ALLIED SHIPS AGAIN 4 BRITISH til W 01 UOBOKEN ANOTHER FEATURE OF YhSTERDAY'S Mi UR6E-F0ICE SURREKBERED AT PRZEMYSL V 15 CLAIM MADE BJ ALLIES. I Bombardment of the Turkish fortifications iii the Dardanelles which had been given over by the Allies on account of losses iand bad weather was resumed at ten o'clock Wednesday mom ing by the Allied fleet, according to a dispatch frt)m Athens yes terday. The war ships were 'accompanied into the straits by a number of mine sweeiers. i A British air raid on Hobok en, near Antwerp, where the Germans aire constructing sub marines ; another threatened effort by the Germans in Flan, -ders and heavy tiirhtiiiir in the' Carpathians are t lie outstand ing features in yesterday's wair news. Five British airmen started from Dunkirk to raid the sub marine yards, bujt only two reached the mark. Two were (turned back by thu k weather and a third landed in Holland because f engine trouble and was interned. According to a British ad miraltv report two of the five submarines ..v .... ..i H 1111,11 UIIW I K 'l1 on the slips were damaged and , . , i the works set afire. ml . , . : , ' Hue size in uie uiirrinuii n Przemvsl and the number of men who surrendered to the Russians gjivatly exctvd all es timates. According to late dispatches. The defenders axe said to luive originally nuai bered 170,000 men of whom 40 000 were killed. Nearly 120 000 laid down their arms when the fortmw capitulated . A blizzard, which haw interfered I with the telegraphic service, pre vents details of the surrender from coming through, but Lem berg reports that for several days prior to the fall of tin' fortress the p ople of the town had ii. itliing to eat. and tin ltussians who took in large sup plic of provisions, were wclrom ed as lili'.'ra,lors. ! lisj ali lies r.i.u Leniherg ; sav that 1 -".( M H persons wcie found suffering from tyhus or cholera, and that the work of disinfecting the place is l'ing undertaken energetically. Tin interior foils,, it i,s said, were found intact, with a good deal of ammunition in them. r.vprvwheiv in Europe. both. in belligerent and neutral conn tries, the greatest credit is given the Austrian for their long and stubborn resistance, which has delayed and interfcr ed with the Russian campaign iu other directions. Now that the Russians whose numbers, like those of the aus trians. nuwK have lieen greater n esiiinaieii. m "h 1. 1 1 ... 1.11.IWW f W elled to invest this fortress, j niovenient ouier ugiiinsi Cracow, or in the iirrpainians, doubtless will be started. With their northern lines piotectel by the into which the greater part of l'oland is con verted iluring inonths. the Ru Spring i,n' ('x' peered to 111 row strength against tl and attempt fina!l I hem . In the west ther all their A ust rinns In crush ! ),vu hav ;, few attacks and counter at- Pice rllc. at all dealos tacks, bift nothing that in this i,,, Himply ask for a kidney war -f big battles, coiill ,M", remcly get Doan's Kidncv (alled of great importance. The yH H!lm(. that Mrs Germans are mid to be t4M-ilit had. Foster Milburn ning anotlier defiperate offen- -ivrt however, In FlanderH. SHELLING DARDANELLES The Turks again have at tacked the SUtz Canal. Thfl guns of the Forts opened fire Alouday on a small force which crossed Sinai from Birel Sana. The Turks who number 1,000 and were aceonijKinied by three German officers retired for about eight miles, where they weiv attacked by a force under (ieneraJ Younghusbaud, and accortlmg t, British offi cial ax-counts, were routed. CHRIST ( III KCH Theiv will be tSunday ut the special inusn iiioi'iiiug a iif I evening service: Servnvs next week as follows: Monday, Tues day and Thursday ai the p. in.; ('oininunion. Thursday at seven-thirty p. mi. ; Good Friday at 10:30 a. m. Baptismal ser vixx SatuUlay at the p. in. Candidates for confirmation will come to the chinch on Friday night at seven-thirty p. in. Bishop 1 hirst will visit this Mr. w ho congregation on Easter ' .1 i rrghl -f connnnnjtion . Aslibv requests that all J"1" im" " 1 """ R,,u" a- soon us possible. RLACKWKIJL MEMORIAL CHCRCH Rev. 1. M. Iiotltin will p roach next Snuday morning at eleveu o'Vlork from the subject. 'Ixive's Call to Memory." At the rcgulato" evening service at seven, thirty Mr. Iftin will preach from the subject., 'Milleiiiuiu'. A rordial invitation is rxleiiiled by the pastor to lie hlic ami to 'monitors of s church to Im- present at th es- services. Special music b the choi,,- in add ft ion to heirt by the choir in addition to heart rniiiii-eirnt Mnal singing make up a part of the hours worship at each service. KNOW IT WELL Familiar Features Well Known T, Hundreds Of i:ii.alK'il' City Citizens. A familiar burden in many homes . The burden of a "bad back'. A lame, a weak or an aching )iU k Often tells you of kidney ills. Doan's Kidney Fills are for weak kidneys. Here is Elizabeth 'itv fesli- . inouy . Mrs. F. Slight, 4:t Far- w,ngi. stu-et, iMizalsM ii t liy. Nuys, : 1 had ieen trouliei a onf, time by kidney disorders, iUj ;, .mu. .m,i weak lick. I triinl many remedies, but got no relief unlil I tf itNl Doan's Kid- ,,v iiHs. used thm lhx(s and since then mv back doesn't ache or pain like it used to. I am ,glaid to confirm my ,for mer endorsement of Donan's Kidney Fills, as they have eer ta.inlv done me a lot of good." p)mpanv. itroprietors, Ituualo New Yirk. apr It i - FOR - duality, Price, Service JUST SIMPLY TELEPHONE 1-8-5 Vegetables Fresh From Our Gardens Daily Q. W. Twiddy GROCER SOUTH POINDEXTER STREET "There Is a House wxi au expression at one time calculated to arouse interest, but now, conditions are entirely different. To build a house without a bath room merely raises a ques tion as to the good judg ment of the builder. People know that be has either not considered or else misjudged the importance that an up-to-date bathroom has in increasing the value of the house, both as to renting and selling value. For the finest plumbing equipment at reasonable cost we recommend 'StendanT plumbing fixtures and will be pleased to show you the many artistic designs in which they are made. Ask lor illustrated booklet Remember I am prepared ing , steam and gas fitting, also special atten- tionto sewer connections SHOWS YOUR WARES TO ADVANTAGE VOU can materially increase your sales bv attractively showing your wares to customers under thehreeold lii-lu STERLING MAZDA LAvlPS 'I I III fffi N'n't'tlirtl I'thfv TIk-hp lani)M give t.hrc" limiN ih light of old Ntvio luniis v t tu' s i-ii' fill fill 'II cot for current. Tlo'V arc j'ihL iih rug ged, too. vVe sell them iu the blue Conven ience Carton II ELIZABETH CITY AND POWER Corner Fearing and Poindexter- Sts. THE UPTOWN BARBERSHOP courteovs colored barbers yThe three Henry's. Henry Pool, Henry Hargrave andAenry Strong. Give us a) call. Bath rooms attached: South Road St Near Main. POOL AND HARGRAVE, Managers. PHOTOGRAPHS Easter will bring the family to gether again, the boys and girls will be back from school. The very time for a group photo. Zoellers Studio "VI With a Bathroom" 9taadMd" "Edccmon" Ufttwr to do all kinds of plumb- W.P.KNOWLES ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY Phone 80 Norfolk Southern Railroad ROUTE OF THE NIGHT EXPRESS Schedule in Effect Js. B. The following schedule figures published as information ONLY and are not guaranteed. rBAlNS LEAVE ELIZABETH CITY ' SOUTH BOUNb 10:56 P. M. Daily Nieht Ex press Pullman Sleeping Cars for Raleigh, Newbern and Inter mediate Stations. 9:58 A. M. Daily for Edenton 1:00 P. M. Daily for Raleigh Ooldsboro and Intermediate points. Pullman Parlor Car for Newbern. NORTH Bouyn 5:51 A. M. Dailv for Norfolk and Intermediate Stations. 2:23 P. M. Daily Express for Norfolk ONLY 3:30 P. M. Daily for Norfolk and Intermediate Stations. 2:05 p. m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Suffolk. For Further Informatlonap- , ply to C. F, Garrett, Ticket Agt. Klizabetb City. NX. I. D. STACK, Oeu'l Sup't. H. 8. I.EARD, NEW BICYCLE SHOP Well equiped for all kinds of Bicycle Repair Work. A splendid stock of latest models in bicycles. New ones coming in RUSSELL E. SNOWDEN ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Specialist iu Road Improvement, Drainage and Rural Betterment, also Land Drainage, Hydraulic, Topo graphic, Sanitary, Municipal, Railway, and Industrial Surveys, Reports, Plans, Estimates of cost Specifications, Supervision and Inspection. Baltimore Steam Packet Co OLD BAY LINE "Winter Schedule' Steamers leave daily and Sunday's December 13th and 27th, lanuary 10th and 2-ltli, and each alternate Sunday thereafter, UH til further notice. Portsmouth, Sundays 5:00 Norfolk. 0:30 p. in. Old Point Comfort 7:30 p. HUSBAND RESCUED DESPAIRING After Four Years of Discouraging Conditions, Mrs Bullock Gave Up In Despair. Husband Came To Rescue Catron, Ky. In an interest ing letter from this place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock writes as fol lows: "I suffered for four ... . 11 years, with womanly I irouDies, and during this time, I could only sit up for a little, while, and could not walk any where at all. At times I would have severe pains in my left side. The doctor was called in and his treatment relieved me for a while, but I was soon con fined to niy bed aain. Af tcr that, nothing seemed to do me any good. 1 had gotten ro weak I could not stand, and I gave up in despair. Af, last my husband got me a bottle of Cardui. the woman s tonic, and I commenced taking it. From the veiv lirst dose, I could tell it was helping me. PROFESSIONAL 1 CARDS t W. D. (X)X, Attorney at Law MOYOCK, N. ft, Currituck Courthouse each Monday JULIAN W. 8ELIG Eye-Sight Specialitt Suite 315 Hinton Bl Tnone H33 DR. D- C. McCLEnIJY Osteopath 321, 322 Hiaton B'ld'g Hours 9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p.ih. ' Sunday by appointment Residence Southern Hotel DR. 8. W. GREGORY Dentist Office in New Hinton Building Corner Main and Martin St. Dentist DR. M. M. HARRIS Kramer Building, Main Street Hours 8 to 12 and 2 to 6 H. WHITE, D.H.3. Twenty fiie ycar in De.vijstkv in all Brunchen over McCabe & Orioei Stole Office DR. H. 8. WILLEY Dentist KRAMER BUILDING Room No.. 219 GEORGE J. 8PENCE 'Attorney and Counsellor at Lam 208-209-210 Kramer B'ld'g. NOW TAKING ORDERS for White Rock baby chicks. 10 cent each, with allowance of 10 per cent on every purchase. M. M. SAWYER, No. 20 Ehringhause street. City. MarSthGt.pd.F's. FOR SALE" CHEAP Wagon suitable for grocery business OP farm work. May be seen at Silverthorn'H furniture store, mar 12 tf PflM Cared In 6 to 14 Days Tost dntnbt will ntA MUf if tUQ OINTMENT falls la care in cim of ItcfclaC, Blind, Bleeding or Frotrndlaf Pliea in 6 to 14 day. Toe flrat application givea Kac aad Baat. 8k. p. m. Week days 5 :.'U) p. m. m. WIFE rV" I can now walk two miles with out its tiring me, and am do .; ing all my work." If you are all run down from womanly trouble, don't give up in despair. Try Oar- 4 dui, the woman's tonic. It has helped more than a million-. A women, in its fifty years oil continuous success, and should! surely help you, tot. YoUlJ ' druggist has sold Cardui fof , " years. He knows what it will ' do. Ask him. He will'' recommend it. Bogin taking Cardui toiday. Write to: Chattanooga Med ' icine Co., Ladies Advisory Dept Chattanooogn Tenn., for special Instructions on your case and sixty four page book, 'IIonev treatment for women,' sent in plain wrapper. J-62 .'MWHtiwiiiiBi)ifW'ww Bl1.lW1.fi1lll'f,lHtf.. ."- ' U. 1