to .,S ' A Wisconsin city has adopted the) pay as you go system aBd will pay cash for everything it buy and demand the same dis counts that would be allowed to any private firm or eorioration. ; Warren Johnson, of Mich igan, aged & years is probably fue oldest newspaper reporter in the country. Bhe Las been report iug for 40 years and still writes good stories. Bill Sunday insists that before 3ie will begin his evangelistic meet ings in Chicago he must be assur -.ed that a $230,000 stock compa ny 1)0 organized and incorporat ed 1o finance hi.s religious meet ihgs. The tight for prohibition in (he national house of representatives iwas not successful. li would have required a two-thirds ote to propose the prohibition a mendment to thy Fed'.'ial Con istitution. family.;., - .V-tH -"'Tlua is the first baby bom in Hie White House since the birth of Ecther Cleveland' daughter of Iresideut and Mrs Cleveland, and who was the only child of a President born there. Taere have been 11 children born in the White House since its con struction,. Evidence of extraordinary ad Vance intrausVAtlantic freight rates since the outbreak of the -uropean war, amounting in some instances to !XH and even l.KMI per cent, are presented in the joint report from Secretaries Mc lltloo and Kedtiold to the Senate. The incerases in rates on grain lire said to be !MM) per cent ; on flour 500 per cent; and on cotton 700 per cent. In giving reasons for new pacts with central American countries Secretary of Stale IJrvau suggested that it was not unlikely that the United States some day wouM build another interoceanic waterway to supplement the Panama Oa naj, and explained that he re garded it as a wise 'precaution Tor the American government to negotiate treaties with Nicar agua and Costa Rica giving this .country an option on a canal route across that section of cen 'iral America. Red gamecocks thrive on dia mond diet.accoitling to Walter A. JCiefer, secretary of the National Capitol Poultry and Pigeon As Ociation, who lost a gem valued at flllo. The diamond dropped from Mr. Kiefer's ring into a "oop, and was gobbled up by a prize winner. The bird is valued at ?"00., and although Mr. Kiefer wanted to have it killed at once. Tie and the owner agreed that Prof!. Roy 11. White, of the agri culture experiment station, at College Park, Md., should operate on it in an attempt to recover the diamond. The govermeut; has received I9U.40 in settlement for a single sugar pine tree which was cut in trespass in the Stanislaus Na tional Forest, in California, and which yielded more than enough actual lumber to build a good sized suburban fronie house. The tree scaled lS.IIM board feet and valued at iter thousand feet. Not many tires contain enough lumber to build a two foot board walk nearly two miles long, and this is1 believed to Ik? the first case on record in which a single tree felled in a national forest was valued at almost $100 on the stump, although national forest timber is frequently sold at con siderably higher iales At a recent meetiifg held under the auspices of the International Peace Forum, over whidi Sena tor Sherman presided. John Hayes Hammond urged that af ter peace is concluded in Kurope. the Congress of the 1'nited States' should call a peace con feernce which should formulate a plan for international amity, to include an agreement for concerted and permanent disarmament; (lie organi zation of a Supreme Court of nations, whose findings shall Is- accepted as conclusive and fi nal by all; and an international police force, consisting of an army and navy only large enough to enforce the decrees of the in ternational court. The plan is to have such a court supplement, not supplant the court of at-bitra tion at The Hague. The flying visit to the Nation al capital of Km AVilliam A. Sunday, a former professional Baseball player. opularly known as 'Billy Sunday' is over. In the address that he made before a Washington audience of more than 5,000, which included mem bers of Congress, government offi cials,, diplomats, and prominent (ScTety folk, he let loose a battery io invective against dinner The ' pastor of a local church declares ttat he was captivated with Sun x day's marvelous gymnastic man nerisms and enthusiasm, and" al though hi language was often crude it so:n time eloquent and beautiful. The president's grandson, born at fiie White Hou on Sunday January 17th, is the object of most absorbing interest there, both in the executive mansion and in the vicinity of the Presi dent's office, where st who call ed on official and political busi ness made a point of inquiring after the latest addition to the The Women's Democratic dub of the second ward of Chicago, ad vertised in the newspajters for an aldermanic candidate. It was an nounced in the advertisement that to receive the indorsement of the club the successful appli cant would have 1o be: A clean, respectable citizen. A possessor of horse sense, not necessarily a college gradu ate A friend of woman sulfrage. An advocate of subways. A voter for bathing beaches ami playgrounds. A leader, not a follower. A man of conservative ability. Six replies were received. The The applicants were a machinist, a broker. i clergyman, a manu facturer, a physician, and a saloonkeeper. The saloonkeeper won. He is Al Russell, proprietor of a saloon at 34.VJ South State Street, and he met every requirement. WHERi: KAttTH Ql'AKKD The National Oeograpbic cietv has prepared the following description of the region in Ita ly just devasted by the great earthquake. In the Abruzri district of east central Italy, where the re cent earthquake shot1'' have worked in seconds a destruction equal to weeks of war, there are no great cities and no nionu ments of the country's brilliant history or its more famous works of art. Abruzzi is a graz ing, vine-growing, fanning dis trict. It is a mountainous and hilly land, comprising the wild est and most rugged portion of the Apennines. Home of Italy's most picturesque scenery is to be enjoyed rere, although travelers from America seldom seek it, a the railway connection are bad and the inn accommodations, for the most part very primitive and severe. , , , . - fcThe district ; contains some 6S0 square miles, or is about equal in size. . to the States of Island and Connecticut It support some two million people most of whom make their liviugs in farming, orchard ami 'vine culture, and iu cattle, sheep and swine raising. There is consid erate uniportant manufacturing within the district but little or no industry . Rarely beautiful tajtestries and hand-made laces are worked in the hilly villages as home work. Many of the Abruzzi peasantry, untaught in the methods of design and unaid ed by any but the simplest me chanical contrivances, display the highest order of artistic apprecia tion in their hand-lace produc tions "Vast forests of oak, beech, and pine cover the jagged moun tain groups, and their area serves as a feeding place for large herds of swine. The raising of swine and the preparation of their meat is one of the imporiant endeavors of this country, and. among the masterworks of Italy, the vivacious, seductive, thril ling Abruzzi sausage deserves nonorable mention. These sau sage were formerly this is, be fore the war even imported or (asionally into Ccniiany. when t be a foreign sausagu and to compete successfully, means to be a sausage of distinctly superior sort. There is little flat land with in Abruzzi, beyond a narrow strip along 100 miles of coast. The uplands and the hills are used for pasture lands, the val leys are fruitful, and a'-e farmed for olies, rice, almonds grains and wine. Nature has contribut ed most to the backward state of Abruzzi region's industries; for its hills and valleys lie within the trough of ever-recurring earthquakes, while the small riv ers and creeks which irrigate its valleys do a regular damage by their sudden floods. The rivers are mostly very Jhort, with a considerable fall to the sea. Ma ny of them have been harnessed in the last few years to electric installations. "Four provinces are contained within the division Abruzzi, Ter- ainii, Chief i. Aquila and Canipo basso, and there ait; about twen ty medium-sized towns scattered throughout them. A sample of every siiperstitition that has ever flourished in Kuropcan land since the founding of Rome is to be found still flourishing in hardy strength somewhere among the enple of Abruzzi, who are ultra onservative in matters of belief and in their devotion to custo;n. The present Huke of Abruzzi is well known to Americans. t was several times reported in this country that he wast engaged to Miss Katherine Flkins now, Mrs. William Hitt, the.' daugh ter of the late Senator Elkins of West Virginia. This report was each time denied. The young duke was the son of ex-King "Amadeus of Spain, He won distinction as a geographer; making the first ascent of ML St. Elias in 1897: determining the northern coast of Franz-Jofef land in his arctic ex plorations of 18994900, and set ting a mountain-climbing record in 1909 by ascending Mi Austen in India to a height of 24,600 feet LIE SIEGE FOB OLD PEOPLE Mrs. Hutchison Eighty-One Years Old Uses No Oth er Tonic but Vino! and Rec ommends It to Friends. Greenville, S.C.-"Itia with pleasure I tell others of the rreat benefit I have derived from Vinol, for the past several years. I am 81 years old and I find Vi nol gives me strength, a healthy appe tite and overcomes nervous disorders. Vinol is the only tome reconstructor I have used for several years. I have recommended it to a great many of my friends and it has always proved satis factory. ' ' Mrs. M. A. HirrrmsnN Greenville, S. C. Such cases as the above are constantly coming to our attention. If people in this vicinity only realized how vinol in vigorates old people we would not be able to supply the demand. It is the tissue building, curative ele ments of the end'n liwrs aiAtA ho tha blood making strengthening properties of tonic iron contained in Vinol, that makes it so successful in building up strength for old people, delicate chil dren and for all run-down conditions. Vinol is also a most successful remedy for chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis. If it fails to benefit any ono who tries it we return your money. Standard Drug t o.. K. Citv..X L. F WADSTEN HL'YKR " OF RAW FURS AT I I till EST MARKET TRICES RESIDENCE: 420 CEDAR ST. OFFICE: HINTOXS STAHLES ELIZABETH CITY, N C RUSSELL E. SNOWDEN ENGINEER 4 SURVEYOR Socialist iu Road Improvement, Drainage and Rural Betterment, also Land Drainage, Hydraulic, Topo graphic, Sanitary, Municipal, Railway, and Industrial Surveys, Reports, Plans, Estimates of cost Specifications, Supervision and Inspection. Snowden, N. C, Eliz. City.N. C M There Is a House With Bathroom' was m axpreiMoa at out time calcyUnd to aroust interest, bat now, conditions are entirely different. To build a house without a bath room merely raise a ques tion as to the pood Judg ment of the builder. People know that he has either not considered or else misjudged the importance that an up-to-date bathroom hat in increasing the value of the houte, both as to renting and telling r&lue. 0 For the finest plumbing equipment at reasonable cost we recommend TtaadanT plumbing fixtures and will be pleased to show you the many artiitic designs in which they are nude. Ask ior ill unrated booklet TtaadaeT "Rifcaow" Urar Remember I am prepared to do all kinds of plumb ing , steam and gas fittin g.also special atten tion o sewer connections W.P.KNOWLES ASTERN CAROLINA MNSPOJWION COMPANY D. B. Scott, Mgr. Oily line offering regular service t NAQS HEAD and MANTBO All the rear round. STEAMER TRENTON Leaves Manteo 5:00 A. M. Leaves Elizabeth City 1:30 p.m. AILY CXCCPT SUNDAY. It's a long way to Tipperrary hut it is not. a long way to the (Jreatest Tailors in Etlizaletu City. The Quality Tailors have just receive their Spring and Summrr line. Beautiful, magnifi cent and above all elrte low prices. Main and Martin streets, Hinton Building. (ndv.) MANUSCRIPT Typewritten at reasonable rates if left at this office. The ADVANCE DEA1H AIID DESTRUCTION Previdence will nt protect y against lo bat iisnraice will. Wise men insmre foolish oies wish they had. FoCow ia the wake f fire, lightning and tornadoes Costs but little arid is worth much. L HUE 8 SH 1 Rayo Makes Reading A Pleasure THE full mellow glow of the Rayo Lamp rests your eyes and makes reading a pleasure. The absence of glare and harshness will be a distinct relief to you. It is this quality that causes scientists to recommend the soft light of the oil lamp. The is the highest point of per fection ia oil lamps. No glare, no fikker, correct light alwafs. Rayo Lasnps are ease to light sswi cere for. Inex penstre aec the best light at assr pice. Yew dealer will be glad to shew yew the Raye. STANDARD OIL COIUPANY .D.C flfCWJEfttEin n U ,HC a BALTIMORE 3222.1 lilt: I THE KEENEST BLADE is not sharper than our desire to 'please you to sell you hardware that will give you the greatest of satisfaction to make you feel that we are your FRIENDS, as well as your dealers. We will sell you anything in hardware from a tack up, and every piece will have that lasting quality that , brings you?iback to us year after year. J H Aydlett Hardware Co. HI con How To aire Quinine To Children. PSVRILIICK U tb trtdt-mtrlt um tinn to ia mproTdOaloioc. MUsTatclmaBrnip.plc at to Uk sad does aot diatarb Um vtomach. CtaUdm take it aa4 m kaew It Is Ouinioc. Alw macJailr adapt to adults who aai.ot lake dJaaiT Oaialae. Dote sot aaaanta aor caaae mil imii aorrtaaiaf la laa kaad. Try UtbeamtilaM yea aaad Oataiaa foe say pr oa. Aak lor Koaaea arielaal awekaea. The aaw rSXJLUKS Is tlswa la aotUa. U U, SHOWS YOUR WARES TO ADVANTAGE YOU can materiallyincrease your sales by attractively showing your wares to customers "under thehreeold light' STERLING MAZDA LAMPS O M NsUanal Quality KM These lamps give three times tho light of old style lamps at the same oost for current. They are just us rug ged, too. We sell them iu the blue Conven ience Carton. fCXl Se&7 . mAy i I COS ELIZABETH CITY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY Corner Fearing and Polndexter Sts. Phone ti , A. ;"fA: i - ajBXBBaaj ' it A V . . '" .;.'".v y !