NEWS WITHOUT OmCIALlPAFIZUI BIAS OP CURRITJJjZK WS WITHOUT PREJUDICE COUNTX VOL IV ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDA Yf DECEMBER 8, 1914 NO 98 I 1 I 1 - II ' 1 I I I Villi I w I WIE pom mm week inn IE FOB COUNTY PROGRESS o speeches and Addresses Made That Will Set Folks Thinking and Bring Results. In spite of bad weather and tha consequent mall crowd County .Progress Day of Community Her-v-; Week wa an unqualified sue . alThe crowd attending the exer- ises at the Alkrama though mall, was earnest and attentive 4Uid there can lie little doubt that much good will Ik the result of the meeting. The exercises were opened with, prayer by Rev. ( A. Ashby, reel or of Christ Church, following which the. temporary organization was niivle porina nent. Resolutions were prescnled et tine forth (he need of a V. M. C. A. in Klizaheth City and rec ommendations were oll'ernl jiro- viding for the establishment of a school library, of a skating rink .... .... i on (lie school grounds, ot ;, pule lie play ground. of a town cur few law to keep children under eighteen oil the streets after nine',,, . ,,, imvi.m. ,v the f m'-! sorhing interest of h plav, as weW o'clock at night. The nnporlame , her announcement that Miss Ad ;s ,,. ,,, ,,.son whi. li of providing pure drinking water L) ,,,. Ml. r;imin, S.',l(.v ITadily saw was Ian-lit r.... i : i i i ... i : . . . - ' mi nuMiii ,is.iim nicu ;n was suggested that this matter he kept continually before the cil father Next in order was the schoo census report lr.m tae various districts of (he county. The facts disclosed by these census reports ; will be taken up in the next issue of this newspaper. The first address of the morn ing was made A. Ashbv. made hv Rev. Mr. Ashby's Speech The Pcv C. A. Ashby spoke substantially as follows: I am asked to speak to you upon the usefulness of the Church (o our community, am) I welcome fhe opportunity of saying a word for this institution. It is a most neipini sign wnen people ask ol the Church "Does it justify exis teiice'.'" Only in fhis way will they learn what it is worth. I never lake any exception when some one says dial he is consid ering the usefulness of (lie church. j And h the chnri h mean the . .. I organization as we nun it toua.v. 1 have not the time to discuss with others what the church used to do, and whether a church run ti,- it was (wo liiiniln'd years ago would lie worth anything, for I 1hiow that it would not be. Nei ther would medicine, law. me chanics or anything else. All things exist in relation, and man who beats time on (Jie head of (he Church of ages past is just iis much out of tune, as is the man who ciViideiniis machin ery, because its introduction was so sternly opposed by our fore fathers, or denies the circulation of the blood because Harvey was jiiosocuted by the physicians. Let us get awav from these ' . ' wq nun n now. unit i nave no. j.. - (Conttnwd on Page QW) wi STAGE WEDDING WAS REAL THING Register of Deeds J. W. Munden Officiates in Romantic Scene. Tin Saturday matinee crowd at the Alkrama were prepared for disappointment when the man-J a gee of the Kramm Tlieatri ' al Company eame on the stage' a in I announced Iliat consent to! ie marriage of Miss Loiene Hensley to Mr. Hairy Mack hail ,.,.f,ised i,v ijss n(.se's ,m,tlier linii the bridetols! should bee e of age next month.! This disappointment was reliev! .lones. also nieniliers of (lie Com ,,;lllv w, wn( t(, ,.V,. u.n ,.. j ,.i,.(i .,i -!,,it n,.,u ,.t it,,. home in Birmingham, would I uirried in the Alkrama after the ma, jll(l( h. .lls)j(.(. he Peace j - Jiundeii. T!l). .PijIj,. w.,s si,M)1t. ;im impressive as if perfor d ., 1(IIU .,,- ih. i,,,.. .,.,.,, ,1,.,, wjtm.Ssed it cave respectful and reverent attention during the i I ceremony. The tiny little bride dressed in simple white with veil land wedding boipiet was exceed 'ingly attractive, and the i-tage set Iiiil: with its semicircle of .o tois suggested a familv group jwith strong bonds of sincere in . (crest ami good wishes. : TOM THUMB IDS TO-NIGHT The "Tom Thumb Wedding'- to be given by the little folks of k'liz abeth 'ilv at (he Alkrama to night is expected to draw a full .house. The player are all in readiness to do their part toward entertainim- the audience and w,t, natural charm of or cihiu 100li ilIhl ,, ,,xn nt (raining received can not do otherwise than succeed. The prices for ihis evening's en lertainnieiit ale only twenty five and fifteen . cnr-. After the wed ling moving pietures will be shown. CAHD OF THANKS Through the kindness of the members of Providence church al Shawboro who raised a purse to cover my exenses I am ablcid to attend the Paptist State Convention at Ualeigh this week. I greatly appreciate the courte- ' sy and take (his means of ex pressing my thanks to the church, L. T. Keed, j,. Evangelist PRICE SHE PI IS GOOD PLAY Press Reports Say That Preachers Praise and Commend it. That the people of Elizabeth City will be. iurprined op Friday evening, December 11th. in a po itive certainty,' for on that occa sion the newest dramatized offer ing entitled '-The Price She Paid" will lie brought to the Alkrama Theatre. A few weeks ago, when (his newest dramatized story was pre seated in Cincinnati, (lie manage inen( was much surpiised lo re ceive a visit from six clergymen, all of whom had heard about the plav and were anxious to see it for themselves. It was at first thought that these gentlemen might lake some offense at the clear plain manner in which the story of (he play was (old. Much to everybody's surprise, however, when the till:) I curtain was rung down, the church men coinp'imcnt en i lie nianageineni upon tne an Our iirls nowadays", accord press report this is what mg to i one ol I iK'iii sa id. lave untold I leinpjat ions cast in leir wa iThis is especially true of the larg er cities, where mothers are so eager seeking entertainment them selves, that they have no time to watch over their daughter's wel fan1. I often wished that some , body would bring a play like this which would prove so con ; clusively to young girls that the ln'st thing for them is the straight and narrow path. Th highway ol sin may glitter and be very in : viting for the lime being. but j there is a bottomless pit at the other end of the road of pleasure! from w hich rescue is impossible. Once a 'drl finds herself in this j maelstrom of vice. no hand is, he'd out to her. and there is nic (hance for lasting reform." ! "I am glad I saw "The Price j She Paid". I am going to my con g.regation and lell theni to see i Ihis play by all means. 1 1 will j purify their soul, it will make allj the men have a better opinion of women and it will make all oiing girls realize what a priceless I hing is their irt lie." I leaded b a met ropolilon cast and having as its stars no less competent ;m actress than Miss Helm leigh. admirably support ed by How ardMeigh, brother and sister of Jlert Leigh. This great play which lias been pronounced even more absorbing than David (irahain Phillip's book, will doubt less achieve a marked success here. Photographs for Christmas en-ujifis. Only 17 days before Christ mas. these days will be tilled with gift care. Why not be pho tographed, and be relieved of a: least a dozen cares. There is nolh j ing so appropriate for a gift. Make an appointment with ZOELLER, at once. FOOD BETTER IRAN tltl il W. J. Peele Thinks Pro ducts Should be Sent to Belgians Direct. Kdiixik Tin Aouxci: Our gifts in money to th Pfl gian sufferers are well timed, without doubt, (hough this money had to U1 lived doubtless to Icr food in Kurope at Knropean prices for th- ,i,,ck relief demanded bv the condition of the siilferers. Hut gifts in food and at North Caroli naprices and gifts in food direct ly by those who raised it would make our contributions go a great! deal further. The relic. needed and lo In- needed as the w in (er deepens the distress, is on so vast a si a e that a wise c on j inn in .he use id our mea I" is ' of I lie li 1st i 1 1 1 1 ti i r I a inc. And. I no, i I ha e iiul I he si igh I est i b jccl inn j In i he i in iden la I bene lit that will act i ue by this direct gi i 1 1 ol ; fi 'oil m row n in our fa I and lerl i le j la mis icld ing this ea r so bomi , I il ill under ( iod's pro iden, e ( thai w c are cr ing fur storage : run m for a part of our crops in . mure than forty counties of our: Male. I would like lor I lie I'.el iiuiis and the suffering every where to know of ihis wonderful iiiiiil i y lu re the sand hills pro dine criips worlli two and three hundred dollars an acre. Direct giving of food and any other needed raw material grown in our slate would give us the legit iinale benefit which arises inciden tally as a icvvard for doing right. From Wake county to the Allan tic ;if grow n perhaps the best sweet potatoes in the world; if seine large hearted as well as lone, headed farmers vvoiil devise a way to get a few of these sweet I iota toes to the Itelgian children, they and their mothers might transfer their afflictions from their stricken country to (he shores of North Carolina. They are a tine people let them come. Halifax county boasts of its line Spanish peanuts, the same kind, doubtless. Coy. Winston thanked Cod for on Thanksgiving" Day; will Halifax and Pertie vie with each other in sending some to (he starving P.elgians. if indeed the opposing armies would le! them pass through their lines; and ev en ii me somiers ale uiein an they would note the country whence they came Hyde county raises corn enough this year to feed the Pelgians cpiite a while the whole seven and a half mill ions of them, if there are (hat many still alive; will the Hyde county farmers invest a little corn in the P.eglian sufferers and ere ate (hem ultimately a new mar ket for the overflow of their corn and maybe, lay up for themselves treasiirs in Heaven. xv. j. pi:i:li:. on w ill iret photographs for a gift ( 'h 1 ii ( mas. why not you have some made to scud. There is nothing so appropriate. Make an appointment with ZOELLER, for a sitting. fddv.1 2t ...... .... ' .- CITY MANAGER PLAN APPROVED i Action Taken Which May Mean Big Change in City Government. It is u probability thai the city manager plan of municipal government will be tried out in Elizabeth City at no tery distant day. Some lime ago a committee was appointed to revise the city charter and last night the abler men voted to direct this com niittiH' to submit a report incor porating the city manager idea. The vote was taken on motion of W. L. Cohoon. lie. John Saliba and Mr. I. I'Varing appeared before (he board asking that a whole lime health ollirer for town and coun ty be employed. The reconnnen d.i ion of I he commit lee w as l av or.'blv received, but action was deferred for the time being. The i it v at loriiey w as (direct oil to draft an ordinance f.ubid ding liackinen to leave their hacks in soliciting passenger at the Noi folk Southern depot. Many passengers recent Iv . especially la dies. .-1 ( been caused cinhai'U'-s incut by t he undue ea I of rival hacks. Also fhe keen rivalry has led to much disorderly conduct on the part of the hacknicn and to several ca-es in police court. The action of the Superior Coin t in awarding the Crvslal Tie and Coal Company ?1."0.(M) for land condemned for a side walk was (he occasion of consid eiable discussion. The majority of the hoard wore in favor of al lowing the company to retain the land rather than pav that amount for il, and so voted; but aldermen Anderson and Kobinson opposed the action. This action will prob ably make il necessary to cede back other condemned property on iIik same street to original owners; and for all of this a spec ial act of the legislature will be required. The matter of selling soft drinks, cigars, and confections on Minibus was again brought up and action may be taken to put the lid on the tow n Sunday at the next meeting. The aldermen stated that I bey could not take definite notion be fore the next meeting as there wa - considerable dispute as to what should and should not be sold on Sundays. The city water was rvpoited un tit for drinking purposes owing to the presence of colon bacilli. The general sanitary conditions of the (own were reported good. Attorney . Cohoon tender ed his resignation as a member of the Ixrard to take effect Janu ary rth. Mr. .1. L. Pritchartl will mrcecd Mr. Cohoon as al derman from his ward. City At torney V. L. Small also tendered his resignation to take effect Jan nary 5th. Alderman Robinson hnd others stated that Mr. Small had made the best City Attorney (Coniiniirtl on Pafjc oifr) ANOTHER 1 FOR CHAII GA But Commissioners Seem Disposed to Employ High Priced Expert as Superintendent. It does not now appear Uutf the present board of county coa missioners will do anything to ward ubolisbiug the chain gang. It is very likely however that a new suierintendent of the chain gang will be elected and proba bly the man chosen will come from a distance. The board in (heir meeting; yestefday directed the clerk to insert an advertise ment in the News and Olienrver for applicants for this jsmition. A man with expert knowledge, considerable experience, and es pecial etliciency in handling con v i t labor is -desired. It is prob able that such an ollirer will cost the county af least a hundred dol lars a mouth. Mr. W. L Cohoon appeared before the board and urged the employment of an expert. He staled thai he had it on (he best authority thai the material for biiililiiio sand clay roads if here in this county and that such rntds would improve I he elliciency of (lie roadt? of the county four hun dred per cent. He also stated thai in his opinion it would be wise for l!ie county to i"Ue bonds to the amount of 2(H,000 for the purpose of providing funds for crvating a system of permanent county roads. This was the most important action of the day. The hoard met in the morning and elected I. (i. Fearing chairman. Mr. Pinner received two votes for that position in the balloting. Mr. Caleb Ives was unanimous Iv reelected standard kee'ier. There were two oilier applicants for l he posit ion . Mr. A. J. Ilaily was elected keeper of the county home. Ceo. J. Spence was made as sislcnt trial justice bv the com missioners . louis Solig was elected keeper of fhe (own c'ock. It was ordered that the court hause be again given electric light connection. The chain gang was ordered to do three days work on grad ing the grounds of the Elizabeth City Hospital. The chairman of the board was directed to purchase the necess ary supplies for and to direct the operations of the chain gang until January 4th. The road known as PryoP Street was ordered worked by the bain gang. There hail lieen some doubt as to whether this was a public thoroughfare or not . WILL PREACH AT m SHILOH SUNtDAY', Dr. L. T.. Reed will preach on netx Sunday, December 13ta at the moraine and even In it servic n e - - . e. . . . t , N V Y ;ji.,;.