Misses Susie and Lillie Mae Stevens entertained at rook Wed .nesday afternoon at their home on Mam street. Oeorge Wash Lrgton Kirthday suggestions wer carried out in the store cards and decorations of United States flags tied with red, white and blue rib- Kin. After the game, refreshments were served bv the hostessi s. Those playing were: Miss 1 Jessie Weatherly, Mi Mrs. .T (5 Fearing, Miss Zoe For tep, Miss Marion Woodley, Miss Emma Willis, Miss Maude Kram er, Mrs F O Sawyer, Mrs O F (Jilbert,, Miss Isa Parker,' Miss liuth Sawyer, Miss Margaret Cul pepper, Mrs Koscoe Foreman, Mrs W II Jennings, Miss Edna Kra mer, Mrs C B Williams, Mr W E Lester, Mrs George Williamson, Miss Cora Ferebee, Mrs E M Ste vens, Miss Carrie Pappendiek. Miss Elizabetli Dexter. Mrs II E Banks, Miss Minnie Nash, Miss Louise Pappendiek, Miss Nell Eth eridge, Mrs C E Thompson, Miss Ira Ward, Mrs W W Sajvyer, Mrs Wayland Hayes Mrs (iar land Midgette of Jackson, N C ; Miss Nellie W.mmI, Mrs J A Kra mer, Mi Bessie White, Mrs J Howard Kramer, Mrs J H White Mrs Harold Overman, Miss Mat tie Heid, Miss Ruth Keid, Miss Grace White, Mrs 1) Kay Kra mer. Mis Geo Ward, Mrs W A Brock, Mrs C C Fappendick, Mrs J W Wilcox, Miss Laura Spivey, Mrs II G Kramer, Mrs L E Skin ner, Mrs T Delos Crary, Miss Ivouise Bartlett, Mrs M B Sawyer Miss Mattie Whitehurst, Mrs T B Cook, Mrs J W Foreman, Mrs John Oartwright, Miss Sarah Hpence, Miss 'Lottie Bennett, Mrs N Burfoot, Miss Lillie G randy, Miss Florence Bell, Mrs C D Gal lop and Mrs 1) Walter Harris, Jr. Mrs. James G Gregory enter tained Friday afternoon at her home on Main street at rook in honor of her sister, Mrs Jack New bold of Washington, ) C. The guests were, Mrs James Weeks, Mrs J II Aydlett, Mrs H 8 Willey, Mrs Trim White, Miss Lillie Grandy, Mm E Fappendick Mrs. J W Fool, Mrs C C Pappen dick,Mrs E M Stevens, Mrs Jerry Wilcox, Mrs Jay Scott, Mrs Slid ton Scott, Mis G A Twiddy. Mrs J J White, Jr., Mrs J L Wells, Mrs L E Skinner, Mrs John Cart wriirht Mrs Harrv Pearson. Mrs. .. . .r . J I, Pritchard, Mrs R C Abbott. Mrs V L Colioon, Mrs (ileiin Dan iels Mrs A G James, Mrs John Snowden. Mrs J M IjeRoy, Mrs J A Kramer. Mrs J J White, Sr., Mrs. Will Twiddy, Mrs George Whitehurst. Mrs C D Gallop, Mm John L C.regson. Master Francis Jacocks enter tained a large number, of his lit tie frieuds at his home on Church street Saturday al'ternon in cele gration of his birthday. Games were played on the lawn, after whicsh delicious refreshments which delici.Mi refreshments were served at the Albemarle Pharmacy by Mr. Jacocks. Mrs. John L. Gregson entertain ed Thursday afternoon at her home on Martin street at rook in honor of her sister, Mrs Jack Newbold of Washington, D. C. After the game refreshments were served by the hostess. FOR SALE! Eight Room Ilouse, exclusive of kitchen and Servants' quarters, at Nags Head, N. C. Furnished throughout Fine for boarding house. WTill sell cheap for cash. For further particulars write, ' J. P. GREELEAF, Box 25, ' Elizabeth City, 0. Recent Events In W6rld War (Continued from Paijc One) try north of tht mountains was overrun, now seems a remote pos sibility: During the jtefiod, of time whhh this review covers it is not the actual tiiigting that has en gaged the world's attention so uiuch as Germany's decree, eslab lishing a war zone alniut the Brit is!i Isles and warning neutral ves sels that owing to the use of the American flag by British ships HMiti al vess"ls would enter this zone at their jftril. This is in re laliation for ihe action of the Itritish in declaring the North Sea military area. In other words England is attempting to starve out Germany and Germany is re taliating by attempting to starve out England. For the enforce ment of her blockade England is relying upon her little battle cruisers and mines while Gernra ny's sole depend'Micc are her submarines. These craft, as readers of this newspaper know. have done England's shipping con siderable damage but have not perceptibly checked its activity. Warned by England against pas sage through the North Sea and by Germans against attempting to go ai'Mind tiie southern end of the British Isles, the American ship per finds himself in a most disa gteealile dilemma. This govern nienr has warned both England and Germany that the United States will hold any nation to strict account for the destruction of American life or American property through the enforcement of the German deere". Moreover. England's attention has been cal led to her possible resjMuisibility for this decree in her use of the American flag. The Lusitania which slipped across the Irish Sea nnjler the stars and stripes arrived in New York Saturday. It is a puzzle to a sober landsman why the Eng lisli skipjx'r wught safety in this ruse for not an officer in the Ger man navy but knows that Uncle Sam has no such merchant ships as the Lusitania. (IMIIIDy S CO Cotton, Grain Produce ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. FEBRUARY 22nd1, lttlfi BUYING TODAY COTTON Strict Middling 7 7 Sc. 7 5 Sc. '20c. Middling EGG 8 Hen Eilirs, iier doz.. PEAS Hlack. per bu, $t.HU to $1.00 Black Eye, per bu., $2.00 to 2.25 SELLING TODAY FLOUR Patapsco, best patent, GRAIN $7.75 Corn, White, per sack $I" to 1.S0 08 $23.00 Oats, per bushel HAY No. 1 Tim., per ton MEAL AND DULLS Meaf, per ton $30.00 Hulls, per ton 8.00 POTATOES Irish Cobblers, 11 pk. sacks $2.75 (Maine) Red Blis-S 11 pk. sacks, $2.50 (Home Seed) THE JACKSON MARBLE COMPANY ' 203 N. Poindexter St. Take Your Choice of Designs at all Ranges of Prices. Wesley, Williams -p Manager Cans Old Sent, 0tJf Itiiwdlti Won't Cm. Tk wont cam, bo muter ot how loni itaadiaSa r enrtu by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. porter'! Aatlecptlc Healing Oil. U relieve Paia and Heala at the iuw time. 23c,3Oc,SIj00 Consult the Em ployment Bureau Whenyou need Help I can supply colored male and female help for all kinds of work Positions secured for men and women. j J. C. Lewis P O Box 314 404 Martin St Phone 252 Elizabeth CUy, N.C. NIW BICYCLE SHOP Well equiped for all komds of Bicycle Repair Work. A splendid stock of latest models in bicycles. New onas coming in E. K. SAWYER, RUSSELL E. SNOWDEN ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Specialist in Road Improvement, Drainage and Rural Betterment, also Land Drainage, Hydraulic, Topo graphic, Sanitary, Municipal, Railway, and Industrial Surveys, Reports, Plans, Estimates of cost Specifications, Supervision and Inspection. Snowden, N. C, Eliz. City.N. C L. F WADSTEN BUYER OF RAW FURS AT HIGHEST MARKET PRICES RESIDENCE: 420 CEDAR ST. OFFICE: IIINTONS STABLES ELIZABETH CITY., N. C. ASTERN CAROLINA TRANSP0KTAT10H COMPANY D. R. Scott, Mob. ly line offering regular rrtca tt NAGS HEAD and M ANTED All th rai ronmt STEAMER TRENTON Leaves Manteo 5:00 A. M. Leaves Elizabeth Citj 1:30 p.m. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Norfolk Southern Railroad ROUTE OF THE NIGHT EXPRESS Schedule in Effect N.B. The following schedule figures published as information ONLY and are not guaranteed. rRAINS LEAVE ELIZABETB CITY SOUTH BOUND 10:56 T. M. Daily Night Ex press Pullman Sleeping Care for Raleigh, Newberu and Inter mediate Stations. 9:58 A. M. Daily for Eden ton 1:00 P. M. Daily for Raleigh Goldsboro and Intermediate points. Pullman Parlor Car for Newbern. NORTH BOUND 5:51 A. M. Daily for Norfolk and Intermediate Stations. 2:23 P. M. Daily Express for Norfolk ONLY 8:30 P. M. Daily for Norfolk and Intermediate Stations. 2:05 p. m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Suffolk. For Further Information ap ply to C. F, Garrett, Ticket Agt. KliBabetb Citv, N.O. T. D. STACK, Gen'l Sart. H. S. LEARD, Whenever You Need a aeneral Tonic Take drove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic ia. equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the wen knows tonic properties of QTJININ B and IRON. ,t It acts on the Liver, Drives oat Malaria,. Enriches the Blood, and BnlWs op the Whole System. 50 cents. NOTICE Sale of Valuable Property By virtue of a deed of trust executed to J. I ley wood 8awyer, deceased, by George Dance and wife, for certain purposes there in mentioned which said deed of trust bears date December 1st 1 !)(! and is registered in the office of the Register of Deed of ras"quo tank I'ounty, in Deed Book No. 30. Page 435 I shall on Friday, .March l!)th. l!)ir, offer for sale at the Court Ilouse door in said county, at Public Auction, for ('ash( the property conveyed to nie in said deed of trust, to wit: Situate on road leading from Brothers School House to Sy inonds Creek and bounded on the north by the lands of John Luton on the East by the main road; South and West by lauds belong ing to J W Stokely Same being the lands whereon the said George Dance and wife lived at the date of the execution of this deed of trust. This February 5th, 1!)15. ERNEST L. SAWYER and J. C BROOKS, Executors of .1. HEY WOOD SAW YER. Deceased. feb'J Hi l'3marj !) NOTICE! .SVffr of Valuable Property. By virtue of a Deed f Trust executed to J. B. Leigh. Trustee by Sj. II. Reed and wife, Lizzie, for certain purposes therein men tioned which said Deed of Trust bears date April 1st 1!)1() and is registered iu the oftue of the Reg inter of deeds of Pasquotank coun ty, in Book 34 Page L'l, I shall on February 27th, 1!)1. at 12 o'clock m., offer for sale at the Court house door in said county at Public Auction for csah, the property conveyed to me in said Deed of Trust : A certain town lot situate in the town of Elizabeth City, be ginning at a point on the North side of Cedar street 100 feet west from the South west corner of an alley back of the lot of W. U. H. Cooper, thence Northwardly par allel with Harney street 120 feet to an alley, thence westwardly, parallel with Cedar street 50 feet thence Soutrwardly parallel with Harney street J20 feet, thence Kastwardly along Cedar street 50 feet to beginning and being lot No. 453 in the plat of the Im provement Co. For further de scription see deed from W. 11. Thompson to S. H Reed, dated April 1st 1900 recorded in Book 32, Page (!77 and the deed therein referred to. This January 25th, 1015. J. B LEIGH, Trustee feb2 9 1G 23 NORTH CAROLINA, PASOTOTANK COCNTV. IX RE: ii. w. list:::: Plain;..;". vs. WILL HALL Defendant. NOTICE OF SUMMONS) The defendant, Will Hall, will take notice that a special proceed ing entitled as above has been, commenced in the Superior court of Pasquotank county, to sell for partition certain land aforesaid belonging to the plaintiff and de fendant as tenants in common, and the said defendant will fur ther take notice trat he is re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Pasquotank County on the 1st day of March 1915, and answer or demur to the petition in said proceeding or the relief therein de manded will be granted This the 29th day of January, 1915. . G R. LITTLE, Clerk Superior Court. e - HALLO THERE M - Are you looking for me? Well I am not selling Ice or Coal now, but homes to carry it to after you buy it. If you are not in a hurry for a house I have a lot to put it on when you are ready Lots of em-See? Oh! perhaps its a farm ycru have in mind. Yes. I have an assortment. Come and take your pick and come quick and turn the trick. We buy, sell or trade and never afraid. W. E. DUNSTAN, R0 BMe McKAY FAMOUS SULKY STALK CUTTER Acknowledged by the Leading Farmers and Merchants to be the best by actual Test It is made of Steel and Iron. Honestly and Powerfully built, Simple and Strong. No 'rattle trap trinkets' to be getting out of order. You might say it is condensed in a nut shell, easy on operator and team. Cuts cotton and corn stalks, tobacco stalks weeds etc.. closer to the ground and shorter pieces and less liable to choke than most cutteis. Splendid for chopping up turf. Spence & Hollowell Co., agts. Elizabeth City ' Baltimore Steam Packet Co OLD BAY LINE "Winter Steamers leave dailv and January 10th and 24th, and each til further notice. Portsmouth, Sundays 5:00 Norfolk, 6:30 p. m. Old Point Comfort 7 :30 p. - FOR Quality, Price, Service JUST SIMPLY TELEPHONE 1-8-5 Vegetables Fresh From Our Gardens Daily G. W. Twiddy GROCER SOUTH POINDEXTER STREET nmwM I have for sale 425 acres of land about 38 acres woodland about 200 acres in fine stateof :. cultivation the remainder 187 acres in broom grass, all good strong land. This property lies about 1 1-2 miles from railroad station, church and school house. Buildings rather poor. For stock raising or a dairy farm it is unsurpassed. Owing to the condition of the farm I can sell it at a very low price and on easy terms. ? If you are at all interested see N. R PARKER $c SON L . to 11;: The Real Estate Men 7-1 Schedule" Sunday's December 13th and 27ti, alternate Sunday thereafter, un ft vt?JZmmm I. p. m. Week days 5:30 p. m... . m. 5 Bee Hive - 1 '