1 J 7 - 1 AN MENT OF INTEREST To Every flan Who Wears Clothes ANNOUNCE 1 4 i. 9 "I For several months past my business has been pressed for room and I have felt the need of larger quarters and more light in which to exhibit the thousands of styles and fabrics which I have gather ed together in this town for the approval of well dressed men. I have finallyleased one of the stores in the beautiful Hinton Block and have fitted up in this store the most elaborate and most efficient tailoring establishment to be found in the state of North Carolina. I want every fellow in eastern North Carolina, but first of all, every fellow in Elizabeth City and Pasquotank County to vjsit my new store which was formally opened this week. It's the kind of store that you like to walk into;the kind of establishment you liltcdc business with And if you are not already one of my thousand and forty nine satisfied customers, you will become one when you see the swell styles I have to offer you for spring wear at prices you can afford to pay. J Am Putting 'Em Out From $1 6.00 and up This Season I AM FEATURING AN $18.00 SOU THAT PUTS IT OVER ANY TIG YOU EVER SAW FOR THE MONEY. MY LINE OF SAMPLES, ALWAYS THE LARGEST IN TOWN, WILL BE LARGER THAN EVER Then too I'm going to clean and press your clothas for you at a sensible price; no club rates, but just 35c cents a suit to every body, no matter how few or how many suits. COME IN TO DAY OR TO MORROW OR NEXT DAY. BUT COME IN. D. -WAITED HARROS IN THE HINTON BLOCK THE CITY TAILOR NEXT THE APOTHECARY SHOP -:- FORMERLY AT 14 N. POINDEXTER STREET 1-! POPLAR BRANCH BRIEFS Mis.-t F.ebecca Harney Kramer. Poplar Mraiich, X. '., Yl , Uml daughter of .Mr and .Mrs S L Kra. Tlie leaeliers meeting was lieiilj mer of Kilenlnn, ami b. .1. Wool ; -January olllh a; ilie .-.hon! 1 1 1 i I I ; of H.lenlon. were married Weil j in:'; nesday afternoon at I :oll o'clock, .Mrs , ; Lorhrs and daii-hier at Christ Church in this cilv Key I' Si. Paul. Minn, are vi-iu'i C A Ashbv performed tlie cere- ielalii- here, lnony in tlie pre-, iio' of a laie Mis-e- Lucille and I'earl llauiji number of friends and relatives ton of Cuinjnck, visited their of the famiiies. aunt. Mis S l Cric, aS Sun The only attendants were four da. u.-heis: .Messrs. John (i Wood. -Irj ls I'urceil Adams ami Km I. A Kramer. Ilir (' Khea. andjma ,,,,. i,rs ()f Coinjo.k were the A M l'oiieliand. o! Kdcnton. Tliel M,,s)s ,)(- ls A(,; nu,., ;S! bride entered i In church with I s.ar.irda and Sunday I i7T s n T? ; chines of Europe. The older houses ale huddled are made in Itadail by laying t vis. liiii' new mii'f in the fiith of the io "ether. box shaped, w ith flat min., s reels beneath tin After tlie e;auie refreshments; ..V were served in two courses The . m. I In N da s li i a ! . a an I nun cons: a n i i in .pic, i:c, i r t hi' I 'ei 1 sia n ! i mi I icr. in Tu rk i-h A ra ' Ida. and reeved In I he We I ward. Imi lil'i miles I'rom ihe: I iardcu of I ". 1 1 i ( , man's lui i h I pl.l ce. -' a nd- I lie ol ice splem ! a I 'ity ol r. ell1 . ancient Kaphad. T I M tlie In id riKiiii and they were met at the altar by the bride's father, who ejavo Icr away in marriap' Immediately after the wedding .Mr Arthur Hampton. Captain af .he Waierlily is very ill at Ihe for e 1 1 1 i i r 1 1 ihe capital of the .Moliainiiieilaii w orld, and. now . I lie second cil of j aiport a tier in 'the uiioiiian laopir'i Wit ! n i j ed by its riots (if pleasure, an ii ol-. and almost window. ess. I iramp of nu n and beasts. 'I i lii -t (nurse ci.nsi-led of chicken Arab- spend ihe sultry snaiiicr! I'.a -dad leader, in a ul ipui I ie-' -aiad. wafers, ln, rolls and olives "-ui-ht- o:i llie-c flai roofs wilh nr- no; behind liiei, confreres of lie- second cour.-e of plain ice '' Mo i-. I iiles. water pipe ! jii opt . ho pn-pni-e. at short I . renin and deviled i ake I . . ...II.' .1 ! I a i I u.iie in Women . I .an ken man e. el I n n-.- o. a a i lie ol i lie Willi I lower-, Ira-r.llil Willi !! w leiiillllcs -i el. i - 1 1 1 1 1 1 u " wi.h I'.aslein Some Jiflv foiia-mis Krili-u. aia-e. lb - roofs nf !',a-ilad in (leiinaii. Htissian. I Lilian and , l',e (la- i f ii- liiur. when I'r in h ie, ia L.'.dad before b.iic 1 1 1 (list inl ion (.1 boin;r tbe'jhe oiiihroak of lie war. Twelve in.i-i iiikli--K v. fed iil I I lie , v. ere en -ul -. Arabs ib' Ml, i vvoral. pre-M't'd nilil(' . init reahv p'u k up a loreincf's 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s u a 1 1 if M r .1 L ( ireirorv. easy pi-e lor Ton,nos in lT.s. genera t ions asleep and bell ai h .Master ra neri i Aeai is yei .( h" spnii of modern pn hro;n acres of wibii-l ri'vlu- lo name, but idee: the c (iude-s heavin i. Tile li j by his work. IIciki he who trad s cense, ib,. indolence and the in I iii licorice is 'Lather of Licorice' seiiniu of old ! ta.'.ilad are ;oiie.l I,,, who trade- in rus Ka'her To.lav. the eitv i- coininereia I iniof Kults." and the denii-t "'a j lis .-pirn as .New lorix. ii nas ,, leelli.. '..!.;( for- '"at i i-l,-. ii is a dr i i m . i i , ,i si. L at the home of his parents. ...i..,,, i Ir. ami M's Wool left on the 1 'ies- n.i- pi-i taken 1 1 I I lore. llol't ll In Ilia din"; trip Mrs . lar"(' niniil he llow t : i bill in-r i eiller for all i he i null iiv around, llacilad becoming ain for their wed Ci.aiin LV..I ami l. 1 1 - vlmr -md ti'-m Ka.d; ' , . ie.. re busiiu-- and -t- r.'iuaiilu I ton ha . I akeii I he Ciimil to Man ' ri(' M'i"1-- nllncreil l, popu ar will- a ir repair- this week voun i i i u li'diest mi Ma t!i haul ridme . . c failri IaL'iilon and I 1 abcth City. Ma II V blidal pi esteem i'i w Woid is a friends in boiht !"u j All the i lull, haw . o-ed and n i . ' i 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 I ! " -1 a ; - iai a have i r I u riled I o a' "-I lo Ihe. ' one o , , ,. t n eoi liei ii lonic- I- he d. M a 1 in n;; a '' i as' : :i in I er. i a . . 1 1 ' I land--i l.v o Si 111, ' v. , i ci1- ol 1 1 1 1 ; r i i 1 1 le forever. - ;-u i ..,. . ,.v' Jr- A Siiiillu ru The oil' :;') h : ei ..u ; ra i : : .., : , , , , , a -1 1 1 o , , . o! foil. ; . M I . I . . '. I.i-.'li . .... .'i!iali all Ii.' i I, ..ol bill' I : K i C'eil Jllests win befai V i 1 1 --a a ' .. 'i 'lliv ' -' ' J ' ' ' " witness d til-' i 1 '! vver : M r a ; ' K-fra-lini: - , i a - 1 v cd I kr.a'a- . and Mr-; SI.! ' Mrs .1 Ii afl-r the , av s K- i ; . . a ,,e ai n I ' Imt Ii s'.l r.arret. Miss a Kramer ami c, to s.YJ Tn. I'11' v T, A K'r.iiner flf I 'den I ":l. Mi's I. ' i Itown, w i ' Carey of Norfolk. Mrs Koher! AVhite of Kdentmi and W A Kver eU of Edenlon. In the Mitring a voiiim man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love just, tl.e same as they tuiii to wtylish clothes snch as the units that we put out ar f 1 5.00 nml up. Our Spring ami SuniJ mer 'no jut received. The ()ual ity Tailors Main andMartin stret Hinton Building. r that i sa,. . i - i . ' ,' l i i i T I i" I i. is ; 'l i i i eel s SO I' r lllipos.-lhle In I. i I M ' I J VV Hi i- ;: lo la a 1 ; i I ' i , . ; i ( ' I I - a: pirn; M i I, Til'' a ll :a,i.. m -il M . aai . ( i: '; . ... 1 II ivi . M ;ai,i ' I '. r W 1 1 ai -i .a . Kramer. .Mi I, : -ill i. I c a A liuh; l hro'icji niv dai k life wan once teleaseil. A - emler candle iiuriiin niht and day I pon an holv altar where tlie priest la prayer thus hoped to purgt hi- sin-' a w a v . Like Miiiie frail be icon in a invs- lic I'oom 1 1- flame is a sacrifice that eeiiis To i ast in shadow all the earthly v.!ooin . v .ml stir the w i a shipper to von- I 1 1 ' i . I Is 1 1 1 e I 1 1 1 S . i I vi;o . ! I ; . iiv. m :iai. 1 1 I U 1 1 . 1 LI , ill', k Wllb 1 'i l!- I I, ,,r;.e Spcle i . M r- 1 im a ail . min-led iii w hi. h are ;,p tin-: yvy M , s p.;.(. .leanin--. Mis'1'1"1' i ae Ai Mi i pleach m; : from the ; ... ' Force of 't. ii -arvico Mr ; -i two dor.kivs io pass one :,i),.ilier'lisiiiieJie. d i-coiufoi I in- o.los; al-,.v Kramer, Mr-C I: W illiainsl 1 111 !l h-' suo" I&o it at'lKe- ADVANCL - i in llnia. The new town, with l':'s'.. npolpoiiii of all lhe( M,.s, ,,.v Mls ;d-on 1 I1'1 1 Tl"' 1 '"'"f't ot Thaue i: fov.iiioieni . nil. liiiif.ol.s : a-junies of smell . The i ml iv idua 1 1 . .,,.,. i,.u i-i..,,.!, i Heart ' f- 1 1 .- 11(11 H tl ll'MIIII,-"'!!, . 1 I 1 j consulates, prisoiiH, and jn.v sI")Jm m-e no larger .lhan tele, j (..ls rj yv p 1'eii.lle eminent army factory, lies u 1 lmne booths. The sliopk'eiers )oIli IS rassie Morri 1 . pon the east bank Around. asit cross lee.l within, their far the eye can reach, stretch -ware Jilvl hifih around llieiu. es the vti.st, flat, treeless, eui 'tte. .Mrs. Sam Har.lift, Mr. Ioiiis (ireenleaf, Mrs. ty plain of Mespotmnia . Tweii ty-flve thousand Turk'wh 8d diers are stationed at Itag.lad. and this division of the Ottoman army apparently is as well trained as tlie model war ma-1 The slioutin of offers rivals Hm" J larlnixl At water, Mrs C U I'u;h noise of tin American taii'i rPll i v linrhm Miw i McMnl. P'ouikIh. "Appease youn molher in law," the flower vender siii;s out, and tlie other saleMiiien are as rhetorical.. Ian, Mrn Elizabeth Stidnian, Miss Zoo Porter, Miss IJessio Wenther- lyt Miss Lillie Mae Stevens Miss Busie-Stevens, Miss Nellie Strahl fKareoU. rugs,w cwtl-j; affairs, Mislrace Strati, Lou Da- CQURT CONVENES The Superior Court will be iq m:' session lu re nexJKweek for the trial of both civil and criminal';,', cases. It is a one week's term, v, TIu' case of Saunders vs. Ay Olett is set for trial at this term. , ,

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