P A Gr E D PROVEN BY THE ONLY TEST IN THE HANDS OF THE OWNERS. BE SATISFIED F. V. SCOTT, Distributor, Kramer Building UNDER IHE DOME (Continued 1'iu. u Page 1) a statement uf tlu-ir ; 1 1-1 v allili at ions . Candidates lor state ollices art- also required to tile a s"i;i tcnun t of their campaign expenses leu davs before tlic primary . Onlv 1 1 11 ofticial ballots fur nished I iy I In- proper authoiitics Will lie counted in- making up the returns of tlie primary. The Anti Jug Law The 1 1 1 1 1 h discussed Aulijug LlV, wlliell by the way goes into etl'eet next Thursdav pro Tides against tlie sliiniient lo anv person within the stale of a uaulily greater than one quart of spirituous liquors at one time nor is any person al lowed to receive such shipment more often than once in two weeks. Moreover, the ship meats must he made in one re, reptaclc; that is. a man ma.v ;get a quuPt from the express of flco lint may not get four half pints. Of possible interest, too. is the f-ict that after tlie last day of this month all pack ages of liquor left in tin ex-j press office that do no: come within the provisions of this act will lie returned to the shipper thereof. The limit for malt liquors such as beer is five gallons . Other Laws To relieve the judiciary the stale of the inconvenience of attending the work of the bench a law was passed dividing the state into tw, judicial districts, and eastern and a western !is trirt. Four amendments to tlie stale constitution nventlv defeated by popular vole will be again offered to the icopl' at Hie next general election. Three of the amendments aim lo relieve the lleiieral Assembly I' the gn ai mass of private leg islation which now lakes up probably the major pari ,,f its tine. The other ;r .' id.'- for si li iua uf 1 Ih ci' judges when 1 , ii a ii lea von l lie j i ;d."e a- s". 1 1 -i ! In hi ! I coin I ;ii a u v place is prevented I'ro.n doing si i . The land si'iireai ion bill lllged hv Clarence I'oe of I he I 'roL',;es-.i e ''aiaiier was defeat ed. The c i 1 1 ! 1 1 labor bill proposed al this legislature was hisl. it's advocates failing to gel lhriiigli anv legislation whatever. What is regarded as a pro '.ressive step was taken when the state highwav commission was eiui'-ted. carrying an appro piiation of f 10.0(H). Increased pensions, as has al really been noted in this paper were granted to Confederate sol diers. An act was passed establish ing on Mitchell's Peak a Stale park, which attracted the more interest on account of recent vandalism there. Acts pissed b this legisla ture on mailers relative lo this county will he taken up in a sub sequent issue of this newspaper. The Fish Bill The Pish Hill is of such gen rtral interest in this section tha its additional provisions are here given in some detail. No vessel propelled by stcaai gas or electricity and no boa or vessel nol not tin. property absolutely of a citizen of the State shall receive license or lo permit ted in any w ay to en gage in the catching ,f anv o1 the wateis of l lie State. Persons or t orpora t ions tjsh m- for iiieiihaddcn or oilier lish used iii the manufacture of IV r llhze. niii( proline a special'.! license an . i i m . pay a lax "I iw.i ,u!.r, j inn up lo T.'h tons and ..i,n- per Ion iuj ce.ss tllcli'i... the tnliage lo' :o determined hv :;e ciMoin ! I live uieasii i rhi i , I , . I he yi'S '. els used . Those engaged in ilie packing, canning;, shucking and -hipping of ovslers inusl pa v two cents ii r bushel j iii i - t !ias"d oi i aiih" by lliein. but no one i,, be aed twice 'id. r On . i Is A li ease lax is lev ied .1 li 1 1 1 il ly upon the ditl'erent fishing a ppl in nces used in i he wait : s of the Slate as follows: anchor gill nets, Jll cents per olie hull died vards or fraction thereof. Slake gill nets, ten cents per 100 vards ,i- fraction ehereof. hrift gill nets, twenty cent' per one bundled yards of trac lion thereof. Pound nets, -me dollar each . S"iiu drag nets and mullet nets, over over one hundred yards and under three hundred vai'ds, one dollar per one linn died yards ,,r fraction Hereof. Seine, drag nets, and mullet nets over three hundred yards and under me- thousand yards, one dollar and twenty the cents per one liuiid red yards ,r frac tion thereof. Seine, drag nets, and mullet nets, over one thousand yards one dollar and seventy-live cent per one hundred yards or frae tion thereof. Fyke nets. twenty-live cents each . Tongiii"- for oyst"i's. (he WHY WORRY about what you are tfoing to have for dinner, supper, breakfast JUST CALL UP PARKER BROS. phone859 or Everything you want in fresh meats, sliced breakfast bacon. Sliced boneless shoulder, Honeless sliced boiled ham, all pork sausage, steaks, chops, liver, smoked and salt meats, all kept in a sanitary market. Every thing in the grocery and vegetable line. Have you tried our Holsom Bread, pan biscuits and Puriteekakes? You want to. Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. PARKER BROS. Elizabeth City, N. C. ,-,t... ":.: 1 -V license tax shall he one dollar or imprisoned at the discrM ion newspaper of the county, for ,"1 Hinger. of the court: I'roriilul, lioirrm; two conseciitiy,. weeks, a place The Fisheries Commission ir " lN',i,io" '"" h.v ,,v' wl. said board will meet It-aid is authorized to regulate. '"' v ''s "f ""' ,lis,,i(1 1,11(1 "'Jf.ment for au? prohibit, or reslli-icr. in tine. '"' r"""""lli:.v chilli will be af agains: such Change, and may ' place, character and di.neus s. f,'"', l,V I"' ,s,m1 ,lli,n'' '""''.v. "'neiial. or alter this pre ,f the use ol nels. api.liances. ap ' ,ilnl "it h the Fisheries Com v ions order of change as may paraius. or means einp loved i. "liss Hn'M'id through the seem just in the premises; aui '" taking or killing fish; lo rcgu ,isll,'ri' s ' "sinner. :ssis , n,-ilin!r jufthn; that in mak ' ' late tlie seasons at which (he '""i n.issiouers. or inspectors ing regulations the Fisheries v arious species of lish may be :lski"- ,lut ,Im'v ,l'm' ;i nenring ,omm,ission Itoanl shall give lake Ihesevmal walHis of ,"'f"1'' ;"lv ' due weight and . onsideratiou the State, and lo pri'scribe the1'"' "'' ".eshi. to all factors which mV ' ' ti.n.ii , sizes of lish which may "f llH- u' fis,L' ' ,ll' value of the present be taken in the said several sll:'" - in,, ',r,',-- l"''i" invest nient in the fisheries, and vva.le.-s of the stale; and such ,,,l'-v ihM nl ' ' hanges in t xintinfi regulations. prohibil ions. Slli'' , Fisheries Coai law s, w hich if they should go strvtions and prescriptions. 1,nissi"" ,!o;"''1 Kllil11 '" 1,1111 i"1" ""''li ii ialely would alter due publication. shall b ,,v,'nt designate by advert ise.nen I tend lo cause fishermen to lose -V' of epial force and elTect and for a period of thirty days at their proper! v, shall go into ' ' ' any person violating same shall the court house and three oilier elfe I until twelve months from be guilty of niisde anor, and places in the county all'ecttyk (he dale thai Ihe change lias upon conviction, shall be lined and also by publication in Cotinutl on Page Eight) The Ohio National Life Insurance Company cinsroiisrnsr.Ti:j ohio Latest Policies and Agency Contracts Splendid opportunities in the Southeastern Department Our Leader, the Complete Protection, Double indemnity Policy, written in units of $1150 each, pays double the face of the policy in the event of death by accident, and contains a disability clause absolutely without technicali ties. We believe this is the most saleable and liberal policy offered to the insuring public today Reliable men wanted to represent this company, Apply to AI a v I QanrlArlin general manager for north Carolina max U. aiiuerun, south Carolina and Florida. i -it: t 'l!V- 'V '-' V:'t t