Hi rim r 1 I'!-''U!.;j-V KV'I EDITOR , SUHSCKIPTIOX KATKS ,One Year ?! "U afiix Months ."(I t published Tucxdaijs and Fridays. . GCTTI.Mi IT STHAHillT t . The Advance had Imped I'.ial it was done with the school ques tion for the present. I In I an in advertent and minor error in the pditorial "Fair Warning" in Tues day's issue makes an additional word necessary. The senate hill amending the graded scliool charter makes the number of trustee proper, inihnl Jng two women trustees, ten, The chairman of the county board of education, acting as chairman at all meetings of the graded school trustees brings the (number virtually up to elecu. Tuesday's editorial gave the nuni ber as thirteen, which wi an er- Jr Jii.-,.iviwft.- ,.;... v 9 Spite of this mistake, which IW'e regiret very much and now of fer our apologies for, the argn ' tment of the editorial which had t0 do mainly with the proposed change in the hounds of the grad ed sohool district is undisturb ed,. Ami as for the number of trustees, it is still to be increas ed but increased to e'eveu in (Stead of fo thirteen. The present number is nine and at first sight it appear- ilia' the only change made is in the addition of Ami women -o ilie board ; bieb in its,. if H ,,ubl Object to. Kul when the lioiiuds Of the disi i it J are made In i mi form to iht corporate limits o: the town and one of the ti uMecs to he elected bv the aldermen thereby eliminated, irluallv Mr U M. I'Hoy is named to lake his Jilaiv. Now the Ailanc dmilits Whether the educational inter ests of tln county and of the iun II nil ieniii. lueiiinai. ineie have been in some counties suit between the town and th- county 88 to which should receive cer -.tain funds Here in I'a -imoiank , i Hot long aeii the county laid claim to certain tines w i i -' i bad been going to the low ii t an i A i beiik It strikes i;s that I Ii charm. in Cf the cmmi v boa'' ' ' "' ' luore eab'i. i ests of 1 1 ,,, , . i.. by any .:! '. 'i i . . school. I , i a :. '.p Wondering i . : ; thing p" in i :'!'; ':' jtion. And 1 ' rce we 1 1 . e . ',' Boluif. i ; 1 1 -1 ion a g. i ' 1 1 'i"ie Ad Ranee wants to set forth what i! fcfld in mind when we suggested that rather Ihan circumscribed fthe graded school district should J)6 enlarged. If the district were jextended in Providence township plong both sides of Knobbs creek Toad, instead of takinir in part vi one sine ami leaving me oi.ier almost altogether out, as at prc- m i i i ji , ji. v pnt, it would make it possible to consolidate the two schools on thin joaa; and one rural township in thy countj at least vjfould be in way of establishing rural schools that could compare with those of other progressive communi ties in the 8taH A FACIMi OF ISSUES Some of our readers may be wondering why we have given so much more f space in this pajer to the grade, 1 sciiool bill than to some of the other measures intro duced into the legislature by Pas (piotank's representatives there. And yet it serins to us' that there is no ground for anv such iee i'ig. The other measures so !:!! a wo have heard of them a -re all disrmsed before Messrs '""'''on and Small e't Elizabeth 1 The roMi bi and the sal a s sieln bid introduced bv Mr ( ohoon i--e Ii before be I a T-t I 'niou and before llie ( 'o,.n ly ( 'nininissjoiie; s and embused b both Ii. .lies. Kill ill.- evaded -clio.d bi I seemed to maieriali.e aft'-r the aforesaid gentlemen readied Ualeigh. Since, however, we have brought up these matters, the Advance will set forth its position. This paper began talking about establishing the oftice of county treasurer and putting the ollicers of the county on a sularv basis before these reforms were incor porated in ;i bill or. so far as we know, discussed by the Farmers Union. Now if a bill embodying reforms that we have advocated seems to lie in way of passage we Kiinnot do other than wish it well. The lull, may have its defects. This paper has made request for a copy hut lias not received one. Hut for defects, if they exist, Mr. V. 1 4. ( 'ohoon must answer to the people of this county. Again the Advance now for more than two years has leeu hammering in .season and out of season on the question of good roads and urging some measure that: would insiure good roads for Pasquotank county. V. I,, i'o hoon's road bill is the tirst an swer to our efforts. The bill may not be exactly what we wanted, for no copy has ben furnished us that we may go over it careful ly and study its provisions. I!ut with its general trend we are at oiiainicd ami can liml no fault with il. It has i In- endorsement of i!ie farmers. Objections thai ale ollered by i.'hers applv o!i to certain details. We say let it M.i-s and h-l Mr. ( 'uhonn and M ! Sma'l answer in i be people 'n- l! To be entirely IVauL I he Ad van e v. ou id Icel bei ler sa t Nlitvl i f sonie one ol her I ban W . I ,. Co boon w-re sponsor for these bills This paper has never been able to eniiiel for. jet that Cohooli w eii I to Uab'igh lu ii ears jigo w ilh a cil v charier endorsed In the board of aldermen; and what he bgislature and Mr. Column turned out was something palls of which the citv fathers bad ae s re. 1 1 won d be well for I he people of this county to reaien, her this also audio write i I i 1 M ('obooii oi Mr. Small l'-r i- ; of e;r ii l-ili as i . , i 1 p.i ' ' . '! sil ..', lie a 1 e ! ' - , i loial to m ( i. la- li... I i r Hi. , , ii- I ;,e , I - ! ;.' r r a iiue -one of iii-i i-s -ol' the coiiniv .-! e, .' r: i i -', ii i -. lor ilelial, The a i oinnilssiollel ilenyiiifj the tow n Ihe us- of the enmity juil nfter -liine 1st niaih' an v ilillydallyin or h-lav im ossille. Tlio lio.'iril nf Ahlernieii. then. Ie.sere no part ieuliir credii fur the fad that they are planum;: to take this step. They have Hot. to do il The only question io ono of the coat of the yropoft ed structure. As to this the Advance may make further com- ment when we hare heard the report, of the special 'committee which is investigating this very question. For the present we wii go no further than to say that the building of tempo rary quarters that will later have to be destroyed or disposed of will be a mistake. The man who is responsible for the awakened interest in this matter and to whom is due the greatest measure of credit for the a tion ibaf las been taken in th" county physician. Dr. Z. Fear ing. The conditions set forth in his report and first given puliH citv in The editorial columns of this newspaper last Eridav havt I pr-va i !e. for some lime ; and the imty had a 's .isician t ah r: inhu oilher maia ci v;'- d of handling ih ners might hae i or ! i ' i : i i ! i I even unti ' coiiiily had be n c la niser for ilus injas I i urn .1 : I In- low n pelled lo tice ia ' ""i t . The coimtv it now appears will not be satisfied with refusing to quarter Ih" cits prisoners in i s jail but will remod"! thai iruc tun- in -1 1 1 1 1 a way as to make it possible to allow each 'uisiip ei his own ell an i certaialy his own I ei I . The jaii. we hdicve is four ted or fifteen years old. It was not built right in lb" first place It is now totally inadequate to the city's needs. Norfolk has one cell for each prisoner and so has Hertford. It i time for Eliza beth City to fall in line. The Ad vance thinks that two or I lire" thousand dollars, if it would make the Pasquotank County jail a fit place for prisoners. would be money well spent.. The Advance was more enter tained than impressed by the mo tion of Alderman Anderson last Monday that the Market House bond issue be submitted to the people of the town. Probably we would have thought no more about it but our attitude on this matter has been questioned. Our position will be set forth in the 1 1 1 -x I issue. I'.v iwacllv what mental pi" . ess we had figured out that b Column's bili the number of s- ho..: riis.-i s oil!.) be increa . , to i hirieeii w e do not kimw io,le-s ia ihe idea thai two wolll en are equal to four men . e presume thai ibat is the wax ii I.i gislalilie al Waleigh about ii when the suffragist -iiiided Upon them this wee fi Tin yens I. -.ill 'Thrift Club" of the Citi .ink amiuttces Februa! s the hist opportunity to enter its ranks for ibis veai U l-r Ihal time it w ill be too late linl that it is never too earh meinbei s joining at the tender agi ..f one week or thereaboiil cai I lesld l t ill"S .ud iu spite poor relalio' ,f ban! I he-- ami oimr I e lows a i " l'c' a.cci in n ' s Xo matter whetaer spring is early or late there will he sa'e ones to tell us that the ground liojr said so. wiiKnr. t 1 1 1 : would is vorxti Telling of times when doH nuut imd the meat of starved to death dos at that taste better than any porter-house steak he had even eaten; pie- taring a region' where the aveiS ige velocity of the'wind isififty milea, where a bunting flag goes to shreds iu a few minutes', a flag of stoutest canvas is threshed to pieces in an hour and a flag of tin is battered out of shape in the first gale, so that sheet iron is the material that must be used ; describing sea elephants that weigh sometimes as much as four tons each and measure) twenty five feet iu length; showing penguin rook eries so large and so densely populated that from a vantage point they seemed like vast pebble-strewn beached instead i f bird colonies Sir 1'oug'as V;iv,sm!i lias pies. 'Hied belor" the National ( leu graphic S.ch ; ;ir of i he most r. ma. : kab'e o;- ( s o; ' ilar e ; .era I urn t na ' . s c i r ( : i!ne ' 1 Hi I hi g i o n s . r Ill his account of Ins i s along t he : rea I coir ilicli I discovered Admiral Charles Wilke was the saiin- Admiral who Ii gored in the l esea rch nlarcMc by Kear s - who Wilkes historic Trent affair in which he dur ing the American Civil War. held up the Uritish packet. 'Ti-ent' and removed Irom her. Mason and Slidell, Sir Houglas paid tribute to the explorer and his work. Maw'sou and his party under took the work under the patron age of the Australian (iovern ii i -1 1 1 . The steamer. Aurora, foimerly plying in American waters, was the ship that car ried them to their base and li nally brought them away. A midway basic with a wireless re lav station through which the party could keep in touch with civilization, was established at Macqnarie Is and, which was the old sailing ship route be tween Australia and Cape Horn and whose beaches are lined with the rocks of many a ship. The main base, was established at Cape Dennison, on the Antar tic Continent, and a second base several hundred miles far ther easli Pictures were brought back bv Sir Douglas showing the nesting places of a number of birds of passage w ho go to 1 be iiitiueut to nest ami. l'ola whose egs have never been seen e rphaii! s w ' re absolute si rang el . o i l ami W oil hi 'I . am ' i ma;, w ilh a i en. i ii" 1 1 I . re s t as I hi .s.ei I m . i b ca ii '. a m , i i 1 -1 - 1 ' 1 . ' . - 'I i.e lea, i.t r o I lb- Wills I ha I blow 1 i. t he ed-a- of I he An i -'ti. I ' .'i ' i lien . w a - :' a phi- a '-1 Mim, Ii l, ' lie la t lh:M I he men I ad to b an mil upon ;;. at ai angle of perhaps la degrees. M w alk in the ordina: w iml. w hi''' no caae'ia cmild n-cord any thing hat a blank when the l.'ai,l was al its liel':lit. 1 I1'', bill w h;i Ii was the lu-adipia ri els of i lie pa i 1 v. bad one w indow . ... i- MM... -. Ii a Ii as ia ne rom in,, ,' e ' til o- I l-e II ' II ami I I'.'' M"-t Ol of the : i , In a e;.lS( d th, - I" ( e i r to a l'i!i l, . . , ' ; ; i I 1 ; i , , e llil- I " 1 1 a i -. 'i" - i - !I,k- W.I-- a i-ii' I'-'i I 1 1 Ti'iya't ii i or. and eonsi.-ti-l ol ? ; mpiy t he sjiiice under (lie floor ,,r the hut. When) the cook wanted a piorp of meat he would send :i doe; down to pet a penguin or a leg of liinlton. and would take it nway from him iis he came out. Om day the doir ui away with n lef: ' mutton, which was rescued on ly after a chase of two hours; and then it was so damaged that the party voted to give it to the dogs after all.. Read- A LIE M ondav(o)fll!a February The Big Musical Comedy You Have Been Waiting For. Society Event of the Season l -V - "viSs li Original Poduction WITH Celia Mavis, Jesse Williams, Alex Loftus, The Big Eastern Company Original N. Y. Weber Theatre Production One Solid Year at Weber's Theatre New York The Great Waltz Song "ALMA"; Don't Let The Girlies Get You. Lend of the Beautiful Dreams; You're Here and l'm.Here; Boo ie Boo: Kiss Me My Love; Sail Home: Lpving Eyes; Never More, Come Out and Love Me; It's a Long Way to Tipperary; and others. See The Latest Dances, Tango S Hesitation Same Company and production that Played Richmond, Atlanta, Memphis, Louisville, and all the principal Cities of the South. Prices 25, 50, 75, $1.00 Seats on Sale at Selig, Saturday iiiL' matter ;i-i m rrat ilrniainl ( tin- of Ih,- a i t v reail I he l ai J coieiia Hi i 'aiiiii, a I hrnuh to ihe ( I's j i .u on on Sir I ,,ul: , I r. .Mert . a ml 1 on a co. i: i . I'.. !' ' . l;s m'I nUj W ; l.ielilcnailt N t : I .',1'i III"; I'olle; ah. 1 ivirs ae i n ,i i e i'"' hill e, I l,i,ir- ll ;e ,- " ! - i I loll, . I I ;-o;oe. . . . i le I , Ihey i. ., 1 1 i, s ; :i r i: , i. ' i I i - ii. 1 1 1 v t here w il s oi , - : iiog left Old Cin-er. 'O il C.in - jSi'r was a noble animal' said Sir )ouL,rhis, ' 'and he was aine to the Ins!. lint when he died of that fdiocr hunger of the Antaitie wilderness of ice and snow. Mertz and I had to eat hi carcass. We ate the hony parts first, breaking every hone so as to get out the marrow. Raw; dog meat may not sound well at the distance, or when one is this far removed from the ultimate hunger in which the AM i (0) (ill 0 . 1 itoinache seems to iittack its i "iv se I', Imi (here ii tasted is uoinl as anything you ever ate. I'inal v Mert Jira'i to sicL ainl lo weaken, ami in a few en I a in:. i ry I i t li ! ahnosl Milan I out was in ' il till I h . i hi' 1 1 Wii.-,, lie , i annihal. louilition i'iii-,1 hiai. I; on the thai l:l I 1 1 : ,. i ii ! , i '-t I'ii A urn i i 1 1 ' a r, ie.1 o -, i 'i tie hori I I, ad h-i i :-o i si i mis i '.- "e; ami s' men an li for me. Nothing 'l'l-viilcnce saved me from J. ..- : I ' : to I hui the fate of Mertz and Xinnis." Sir Douglas showed pictures of beds of coal that tell of i time when tropic summer once reigned in this ejeat home blizzards, ami others revealing great ice cliffs with the strat ified snows of ;i hundred win ters upon Iheni, each stratum standing out as clearly aa tho it were a different stratum of :;: " , '','-s w J g- Mhain i mum ia sedimentary roeki 'V