Id W LJj I A ; A ? " I - ' 4' V V I CURRITUCK J i I vi 1 -1 y ' JiL!u I coVNTY 1 : BIAS 1WS WITHOUT PREJUDICE ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 1914 NO 72 Sermany Nov; Battles Against Russian Hordes Must Divide Her forces Between JEpgland and France on the West and Russia on the East BOTH iSIDES CLAIMING VICTORIES And Heanwhile the German Advance To ward Paris Continues This the fourth week in the conflict of all Europe now raging on the eastern and western frontier f of Germany and of Austria has been one in which the matter of keeping up with the trend of events has been most difficult. The Germans have continued their advance to ward the French capital pressing forward slowly but with great steadiness. Twice it appears they have out flanked their opponents, the French and British, and compelled them to fall'back . fl Mitary expdrtfe have appeared inclined to the opinion that the German were bound to reach Paris1 sjieedily in order to meet the invading hostfc of Russians on her eastern frontier. But there are Higs now which in dilcata that Germany has dtfer mined upon dividing her forces and keeping up simultaneous battle to the Kiudward and to the westward, one of aggress ion in the westward, and onie of defence to the Eastward. Tlie confutsion which has cloud 1 rei torts of engagements with the Rurisiians wan lifted on Wexl nefiday by tlie annoumceiuent that in battle with the invad ing hosts the Germans bad been victorious while the Austrian liad suffered severe defeat. In eaat Pruspa the Germans claim that thev defeated the Russians LICENSER DUE All lioeivies are due the first of September. After September V jiliutJcMehf!re lkMe.i a u wifuauue wuicu ifays iuai Ohief of Police and tibier police cannot extendi the time on a li ceaie. AJ1 jHjmoiw doi(ng busi--selHS without lioenm should come fotward at once find pay their license fee. Respectfully the interior. How seriously mis continual advance of the Germans is regarded by English and French is altogether uncertain. The falling back of theallies may be only a part of a pre-arranged plan. But the dispirited tone which has prevailed during the past week in dispatches fram London and Parisjs regard ed as evidence that the Germans have been harder to check'than the allies anticipated. J. B, THOMA8. F4T2t n.pd. Chief Police '. - upon defences farther inkteward the heae . Trying to At . with great slaughter, annihelat ing throe army corps; and cap turing three hundred officers and 70,000 other prisoner. The Itunsian on the other hand con tend that in a Severn day battle arouiid Lcnibeirg, capital of the, Austro Hungarian jrovinst of (ialicia, they alniiiwtered a decisive defwt to the Austrians lading .Hi.wfo prisoner and 1111 joitant munitions of war. Tli(1se ditipatclios seem to in dicat that i-pite of the fact tliot tlx-v have the largea- part of tbeiir f(i-ces in the battle line, in Prance, the Germans are giv ing a go'od account of themselves in the east. and that they are defending their bounderieH wtith more wicces than .are the 'French. M PARTY AT SOOTH MILLS Houth Mm, N. C, 8tpt. 3rd A lawn party will- he held day might . September 4th- m the month ::. mi MetBodiat Church grwradR, A.wilal' Jpvitioa & ei tended, to everyone to be prea ent. y Jhe proceeds of the parfer wftll he used on the improvement ft the new school grounds here and1 it fa very much hoped that a large number will attend and alid in this work. Julian W. Selig, Eyesight Specialist- may be found at suite 15 in the new Hintok .BulW W - i Mix W IIJURED Young Zeigler Gets Bruised and George Mad rin Gets Knee Sprain ed in Accident Mr. Claude Zeigler and Mr. George Madjrin as a result of a runaway yestn-day suffered a number of bnijiises and contusion which their friends will le glad t6 know are not serious though painful. The two young men had gone to meet a bHiv coming hi on the train at the new Norfolk-Southern depot. Zei'gler was aJiead driving tlie heais' and rea(liel th dnjsit in safety. Madiin wa driving the wagon and when he turnel aronml the banebnll gd'ound his hoi-s lejimtt fright- end and da-shed to run. MadrUl liiotjiced with consternation that 'the animal had broken his bri dal and Keeing no chance to stop ' i in jumped from the wagon seat in so doling lie spraimul one of hi knees and will not be able to walk for a number of day. Ztvgler saw the runaway com ing toward the depot and headed prevent a collimon lie ran otit'to stop tli- runaway and in Horae.1 way Avai caught betwrai tlit wagon and the iron fenc around the graw plot near the depot. ZedgltT saved hinvself by falling over on tfie gra.'S backward e capi i)g: without injury ejqpept the bruising of hi legs by the wagon w)heete. He iH confined to his bed but pect to be oit,a gain in two or three layn Tne report new about over town ytfiterday afternoon that 'Madrin had both legs broken anjJ Zeigljer one, but there were no broken lones ;in eitlier case. The wagfn suffered tnoft. When the wheels struck the fence Uie lmjMict overturn wagon & hor). Thy giant side of the wagon wv broken, the spring wen broken and the Wjieein dam 1 I rt agwi or ni-OKen . i ne norne was not injured with tb exception of a scratch or two and the barn 'Hi remained intact FUNERAL OF EDWARD E. EVERETT Hereford, X. C, r-pt. 3rd- The funeral selrviceH of Edwawl E. Everett a promilnent fanner. of the em-tern North .Carplina Wtion, who idied at-hit home near Hertford on 'Tuesday, vere held here to-day, interment fol lowing in Oedar Wood Cemetery. Mir. Everett .fo mirvived bp two "ons, I. E. Everett and X. Everett and one daughter Urs Ti E. Ian ton all of Hertford. He had one tit&Mn LinwQOd .Par leer. otWhaWrrflle Ya . Aside from - tfie many reteovbt i$M cea-od'hadt'a number of relatf vb in Oarteh Couaty N. C. and "Kan semond county Va . He wafc wfell knwn in Suffolk. Advertise Cigar. Easy Work Earn 90 monthly anJ ah travel ing expenses. Ezperiienae. vh necessary;. Also handle pop ular cigarettes and Tobaco. (NQKEJNE CIGAJft COiTPATl " New York, N.- Y. SEp.l Nor. .17 -Tues. CURRITUCK CALLS mm HOSPITALITY Arid Schoolmaster .Writes To Express Appreciation And to Hope, For Even Better School Year Liberty. N. P., Sept., 2nd To My Friknks of Ci itairvvK : 1 am de'ply iutereMted tin tlw? welfare and pi-ogre of tlie eo ple of Curriluck County anil e pecially the pH)l" at Poplar Branch. During tlin past school year for eight months I lived and! la bored among these good p'Yvpl" and I ("in truly njiv that they are the Iw'st natumi and n 1 frienlilly people I ever met. rul ing tllie.s eight month, ,1 mi many pn'ople of '( 'urrituck and ev eryone appeared to me a ffliien l and won my friendship. They in vited ine to their homes and I in vited thi'tn to (uir siluxtl. I vis ited thefr homes fiir and near and they Nerved me as sewing their betd friend. This nnvihick hop tality cnllw me baik agaU and 1 pdiall frooii return! to l'opleir Branch to lalxr eight months more. -Ou Thuiwlay; Kepteinler 10th, I want all of rhe. Ilisjh sth(Nl tu (Drits tt inet m? in the scltKil building. This is vtry nuiortalnt ! aii"l 1 hop - that iion," will fail to to ciMiue. (hi Satui-day. SepteuilK'r 12th, the new school huijldi'jig will le dedicated. This occasion will lx? an 'du atlionaJ rally far Curri tuck County. On tho progmni are men of diHtinrtion and force who will give tlie people the Ixfct they haw in utoiv. Xo one can afford to miss it. The exercise will Infill at t.M i (J. ,in Saturday moniing 1 x Ciovei-nor JarviH presiding. Th? devotional exercises will be letl by Ifc:-v. C. P. .Icti-ome. and the address of welcome, will 1hi deliv eml by Dr. V. T. (Iriggs. To this address ExCovennM- .larvni will wspond. Tlie (li'dicaKorv seiinoji wilL lx nreaclwd bv Dr. Blackwell of Noifolg. Thils sermon will Ihi fol lowed by an address by CongPess- nian John Tl. Small on 'Rural I'mgrajs." Musical uumlKvs will open and close tlie morning program. Af ter an 4ntoemiincnon fon dijnner the afternoon seHsinon will be op 4Ukh1 by music and Dr. W. T. Griggs will speak on thp ''Histo ry of the Hijfh Kchool." Dr. J. M, Newbern and Dr. Stewart Mann will speak on tine "County School System." These interest ing wpeachepi wlill be followed by on adHqew by. Editor Peele of E liaalwth , Cjty on Eldurakwial Ptogre8Hfl',; and an ' ddw : by Vtot. 1-; W. WWfcOr of 'Cpl milt: J JiS'itnrfL'---M. 'i;-'W- Wtf. nw on ivut iiur uign hcjum) moans ti, themtautj. i riii ' iti': : --JSr-ii.' pi''nii wu tjwtn; witu ii unit A splendid dfmier will e serv ed on the grounds. Thirtv five cents a plate will be charged ev ery one pijesent except the speak eil?. Ice cream wll be served by the Woman's Betterment Afeftocia, tion. . , The formal, opemfng of the Wchool will fo oil Monday geptem (CowfMuirtf on Page Five) GREAT IUTEREST III EXPOSITION And Likewise in Except ionallyAttractive Con" test Now in Progress Within The City Wait may come and wan.- may leaving dstruction and de vastittion in their pathway; but iK-ittter Mexco nor Europe can wholly diKtraot the untenut nor take away from the American IK'ople tine love of teauty and the joy of seeking new treasures in the goklt'n west. Therefore. Hue work of the I'an aina I'acijic ExKMitioii goes on apace, state'.y biildiiig rising wt'k Cy week in tilntfr grandeur ami wonderful spdtacular etfecti i:. er dmuned of bfore growing in to reaHty ivacly for the million of ttitors who will tlm)iig tlie Expadtion grounds within a few months. )n-.. of the many interesting features of tlie giiisit exposition dvN -rilied by tlie presx iHwutly is a panoramic rpnMltictiou of the (Irand Can von of Arizona which is now bring bui lt on the grouno'i at a cold of JMOO.OOO. Over fifty tSiotimand square yards of can vajte are being used in prewiring tlie panorama and it will be viewed from obeival cm parlor Dili's, moved by edectlrii ity on an elevated trestle, wiemingly along till rim of the canyon. The ob server will be -'ihowu th eiglit inont dliNtlinctiv itointjs of the anyojii ami the ride will laist over as hour, including, apparently a Journey of more than a hundred mile of the great gorge. Every resource of nuxliu iwience has been employed i'n tne re.pnMluc tion of thiis wionderful natural plumomena and the rewilt will H' fl. twelation of the lates't pot ibilities of science and art. All over the country Kople are niaktyigj tlKiiir iplanjs to atteitd th is greatest of exM)Kl!tion, and the H'0de of this wtion are not lew intemxted biraie fail her away from the wene tjlian in une other States. A jiarty of young people can scarcely me't together without disciLsi ing ways and iniaiiH of attending the Pan nnia Pacific. I'roiriviisivt Elisui iietn nty MercuantiH, eer alive to the wants of the people of the ciifv and section, have offered two frins to this intererHing Exposi -tion. Thejse trhps will be won at tihe end of the year by two young ladies who have worked flh ardent to secure them aid whose frtiends have been nio'st faithful. The fall shopping i before ev ery one, and there is abundant op port unity to get.into.,the contest ,ujid wiln.- T tmplKOTd offthft young ladies already worklsg dil igentfy and feettlng a woTthy ample for .otheij ?o follow & giv en lielowiv-ii; ; !Mi Maud Hyatt 661,025; pan nnie Bembury, '580,210; Laura Spivey 468,375; Nellie Jenkins 513,00; Blanche Brothers 312, 880 ; LnJa Wliite 20,425 ; lima Merndeh ,16435; H. Oeo. Prit chard 233,425;. Pauline Stokely 567,015 ; .velma -Frank 33,675 Mattle IBtep 78,015 ; Mary Mid- gett 202,000? Bertha Martin 535, APPEARS BEFORE II Hertford Girl WholHas Won Distinction in Balti more as. Pianist Mow Touring This State Herd ford, X. C, Hept. 3rd Under the aipiaps of the E worth League, a musical enter tuiument will be given in the gnided school auditoilium on Tufj-day evening. Hepttmber the 15th. The people of Hertford are looking forward with a great deal of intercut to this entertain. ment, m lit will mark the first public appearance in Xorth Car olina of Miss Minnie RutenbeTg, a ftirmer Hertford girl. Miks Kntenberg ligau her mu- Kijcal itudies in Hertford, after ward attending Kee Mar College where sh. held a scholairhip, and while 5Jt ill a very young girl, en tiered the Pea body Conservatory of Music. She wafrti a oudU of George V Boyle, the foremoj-t Australian (onipser pianist. Mj'De Kutenberg now reside iu Baltimore Md., where Rhe haa al ready made a number of succew ful public nppearance-flj a-pian 't. On her North Carolina tour she is accompanied by Miss Hel 'n F. Weahampel, a young violin virtuoso alfo of Baltimore. Al Whiloli, X. '., Sept. .Ird. Mr Lerbert Peele of Elizabeth City wiill peak at Shiloh Baptist (vhurch Sunday morning at elev en o'clock. A cordial invitation s extended to this serviice. nEKTFOiltD BHIKFS Hertffbrd, X. C., Slept. 3rd Mrts. Em-etf Xewby and family have returned fi-om XajH Head where the-v have U'en siK'tidinar C7 the Munmier months. Mrs. Bruce New by and family who have bean spending the past few weeks vivitling in Avoea, N. C.. and Newndi-t TCptxis Y m tinned home (during the week. IHjALIKAViELL MEMORIAL CHURCH Kev. I. N. Loft in wfill preach on Kunday morniing from the sub ject "In GoVl s Garden of Priy- ileger." H!in subject in the eve ning will be "A Tired SouPa Prayer Experience." NOTICE! ME AIIDEIIC ,4erfor -ctt'at Ip'BftA- jwr fti utuueria. aiiy .v-V. an .Tnnreday BcptetobrUOikiy 'at 12 o'clockH., ...V- -.; ' : Three har8 ? to Capital Rfiock of C. W. 8TEVEN8 CO. MERCANTILE BANK August 29, 1914. tfT 895 ; Mrj.. Jeje Mann 783590 ; 4 Beojlah Fnhney 20.615; -Pauline -i LcvindgQ 215,94r ; Lu a Harmon I AdverftemcrA It ' i . tj i i '. '-'-"IT "'

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