OFFICIAL PAPER OF iiFSTFirarour CURRITUCK COUNTY PREJUDICE I I I rl 1 I i I I ' l l : i . 1 I I I I I f roz, j n flCEFOBAU r . Is Agreement Signed By Triple Entenil. Figtrt Will Be pro longed To n is Dearth of NewsFrom Scene of Battle. De cisive Battle or Surrender of Paris Fxpected The hope that the European War might be of diort duration, permit a Teturn to normal liv ing ana give opportunity ion speedy readjustment, was thwarted in great measure on Saturdaywhen Russia. Great 'Britian, and France signed am Agreement that none of the three would make peace without the -consent of the three nations. The DWMm'ct now i that the tight will be prosecuted to tne; & fitter en. There i again a dearth of news from th scenes of battle. The Germans continue to hold their own, and a decisive battle at the gate of Paris is pre dieted within a few days. The French Capital has been removed to Bordeaux, 359 mile? southwest of Paris arad only miles from the coapt. It is belived by somp. that Parig may (tratrrenideT if the enemy's guns are trained on the final defenses without rikng a blow in order td save the city as far as pos sible from violence and mutila, tion. Rheims, ope of the six cities forming t(he cond line of de fence on the. Northeast of Paris and only 8 miles from that oityj, Is repotted' to have been taken withbuf fighting. Tulrkey still hesitates but is : preparing for all eventnalitier. SPECUl SU TO 11 ' ;Next Sunday - morning at the First Baptist Church Dr. Black well will preach hta famous sef mon to women . The women of all t&jnominatioiw are cordially JttVited to be present. Dr. Btickwell! has preached this er- in the large cities to rmbn clfurohes thronged with women At many of those services only women were invited to be prtont, bttt tfie Berrice for Sunday Morn . ing. not umiiea, huu uia $ tatio,tO present is extended to the public generally. iMrs. P E.. Ives has just ra turned home from aj extended jtrtp to "Northern ities where 'bV purchased the fall line of MilKnery for the M.: IVes & Co. Mr. and Mifa. Jjoufig Oox are attending . tihe'' Star '. Spangled Banner ; Centennial . . Celebration In Baltimore. TfirTl'ford, Mrp. Crawford's father. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, mmmi Bfer End $ji USS MEETIfiB TODAY IT I Currituck, N. C. Sept . -There will be a marls ineM ii a', the court house here toidiiv at the noon reccns The object of the meeting is tn discuss the problem of getting a ruili-oajl from Moyock to Point Harbor. Thw ok a matter of Vtrynni- i r i r a t ina 4 all ff lSn- rituck County and it is hoped U hat all citizens who can do so '111 attend. FUNERAL OF LITTLE GIRL Urtlord. (N. C. Sept, 5th. Tlie funeral services of Alma Belle Jenkins, nine year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Jenkins, who died after a thlree weeks illnepg with typhoid fever, were held here oh Thurs day The Rev. F. M. Sham burger conducted the services. ( Aside from the number of rel ative and friends, who attended the funeral a number of Sunday (School children were present, representing the Bright Jewels a Society in which Alma wa$ an active and prominent member. New Quarters At Old Stand. The (J. W. Twiddy Grocery (moves into its Splendid New cjuarte).f at the old (stand tt day 1 The nev store is modern iq, construction and equipment, with much larger spac than either the old tore which was burn n the temporary quarters which have been occu pied since that time. ' Mr. Twiddy's frSends and cus- Hmer wilt (congratulate him uponM" attractfve new place of bufineB. THE Al'KIVAL OP WILLIAM BIDDICK CRAVPOBD Hertford,. N.' C. Sept. 7th k)n monday mornig the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. R.-' Crawford, ,was blesicd by the arrival of 'a nine pound boy. The boy will be named for the late Dr. William M. Ri6NIick of Ile'rt THEIR E AT Judge Carter on the Bench, And a Number of Cases Disposed of Yesterday J5ijL Currituck, N. G. Sept. 7th-', Court convened at Currituck courthouse to-day at ten o'clock fwith Judge Carter of Ashville On the bench . A number of unimportant cases were taken u(. ' The cale of Elmer Sykes, charge with carry wig coucealeJ weapon' was nol prossed. David Old. on the same charge gave a flOO justified bond. The case of Caleb Walker, charged with abandonment, was continued . The caw of lan Baker, col ored, charged with larceny was dismissed by the court. The case of William Ballauce charged with letiriling, i still n progress thiis afternoon and will probably go over into to moflrow's session. POLITICAL SPEAKING YESTERDAY Currituck, N. C. Sept. 7th At the noon recens of the court to-dav candi dates for office in this district addrewed the Cur. rituck County Votere. Vigor ous sjoeehef were made by W. I). Cox, Pierce Hampton, and HWalter Cohoon. BROUGHT SUIT AGAINST U Mauteo, N. C. Sept. otfi Claiming that the towtn owed him money for managing the streets for several year,., Capt. Geo. W. Tolh?y refused to pay any town tax and has brought lsuit against the towu. The town had heretofore refused pay ment. It is thought that Mr. Tolley will get the money. Skating Rink Re-Opens Manteo, N. C. Sept. 5th The skating rink at IManteo which was under the managei ment of Mr. O. J. Jones and which was closed during the summer has again opened up un- Rdep the management of Mir. J. D Haman. A lare crowd was present at the initial open: ing Thursday night. li O T I O E ! We will soil to thie highest bid der, for capsh, at the Court Howe Door, Elisabeth City, N. C. on Thursday, fteptembr 10, 1914, at 12 o'clock M.r Three shares of ,the Capital Stock of'C. W. 8TEVENS CO MERCANTILE BANK August 29, 1914. Advertise Cigars. 7. Easy Work Earn $90, monthly and all travel ing expenses. Experience un necessary:. Also handle pop ular cigarettes . and Tobaco. NORENE CIGAR COMPANY COURT CO CURRITUCK New York, N; Y. SEp 1 Not. 7 -Tttea. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 1914 DAR COUNTY COI Last Friday Afternoon. No Treasurer Nom inated But J W Hay man Recomended ...... , Manteo, . C. Sept. 5th The Dare County Democratie Com-ention ws held Friday afternoon . A. H. JaveiiMrt was noui inatcd for sheriff: L. Uo- sher for Register of Deeds: J no. W. Evans. Clerk of the Court W. S. ISauin. Mum-ay Suwyer, and .N. F. Jeiinette for Coin- mussionei-s . .No tnwurer whs nominatiNl hut Mr. J. W. Hay man was r.Teomtnmcd becaiis.' 01 his iualiility to do any manual labor. ' ROPER BRIEFS er N . C. ; ErneMtecn Kvei-etl of Helhaven is the gue.t of Miss Eula Ches- soai . Mr. llcibi'i't I'eele, alitor of t.he Advane, was in the city Friday and Today netting Hib- ncnptions to the Advance ami shaking hand with hi insny fri:'nls here. Mr. and Mjn. W., A. Blount have returned finun a liorthera trip u)on which th?y pur'i-hascMl their fall line of I Xry (hoods. Kca . I. V. Harris of Wind soe lias k'ieji conducting a re vival liere at the Baptist Church Mr. Narh McAllister of the Belhaven Baseball team was in the iity Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cooper left Saturday for Cmwvell to visit relativejs. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tarken ton sixent the week ond in EH abeth (Htv with friends. MisK Lillie 8itterson spent the we'k ernil with Mes. I.. L. Allen in lloier. MastcT (Ian Walker of Wash ington, is visiting his brother Mr. Cyril Walker. Mr. Hallett Harrison made a brief trip to Eden ton this w(vk . Miiss rllie Hamilton of guwta Georgia is the guest of Miss Ethel Bailey. (Mfhl Mabel1 ltoj)3r acdompas- aiied by her flriends, Mr. and Mrs. Gilroy, Mifts Gfilroy, and Mr. Elmer Gilroy, arrived in town Saturday Morning, having toured from Hazalton Pa. in Mr. GiJk-oy'n car. The mahiy friend of Miw Blanche Virginia Brown are glad to welcome her to Roper again thijs seafftn. Mr. and Mrls. Louis Owens 4 returned Thursday from their extended northern tour. Mass B. V. Brown wpent the week dnd with Mis Lula Ca hoon. ' (Mire tfairgaret Herrington spent ,the weekend with Mls Gertrude Johnston. Mr. Bruce Leary; left Run jjlay for Norfolk. ' Mrs. G . W. WMr Mrs. J . H. White, and; Miss Lillie Gram dy wtDJlVtt Bund i J night from ISags Head. , v VACATIOIt ENDS III TWO WEEKS City Schools Open With Number of Changes in Faculty and With Two Session Plan The fall term of Elizabeth City hools will open September 21st with Pirof. S. H. Spragins, sup erintendent. Miss Catherine Al- bertson. Principal of the High fishool am. Misses Hattne Harney cipjil of the Grammar School, and Miss Zoe Porter, Supervisor of the Primary Depairtmelnt . The teacheiis of thg High School ait: Prof. A. Sonntag. Miss Susanna Z. llousekwper. I'rof. T. E. Lyde. Mi's Mae Wood. Tlie teachers of the Grammar School are: Misjs Hattiu Harney, John Etta Webb, Martha ElMott, Ira Wai"d, Hilda Johnson, Bessie 'ei!therly, Bessie Cobb, Mary Bell. Mrs. Elizabeth Tool; Mrs. il. C. Pearson and MCss Lassi- tir. The teachei!. of the primmry lepartnient are: Mwses Zoe Por r ter, Elizabeth Dexter, Susie Stevens, Florence Bell, Emma Willi's, Cora Ferebae; Ruth Reid M"rs. T. A. 'Commander, Mrs. James (5. Fearing, and Mrs L. E., Skinner. Miss She! ton Zoel- ler. The two setwdou plan is to be followed this year. COLUMBIA BRIEFS Columbia. N. C, Sept. 4 Mr. Jams Tarkentom of Norfolk, former resident of Columbia, is spending a week here with rela tiveis and friendt. Henry Koloss is back at Col urn bia for a short viisit to friends. Beaton Swain, Register of Deeds of Tyrrell' County, ii sick at. his home. Mr. Herluert Peele, elit(ir of the Advance, spent several days in the city this week on busi nens, after attending the Seup pernong BaptisTt Union iMeetipg here last week. Columbia N. C. Sept . 4 The Columbia team crosml bats with the Craswell boys this afternoon On the Columbiai diamond. The &Qoire was 2 to 1 in Creswells Ha vor at the end of five innings. The game started so late that no more innings could be played. OEUEHll'm riRTY Columbia, N. C. Sept. 4th A delijghtful lava party was held last Monday alght at the home of Mr. Gug Sykes in honor of his sifters, Misses Ida and and Eliza Syke)g. A large num ber of Mends attended. Deli cious refreBhmentk) were served and the occasion wa thorough ly enjoyed by a)l present. MUs Idia Sykw left Tuesday for Nor folk where she is employed by the telephone, exchange. NO 72 CHURCH UEOOiriE III CU30IU Attractive Daughter of Mrs. Christina Pbyner Becomes Bride, of ilr. Kelly Crank Aydtett, N. C. September 4 A very beautiful wedding was rfolemnized in Ebenezer M. E. Chuirch, Aydltt N. C. on Wed- iiesday, evening Sept, 2nd. 1914 at eight o'clolk, when Mu Myra Poymer the attractive daughter of Mrs. Christina Poyner, be came the bride of 'Mr. Kelly 1 Krank . The church was beautifully den-orated with cut flowers, ferns aiyd palms presenting a scene of ralie liuty,. . The bridal party entered the Church" to. the istraius of Meb , delssohns wedding march which was rendered softly by Mi Annie Jerome, during the ceremony . The bride who was becomingly attlired- i" white satin, trimmed in shadow lace, wax attended by her cousin, Miss Meddie Wright as maid of honor, and the groom, by Mr. Erivin Gallop,, acting aS best man . They were preceded to the alter by the litle flowdr girte, Mioses Flora Jerome and Evelyn liauni, and tlie other attendants Miss Sudie Wiright with Mr. War laud Parker, and MifW Beatrice Parker, with Mr. Lor- aiue Saudei-s. The bride and grgm met at the chancel, where the ceremony was impreusively performed by Rev. C. P. Jetrome, pastor ,ofr the Church. The ushers were Messu Har old Wiiliams and Grandy Griggs Following the ceromony a tempting wedding supper was Iserved at the home of tlie bride, - 'to a few of their reLativei and friends The bridal preseuts, both num erous and useful attested the popularity of the nuple. Mr. and Mrs. Kra'nk left lThuftday morning for Washing ton and' other citien. ui mum SHOT BY EIOTEEI - ! Columbia, N. C. Sept. 4th A small negro bjoy aged five, wals shot by his efight year old brother this week at their home' in Gum Neck The two children are sons ot Tom Bryant. The older wp! I had an old shot gun and called ' the littler fellow "Look jbnt I am going to shoot that box you are, hiding behind. f The younger child, thinking him. 4- 1 lll.lJ 11.. wooden box kepjt atllj a the lar'' ". J ger one fired. The load wentV 'j through the box without losing much force and took effect in' the childs leg and hand. Dr. Spruill was called to drefea tieV wound. The child is in a;' seriorw con di ton. r ' J uliam W . Sel J Eyesight - SpeciaUstjnay be found at Wte - 315 in ie new Hinton Buil "' I." 1 V ' I ' 1 n.