V 17ILL1ARQ DEFEATS hand and a new ohampioa' re places Joluson, who was still scrctdied on the flour of the ring. T:iiii' of round. 1 min 11 1 1 . L'lj siToiinis. H N N SMART TAILORED SUITS AND DRESSES SHOWN in a Great variety of styles i.nd Colors at J. ;' Vol i: Klli.VKVS WKLL: 1 Black Champion Loses Ti tle in Twenty -six hu'ttr Tin 1 :uji irlaiu t Of Round Battle K J SON a 5. t Jack Johusou lust liis title as heavy weight djawiioii ol' the world t Jess illail, a Kauas cowboy, iu a twenty six round tight at Havana, Cuba, Monday. The new champion had none of the skill of his black autago nist. I'm he had youth aujl trenth ami endurance to spare. J 'or twenty rounds Willanl was a punching bag for Johnson's rain of blows, but the white man stooil all the punishment that Johnson could inflict and asked for more. When the big black showed signs of weaken ing and the con talent smile with which lie began changed to a look of puzzled wonder at hi opponents ability to withstand; his blows, Willanl stepped in and began to fortv the fighting. For three or four rounds there was litjtle doing on either side, but in the twenty fifth Willanl landqd on Johnson's heart with a blow that shook the negro and set his legs trembling. The knockout came in the next round with a blow to Johnson's jaw. There is doubt whether the black lighter stood up to 'lis opitonen.t to the limit of his endurance or not. Me was able to rise to his feet unaided when he had been counted out and many observers (bought that he had given up the ijdea of knocking his man out and when floored took the count rather than submit to further punish merit. The following is the Virginian 1'ilot's account of the last round of the battle: Johnson rose slowly from his. cliair and Willanl met liiin more than t wo I birds of I lie way across the rin. Willard: slabbed a long left iiilu llir in- j gi-o's face, sending his lead j bobbing bat k . Itrl'orc 1 1 1 1 " j champion could lecover bis po-j siiion Willanl swung a smash j ing riglif which laiiflcd full mi Johnson's stoiii;wli. Johnson was (lung aitainsf the ropes by the forc( of the blow and be clinched on the rebound. The cowboy tried to tear loose but the black man held grimly with eves closed and legs shak ing. Just ltefore the rcfcii'e broke them Johnson looketl over Willard's shoulder toward the box when- his wife bad been, his eves showing a daxel tired, puzzled expresssion. As soon as Welch had bitiken the clinch Jess rushed again, forcing ifhe negro into Willards orner, where the finish came. Johnson was slow in guarding antl his strong youthful opjw nent hooked a swinging left to the body. The fading clinm, pion's legs quivered and again the towering mant feinted for he bokly. Johnson dropped his guard and Willard won his title with a quick, hard swing to the Hiint of the jaw The negro's knees folded up under him, he sank slowly to ho floor and rolled over on his back, narth under the rOJKSH. Welch waved Willard back and began to count. Hp and down went thi referee's hand but Johnson never moved. Ilis eyes were glassy, only . the white visible. At the count of ten Welch The kidneys tilt v the blood. They work uht and da . Well kidneys remove impuri ties. Weak kidneys allow iiupuri lies to multiply. No kidney ill should be neg lected. Theiv is possible danger for delay. If you have b kadie or uri aiv troubles. If you are iht oii.n, dizzy or worn out . Hegin treating our kidneys at once; I'se a proven kidney remedy. None eiidoistvl like I loan's Kidney Tills. Rc- oiiiuiendod b tbonsantls. Provetl by KlizaU-th Citv tes timony . II. S. I'.oomer, Water Street. Klizaheth '('ity. jivs; "Kid nevs gave me a git-al deal of trouble. My back ached antl 1 was st sore anil lame that the leist strain sent sharp twinge through my Imm1 . I couhlnt straighten my back or lift any thing. . .My sight became blurred and I had d;.z sclis I finally began u'sjng Moan's Kitlne I'ills and fbe soon relieved me, so I continued mi til I was cured of all symptoms of kidney trouble. I am ru joying good health now". Price ."(( at all dealers, Dont simply ask for a kidney remedy. (Set I loan's Kidney Tills - the same that Mr. Roomer had. Foster Milburn Co.. Trops., llu fTalo, N. V. Adv. It NORTH CAROLINA 1SJ( OTANK ('(II NTV. SITKRIOR COl'RT September Term lit I." .1 II I'.inw n W H X X X X X X X X X X X X X X IX XI H i! ' W i i i p HiJJ Ml V I mmm I tf i mi THE STORE THAT'S DOING BUSINESS New lot fine tailored suits all the New Long Waisted effects and specially low priced within the reach of all who want to spend their money where they can get correct styies and good values. - - - - - A FIRST GLASS TAILOR CO PUT THE FINAL FINISHING TOUCH -ALTERATIONSfFREE yj vyvyvvvyyvvvvvvvvv yvvvvvw vvvvwy K H H H H H H H X X X X X X X X MORE STRENGTH FOB OLD PEOPLE Mrs. Hutchison Eighty-One Years Old Uses No Oth er Tonic but Vinol and Rec ommends It to Friends. Greenville, S.C. " It is with pleasure I tell others of the gre&t benefit I have derived from Vinol, for the past several years. I am 81 years old and I find Vi nol gives me strength, a healthy appe tite and overcomes nervous disorders. Vinol is the only tonic reconstructor I have used for several years. 1 have recommended it to a great many of my friends and it has alwavs nrcved satis factory. " Mrs. M. A. Hutchison, Greenville, S. C. Such cases as the above are constantly coming to our attention. If people in this vicinity only realized how vinol in vigorates old people we would not be able to supply the demand. It is the tissue building, curative ele ments of the cod's livers, aided by the blood making strengthening properties of tonic iron contained in Vinol, that makes it so successful in building up I- COOH STORIKS ANI I'SHFI I. INFORMATION In two things The Ciiinpanion is lii-sl am1 Capital stories and inf.pi inal ion . Tliei-e are bovs that ileliui'l or !l i , f'.i i ln'ts, stores for 1 1 :i iiu their mothers are stories that make von voiir sides. ami stories . nit n s mi mo-! IINI'I III 1 oriei tbeii ll.-H There ml.' hat strength for old people, delicate chil dren and for all run-down conditions. 1(11 Vinol is also a most successful remedy for chronic coughs, coltls and bronchitis. If it fails to benefit any one who tries it we return your money. move you Iti tear. Ami il i.- a libei al etlutation to read what' the Companion oilers you iu sound. prarlical, trustworthy informal ion it is chosen ami printed with the one aim of leaving (be reader belter antl wiser, if possible, than lie was before. Hundreds of thous :i:hs of readers will cheerfully sjv that of The Companion. 1 ie, ma u v period icnis can hon e -' -av that Slainlai d I rm- I 'o. Ci!v,.N. C i lor oTCK o-' SIMMONS ITI'.ldCATlON II V To I'.ernice lirtivvn. hiifemlant . on are hereby notified ami will lake notice, llial an action entitled as above lias been com : i it need in the Superior Court of I'astpiotank County, N . c.. by .1. H . Itrtiwn against I'.ernice Rrovvn. The purpose id said action being to secure a dissolution of the bonds of matrimony now ex istin between plaintiff and le fenilanl . You are further notiflq; that you are retiiired to appear at the next term of Superior Court of Pasquotank County, X. ('., to be held at Elizabeth Citv-. N. C, on Monday the Twentieth day of September llllTi ami answer or demur ti the complaint of the plaintiff. or relief demanded therein will be granted. Witness inv hand this April nth 191."),. G. R. LITTLE. Clerk Ku lienor Court Pasquotank County. ROSCOE W. TURNER, Attorney for PlaintifT 4t apr 0 lfr 23 30 j I leiiHinsii ation of Nunnnlh's camlies al v iiieimtrie raarmacv I'rit'ay afteinoon. April Mb. t) I pj i: 1 heiiisel ves? Test the Send lor l'.etler et. i-Ui s o' N' i won1 M I' AN I N 'I f ' ! 1 mmm III III II SHOWS YOUR WARES TO ADVANTAGE YOU can materially increase your sales by attractively showing your wares to customers under thehreenld light1 STERLING MAZDA LAMPS National ifuallty These lamps give three timet tho light of old style limpti at the same cost for current. They are jut ua rug god, too. Ve sell them iu the blue Conven ience Carton. if mil c ELIZABETH CITY ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY 'orner Fearing and Poindrxter Sts. Phone 80 JL,LiiJt-.!i 1 Come Here For Your IIIHERIIY We have hats of newest styles. We have hats of best quality. We have the hat that will be most becoming to you. We have the hat that your friends will admire. Come and see our splendid assortment of Spring and Summer millinery and'notethat our prices are right, too. il &E PRICHARD MILLINERY GO. MAIN STREET THE KEENEST BLADE Is not sharper than our desire to please you to sell you hardware that will give you the greatest of satisfaction to mjke you feel that we are your FRIENDS, as well as your dealers. We will sell you anything in hardware from a tack up, and every piece will have that lasting qu. lity that brings you back to us year after year. J H Aydlett Hardware Co. FOR RENT 1 7 room house, No 0 Cedar Street. In good con dition, will rent for 8.50 per month, Apply to C. P. Ear Baltimore SteamPacket Co OLD BAY MINE "Winter Schedule" Steamers leave daily and Sunday's December 18th and 27th, January 10th and 24th, and each alternate Sunday thereafter, nn til further notice. Portsmouth, Sunday a 5:00 p. m. Week days 6:30 p. m. Norfolk, 6:30 p. m. "There Is a House With a Bathroom" mi gu cxpreuion at one time calculated to arout interest, but now, condition re entirely different. To build a home without a bath room merely raiiei a ques tion a to the good judg ment of the builder. People Tlinl rf r--- uitMr know that he ha either not considered or else misjudged the importance that an up-to-date bathroom has in increasing the value of the house, both as to renting and selling value. For the finest plumbing equipment at reasonable cost we recommend "Standard" plumbing fixture and will be pleased to show you the many artistic design in which they are made. Ask lor ilhsttrated booklet Remember I am prepared to do all kinds of plumb Htting'l'o f-peeial aUen-U P KNOW! FS tionto ewer connections turned and, held . up Willard's ri. mar 30 3 t pd Old Point Comfort 7:30 p. m. , , 1 :t;