been a succcs both to the generous raer -chants who have undertaken to give the prizes, and to purchas ers at their stores; and will give " untold pleasure to the winners -. of the two flips during the va cation month of the year, the month when everybody wanta to'"''''' get away for rest and recreation. ,; Many 'ire unable to get away for a tnn at all. and of the-larse ' number who take a vacation trip. only the most fortunate have one so delightful of so valuable and instructive. The record of votes will be published Friday and an unusu ally large increase may be expect ed with many surprises in regard to the respective records of thel contestants. It is a wdek In which to get busy in order to get results. Advertisement MID SUMMER HALE SUCCESS The Mjd summer Hale of the Woman's Wear Store, owned - ' iind ojierated by M. Leigh Sheep Co., has Umti the biggest and best in the history of tHis store.: For more than ten1 days the sale hajsi kqit going without a lull in the enthusiasm of shop pers, and the wondler grows how there is anything left to be sold with so much going out each day. A. gPance in the always attrac tive windows shows), however, that there is yet a chance foil the shopper of taste and! econo my to get just what she wants at , just the right price. The sale will continue for still another week, and a special invi tation is extended to the fair sex of the city and country to visit 1 1 tMs sale before it closes and flndr, out the wonderful values given by the one store of the city which belongs to them exclusively. Aiv&tieemenl Iwil Since the twtontyhflrst of July surf men .have been' coming ,'to. Elizabeth City from all parts, of this district for the physical ex' amination required bfore they re enter the 'service the first ot-'&a Oitjj we1(psey,and;.ITendc, son; - for'bolumbia Combsn'and ; n . i i ' J v-; ' 4 , X

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