NEWS WITHOUT OFFICIAL PAPE2 V WAS OF y wr n w r rm wr mr- VIEWS WITHOUT ttAAii ULA f t B , PREJUDICE '., Ik COUNTY tol i ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 1914 NO 74 :. M f -i . , I II ' 1 I 1 I J I I f 1 111 II I I : Rt At RETREAT 1 Have Been Forced Back Over Ground That Cost Them a Quarter of a To GLOOM HANGS And President is Wants The iretreat of the Gonn: n tor ces Which was refened ta in the last iwsue of thi newspaper ap parently still continues and the allien have recovered much of tlie ground which they had lost during the week, ia animated that they have gain d. about eighty miles in six days lighting. It wan about September titli that the Germans reached the extreme point of theiir advance ipoD the Fi'mh capital. The mgWpforcing uacfc ""'' the Allies armlies all the way from Mons ; had arrived almost in striking distance of Paris; German Cav alry indeed penetrating as faa' southward as Couiommieres and Proving wrrich respectively lie east and southeast of Paris. Thus it will be seen tliat the Ger man right wing had advanced farther ttrathward than Paris and had begun a movement that liad it been carried to it's com pletion would have meant the envelopment of the French Cap ital by German forties. But ap jarently the southward advance of the German forces was too rapid. Tlie extreme right; which covered tlie southern ad vance and held a position to the nrai oi rans,. was lett in a position of disadvantage by the too rapid southward progress of tie right center. The French were quick ro take advantage of this situation and attacked tflie extreme right both in front and on tlie flank forcing it to give back. .Almost simultaineously tlie English who had been moved from the extreme left of the Al lies: to a position east of Paris attacked that portion which had advanced to Coulomieres and PjpovSns. The vigor of the Eng lish attack and tlbe defeat by the French of the German extreme Tight enabled the Alliies to drive the Germans across the river Marrye in the direction of Rheiin which 'was occupied r little ovtr a' week ago. The attack on W - V n - ' l A b. :?nade on September the eighth and the? pursuing Enjdiish eros- ed the MJarne on September the tenth. Ho thje whole right wing of 'the Germans has been M . tea iorceu oacK. mese reverses n the German right enabled the French who had; been battling against the German center . akio to meet with guccffis. While the German right wing was ex renting . it b brila'nt flanking movement the German ; center IS iu GENUAL Million Lives Gain OVER BERLIN Asking Kaiser if h Peace had movi'tl tonvard from Luxem-bei-g to Vit ly-lo-Franeois which had Imhohiv the pivot of their (Uterdtion. On September 11th before th incitusing vigor of the Fteacn attack the Ger mansi abandoned tJiis ignition. It fa reported that the Auk tiian army in (lalicia is in des erate straits and that h'avy gloom istis over Perl in and' Vi enna . FRO FLORIDA TO GUtKK Fort Pierce Fla. Hept 1 . To The Advance.: . I I am always, interested in your news from Currituck County And I believe that perhaps some of tli(2 Currituck people will be interested in a ward from Fort IlLerce. Mr. Shephard Owens and 'Mr. Jloward Etheridge of Powell's Poiint arrived at Fort Pierce on the 16th of last month via the A. C. L. and L. E. ( railroads, and went from there by auto to the home of Mr. Alexander Ferebee to visit Mr. ((Shepherd's sister. Mrp. Ruth TVrebee who Qime to Florida Uto llive on September 24 th 1913. It was quite a surprise to thew gentlemen to find such hard rork roads and thpy began at once to wonder why the peo ple of Currituck don't gjpt busy and build some good roads. They have alo enjoy exl thp scenery of FlorMa and found it much cooler than they expect- letl. here on account of the splen did Florida breeze. Hoping that many Currituck biiann will And it possible to visit this section of Florida in the future. PJUITEGO BRIEFS Patntego N. C. Sept 7. Miss Katie Elron of Bay side and M(is Adelaide Mc- fNight of Thomajwille are guests of Miss Ruth Creddle. ' Mssjee AUeze and Temperence Aycock left yesterday 'to resume thir college work at Greensboro um. wt. j matins is very ill and much anxiety U felt iby her friends in regard ti her condition . Kevnvai services are now in progress at the Pantego Bap tist Chnrch . The eTr5ces are conducted by . Key. .W. R. naigJit.. : i 1 . school oris 101 HOIIDAY p;; At Hertford With Progress ive New Principal And Excellent Prospects For Coming Year . Hertford X. C. Sept. 12 The Hertford Gradd Schools wU open for the coming term on Moiudjiy S-ptenilier 'Jtth. the one ssion plan ttutt has been ciHoniarj' heiitofoiv. leitig followed Tlie nysteiu includes seven P"5 niary and elcmtiitary gradnv and thm high M-hotd classes, the comtv of study in tire later, be ing a combjmution of the (ollegu pre)amtory and geneiiiil course The organization for tJu1 com ing year will include th? fol lowing tesu-lieiN in the primary and graminer "grades. Miss Fau niie XwIhI(1, Miiss Ieiia Bari)er Mi,s Sjilli' McMkllan, Miss Mary Watery Miss Jeannette Danlen and Mins Harrriett Nix on, rue M-iiooi win nave u ne- Siiperiiihindeiit, Mr. L. II. Oawford, who will take direct .Uiirge of the deiartinent of the lk'partmeut of Mathematus n the High School. The other High School teachers will be Mir Mae Wood Wiiuslow, Ie Wirt.nit'nt of Knglish, Latin and French, and (Mim Myrtj'e Nowell lHi)artment of EnglMi and his tory. A sptMial course in music in cluding all of the grades, wul be in lharge of Miws Emily Skin ner. HERTFORD SCCJTS TS m keek m mm Hertford N.C 8ept. 12 Tlie Hertford troop of Boy Keouts of America will leave on Monday for a point near Burgess about eight mil down the Per- quimmans River, for a week'H eampqhg trip. This will be the laist opportunity for an out ing before sdiool opens,, and it in expected that the troop will turn out jn full force. The camp will be in charge of Mr. 'Charles F. Sumner, an officer of tht local division of the Naval lteft'J'ves and formerly of the Unfiled States army, so that the boyw will have an excellent chance to team practical camp craft from a past master. Scout Commissioner- Wm. Hudson, ewill accompany the troup but will be unable to remain during the entire camp period. The camp will also be vHted by Scout Masters Thos. J. 'Nixon ond L. R. Crawford during tre. week. iMEETS MONDAY- JJIGHT The Baraca-Philathea Union of Blackwell Memorial' Church will mept next Monday nigh'. ,it eight o'clock. This meeting wMl be an in t o"ng one. The various committees are getting bpy sire, vacation is. over. Julian W. Sellft - Eyesight Specialist may be found At alte 315 in the nev ; Ulnton Bufld j vug. j.-jj aaiu I'JIIO IS! SHOW OCTOBER FIRST Advertised As The Only Performance Of Its Kind With Cast Just From 101 Ranch TUi- irti RitfH'h Wild West, th .largtst travelling exixksltioit oi historical and romantin- wuttm life in 1 lit world, will visil I Iliz- (alteth ( ilv on ThuiSdav Oct. 1, gibing to M(ifornianctis and in nuu rati ng it, app"aiautv with a gala t'v-t parale4 Miller Bmh. & Arlington, tlu' owners, promise an entertainment Mirpassing in magiitude, accuracy of rnat ment and instructive inteivst any of it's eharacter evni", wn uikKt canvas. Oiif of the advance agents Hiaracteriai's the frhow as 'Th foinous 101 Riinch. of Rllia k la tniusporti in 'vritable niin a-tui'4' for a dav to this eitv." The cowlnns, eowgir'v; Indians; horscN, cattle and )u(l'alKis all 'have permanent lwine oni " the Oklahoma itiairie. Onlv the isevenil MCore of Mexicans; Cov wu ks, Texa.s Uanger.K and North weMlxrn Mounted Police are not Sutgularlv enrolled employes of Ihe nuiich. Th - orgamizatittn which is com ing t tlii city, is an anilitlel iHtiou of the show which has startled U13 amusenient world for three ' year. Without variation or illuifon, the primi tive sports, perils; pastimes; tardships; adventures chivalries and routine duties of the ranch, range and round-up are repro duced in a great arena. Tlie 101 Ranch tournament from its very nat ure and source, i., different from any thing ever (shown before under canvas, it is promised!. ; Among the num erous exclusive new features on 'this year's programe is the ap Ipearance of the Cheyenne chara- HamuTioniH of , last year's Fron- i, " 'tier Day. They are led by Miss Beissie Herberg an Oklaho nwi miss whlo won the "bucking'' horse championsihdp, and who was 'personally and publicly t'compjimented by ex-President Roosevelt who watched her ex hibition! from the grand stand. The Indian Congress is led by Chief Iron Tafl whose profile appears on the ilew nickel Miller Brow & Arlington have aspired to make? their prelimi nary street irade a pageant that will rpanalttja glorious mem ory to al 1 who rew it The ca 'vaade stretcher mane than a mile in length, f: Two performances will be given, 2 and. 8 P. M., The doors to the Indii n vil lage open an hour earlier. Adv DBI SCO CPEKS The colored Normal School of this city opened yesterday with excellent prospect! for the com ing year. ' ' The school issued a very at catalogue thus year and is making plans for the exten ion of ItV work alone Indus- j.i"n'1. 5.:;. ,. uiai uuro, .... . i, .. NEW ELEVATOR TO BE iNSTALLEO Second and Third Floors With Complete Line of Goods and Attractive Rest Room The Sv R. Stiff Company is get ting ready to enlarge it's stock and i limine it's facilities foi" .Hiving tile people of thV feet ion thi,s fall. An electric elevator is being 'installed which will le veiV con- wnient to hopM'i's who Wisli to makt puvcluiHK on the nwond ml third floors. Both the upjier floors wil 1 ! thus made more acroeible and a largw part f the stN k will b traiufrsird o thest tlooi-s to make more room al 1 round. On the first floor will Is found Meu and Boy's ('lothiug hatK shoes and furnishings; la ies furnishings; second Ihvor. a complete list of ladjes, mrrf ;inl childiivns lvady to weir 'othing aind a big assortiiu'iit of millinery. Third floor. trunk1, and full line of house hold furujshiii))4 much as IsnI dings, linen.,, etu. Ou the second floor wi 1 1 also be found a rest room for ladies with even" modern convnience at their dis posal and itiieie a cordial re ception will always awaif $0 firm's friendj from tlie country. II. H. Laveustejn came to the cittv last week to assist in the new arrangement of the stock and expeetn to give a large part of his time to the busiWesw here. Tht advertising of the Arm is to apear in this paper when the fall trade opens and will no doubt he of intemt to Advance renders . SOCIAL IT BELCSOSS I5elOioss, N. C. Sept. 5. Misses, Ruth and Maud Saw yer entertaintd a few friends at rneir home nttturoiay evening Those on-Kent were: Robert and lola McIIbrney of Srawlsro, !Mr. Ham Ijearv of Suffolk. Dir. 7 Will Stevens of Indiantown, Ber Jiard and Florence Andrtws of New York. Mr. and Mi's. Al fred Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. T. C Sawyer Misses Iredell Knight Effle and Elizabeth Sawyer, MessrH Edwin Ray and Richard Hawyer. Miss Florence Anltews left to-day for her home in New York after an extended vMt to her sister Mrs. T. C. Sawyer Miss Ruth and Maud Sawyer left to-day for Chowan (Allege. Miss Pearl JBerry of Elizabeth City is spending a few days with her cousin, Miss Tennye Creek- more. WILL RENDER CANTATA The choir of the City Road Methodist Churcr wil l render the Cantata, ' 'Beatitudest,'' ' on Sunday evening September 20th. The service will begin promptly at T:$0, and the pub lic is cordially invited. Mr. J, P; Outlay of Coin Jock ww b 'the city Wedntiday OFFERS BIDIH6 FOR W 00 .-I E. F. Aydlett Says Pasquo tank Farmers Can Have Place to Store Cotton il They Want it - ' '..J-i?f5 A question that bas bean dii turbiug a good many people in this county has been '"What is the Pasquotank farmer going to do with his cotton?" News of the cotton warehouses in other eetious of the south have ireaehed Elisabeth City but inasmuch sm cotton here is not grown as extensively a it is fUT tJier south it was felt that the erection of a warehouse hew would hardly pay. That diffi culty waw mentioned to E. F. Aydlett who at once suggested a solution. "I've got ware houses ou Water Stireet; ''he raid. "lse them. There will not be any rent to pay." It is probable then that farm ers iiii this and adjacent counties1 who want to hold their cotton will be able to do n. A move ment p on foot to gtt the local , banks to loan money on cotton waiehoie receipts aud it is be lieved that the nectssary ar rungementki will be made. NEW HRMT0BE6INBUSISESS TJi Elizabeth City barga'ln Store will! be ready for busings in the New Robinson Build ing on South Poindexter Street September 15th. The managers of the new en-tO-prise are Mr. Oeorge A. Twiddy and Mr. J. J. White, Jr. iMr. Twiddy i welt known to the public trade, having been for even years connected with MfitchjeJl's Department Stort., and Mr. White will be remem bered as fonnoi' member of the firm of Hayes & Write. The Elizabeth City Bargain Store adjoins the new s;tore of the G. W. Twiddy Grocery with sliding d.ooiis between thus new eMtjablHhmentB for the cioiiveitience of customers. The entire mew Robinison Build ing! Is taken up by these two bivsfl'nesHi flrms. and both stores are unusuaUy light airy, modern and attractive in appearance and convwrtient in arrangement. The Grocery M-cupies the corner sjbore ou Poindexter and Church street. The Elizabeth City Bargain Store is nert door, not far from Fearing stnejet, and Its wtock will be composed of dry goodk, shoes, clothing mak ing a specialty of Job lots and samples of these goods and of fering special) barganp along itbcH lines. Friends and cus tomers of the two young men in their former poritlooa wdll no doubt pay them a call aa early as possible, in thete new athractivt quarters and hope them success in their new en terprise. WILL CLOSE SEPT 21--22 The S. R, Slff, Company willl -clone September 21 22, . Momday and Tuesday, on accoont of re- Hgioud' holidays: '"