u mm :rmm at mmmm: swmH LJ I rN U OFFICIAL PAPERl l BIAS OF CURRITUCK COUNTY i I VIE JFS WITHO UT PREJUDICE VOX, IF ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1914 NO 69 "M LI m MLl mhii joins in BATTLE OF NATIONS a And Latest Reports Indicate That Setmaiis Have Been More ccefjsful Than at First k 7 Admitted great battle between the iiuMrians and' Germans cm ond band and the allied armiies of England. France and Ik'lgium on the other is daily increasing in violent and fnry. Though definite reports are stjUl lacking it is admitted that the conflct is racing in full force and that Europe s now the scene of the greatest carnage, blood! allied and slaughter that the uni 'verse has ever witnessed. ' Respite the fact that all news first received was favoraUe to the Belgians and thejir allies it is now admitted that thle On rnns have been sweeping forward carrying everything before them. The latest reports from England and France stunn to be preparing the people for the possible defeat of the armies of those countries while confirmed ' reports from Berlin that have filtered thmfftaKiy the friendshlip of those speak in no uncertaiin teTms of Orman successes. A dispatch majdie public in Washington on August 23rd by Oerman charge VT affaires declares that the news of French successes in Alsace Tjorrniine pnblishetl in tlfle Paris papers is verv IndJcrous to the rrerman. Tlie flermans admit fhat the forts at Lotim are still holding out against the assaults of tho Herman artillery but it fceems that the attack upon IKpftn forts was kent nn for n , I Mr .James V Thompson Jr of time ns a mere fPrtit while tUartinsburg. W. Va., travciling Hermans neht wing was swing ine around io as to put tself be- tween t!,e Belgians and th-ir al- lies. This movement compelled the evacuation1 of Brussels the capital of Bl!?iuni. without long drawn out opposition on the part of the Belgians. The fores of thi,Germana are now concenrrat edwfton Antwerp which has been iitate of rieige anrl is prpai4 1n;r desperate resistance) to UiejlermanB advance. Meanwhile the eonter of inter est is shSfffinp from Belgium to the South along the French fron tier where an intensfe battle has been raging since Snnclay. Paris papers cMm that the French and British have ansumed the offtm sive along the battle line extend ing from Luxemburg to Switzer land. Wntile the Germans have Ijipx pressing their foes in the west they have male no reply to thle Japanese ultimatum demand ,'lng the' withdrawal ' ottermany BISHOP STRANGE DEAD News was received here yestier day from Wilmington of the 'death of Risrht Rev. Uolert Strange I 1 Bishop ,f Eastern rsorth Carolina. Bishop Strangi' wai well kJiown in Elizabeth Pity anl tln sur rounding section and the news of his death is a )ersonail shock to ninny warm friends and sincere admirers here. Ilir- death occurred in that city ternoon at 12:45 at his home in MTilmttigton aflror an illness of nearly a year. The body now lliies in state in St. Janies E pin- copal church in that cjty where the funeral will be conducted this afternoon at 5:30 o'clock by lfediop Cheshire of Raleigh. The interment wrill follow in. a Wii miington ceinietery. Bishop Strange was known throughout the State aa a man of culture, and scholarship with kstrong and clear conviction unit id with splendid fharity. His earnest interest in missions and (in the Laymen's Movement were observed and achnsired not only by his own yeOple but by thle churches of every denomination. ' His personal magjietlsm won with whom he came in contact and hin activ . interest in every movement for the uplift of humanity marked him with a gmttnesw that wiH extend the influence of his life through many years. Surviving him am his wife, two rMMren and two haff si Iters in Wilmington and a broth er in N'w York. 0 ' LEAS El ;i WITH LOCATION OF NEW TAIl)UIN(i ESTABLISHMENT repref3ntatm and expert cutter 'of the Sanger Tailoring Co., ar 'nwd yestnlay and will be with " ' ""'' "J Mr Tnomjtson nas already expres appm'al of the location of tlie new tore and with the busi ws so far 84licited. lie is sure that the people of the city and Vsejction will be pleased with the work turnled out by the new es tablBshment . . Advt . fro m Cbna. The time Mm it of , the ultimatum expired on rSunday and upon Germany's failure to send any answer to it Japan has now stepped into the battle of the nations. The Env p4ror of Japan has declared war on Germany and the German pro -tectorate of China. Kiao Chow in the object of the Japanese at tack with land and sea forces. The Germans are preparing to re jedst the attack with djeaperatc Lyalon, it being their determjna tion to hoi (J out agafrnst the Ut itla browa soldaesrs to the last taan. . ,, . , APPLAUSE GREETS PM The Tour of High School Pupils Presenting Play is a Decided Success Poplar Branch. N. 21st Mis. Inez Beid. V., Aug., prnicipal of the 'riniiirv l( ' u tiiieni of Poplar Branch High School is taking the cast of pupils who pre sented the play "Anita's Trial" on quite an extended tour 'in this section. On Monday night the play was prescind at Knotts Island, on Tutwlay at Moyock, on Thursday at Mantco. and to night at Point Harbor. Espi'ciallv cntliusiasf'c reports hav4 reacbetl here of the reccp 'tion given th. Poplar Branch rep i'4'sentat iv4s at Moyock wher S-1 was realizel. Tlie jtrocwds of the entertainment when gven at Poplar Branch were forty live dollars. Roper Briefs HoK-r. N. r.. Aug, 22nd Mr K T CheNson and family ire sending a few days at Ocracoke and Moi-ehead City. Mr Otis Armstrong of Eliza beth City spcnit a few lays with Mr Wilbur Herrington last wei'k. Mrs H H Uojht is spending a few1 days at Virginia Beach. Mr H M Williams 4f Uobinson Ville fs visiting his mother, Mi-s. H J Wiliams Min--, Esther Ball left Saturday for Elizaleth City t4 visit rel ativen. n Mrs F D Eliis and children of GiJmerton, Va , an' guests of Mrs B F Bailey, Mm Emma Lilly and daugh ter, Pat tie. of Edenton are guests of Mrs Lilly's son, Mr Sylvester JAlly. lrof. J G Dawson s visaing friends in this section. Mr and Mrs T B Cheswn left for Elizabeth C&ty Thursday where Mrs Chesson will spend some time visiting relative. Mr B B Komer who represent 4td tlie Jr O V A M at the State C4uncil at Durham returned home Friday. After completing her summer 4'ourse at East Caroliina Teach ers Training School, Miss Lillie S(itteiT-'on retumMl home Wedneflr day. Miss Htha Uaughton of Cn well is vi sitting her couslin, Miss Violet Sjiencer. After a visit to her cousin. Miihs Rstlwr Ball, Miss Annie Sawyer has returned to her home at Norfolk. Mr C ITf Lamb of Orewdll Sm vtisiting his son, Mr C M Lamb. Mr W C Thompson and Mr. T41dy Blount motored over to Long Acre Friday. After a few weeks visit to her daughter, Mrs. Will Cotton, at Norfolk), Mrs. J W Mitchell re turned home Wednesday. CLEARED NINETY DOLLARS A phone message from Curri tuck received by the Advance Tueftlay stated that thhe Poplar JBraneh Hi$i School pupils clear dd nrinety dollars on their tour with the Play "Anita's Trial" Waist week. $117 waa taken in Jind the expenses of the pla Vere $27. The pupils taking part in the play and the directors of the performance expressed great appreniatnon of the reoeptio ae tcordd! themj each,, points at which the play ira giren.y " BAPTIST PASTOR E J. T. Ragland of Poplar Branch Will Not Remain in Currituck After This Year I Poplar llram II, N. C, Aug.. 2Lst Rev. J. T. Ragland on laxt Sunday formally tHiileml his resignation of the pastorate of the church here to take effect 4n the tirst day 4f January, 1!1". Mr Ragland states that he has decided to leave the Cur rituck (Mil and that lie will 4tfer his resignation at each of (lie oth er churches on his tirst appoint inent with each of them. DuiViig tin- uinctivn mon t lis pastorate uf Mr. Raglaml on this nVId ov4'r om hundred ineinlK'rs have Imh'ii added to his 4-huivli4s. OWENS- SPRUILL Beautiful Wedding Solem ized in Church of The Advent at Roper Last Week RuH'r, , . (J. .August 22nd A rettv we4lding was 4'4'lebra t'd at the E iscopal Church of the Advi'i at eh'v n u'cbH'k Wi 4l uesday morning. August l!Mli. wln-n Miss Ida Uliount Sprui. I, daughter of Mr and Mrs William Spniill Ix'came the bride 4f Mr. I4)uns Latham Owiins of Ply mouth, N. (;.. the ceremony he ing perfornxjd by Rev. L. V. Blackwelder of Scotland N4i4'k. a former rector of this Parisjli. The chuirch was beautifully 4kH-orated with potted plants and cut hot house flowers. Preceding the oereiinmy, Schul)erts Serenale was ren4lered by Misses Eula Spruill and Myrtle IVac4ck, ac eompaniexl by Miss Ida lVa-ock, organist. The bridal party ent envl the church to the strains of Ij4)hengnns wetldling nianh, reu--deretlby Miss Laura Smith of Plymouth a cousin of the briile. The ushers .Messra E S Bhnint and L D Slpniill. wearing vm ventii4)nal black, were followed by the Maid of Honor, Miss Millie Spruill, sister 4f the brid! in n dainty creation of white cnK' de chline trimiwvl in la-, with white gloves nnd 1:-- hat; carry i,ng a bMuet 4f pink bnids nse tiil witli pink tulle. The bride enti'nMl leaning on the arm 4f h'r Mather, who gave her away, and was attired in a hands4me tour ing suit of blue with hat and gloves t4 match carrying a white prayer book with a shower bo que't 4)f lilies of the valley, her only ornament brimi an ex4uis- ite liamonr brooch, a gift of the uToom. Thev were met at the altar by the groom acceinpa n'd by hw best mam Lloyd Hor ton of Plymouth, both attired in biack and duiUng the impressive rina ceromony "Humoreska" was softly played, aftfer which the bri dal party retired to the strains of Mendelsshon's wdlding march. After posing for a brief mo ment for the camera man and re oeiving the hurried congratular tiions and good byes of friends and relatives, 'the entire- bridal party entered waiting automo biles for the short ride to Mac -keys where the bride and groom departed on the northbound train to spend their honeymoon in Can ada and Atlantic City. They will be at home after September 1st at Plymouth. , Chi Tuesday evenine Mr and Mrs Wm T Spruill gave an in. formal reception?1: to the bridal part? . an4 . a number. . pt friends and rejatjveg , at theirold col US C A OW T O III CURRITUCK First Barn Put in Last Week And is Now Pro bably Completely Cured Point Harbor, N. ('., Aug.. 21st The tirst bam of ('urrituck tobacco ever grown will be cured this week. The frequently recurring low prie4s nveived f4r both Irish aud sw4H'.t p4rat4es have led a uum iM'r ot urntuck s most progres niv4 fanners to tin' conclusion that the time is not far 11stant when t liv will 1k grown on a lunch less ext4'iisie scale than at pivs4nt. This rais the (pies tion a.s to what citp w"ill take their place. It has 4MTurnnl lo some that the answer will be found in to liacco culture and this is the why of the experiment . Two or thm' tobacco pati-lu's have bmi S4'l out in (his siM'tion this summer and Captain S. .1. Pan" has built a small barn in which he cxpe4-ts to 4,ur'j the crop in his ii 'ighlMrhood . The barn ris now in lvadhmsN and the tobacco will be put in tohUM-mw . FORMER WEO PASTOR HAKES SPLENDID RECORD FrieUds of the Itev. (). X. Mar srall, formi'ilv pastor of the Man teo Haptist t'hurch, will be in tersted in the folil4)wflng 4ijr ping fi-om, Saturday's Wlilming ton S1ar. "The Seagate Baptist (Uiuirch, of which Kev ). S. Marshall is tle pofiular pastor, will be dedt 4'ate4l toiuorrow morning at elewn 4'clo4k. The servi4e wiU be at tench! by a large number of Baptists from the cfity. The Church at Sagate has a large memlership aiyl has been vwy active 'in Christian work. It is a wil' awake church and the members of the congregation are full of enthusiasm Mr. Marshal has only been pastor of the church a few months but in that time has made a splendid record. M KKTIXti AT POlMyAIt P.UANCII Poplar Mratich, X. 1., Aug.. 2l,st It'v. C. P. .leroine is con ducting an interesting serh-s of Revival s4Tvici-s at the Methodist Chapel here this week. Large crowds aiv attending anjd C4)iir siderable interest is manifest. The services are held at night. niail home, just on the village outskirts. Tlie guests were rveeiv ed on thciH)aciouH porch wliiiiich was luminous with varicolored Japanicfie lantern, the recoiving line consist el of Mr an(l Mrs Spruill and the bridal party, af ter which a delicious lunch was served . The entertfor was decorat ed in flowers and plants, the gen eral color scheme bejng pink and white. Amongthe villegp folk present fwere noted Dr and Mrs Ilalsey, Mrs Ida Blount, Miss Augusta C Car8tarphertf, Mr and Mrs N W Spruill, Mr and IMrs J ,T McAl flister. Misses AUeen, Ida. Myrtle apd Hattie Peacock, yilie and Ethel Bairco, Lula and Annie Oa hoony Isabelle IfcAllwter, . . ula prujfll 'Annie Leary, Messrs J Buchanan, Cyril Walker, Jas F Leary, and Milton Clagon . Quite a number f out of town gfttier'pesgo.t also HUH AfJB JEFF ' Season Opens at Popular Theater With Gus Hill's Latest Attraction .Opning at the Alkraiua thea tre on Friday August 28th for an engagement of one night only lus Hill will present for thp first tiime, the fourth edition of Hud Fishers great cartoon 8uccch, "Mutt and Jeff" .entitled. ''Mutt and Jeff in Mexrico". After breaking all established theatrical records for volume of bcihiness and pleasing audiences, this remarkable attraction will oiler an entire new entertainment Top the comli im; season retaining nothing but th tripe and those two character conceits. "A Mutt" and his little fi iencl "Otheilo .Montgomery Jeffries." The fact has btfn conceded by -1 he bewt nvspaM'r autliortties iir l lie world, that ''Mutt and Jeff" i n toons, and likewise tha. plav of the same tlitle, are the most leniarkabb hucccssh in the histo ry of the Press and Thatricals. In a number of cities wlwie thii attr;o li(iu has played four or tive iinies in the last two years their last engagement was better than the tirst niud the first was to the cajxacity of the theatre. This seasons offering, will show" an entirely new scenic and,ele Irical pr44luctios. (jonsisting of several sensational mechanical' effcM-ta never before attemptftl in Fvery rcal cartoon unccesu in the last thirty years has been uti der the diirction of Ous, Hjilil. His success with Futt and Jeff l now the'talk of the entire theat rical world arid hiis judgment in selecting the cartoons as the ma' tenal for the play has made him a fortune. No expense has1 been spared to make the new edition even more attractive than the or-. iginal production. An ntire new musical score has ben furnished. Elisabeth dity Theatre goern and amusement lovrs should not fail to sve "Mutt and Jeff" at the Alkrama Theatre next Friday night. Owiing to the fact that many will attend from Edenton ,aiicl other points Routh of Eliza beth City and wish to return on tho might express the curtajfa will go up promptly at fUB. fl.dvt ON BAPTIST FIELD Poplar Branch, X. ()., Aug., 21 Pastor J. T. Kagland is in the midst of hlw revival meeting feat :' son just now) having held Buch' ) servi4'4's at tliree of his churches ,r.' . already. At Cain jock and Whales-4 c Head he was assisted by Rev. C ". . R. Angjell of Elizabeth City and at Rehobath by Ret L T Reed of Elizabeth City. At the last named church there were eight additions . Mr. Ragland will hold a meet ing here beginning on the second Sunday fin September and at Powells Point beginning on Mon; day after the third Sunday in September. In these meetings he will be asttisted by Rev. W. R. Haight of Belhaven. MONTAGUE EASTWOOD Harbinger, N. C, Aug.k 21et ' . Mr. Calvin Montague and Miss Lida Eastwood were married Sun day afternoon at four oclock by juattce ot the peace E. V. Md1"'- 1 I i. If ; V J; -v.