V t'" 4 0 I V'. L- The following is he jut v list for the term cf Superior Court which begins here February ?oth for " both civil ami criminal i-ses: IE T. Oeenleaf lr, 11 White, M. n Keats. H. T. , Bell, Matt Baker, .James Oscar Lister, Clannie Davis, Josiah tSiimnons, Cain. W. Me lick, II. H Overman, T. C Perry, AVi;1 is Burgess. James L. Sharber, W T Jackson, 1. O. dray, C. K l'ritchard, V A " liuudy, Walter Brothers, Xhos. K. Priti-hard, M. Wescott, (r. O Sawyer., C J Brown, Willie Jennings, W. S. Cartwriglit. W II Bunch, Jethre T White 8 M Rogers, C II Sawyer. J E Goodwin Ji, Jesse M. Only, Enoch Speight, J B HMke, C, W Morgan, II. h. Baily. ROPER BRIEFS Coinjock, X. C. Feb., 2ml Miss Kutu Wise of Norfolk spent Saturday, Sunday ami Monday m Coinjock. A surprise party was given t' Mis Viola Overton Friday eve ning January l!!Mli, 1!)1.". Those who were present were: jlisses Buth Wisp, Evelyn Kinsey (leorgie Forbes. Vivian Grey, Ma ry Swain, laura Midgett, Mary Barco. Iltzel Midnett. Mr and Mrs J II Overton. Messrs,. Hor ace Swain, Archie Midgett, Clyde Palmer, Milton Swain, Willard Wilson, Charlie Morrisette, Ned die Midgett, Wallace Miller, Ir ving Walstead, Carl Walker, Wal ter Pool. Mr. Bradwell Parker. Vance (irey, (iussie Forbes, Ar thur Sauton, Ray Midgett, Eil lie Palmer and O'Neal Midget tt Various games were played, af ter which delicious refreshments were served. Roper, N. C, Feb., 2nd, Miss Mildred Johnston of Edentou is visiting relatives in this section. After spending a few days vis iting her brother, Mr II M Ja cobs, Miss Nellie Jacobs has re turned to her home at South Mills. Mr R T Chesson made a brief trip to Norfolk .Monday. Mr R I Harrison spent a few days in Norfolk last week on bus iness. Mr. J. M. Clagon spent the tirst part of the week in Washington on business. Mr Hal let Harrison has return ed from Newbern after several weeks visit there. Miss Millie Spruilf was vailed home last' week from Scotland Neck by the death of her sister Miss Carrie Spruill. Mr. I T Hassell is very ill at his home near here.. THE L. W. CLASS HELOTS OFFI'CEHS The L. W. Class of Calvary Baptist Mission, held its regu lar business meeting Friday night Jan. 22nd, at the home of Mrs. J. W. Ouard, Jr. on Riv erside Avenue. The following officers were ejlected for the en suing year. Miss Mary Ward, president; Miss Ada Ouard, vice president; Miss Alma Midgett, secretary and treasurer; Mists Ahrilla Stahl, assistant secretary and treasurer. Henry Newbold, teach er and reporter. I After the business session the dash enjoyed a most delightful social hour. kidney and bladder troubles and v3e ook your Swamp-Root and it Hired him. This was about five yearfc ago. You may publish this letter if ou choose. Very truly yours, Mrs, Mattie Camfield. E,F.11 o. 3 Oobleville, Mich. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Kith day of July 11MU). Arvin Wi Meyers Notary Pub lic fo- Van Duren County, Mich t I'ROYK WHAT SWAMl'-KOOT W1I.I. DO FOU YOI Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co, Binghainton. N"i Y.. for a sample size bottle. It will con vince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable-information, telling about the kid neys and bladder When writing be sure and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug tore feb") 1 2 ID 2(i. Ocracoke News HISS HUE SPRUILL DEAD Roper, N. C, Feb, 2nd On Saturday morning at live o'clock the death angel entered the home of Mr and Mrs W T Spruill and claimed for its victim their old est daughter, .Carrie. She had been in ill health for some time 'hut death was not. expected so soon. Miss Spruill was ;i devoted member of St Luke's Episcopal church, and the funeral and in terment took place at Si. Luke's church and cemetery, the ser vices being conducted by Rev. ,K Johnson of Creswell. The pall bearers were Messrs. E S Rlaunt .1 W Buchannan, O L Peacock, X F Johnson, J F Uary, J M Clagon, C L Walker and James Herrington The community as a whole ex lends sympathy to the bereaved familv. EFFECT OF GREAT KIDNEY REMEDY SOON REALIZED I feel it my duty to let' you know what Swamp root did for fne, 1 was bothered with my back for over twenty years and at times I could hardly get out of bel, I read your advertise ment and decided to try swamp Root. I'sed live bottles, and it has been live years since I used it, and I have never been bother e a day since 1 took the last hot tie of it. I am thoroughly con vinced that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root cured hie and would rec ommend it to others suffering as I did. My husband was troubled with N O T I C E ! Sale j Valuable Property. 15 v virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to me bv George P Bon nett for certain purposes therein mentioned which said deod of trust bears date of January 2ls't PJ14, and registered in the Reg ister's oflice of Pasquotank coun ty, in Book No :?s, Page 414, I shall proceed on Monday, March lsfP IDEi to offer for sale at the Court House in said County, at public auction for cash, the property conveyed to me as trus tee : Bein" one house and lot sit uated on the South side of Gyp resi street and known as lot No G on the plat of M. N Sawyer recorded in the register's office of said county in Book No. 1, n Page 4S7, containing fifty feet fronting on Cypress street by one hundred feet deep February 2i1, ID 15. M. N. SAWYER. feb.") 12-1D-2C.. ONE HEIFER CALF Dark ifawn wtih White Spots, disap peared December 30th, 1014. 12 months old this spring. Finder notify- No. 1 . A satisfactory reward will be givei. feb2 3t.pd. Ocracoke, N. G , Jan., 24th Ocracoke is the scene of its first theatrical performance. The Guy Johnson Stock Company are en gaged in vaudeville at the Ocetiii Wave theatre here this week. A large pleasure pier and pa villion to be known as the Oer.i- oke Pavilion wil be built at this place and opened to the public earlv in the summer. This pier will extend out into the water a distance of nmre than one hun dred feet The increasing popular ity of the island as a summer re- rt has suggested to the pro moters such a pavilion as would invite the interest of the large this resort. The pier wiM be provided with capacious bath houses for la dies and gentlemen, soda foun tain and ice cream parlor, an or chestra and such tither conses- sions as wr'i he practical, l-.iec- tric lights will be instated in such a manner as to present a For Sale spectacular appearance. The pier will provide a place of safety for the large number of gasoline launches and smalll craft. Rex Beach, the noted fiction Carrief Caf Qn Side writer, lias been enjoying ' , V' quite an extended hunting trip here. He was accompanied by several other northern capitalists. Mr. Beach has the reputation among ihe local hunting guides as be ing the best shot of any hunter that ever sjiot from a battery in these waters. He said he was most fortunate in having for his guide Rye Garfish, whom a not ed New York hunter says can call every goose by its middle naiuei I offer for sale my house on church streetk Will sell either for cash or ou long easy pay ments to suit purchaser. ROSCOE W. TURNER, Indian Motor Cycle with 7 Horse Power Almost New - 1 Saxon Roadster 60 days use. 1 Small Touring Car 5 Passenger. 1 Roadster 25 Horse Power Studeba-' ker, Not damaged and fine ' condition. Will sell these cars nearly one-third orig inal cost. One nice Farm Horse' Gentle, 11 years old. One f mule, good worker. 14 years old. Will sell these cars and horses at low prices. C. W. STEVENS e FEEB MD SEED. Just arrived. Our new seed for truck and garden, Peas, Beans, Early Corn, Tomato, Cabbage and all other seed in season. Clover seed, grass seed and seed oats. FEED FOR STOCK. Hay, Corn, Oats and Mill Feed. Poultry feed and supplies. Also we have in &ock the QUEEN Incubators and Brooders for hatching and raising chickens. ELECTRIC supplies, we have. Columbia. Drv cell m, R. Fletcher, r, F. i , batteries, flash hghts, light ing fixtures Mazda. Gem and automobile lamps, E- lectric wiring a specialty. Yours to serve OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' With The Hoffman Sanitary Clothes Pressing Machine Wfe can press better and do it quicker than others can. Repairing, Dyeing, Cleaning and Pressing, the best service in town. Garments called for and delivered. COOPER-PARKS CLEANING DYEING & PRESSING WORKS PHONE 280 N. Poindexter St oooooooooooooooo lh.palrriNwsliMltrtlia All uew, sanitary feathers. Famous Auioslieau ticking. 9 14 yarda to tick, posltlTeljr bluest and best bed on markeiselllngforlessthau li Bate delivery and satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Order today or write for catalog and bis urieolal offer. Ptm order eonnta on premium. StllTMI BEODIIS COMMIT, Dipt. 602. Chirtattt. I. C W S. OKIE CO 120-122 Poindexter Street Elizabeth City, N. C. PHONE 64 fcOi f, Km HERBERT PEELE, Agent Elizabeth City, N. C. UJL V BROAD fllNDED MEN READ THIS WeVe Had So Many To Ask Us The Following Question That We Feel That It Is Only Justice To Ourselves That We Answer It. Why i8 it you people do not put in a magnif icient set of fixtures and make an elaborate display? That question, we beg leave to answer. It stands to reason that if we put id one hundred or one thousand dollars worth of fixtures we are coiner to make the public pay for our magnificient fixtures by making the prices of our clothes higher Our method of doing business is to curtail expenses, make quick sales and BESS Ha a rrtor Kucinoca an A atinva all aIsa b a f ' 1 1 MS 1 - a. J 4. t I I 1 111 . . . we would nave cnargea mem nau we iixea up our siore auu spem several uuuureu aouars in so aoing. inow uentiemen, u mat is Lot norse sense, What is? If we spend dollars upon dollars in fixing up our store it stands to reason that you are going to pay for it. As our store is at present we can and have already saved the men of this city and vicinity several dollars on their clothes and we intend to continue doing so. Our Method of doing business is quick sales, small profits and curtailment of expenses in general. In the latter we are in a position to to make our prices lower than elsewhere. Look our Spring and .Summer line over. If you cannot find a selection in our line you may as well take the next train for the city. We have the goods and also the styles . We make our own clothes, and therefore save you the middleman? profit. We have several orders on file to be delivered later so make yours one of the orders. We have to-day, in our store over eight hundred woolens from which you are bound to make a selection. Suits from 515 up. A fit or you do not take the suit. . W't H r ; .rv THE QUALITY TAILORS Elizabeth City's Greatest Tailors Main and Martin Streets Hinton Buildinc uriirgess, MANAGER "V. r

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