BH TIE (Continued From Five Kisliei ivy been niade li.v dh Commissi. m lioanl. Anv person or persons re moving. 1 1 1 j 1 1 1-1 1 1 ; (Icliicin or in iin.N way lii uiin; t lit" posts, buoys, .ir any other ap Ilianees used liv the I-'isli-i ies i Commission in market in tin1 restricts! areis reining lo any, and all tisliin;;'. or marking other areas in u lii li oysicr tonffinn or dr ilin is proliilc ( ited by law, and ilinsc mar king oyster ImIIhiiis liia. ;irr leasel for ov-ici- ntl:iv;iiinii Khnll le jiuiltv of misdemeanor' and. uimii coiiv ii t ion. sliall Ir' 'fined or imprisoned . Anv person wlio shall eaMi any edible lisli in the waters of the State of North Carolina tor any other purjiose than as food, and nnv person, firm or c-orpor ; ation who sliall use any edible ' finh for fertilizing purposes ' shnll W guilty of misdemeanor. ached and dizzy spells " caused my sight to Ixfome blurred Tlw kidney BeerHioiiH wer$ ii regular and sninty in passage. I usyl about two boxes of I Man's Kidney Tills and they put my kidneys and back in good shape" , I'rie,. .".tie. at all deilers. Kon'l simply ask for a kidney i em, ly gel 1 loan's Kidney Tills the same that .Mr. Wil liams had.. Fostc- Milhum 'o. I'll, al IJ V V in i ii It "i " i Til i:ti: i CuUMi'.lA. AT (diimbla, N. ". M;;:rh I Adam's l-'loating Tliea I iv a l-i ived her-" last Sunday and will be h.'re all this v ek . A l;:rge crowd ati:-r. led the show last night ami report, il the per formance to be thoroughly enjoyable. MOTH Kit (KMlSi: TO MORROW AFTKKXOON RUTS "AND FICTION Experiences Of Klizaln'th City Citizens Are Easily proven To Me Facts. The most Kujierticial investi gation will prove that the fol lowing statement from a res ident of Elizabeth City is true. Rend it and compare evidence 'facts of the ease. Many more Citizens of Elizabeth City en- ''dorse. Moan's Kidney Pills. J. It. Williams, Southern Ifotel. Elizabnth Citv. savs: "1 C&h;1ta& pains in inv U'tck and M v head ,',acirosM mv loins. ;4v:r troin KHtberft City jtcople tes testimony of , . miihu nitii tut' ' j$ra nepers living so far away A Mother Ooose entertain ment will be given in the Hin to JUiilding. to -morrow under the auspices of the City Road Meth.wlist Church. About tjiirty children are to take part in the afternoon's erfo nuance and at the close the prizes in til.. Voting Contest now going on a it1 to be awarded'. i,,' ; f;. you cannot investigate the 4t mar 23 n pd Al'TOMOI'.ll.ES FOR 1IIRI- -I . W. Stokely wishes to an nounce to the people of this section that he now has three automobiles at the disposal of the public. These machines meet all trains anjl may be had by pleasure parties, for joy rides, or for business purposes at the rate of fL'.OO an hour. Adv M X N H N H I rxi N N X X X X X X X X X X X X XI IX X X X X X X X N M IB ILL WHO CANT BE If you can really see through sham, ou t.:n al ways see through the unpjetcniious guise in which solid worth is almost always clad. If you will take sixty minutes of your time and make an accurate comparison Overland with any or all of the automo biles on the market today, it will lead you to select Overland for all time. May we show the exclusive features of the 1915 Overland? Overland Pleasure Car Co. Dr. M. M. HARRIS. Dealer. Show Room. West Fearing St. JAHES ADAMS n HERE All NEXT WEEK Commencing Monday, March 29 Big Company of 24 in number. Concert, Band an( Orchestra. New people, new Program. Entire change nightly. Positively the best in drama, vaudeville and music. High 'Class, moral, and up-to-date. Clean, Wholesome and Refined. Playhouse located at Jen ' netted Wharf. Doors open 7;30 Show starts 8;30. ADMISSION, 15c, 25c, 30c Matinee Saturday. Doors open 2:30 Show starts, 3:30. Matinee Price, 10c to All Band Concert Twice a Day Reserved Seat tickets on sale on board the boat from 11A. M. to 5 P. M. N N P) 6) i t IL 1 I ' i Sr -j AT Elizabeth Citys Greatest Store THERE IS A REASON MR. GILBERT HAS returned from his second trip this sea son to New York where he has purchased over one hun dred very fine ladies suits. These are all the new lengths and styles of to-day. A new lot very fine dresses' in the newest styles and colors are also among the showing of "hew stuff" The new colors include Belgian blue; bambo, gold, sand, putty and military blue We invite your early attention Best selec tions in Elizabeth City. Ladies fine Crepe de Chine Dresses the very newest styles $12.75 Silk poplin dresses-all colors the greatest values you ever saw, at $5.98 Ladies fine untrimed hats Specially priced 98c, $1.48, $1.98 SILK POPLINS. All the new shades 50c and $1.00 yd- Crepe de Chine-for fine dresses All colors 50c and $1.25 yd. We are showing the greatest collection of ladies fine suits. Worth $25.00 to $30.00. Specially Priced at $20.00 Ladies good all wool poplin and Garbadine suits. Values-$20. Specially priced $15.00 Ladies Spring Weight Coats. Specially priced $5.98 up to $18.00 A great variety Sheapard Plaid goods. In great demand now ... 25c to $2 yd. Good Wool Serge. 36 inches wide All New Shades 39c yd M X X X X X X X X X X X M Wc Arc Special Agents for I larl, Schaffner and Marx and l ruhauf Bros. Fine Clothes $18, $25, $30. ENGERSOL WATCH FREE A new style Engcrsol $1.00 watch FR'sK, for a limited time onlv begin ning SATURDAY MARCH 27th. We will give with every boys suit from $5.00 and up-one Engersol Watch. Boys vou'd better come early as we only have JUST ONE HUNDRED WATCHES. MENS FINE WEAR Blue Serge Suits AT $10. $12.50 15.00 Everything Marked in Plain Figures STRICTLY ONE RRICE Men's Silk Sox all 50c pair Our Millinery . Department full of popular price hats moderately priced at Si.SS.(2.48, E2.98, 13.99 DO YOUR TRADING AT The Greatest Store in Eliz City O. F. GILBERT, Proprietor Send u s your mail orders. We cheerfully send you samples. M n i n n rn n 111 yWIUiu wm IT 1 iiiliil ! I, Kjy I " .'"'j; ,L '''' '" ' ' "" ' "i-j"'"''"" ' tmmmmmLmmmjm 'BSSSSSSS, '