NBWSyVlTHOVT OFFICIAL PAPE21 BIAS OF WS WITHOUT CURRITUCK r 0 PREJUDICE COUNTY 3 . VOL V ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY FEBRUARY 2. 1915 NO 10 IFZE f Mi ' i t r A, . V, '. a BETSEY Will BUILD LDGK-UP But How Much Will Be Spent For This Purpose Not Decided On Great interest was lll.'llii t'csl last night, wlit'ii M;ir T. 1". Nash called on Dr.. '. II. Wil liams for a report, from the Com mittee appointed to investigate the condition of the County Jail. Dp. Williams stated that the Com niittee had found the County -lail in a very unsightly and iiiis;rn i tary condition; "une entiling" he said. He urged Ihe Board to take definite action. Dr. Fear ing stated that he w:is at the jail yesterday morning, that 17 pris oners were there; the young hav ing to he confined with the old and the healthy in the same cell with the diseased. lie said those that were sick;. He said the only remedy was for the town to look after its own prisoners. Sentiment among the aldermen appeared to he unanimous for the recommendation. Mayor Nash . aid, that the town- should take t ' immediate actiou. Alderman ' Robinson -spoke for a lockup v ..it--.woa1id !be v6( jservjtc? to Jhe :scj hi.-.cif.as. l.i.'j against wast x, Ing money on temporary arrange. the town should issue bonds to 'f '" cnaWqcit. ta have lock-up de" " Vfof some Tears to come. ; lie urg- V ; ed quick action, 'so as to' get the 'tirtivi'-liA'' IT Atrial ? fit 16 -j qpermission. fi;oui the legislature Issue. ' &v'- Other iiUMuIieti ;"of-.tlie Board, Lowever, inclined to the opinion that an architect'be employed to submit plans to the board on a lock-up not Ho expensive that tould be enlarged as it becomes necessary. The Hoard acted on the latter suggestion and Aldermen Owens, Grandy and Pritiihard were made a committee to take this step. As goon as the Committee is ready to report, a meeting of the Board will be called and definite action taken. A BIB CROUD Hi UK PLAY ia Where Do You Just the Thing ' For E City Audience A musical treat, hacked by one of the most popular farce coaie- dTes ever produced in New York is in store for 'local amusement lovers when "Alma, Where do you Live," comes to the Alkrania on Tuesday, February 9th. This farce, with music, from the German-French has the u- nique distinction of registering a pronounced hit in New York City "before it has ever been heard in -"Ata J9 '.. . London. It was originally pro mm house I Believed That With Slight Amendments To Bill Bonds Can Be Sold. The market Iioum- le.-tiHi was again brought up at the meeting of the JJoard of Aldermen last nighC. The discussion was start ed by Ihe reading of some minor amendments ivad by Ihe clerk, which 1 laker Watts and Company the prospect he purchasers of the City's Market House liouds, wish added to the Market House Hill at this session of the Legislature. The Aldermen passed the amend ments; Aldermen Anderson. Ow ens and Hallance voting against it, as they have previously done in the tight. Alderman Anderson told the Hoard that he wanted a market nouse, if the people wanted it. He made a motion that the mar ket house question be submitted to the vote of the people. The motion was lost, however, by the usual market house vote. ''Slight changes in the bill ask ed for by the bond purchasers will now be incorporated in the measure while the legislature is A Jtfm'l jnnuUtv appearsat there is again promise of early actiott and definite result 7 OFFJCEKSL ULETEp ht' , the, annual slocklidlders meeting of the 0. W Steveni Com pany-jast ,week the following or flcera were electfjd :"" C. H. Brock, president, W A Brock, vice pres ident and secretary, C VVr Stevens Treasurer and Manager. The di rectors of the company are: C. H Brock, W A Brock, George J. Spence, K. H. Scott. V V, Jack son, M. N. Sawver and 0 W Stev ens. luced in l'aris. The book is by Haul Iler( and the music by, Jean Briquet. It scored so heav- ht night disclosed the fact that ily that the German rights were "the aldermen were very much secured by Adolph l'hillip ami he averse to paying for Mr. Boettch prepared it for a run in Berlin.! er's services. It is the sentiment This was accomplished and then"f the board that Mr. Boettcher's Mr. Phillip brought it to Ameri-' report f little value to the ca and produced 'it in German at ( town as it embodies only what the theatre of that national The tax collector and the sanita ty on the Kast Side, New York ry inspector already have on City. I lhe'i" own books. They hold fur- The play was first attended by.ther that in employing Mr. Boett only those who understood Ger- cher Mr. Balance went beyond man ; then the brilliancy of the his authority. The minutes show music and especially the haunt-1 that Ballanee was authorized by ing waltz melody, "Alma", which .the board to investigate the de gives the play its title, commenc-Jlinquent tax list and that the ed to attract attention. ' In a Board wourd employ him an as few weeks thousands who did'sistant if necessary. Certain not understand a single word of members of the board were dis German were flocking to hear the posed to protest when they first music of Jean Briquet. heard that Mr. Ballanee had em- The American version was ployed Mr. Boetcher but desist written by George V. Hobart, the ed that they were given to un well known humorist, and is said derstand that Mr. ' Boettcher's to be superior to the French and German. Several new and novel French dances have been introduced in cluding the latest Tangos and Hesitations. Miss Celia Mavia, the Austral ian icomedienne, has the title role, supported by Alex Loftus, Jean de Guissac, Helen Tilden and a thoroughly capable cast CONVICTS ESCAPE fill CHAIN GANG The New Superintendent Comes To Take Charge And Prisoners Flee , When .1. l'rai k k. ihe it tiring sup, i iuiendc.it of the chain gang, made bis report to the boaid of count 'oinuiUsion ers on last. Saturday be reported twenty-three irisoneis on the chain gang. When , 1 I'rovc, the new sup erintendeiit and I'oad supervisoi1 took charge of the aforesaid chaingang on the following Mon day, I'Vbruaiy 1st, lie found only thirteen prisoners in the camp. Wheiher they were afraid of their in w h"s or what tnotie prompted the fugitives has not yet been made evident, out with one consent tliev had taken leg i bail. Neither is it clear how they all made their escape in such startling succession,. The new superintendent does not look like an ogre. He was before the board yesterday to make requisition for better cook ing utensils and better bedding and covering for the convict, aadUiapf ewed-thow-who met him- very favorahljr ' . v' He stat ed yesterdajjjto; the presence of an Advance reporter, that one of the first needs of the ('Continued on page two) WILL BQETTCHER GET KIS'N? If the order made by the city fathers in their meeting last night holds good Mr. William Bocttcher will get. only f2M for his three weeks work on the books of the city tax collector and the city sanitary inspector. The reading of Mr. Boct teller's bill at tlx ildermen's meeting , services would not cost the city over f250O. The board has taken no action, however, on Mr. Boettcher's let ter to the several members and mayor which was published some days ago in the Advance, hold ing tha tthe matter of collecting the taxes and looking after de linquents is the business of the city tax collector. m I RALEiBH Hf!S WJ BRYAN Last Speech of Great Com moner Said By Some To Be Up To Best Haleigh, N. C . .I.in. h The North C.iiolin.i Conference tor So ia I S i vii e i on Indr, j j , :;n Annual Sevsi.ui i!u nun uiug, holding its lin.il mi etiug hi the city . ' u 1 i 1 1 , i i u . :i. and having as its di.Miiigui.NlicI hc; and speak er, Secretary of Stale, Win. -I. liryan. linn T W Hi' ke't intro duced M r. Hnan to one of the 'argesi niidiein es K.i. i;:h has ev er i;ieu any man and for an hour and a half mi liie subject : Man's Relation to Society, the speaker ililniselv interested his li-letiers. 1'y in. my his addre-s ;i con sidered secoml io none of his oi nier master oral ions ()- public iitlerances. Mr Urvati expresed himself heartily in favor of ihe aims, object ami tield of service of the Conference, and spoke with telling effect on the subjects of child labor, public health and pro hibitioiy. From the auditorium he went direct to the House of Represen tatives where he spoke to the teg iHlature-on-Man's Relation to Cot ernment. Mr Bryan left JRaleigk in the afternoon for Durham where he wan scheduled to speak under the auspices of the Y M C A on the subject of Man's relation to God. The election of officers) and the adoption ;of resolutions was the concluding business of the morn ing session. Tre following were elected officers for the ensuing year: President. Mr A W Mr Alister of Greensboro; ls Vice President, lr V. K Graham of Chapel Hill; L'nd Vice President Airs V K Hollowed of Greensbo ro; i'.rd i- President, Mr V II Swift of Greensboro; Secretary and Treasurer. Mr Warren II. Mrooker of Kaleigh. This session of the Conference will go on record as favoring and propogating resolutions and ideas making for the States advance ment along all lines of social bet terment. HEALTH COHPITIOMS 18 CITY . The City Health Officer, Dr. G B. Williams, in his monthly report to the Board of Aldermen last night taid that the general health conditions of the town were good. The city water was reported fit for drinking purpos es. iie reported i wane biitns and 11 (deaths; 7 colored births and 6 deaths, making a total of 2'2 births and 17 deaths. The ftanfitary Inspector also reported the general health con ditions of the town, eoori. He stated he had conilemmed 2&1 toilets iu the first ward and would begin on the fourth ward at an early date. G. V. Switzer made a proposi tion to the Board to build an in cinerating plant which would dispose of refuse at a fixed price per load for 5 years. No definite action was taken last night by the Boara , . , -. , j SHALL HOSPITAL POOR? Ministers of City Want Town To Make Dona tion To This End. Tile di-cu-Mmi of ihe need of bed for ill,. ,ooi a: the Klia ctr City hospital, took up ihe il'st horn- at he meeting ,,!' the ioard of Aldermen in regular e.ssion las-t nigh i. The .Ministerial Hoard of the i:y, present iu a body and speak III-' tlll'OU"! Ill' 1 I I 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 . . InvNil 'f the First Haptist Church, mg d that the Hoard pay 7011.00 a "ear for the maintenance of this bed. In making his plea h, the Hoard. I h-. Ileiiniug set forth the need here: ami sniJ ileit io knew ti f towns of oak 7.IKMI opulation which were doing this lllllch and inure. ii.i iii i ii o ( ' 1 1 : i e lottsviLTe, a town of only six thousand population, where there are two hospitals. The bysiciaus to the Mayor and to for their services iu these cases. he was informed, and he suggest ed that such cases could be re ported by the respective family physician to tre Mavor and to he Manager of the Hospital. He stated "that no niOney appropri ated by the board would be put to any other use than the taking care of the poor; that the hospi tal was no money making enter prise. The entire hoard, apparently, wanted to see this plan carried throughl Mr. Anderson moved, and the motion was carried that a Committee be appointed by the chair to look into the matter and report at the meeting of the Hoard in March. Aldermen Ow ens. til-eL'on- Hint in ri'soii con this coinuii I lee. TEMPERANCE PHIZES AWARDED A large number was present at ihe High School Auditorium on Friday nigrt to enjoy the pro gram prepared by the students. Among the enjoyable features were: the recitation by Joe Speticc, 'A total Abstainer' which was rendered in a manner that would do credit to a much older boy; a recitation by Miss Emily Hall', and 'Little Blossoms' by Katherine Kkinner.. 'Little Bios Bonis' was given at the Htatc W C T U Contention and only lacked one poiut of winning the medal. A puize of o.00 in gold was awarded to Rodger Hayman for the best essby on the 'Evil of Cig arette Smoking' by Mr. Boscoe W Turner. Bradus Heed gave Uay- man a elbse chase1 and won the second prize, 'In Ancient Albe marie', the new book written by Miss Katherine Albertsou, princi pal of the Elizabeth City Iligh School. Winnie Wood won the prize of 5.00 in old for the best essay on 'The Evil Effects of Alcohol on the System'. Amy Winslow won the second prize. Mr. ft. G. Sawyer of Harbin ger was in the city Monday, leav ing this morning for. a business trip to Norfolk. C0L1NTV If HEEDS CHANGES Commissioners Think Building Will Have To Be Remodeled. 'he prevent condition of the - iail occllliieil most oP iha attention ,J the county coinmiss 1 ioners at their regular meeting yesteiilav ihe county physician I Z. Feat ing. in . presenting l-is repon called attention to the fact that the county jail iS ii I adequate to the needs of both city and .county and further di rected the addition (,f the board to I in abominable arrangements, or lack of arrangements, for heat in glhe cells where the inmates are confined ami to the necessity of providing belter sleeping ac commodations for the prisoners It was apparently the sense of the board that present co tuit ions are a discredit and a men ace to the town and to the coun ty ami that early action should be taken to render less intoler able the surroundings of the of fenders brought into Pasquotank county's house of correction. With this end in view it was or dered, first, that the city author Hies be notified that after Jon s 1st. the county jail may not b ' used as a place of confinement for the city's prisoners; and, se cond, that the clerk of the board j get in immediate touch with a 1 , number of jail consftrtjetion con cerns and invite them to have a representative lie-fore the board at a sK'cial meeting on Tuesdaj, February !tth, for the purpose of submitting estimates as to thf probable cost of increasing the cell rapacity of the jail from five to twenty four or thirty cells The idea of so increasing the number of cells is to give each prisoner a ceil to himself. Thin step, it is held, is dictated not only by ordinary considerations of humanity, but by those of pru deuce as well; for the separation of the prisoners would tend no less toward the prevention of mil chief in tlx jail than toward the health, comfort and protection of the prisoners. It is thought that the change proposed will cost the county a- bout two or three thousand dol-s 1 lar It is the purpose of th hoard, when they have mora ' nearly asceriaineu tre amount . ........ j. f Necessary for the work, to hav a bill prepared for passage at this session of th e legislatnrd authorizing them to isafue bond to get funds for the work. MRS. W. II . UPTON DEAD Mrs.W. II. Upton, one of th best known women in Canute County, died Saturday night af ter an illness of a ,few day of Sr apoplexy at the age of 63 years. The funeral service was conduct ed Monday morning at 11 o'clock: atthe home and the interment .o; took place iu the Upton burying ground. f ' ' She is1 survivetl by a husband. ' two daughters, Misa Bettie and Linda Mercer; one step daughter, Mis Mary Lee Mercer, and, pn3 sou, Luther Geralds. s i' 1 I s -r T V , .. 4 i' , ---r!-. 1, V. iV w"' ' '. .'i X 11 i