fv Trt th ry " ... II I l II I) 1 ..-rsw . ft ' OFFICIAL PAPER BIAS WS WITHOUT OF CURRITUCK PREJUDICE COUNTY Y0L IV ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1914 NO 70 iff Sfl r 1 y i . i w II mm l it f 7 i V-T-J (- ''! , r ,- ' ' mm m t mmmm. mm m m mm1 a m mm m m w r mm m Lie L f ALLIES ARE DRIVEN Assuming Offensive English and w French Are Beaten By German Fighters TURKEY BAY BE TRICKED INTO FIGHT Jor Russian The German sui -ss s for which the Advance prepare! its readirs in Tuusday's pajrr liavj Conic. The German right whig which was stretches across Belgium from Mons to Luxemburg was at tacked by the Emglish and French in full force. The armies of the all,is were repulsed wfith heavy lofH. H.tMMt of England fnfrest ons floii'g Ixv death and probably five f.imes as many (ier , mansj, though Germany has not made public her losses, neither lias France. Moiw i a Belgian city lying fortv or nl'tf nv'U's to the South wesi of 15rn.-s.is and not far from the Itelgian boundary. As a result of tbJw victory the allies have abaudotned their offensive plan of battle anjd fallen hack on their defenses. This hieans that th French have not only with drawn from Belgium but also that they have abandoned the po ditions that they had taken in Al sace Ixrraine and that the next contest between the two contend ing armies will be fought on French sail. If the French and English are defeated in tWis en gagement the French admit that the road to Paris will lie open to the (invaders. All of this justifies the predic tion of the Advance that the ties feat of Germany will not be a walk over for the allied powers. Nevertheless it does not mean that Germany will finally tri umph in th's strangle not yet. It is believed at ljondoft that ev en if l'aris falls the disaster to French arms wfll le offset by Russian Miccesses in the east. Experts dqcare that of Parig falls to tllwe Germans Berlin wtill fall to the HusMians. Reports from eastern frontiers of Ormany yes tqrday indicated that Hia has been inoHiMtfiug more rajiidly than wn expected and it is even sahl that wealthy citizns are already Heeiing fioni Berlin and Vienna. There an; signs now that (Tur key is to be brought into this war on the wide of Germany and Austria. Nothlin,g could please Russians better than such a ire suit for tUie war will not nienn all that they hope to themselves unless at its end Russia com maitfia Constantinople. t rora SHERIFF DEAD .24umbifl. N. C, Aug.. 25th E..j8tei1iff Dick Hassell died WfljdneHday. Aug lftth at his home in Vlumbia after an illne of twelve months. Me leaves an aged wife and an son. Mr. HasseH wa shieriff of Tyr rel county for thirty eight years and wan well known and greatly respected by every one in Colum ft'a and the county. The communS ty wiill feel a great loss in his ,tieath. . Funeral fWvtces were conducted at hi howb by Rev. K. F. Dn vail and the body was laid to rat f Jn,1 the family burjfiig ground t BELGIAN SOL Bear Wants Excuse To Sieze Constantinople 1YDLETT Mill DROWNS OH COAST I'.ertlia V., Aug. 251 h- Mr. (iiMirg,. Sn-owden, a yolng white in :n of Aydlett. was (Irown eil this w. ,x wliiL!e out on the omm oni a ti.-liing 1 1 1 , . Tlui tragjedy orenn-d last Fri day while Siiowdm in cenr any wit hi tliw companions w. on fishing. The four were lian.ing a net, Snowdt'n having one r:d of it when lie got iinto a hole ov er i'.H head aind iMiing unable to swim went down to death. Life fining in n from the adjaceut sta lion uiTiveil on the isceue in time to rescue the body but too late to .resuscitate the young man. He was only twenly four years old. Mrs. Maude Mdrcer wai the guest of Mrs. W. A. Corbel 1 last week. Mrs. Mercer is via iting a nuniler of friendx and rel a fives in tlJLs community. Hhe will rtiturn .to 'her home at Old Trap September 10th. Mr. Ashley Cdrbett is serious ly ill at his home at Poplar Branch . Mkos Bruc and Betty Taylor and Mr. Hhlton; Taylor of Ber that are visiting lin Elizabeth City. James Bamu, a col(ml boy, was attacked and painfully cut cfcv th.g arm by sonne men 'this week . Tlie nwieting at SJiaron Chaj)el will continue this week. Mr. A. A. Owens killed large irattle nake in his flower garden this week. ,The snake had seven rattles and a button. TYRREL COUNTY VETERANS MEET Columbia. X. C, Aug., 2(tJi Saturday will be a day of stir il ng sjieeches and reminiscenem of the Civil War wh(fa the veter ans ru union will lx; held at Co lumbia. Tlie biggest crowd which lias ever attended is expect d this year. A jijicniic dinner will be Itemed thle old sold Wis. Colonel BeasU'y will le in charge of the exercises of the dav. WERT OK JOY SIDE-SyASHED AUTO Columbia, N. C, Ai, 26th Uliile out ;joy ridHnjg 'last eve ning Miss Dell Walker ran into the Brannifng Manufacturing Company's log trajin at the rail road erosfting. Bhe and her friends had a very narrow escape and the automobile was badly wrecked . LAWN PARITY AT BARCO Bainco, X. C. Aug. 22nd JA delightful lawn party was g)'venl laft Friday might at the home of Mr. C. Barco. A large number attested, both young and old, and all greatly enjoyed the evenings entertain tapnt. ' FOB HEW HOTEL AT M HEAD Promoters Working Up Stock Company to Erect $12,000 Structure at This Resort It is very probable that a stwk company wtili be formed very soon to build a hotel at Nags Head which will be ready for visitors at th,' Mpubir re Mort by the opening of the next season . A iiuihIkt of promoters are working for srk subscriptions to the amount of llOOO, :,(HM) of which had already lceii subscrib Hd at two o'clock yesterday after noon. The proposed building is to Is' three stories high and to start with fifty rooms for guei ts. It wll be ei)uipiiji with all modern oon ven iences, including electric HhtSi watu and seweniige. It is also the hV't of the promoters that a tram road hall be built connecting the hotel with the beach. Another idea advanced' is that a dancng pavilion wilth moving pictures ice cmim parlop. tele graih office ami jxist tfiice shall 1m mantained in connecijioii w'th the hotel. Tlie Kite for th:' iroiosed build ijng has not been dctermneyl uikiil. Ithat. lx'ng a matter whih will be left oiM'n until the UkV com' pany is formel. CHARMING HOSTESS AT UWN PARTY RojHir, N. C. Aug., 24th Mliss Man .lioluiston was the charming' hostow at a very dto lightful lawn party Monday eve ning in honor of her guest. Miss Mtiunie Hodges of Mackeys. The lawn was attractively decorated in various colons of Japanese lan tertis. Verses were matched in order to determine partners for supper, and much lnenriinent en ssued in thisi prun-ess. Those present were: Misses Mlinmie Hodges, Myrtle and Xel lie Tarkenton of Mahkeys. Ethel Lillie Barco. Eula Wpruill and Ivey Gaylord of Buelk V., Mes srs. 1 1) writer t .loses of Xorfolk. '.Johnnie Tarkenton of Mackeys; Assi Johnston. (Jeorge Jaeobs, El mer and Xatlian Spruill, Jack McAllister. Raymond Harrison, anil Amos Edwards. FORT LANDING BRIEFS Fort Landing. N.C. Aug 24 The I. (). H. M. gave a pleas social evening to it'w members Friday niglit. A large mini her were present nn.il greatly enjoyed the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Itelan f'a of Bordinen are visiting here this week. Miss Lucy Car-t-y of Manteo. who is visifjng hdre this week was painfully hurt by a fall Saturday night. Miss Lucy and Clennfie Rhode) of Koundside were the guests of Miss Jennie Houghton last week. Mr. Winslow Rasnigjit of Mcu' t i'ltsant South Caroliu.i jg visiting his grandfather here this week. Messrs Clinton Bateman and Joe Gray and Mimes Sarah and LiHSe Rhofles are vtisiting friends and relatives here this week. Mr and Mrs Lonis Combs of Hertford aire visiting friends here. Mrs Fannie Holmes is very ill at her home here. Mr T. L. Whitehead of Chap 'anoke was in the city Saturday on busiocM THEATRE SEASON OPEIJS TO-NIGHT 1 ... Central "Mutt and Jeff" Figures Against Back ground of Mexican Scenery and Songs The season of laughte? is about to begin. The American publi never wanted to laugh more thaw they do at this tjme when in the general run of the day therj is so much to make them serious. "Mutt and Llefi in Mexico'' in a brand new divss comu to the Alkjrama tonlight. Timt it will make the peoplu- laugh goes with out saying. I!ml Fisher's ween trie characters arc the greatest cartoon successes i n Amei ic i t: day and tins Hill is the ack. lowl edgk-d dean ol cart(Mtn conuilv jinMluction. in er having offu-ed a play of this, sort that did not prove a success. Mr. A. K. Kramer says that seats jire M'lling rap'hlly amd the outlook is that ".Mull and deff in Mexico" will be seen by a capa( ity house. A CKNTI.K.M.W Of TH l OLD SCHOOL Wlilmiiigton, X. C. Aug 24 The news of the piu-M'ag of Dr. Cornelius Townsend Ford of Mnllins South Carolina at four o clock this afternoon at the '.Taini'.-s' Walker" Memorial ( Hofi pita.1. will Ih heard with great Mm row by liuiilirds of friends throughout South and North Carolina. He was a goutle men of the old school. skilled in his profession, genial aiud kind in his dioposjitj on, 21ml ' a trite friend of mankud. Ir. Ford wjis e'ghty years of age and leaves seven cluildreni A. L. Ford of Savannah, Mrs. (5. W. Taylor of Dallas Texis ('rs. I. II. Edwards of Fort Worth Texas, J It Ford ol Amorv MiissisMppis. Mrs. R. Mrs. . II. Edwards of Fort of Wilmington X. C. and Mrs. HerN'i-t Teele of Elizabeth t Citv Many friend of the family here and elsewhere will sympathize with them deeply hi the loss thev have sustained. KOPEK BRIEFS Hoer. . C. Aug.. 'J4th After :ii delightful visit to rel a tivm near Ejleliton Miss Ethel Clayton returned home Friday. Mr. Ca!rl Tarkenton of Xorfolk is the guest of hi parentsj Mr. and Mrs. ,1 F JTarkenton . Mr. C. T. Allen of Fungo spent the wex'k end at the home of Mr. J. B. Harris. MJss Minnie Hodc of Mac key.- is the guest of the Misses Barco. After a few days viit to Ma ter Clarnce Bailey, Master Geo. and Bryan Elllis returnI to their home in Gilmertou Wed'newhiy . Miss Sheila Blount gave a card party Monday afternoon at her home in honor of Mves Carrie' Smith a nd Dorothy WUtey of Plymouth and Messrs. Alexander and Iamb of Scotland Xe-k. Mr. II. R. Roper left Tuesday for V'iirgjnia Bea)h to join his wife and wife's sister, Mis AV ice f'ohfsm, and' will return Thursday. Mrs. B. B. Spencer has re turned from a few days visit to relative in Columbia. J. T. McAllister and W. H. pBateman made a short trip to Hal etgh tlfi's week. Mrs. A. W. Dozier of Snow dctu who ha been vim ting Mm. L. W. Cox on Burgcwi St return ed home yesterday. no tun or TYPHOID FEVER Number of Cases Appeals To Be On Decrease and Does Not Exceed Fif teen or a Dozen No epideini'c of typhoid is raging lin Elizabeth CLtv, report outside of the town op within to the contrary notwiithstianding. Outside of the town the" rumor jn'iseveres that there are from iforty to fifty cases now- tinder Itreatineiit here, while whether Lthere have Iteen half that num ber at any one time doubtful or even improbable. The Ad vance rpc.-rter called at the office of a number of Physicians yesterday niomiior iind the total nuinliT of cases reported did not exceed fiftwrn. Even this .probaldy included some cm-es of doubtful diagnosis. ' City Health Officer Dr C. B. ,A'!lliainsi investigated tlu sit 'mil. 'Ion a few days ago and i'i rt 'd a total of eighteen cafU's. ,lle is certain that tike number mow is no larger and probably sinalcr eviin than at the tinr? of his investigation. ! Those who use the city water are fill urged to boil it before drinking but there is now and tin -re has be 11 no occasion for any unusual alarm and the ex agurated reports that have gain ed credence oi.'iV of the towSi as to condition' h r . are with out foundation. HEALTH OFFICER MARKS STATEMENT Elizals'th City. X. 'C, Aug ''7 Editok Tiik Advam'k: S'nce your iinquiry, this morn iil(g; relatve to tlie typhoid fever situation I have again invest gated the matter and find I hat tjhetv are at prsent less than a dozen cases in the city. Yours very truly, C. B Wiu.iams. IIKAI.'I'II OKKICKIt. REV. A. A. BUTLER AT COLUMBIA Columlia. X . C., Aug -Jotli The miteting conducted at the Baptist Church here by the pas toij, Rev. R. E. Brickhouse, and Rev. A. A. Puller, ha,s closed with the ajdditioii, to tlie church of four new iifnlH'tis. The church was inadequate for the large crowds Hiat attended the servio es. MEETS TEES DAY E lOXIXG The Elizabeth Oily Baraca Phiiatheji I'ltion meets in the Annex of the First Methodist Ohurcl on next Tuesdiv eveniiLg the 1st of Meptenilter, at H:(M p. in. All memlieiii are urged to le present as at rhl's mwtlimg the Union will elect officers. I XTER EST I XCREASES IX PRAYER SERVICE. Barco. X.' 0. August L'lind Recent prayer meetings hedd here shown a markctil in crease in interest. These ser vices are conducted by Mr. Welstead who lis a very faith fill and couMecratied worker. COU MBfA BRIEFS Columbia, X. C, Aug.. 251 Ii Mrs.. Mary Cofleld has returned from Xorfolk wliere she had been in a hospital for an opi;ration. She in recovering rapidly from her illness.) Mi. S. M. Combs has just re turned from a trip tk Black Mountain. ) T TO PROF SHEEP 11 Appreciative Citizens Be stOW tm well Known Edu cator Taken of High Re gard of His Work Prof. H. L. Sheep, who leaves Momlay to take charge, of the city schools, of Helena. ATkansaa wa presented hwt uigit at the iHurt house with a handsome gold watch by the Citizens (f the town. The watch is a hunting cast How aid, beautiful in every line amd a tir'unipb, of the watchmaker art. On the front appears Prof Slieeps uioniogram while the inside; back bcaiM the following inscription: "Prit-ented to Prof. S. L. SHieep by the citaziMis of Elizalieth City as a toktn of appreciation for his long servce as an educator in our insist." The spiMi'Jh of prr) UMibitoin at the court; house last night was made by Mr E F Aydlett who spoke with his usual felicity of expression. Other shakers were Or MliMullan, Walter SmalL Ivinyon Wilson, and Judge J. B. Luigh. In accepting the gift Prof Slurp express! hliniself as lieing deeply movtl by what its prewn tation stood for to h'mi. Prof SheiMi came to Elizabeth City in 1878. Within a few years he had etahlishifl the Eliza beth City Academy which grew Iji influence and standing to such an extent that in lS!).r it name was changed to the Atlantic Col legiate Institute. In 1907 having Inn n convtnceil that the best educational inter ests of tbe community would lie cons'Tved by fhe irtablishment of a gradtil schKl here Prof. Sheep dittfidtl to work to that end. Tbe trustees of the Insti tute turned tlwir property over to the county and Mr Sheep a! cepted the superntendvmy of the graded rhoo at considerable ti nancial sicrtniT. He has rM-e.ived a number of inviibitions to take more lucrative work elsewhere but has always jmiferred to re nuvn where he -ould carry out to fruition the piano which he. had1 on foot here. Hjis iiHiMit li'signation is dcplor ik! by friends here and all over this section of the State. It is Is'lievijd that the town may have to .sti-ek long to find a man who is his equal. Ml A X D MRS GRIGGS ENTERTA I X Maple. X. 0.. Aug., L."th Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Gniggs gave a most enjoyable irty laist Thursday evening at their homo in Maple in honor of Miss Sue Harris of Xorfolk and Mr. Ies lie Waldorf of Greenville. Vari ons ganwn were played after whiich a delieious sujifier was served . Thosx! pnwnt witre: Misses Lu cile Bal lance Zuma BaJlance, Lljanra Bawlift of Xorfolk, Su die ltelle Walker, Animie Walker Oberia Walker of Xorfolk, Annie Griggs, Su,e Harris of Xorfolk; Rose Hairrell of Tnlls; Sue Spry Mae Griggs; Messrs. Julian Griggs Luther Ballance Iieslie WaildOrft Thos. Griggsk, Grandy BoHwoodv John SnowHen, S. W. Bmmsey of Barco, Fletqher Bpry Geo. Griggs, Phillip Walker, W. A. Snowdenk Louia Snowden, Syilney Gniggsi, Bryan Snowden and Mr and Mrs J L Spry. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Gilbert of Gregory are visiting relatives friende in Virgjinia at P3ntresa and Churcbiand. v WATCH ' . x - . r

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