v i .- vr :c . . i V OFFICIAL'.. .1 . BIAS - VV''' f ft WS WITHOUT CURRITUCK PREJUDICE tiOUNTY ELIZABETH CTF, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESbk YijfiBER 22 1914 viiir a Lie si dim i - k i.. - iron it i w mm Fig lit feoth Sides Claiming Advantages kesfitt &t Carnage The battle a,Iong the Aisne be ginning six days ago is still ia pC" "(ttoress at this writing and probably the most terrific Strug ;le of the war up to ijhis time now at it's height without ided advantage for eilher vnkide. It is oertaiu that the 5erinaus retreat has halteil m ; ti 'y bojiiilv, that the Allies in iv peated attacks have not beep, able to weaken their .resistance, that tth armies have entrench rata i ftec d themselves along the liueif1"0"1 appeaiaiues the attendance indicated in the last issue of this year will he 'agicr Hum ev- paper and are bombarding each.er heretofore. other with heavy artil lery deadiv effect. with The historic city of Rhciins fc Wheiie Joan of Arc saw the con- summation of her dreams in (Witnessing the triumphal ior- mation of Charles VII her ' sovreign is part of (he battle line of the Allien and is feeing heavily bombarded by the Germans at iucaleuble loss. It is reported from Berlin that or- S4 drs have been issued to spare V trit .A ... . ,i tne ancient ana renownea came &ral of RheimK. but from Paris; ijomes the report that this relic jf another age has already "been Struck and .completely wrecked By the German shells. This fjithedyal was erected in the 13th &ntury and is regarded as the iost perfect example in granv few and (grace of Gothic anchi teoture. In .this cathedral Iras mwaied each successive lvjreign of France from Phillip I I to (Tharles X. Reports from the front since the last issue of thi paper went to press indicate that the impression given by the dispatch es at that time that the Germans bad a-bandoned the Alsatian fitontier were erroneous. Bo the entire Gqrman battle line is still a broad V, extending from Metz southward to the Swiss frontier and eastward to Noyon on the River Oise. Near ly all the serious flgB"ting how ever has oocured and no doubt tie largest number of troops W tl) be foumd on the eastern arm f6i the V. Both southern aid kstern arms now swing on Meti 4k a pivot and if the Germans affre successful on both wings' te centre may be expected to liiove forward to the position of arftroie-rrancois wnicn was ild by the Germans when their tttiring movement began about tiro weeks ago. It is flow claimed at Berlin) -fliat the German retirement was ihade rieccdrtBary not by the of fensive movemeht of the Allies bnt by the nee,d of establishing better communication with their base. ftumminis; up the situation at the present writing it may be skid that the Eofcllrfi dispatches Indicate ihat .'the! Allies aire To Stai; Jslill Las Five ftays Tlie Elizabeth ity Graded Heliosis opened ya&terd'ay morn inj; fur the regular work of the coining wssiou. No definite annoinncineiit as to enrolement ,ias "ivt''' " '"t judgin? following tne moniHf;; ex tircises Superintendent Sr;gips "' a RtlrT aaar in wuicn i .t liiji 1 t "e aHK1 um leacners ana par entN co-operate this year to make se'f help the key note of tbfl pupils work. HeTT(ij?aste(l that parents some time do -their child ren real injury by giving them help too easily and that even the teacher ftbould regard him self as a guide to knowledge and attainment rather than Sis one wilo merely hands these things to the children. Pupils were then assigned "to their various rooms and the rou tine work of the setion taken up. Quite a number of patrons and school trustees were present for the opening exercises. DM GEM) The two year od child of Mr. Robert Ixwry of Ba'lem town siop died Sunday night of ipiiiat meningitis. The fuhefnl wil I le eonducte'l this afternoon by Rev. V.. R. Angell at Salem Ba tist Chujpch. still gaining ground on the Ger mans but slowly. French advi ces seem to indicate that the two armies have fougjht each other to a standstill, while the German, claim that the Allies are again on the defensive. This iPiaperf experts the next mews to be either that the English have flanked the German right afld forced its retirement ir else that the Germans have moved forward in the neighbor nooa or Kneims. Tne news from the German partem fron tier over - which ;. the Russian holrdes continue to potfr in in' creasing number is unimportant j33here aj reports of minor en gagements on the seas in which honors are about even, both Germans and English having met with some success. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ft. Bux ton of Newport News returned home yestenday after a short It to Mr. Buxtotofc sister, Mrft. J H. White on Main Street Mri and Mrs. Buxton were acoompa- uled by their thjre ctUren efSioii IS III 5ES1III Givil Docket WU1 Be Reached Wednesday If Cale'tidar h Adhered To. Superioa Court copviened here yesterday with Judge Carter on the bench. Yesterday and to day were to be given over to the criminal ducket and divorce cas es. For the rest of the week the calendar is as follows: Wednesday, Heptember 23rd J. C. Thompson vs Roper Lum ber Lumber ('onipany. W. T. Old, receiver, vs. Leroy Steam boat Company. Thursday, September 24 W. II. Weatherly vs. J. Q. Cart- WlTjght . Friday, September 25 Mer cantile Finance Oompany vs. Evans audi Meekins. A. B. Seeley and Sons vs. f Hblmes. E. Kramer vs. llatluiway and Eollowel 1. J . H . Duke vs. Norfolk Southern Railroad Company. Yark Hexms vs. Tony Spruil 1. Aydltrtt Bros. ,oiupany vs. A. L. Aydlett. Monday September 28 R. V. Barclift vs. Norfolk Southern Rai liquid Company. Cicero White et al vs. James II. Perry John W. Martin vs. C. V. (MJcDonald. Tuesday. September 2!) Ihvre Lumltor Cmi)any vs. Fidelity and Casualty Compapy. D. B. Munden vs. G. R. Bright. Beasie Sadler vs. Willie Nixon. Wilson Walker vs. A. L. Ay dlett. E. A. Beals vs. Abnar Sawyer. Wednesday, September 30 Nfethan Riddick vs. H. D. Pep dletonandH. B. Winslow. E. D. J. Doyle vs. Charlies W. Bush. W. B. and E. Copper smith vs. Joseph Godfrey and wife. Elizabeth City vs. W. J. Woodley. Elizabeth City vs. Crystal Ice and Coal Company. Thursday, October 1 Mono grsmi Company vs. Lavenstein Brothers. Samuel Godfrey vs. Atlantic Horse Insurance Com- pahv. Katie Moore vs. Mbfces Sawyer. Royal Typewriter Co. vs. W. L. Cohoon . R. E. Qutnn and Company vs. A. C. L.and N. 8. B. R., Friday, October 2nd. J. M. Hilson vs. Elizabeth City Miling Company. A., G. Burrow vs. Peter Mullen. Frank E. Fletcher vs C. W. Overman. Joseph G. OwePs and wife vs. J. Wi., Munden. W. H. Weatherly 0o vs. L. P. Dopes Company. Julius Molmes vs. Lavenstein Brothers. Williams and Smith vs. Atlantic Horse Insurance Company. Clara Bryan vs. Benonie Failin. A negro, Solomon Thompson whose home is at Ofcisko, was Idrowned in the harbor here last Thursday night; stepping off a lumber barge in the dark, which was towed by the. Roanoke. He was employed in , the lumber woods at Mill Dam " greek in Camden county . r iOTnriP Weaver's "Bttrich Jkes a Hit With AMtfgemerrt Lovers at Dare's Cap- , Man too. N,. C. "Sept. 19 Fea turili "Happy Jhck 'Douglas and the Ijouisiaua " 'Quartette, ' Weaver & llardiug's big Jutdlee minstivl show was staged at Mauteo Si-ptetulier lTth nd 18th This is one' of (he ftrM g(H)d irtiows that, have made their ap pearance in Mahteo for nonie time the public's temper hav ing been worn to the edge of late b Wvi'aJ bum shows conse quently drew a capacity house. The troujK' maintains its head quiarters at. Norfolk and comsis ; of L. Wialdorf, MnsKal IMrector L. Zelcdrn-; Becton Hopkins: W. M. Williams; L., F. Mann; ilbnlan Ward; and Sam Harris; also several others. The program Thursday night wa-i so well lfceivetl that only a few variations wew made in the pH)jrra.m for the following nighi. Opening with the chorus, ' ' Old Black Joe ' the entire performance (received iinniense applause. Within the L:iw" was well rendered by Ihirding. Several negit) Idia logues were well rendered and also some pleasing selectiis of popular and familiar songs; in cluding. ( 'Sing me the Rof ry' ' ' 'You Can't get Away From It,' ' 'Tho Garden of My Heart," "Old Oaken Bucket", 'Come After Breakfast, Bring Along Your Lunch-, and Leave 'Fore Supper Time," 'The Trail Of a Imesome I'ine' ' "'There's a Girl in the Heart of Maryland" Weaver's violin music was ex cellent as well as L. F. Ma,nn's cm-net and accompaniment. Weaver's show has only been organised a few weekP, but it is promising;. In the next .few dlays the troupe intends eiform- ing at South Mills, Roper, Wil liainston, Robesonville, Ply mouth and other points. The Band serenaded the town Friday and played for the High School; they donated a large pijrcentage of the proceeds , to the Manteo High School. IEE0 RESIGNS IT GORIITH Rev . L. T. Reed at the Sati urday morning service at Cor inth Baptist church tendered hit resignation as pastor there, to take effect the first of next month. 'Dr. Calvin S. Black? wel 1 who is now supplying the pulpit of the First Baptist Church has been preaching in a series of revival services at Corinth fop the last week and the meeting closed Sunday with excellent results. NOTICE: Miss Elizabeth Bak er's Music Eftudlo opened Mon day September 21st' Pupils. please Tegister for . lesrcms at once. New England Conserva tory Method, Boston, taught. his eooo Wli Expects Eighty Bushels to Acre arid Cottbn Yield 6f a Ikle fe X'cre Aloyock, N. C. -Sept. 21 Mr. I'. U Simpkfns tas ah ?xcel lent crop of cot'fon and corn. His cotton will probtbly yield as much as a bale per ;n re while the corn will ave-'sige at leaM eighty bushels ei- Here. Mr. Selps wh- is largely interested in the Provi dent Land Company secured samples of this cotton and corn to (any bak to Ohio to show i he jeople there the agricultural progress being made in Curri tuck County. mm mm for nu Moyoclc, N. C. Sept. 21. Mr. Honney, the Civil Engineer, for prospective Currituck and Dare County Railroad Coi'ijmny with the assistance of Messrs D. W. Bagley and A. W. Flora aw making a survey of the pro posed railrrwid route through Currituck Conn' v. Mr. Bon ney began the stirvev at Moyock about the first week in Septem ber having reached Poplar Bratnch at the present time. EXGU8SI0S FAXES f08 CIRCUS On Monday, September 28th, the 'Norfolk Southern wil 1 offer spec jekl excursion rates to Norfolk return on alcount of Ringling Bros. Show and 101 Ranch WiM West Show. There are also special attracr tions advertised at the Norfolk theatres for hat date and al' who take advantage of the special rate can no doubt find entertain merit atcording to their liking. These special tickets will be honored on all Norfolk Southern trains September 28th. The last train returning from Norfolk leaves a 9 o'clock of that even tog. (19000 BONDS Bjitffl will be received by the EKzaboth City Hospital Cbmpa ny until October 15th for 15 000 worth of 6 percent Boiidp dated October 1st. 1914: Inter est payable semiannually April bt and? October It. The said bonds tare of $500 Be nomination arid nurtjbeml, ."be ginpihg at Ko 1 and so on cbn secutively to, no ' SO incluite. Bonds no 1 W 2 fall due! Oct- lt 1919-r -payable in gol coin of U. S. A. and 1000 ber comes due and payable Oct. 1st each year thereafter until all are retired . j The above bond wue is amply enured by JFfrilt Mortgage updn the Hospital 'Company's property i No bid entertained below par. r Address all bids to either . Dr. O;1 McMul Ian, President or D., B JJrfldford, 1 Treasurer, . Ih his c-r to the 'crand -fury t.1& rieblok tt'Mlut yesterday morning Judge CJar-, ter laid special stress on the duty of the jurymen to ascertain - the cojOiditions of the County jail and of the county chain gang. "I ha vie to sentence men to this chain gang' ' Judge Car ter said, ' 'both from your own and other counties and I wont to le assuired, as far as I can, that it is properly maintained and conducted. " In making his charge Judge Carter took loccaHsioto to say that the county chain gang in his opinion was an inhuman in stitution. To tiend a man where he will be put to work in stripes and chains and under a gun he characterized as bru talizing in the extreme and the system itsalf a very training school for crime. A man sent to the 'chain gang in Judge, barter's opinion seldom if ever k a decent citizen again. Judge Carter did not meanv L he went on to hiv, that he was opposed to working county pris- ; oners on the roads. But in bis opinion, putting the prisoners km some sort of honor system would give better results from the standpoint of the amount of work done atnd at the same time would do the men sent to the chain gang good, instead of evil. Some prisoners, of course, he aid, would not be amenable to the system but mlost would raid fathers dould be dealt with through some other ageucy. If Judge Carter's , ideas were adopted prisoners sent to the roads would not be required! to wear stripes, would be unfetter ed, and the man who supervis ed their work wonld not stand guard over them With H gun in his bland . This is in line with the prison reform movement and is said to have been found entirely practliable. N The judge's charge was very, impressive and in speaking of visiting, prisoners he said that there is Divine assurance thai he who interests himself in the needs of these unfortuinateb will not go without his reward. Rev. O. B. Angell held tt JMfteting at Geneva Baptist , church in Camden county last . week. Reports indicate an, interesting aftd helpful meeting. Fourteen were received for ' baptism and quite a number re newed theiir fellowship with the.' church . A Sunday School Wat. . organised, five new 'deacon : were elected and the work wdl ' set on its feet generally, Good ' crowds attended and much - in' terest was manifest, " throughout. ther meetings.,,;,, i-