tOITOFUAL ZkWANCL cut i " ry SrHSClllI'TION KATES One Year eix'Monllis One Month 1,1 Publixhrd TiirxdailK & 1'ridais Friday April !)tU 1!M." Tin: contest closes Announcement will be made in next Tuesdays Aid va ace of the result of the dictionary Contest. Voles will be re ceived at this ollice until the t'lose of business In iiioiThU lull not later than ; let I lime. Lei UB urge the contestants to make to- ila and to morrow count. I uiing the pas! WeliS voles 1 1 ;l ( collie I Jo Us in great number and tin- stand ing of the three schools in the race now reaches into the tens (d thousands with Nixon ton Xo. - leading and Jennings sihool following a. . rather close range. There la yet opporl unity for decided - chance in the oilier of this standing and w: await with interest the incoming tide of ?otet . (LETS 11HEAK A (TSTOM xi iias Urn ousel (u mole tllUU once iliai n is . .unisi a 'Uiaitfr ol imjKissiluli u to gel H good audience n tlx- high uCUOoi auditor, um. It is a lamentable fai l taa.i School spirit and school piuli are in little evidcin e in l.b.a ;.?th City. The. re.i-ul higli Bchool debate here was beard by u crowd that would not have tilled the auditorium ol a rural high school . On next Monday night an en tertuinment of unusual nature Will be. offered in the high school auditorium. The proceeds ol this entertaiineiit --it theiv are any are to go to the high School library fund. The recital by Fraulein liest appears to promise unusual ex cellenee. The opportunity is presented the people of Eliza beth City to hear music of an Unusually high order and at the ame time manifest their inter eat in theiir school and aid it in obtaining a library adequate to its needs. Tlie Advance iioim's mum mis Once the people w;Il break a CTWtom and go to the high school auditorium. It would 'do thetn little hurt if they might find oenssion to go there ' morc( often. On Mareli 25th the American wbmnrlne F 4 sank in Ronolu la harbor while engaged in tar- 1 flpet praetue. She had twenty 006 on board. Soon after Iter disappearance a searcK was begun and thirty hours later fame the news that she had itffen definitely located but the opposed submarine tnraed out to be" an - old . submerged an- chof,.. It was three days ' be fore the vessel was found and by that linit' all hope of saving the crew had been aban doned. The ill fated nub marine was titled with a de taehahle maiker buoy, which cdii Id l' released from the in side and would tlien rise to the surface unreeling a wire attach ed to the submarine in its course ;iikI thus indicating its position and need of assistance. This buoy failed to work. The boat was also fittejl with (bmble doors in her conning tower through which the rev would have escaped if they had acted before the vessel reach ed a depth of two hundred feet. It is generally supposed that the sinking was due to some sud den accident which resulted in the immediate death of the ves, sel's crew. FOll OFR TllonillTEU, HEADERS The Advance commends to its readers of thoughtful turn the following editorial from the Outlook which appeared last week on the cover page of the State .Journal. puUished at Kaleigh under the title -The World Tragel : "The I rage) lies of life are not sitkness and death; these arc il row s heavy iher n. ug. lows diirag I !i mm: passing s'aaihr. !iy the way. at the moment, dis;nte:riai i 1 1 r s, its sor grie ousl but nei nor weak The death W lib ll fol iii act o; sacr lice, of '. of faith, opens a d"oi i wliit 1 1 a urea t I it:- -!: i in s ; i may living- e.rea t s id ness ; i I ( a n not bring t lie sense o!' iutditv which strikes all meaning out of l:l'c, the sense of the victory of eil which shrouds it in the gloom of eternal orphanage. Lin coin's death at the moment Ol emergence tfrom thnt long an guish of soul was unsjienkahly sad ; but the hour of his go ing was the beginning of a reve lation of his spiii! and service which is the most priceless possession of this Nation. When a man's life opens the door of hope tor all the lime to come and lights the mvster ions path of life as a great torch, the sadness is for the hour, ami the strengthen :ng of faith in service and be i a permanent addition to t he wealth of humanity . Thai w calth is spiritual , men huc tried again ami again to l.c h bread alone and hae gone near to starvation,, ami then the bread has mer cifully been taken from llieni and llicy have heard again the word ol (lod, and health ami sanity have come back to them. There is no life giv ing and life sustaining power in wealth, comfort, ease; if these things are rightly used, they set men free lor high endeavors and I hey make splendid service pos sible; but they cannot feed the spirit- and to try to lie upon them is to starve.. The events that strike our mortality are infinitely sad;' but the tragedies of life are those events that strike our immor tality, that destroy fait'a, weaken hope, blur the vision, and devitalize the will. The man that accidentlv kills his fellow may bring grief and anguish to inanv: but the man who violates a sacred trust. breaks a holy vow uses a good reputation to hide an evil lite, strikes at tae souls nf his fellows. '"There are many kinds of sad ness in lifet but the trage dies are one and all rooted in the immortalities of the world. The hurricane and earthquake (lestroy the work of generations in a moment and bring wide spread misery and death in their train; but they open the heart of the world, and sym pathy and help flow like -a fertilizing tide over the devas tat on. Strength does not fad., hope does not die. the flame of courage does not sink in the ashes of a final des pair. Men begin at once to plan, to work, to look ahead 2-8-2 FERTILIZER $16:00 If you are willing to mix your fertilizer, take four bags of our 5-6-5 Po tato Manure at $3.00 bag, and mix it with four bags of our 16 per cent. Acid Phosphate at $1.00 bag. This will give you the same plant food in the 1600 lbs that you get in a ton of 2-8-2 mixed goods, and the several dollars you will save in the difference in price, in addition, NGGrandy&Co ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. High Grade 16 Per Cent ACID PHOS. $10. Per Ton For Gush for prompt delivery we offer until sold 50 tons of high grade id per cent acid phosphate at $10 per ton F. (). B. Elizabeth City. Enter your order as this is spe cial price. Elizabeth City, N. C. Grandy's High Grade 5-6-5 Potato Manure. $30. Per Ton For cash we offer till sold Grandy's High Grade Po tato Manure in lots of one ton or more at $30 per ton F. O. B. Elizabeth City, N. C. This fertilizer is of our usual good quality, and we consider equal to any on the market n G GRAil 5 CO Elizabeth City, N. C U. GRANDY S CO Cotton, Grain Produce ELIZABETH CITY, N. G. April Jth J "Jl 5 BUYING TODAY COTTON Strict Middling be. Middling s:ilc. E0G8 Hen Kg&s, iter dozen 17c. PEAP Black, per bu. 1.80 Black Eye, per bu., f2.00 to 2.25 BELLING TODAY FLOUR Patapsco, best patent, f 7.75 GRAIN Corn, White, per sack ft .70 Oats, per bushel .70 HAY No. 1 Titu, per ton 23.00 MEAL AND HULLS Meal, per ton $30.00 Dolls, per,, ton, f 8.00 to other homes ami harvests; the foundations on which life' rests have not been destroyed. "The real jwssession of the race is neither wealth nor safe ty; it is faith in Hod. While that remains no catastrophe is final or fatal; when that goes no prosperity has any value, sacrifice is futile, love is mockery, life is a lie. Then the ultimate wisdom shrinks into the appalling words, "Let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die". "It is easy to blur the edges of sin, and manv men and women are deceiving themselves with the idea that divine laws, like secret laws can be evaded. They forget that divine laws are automatic; they are not imposed from without, but are wrought into our natures. They are so much a part of us that they need no external authori ty to enfoiye the penalty of 'disobedience. They can be neither evaded nor blurred. The identification of sin with death would seem incredible if it rest) ed solely on the authority of an old fashioned Imok like the Hible; but it is the most modern fact repoited by the daily newspapers. They repeat it div after day with pitiful re itera t ion . 'the tragedy is played l, in u m tors vv.:h vai ia t ion ol i iucinh n I . but a I wa s with I n ! s.inn: denoiiinenl,. F.i si a ainl hliiiTiii" of the standards. I 'ni low ed bv a little low eri lie. ol lone hardly peri epi iblo lor a I hue . Then a de idening (.!' moral sensitiveness, a fadtiu j of (he vision of an ordered and ' nolde world ; a coarseniim of ! taste, a loss of spiritual ivtine ' nient. a v ulgarization of the whole nature ; then a grow ing skepticism of the presence of (!od in the worlid of the real ity of the soul, and of the dis tinction lietween right and wrong. Then indifference to initial law, the craving for physical exici lenient and diver sion, the loss of modesty and shame. "These are th-y who weak en the hope of the world, blight its promise, and destroy its capital of purity and strength. The!) fall is the tragedy of the world : there is no other j trigedv. for misfortune and P. W. MELICK CO. WHAT ABOUT YOUR JOB . calamity hurt the body, bnt they who violate the laws of life harm the soul. They cru cifv the Christ again. YES SIR! BUSI NESS IS FINE Mr. Cooke The Poindexter St Merchant Says its Good Within the past twenty-four hours I have disposed of One Hundred men's and boys' caps, of one pafticu lar style and could have easily dis posed of a preat many more, had I had them. Why is this? Simply be cause 1 had what the people wanted for less than they could get them for anywhere else. I gave tliem away! Now I am not giving everything that I have away. Hut I am giving a large share of my righteously just profits away, and if you are as alive to your interest as were those who sought the caps, you too will come here in a rush for your wearing apparel. I have in stock brand new and stylish everything that a man or boy wears except shoes, and make to order clo thing as well, for considerable less money than you can buy the same quality merchandise elsewhere. Learn a lesson from the CAP seek ers, come where you can get most for the least and come early and avoid disappointment. I now have (It goods at a bin saving in price. A. COOKK, Poindexter Street, opposite Quinn's furniture Store, .nl v . Klizaheth City, X. C. INTERNED HI POHTSftsOUTH I'ne Cmeai! ( i - i,; ei -lav i ' 1 ... nth nav v ya n. 'i'lie tini" lieiit 1'X.nired al l'-air -p.- rn ing a r 1 i : -1 1 I'.. -re the liia- the I ti (treparn i Inn:; it-pairs had t n i:.;t i. r 0- i ii- Kit..! ...sila v ... hears be- rri; !.-.' was inn line- !;ci'i:- avvav. :aa le and coal and hi. but sh.'illv be p!.VlMOHS 'SKl'll fore (he time limit expired Comman der Thiot'i.ens announced to the I'liited Stales Covernnient through Assistant Secretary Peters of til-' Treasury that the I'rinz Kilel would intern for the war, giving as his reason that expected naval relief had failed to arrive in time to assist him in making the dash to sea and he re alized that certain destruction await ed his ship and crew from a fleet off the coast. The commander himself was almost heartbroken and the Ger man sailors very downcast. Comman der Thierichens said "1 would like to have gone, hut I had to think first of my men." I.' . I-. 1. ;i'ggs of I'oinl Harbor was in the city Wedues .lav. GLASS FOR EVERY PURPOSE We carry a well assorted stock of sizes in Single or Double Thick, We cut to any size or shape. BISSELL VACUUM THE LATEST and BEST Retaining all the goodideas and embodying many new exclusive Bissell features. $750 $900 PRICE: We are prepared for an unusual Spring Demand in WALL PAPER WITH A STOCK OF 10000 ROLLS WE CAN PLEASE YOU IN PRICE AND SATISFY YOU IN STYLE. If in town let us show you the new ideas and how inexpensive they are. If out of town write for our little book of samples with information about preparing walls and hanging wall paper. A YD LETT NEWS .Aydlett, N. C, April 5t Virgie Tatum has returned folk after visiting friends h On account of bad weat Saturday the exercises of th Order in presenting a flag to Shore School will take pla Saturday. April 10th. A lara is expected to attend. Miss Carrie Parker and M zona Parker spent Jdomlay guests of friends. Mr. Ilolice Sawyer of Si spent Sunday here. .Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Doxe4 folk are visiing friends and here. Mr. J. J. Saunders who visiting his father, Mr. Dan dors, has returned to his the station. A lar-e crowd from here the Kastt r Service at I'oplai Sunday night. The storm last week did amount of damage here, pr in blowing up trees. It was ri,.,. .rn storm in this section for many years SONG AT Kim HM Kitty Hawk, N. C, April 7th Kit ty Hawk was visited last Friday and Saturday by the most terrific gale of wind that has passed through here for years, blowing down trees and damaging many of the fishing boats along the beach. Some of the men who were sturgeon fishing lost their nets and many of their boats are unlit for further use. N.-ws reached here to day of the death i f mV. and Mrs. H. L. Wes cott's little daughter, Nina. She had b.'eti taken to a hospital for an op ei alien but was too frail to undergo it. Tin- stricken family has tin- sym pathy of the community. I'-ith s . 1 1 1 ; o ! s nf this (-.immunity have .-Ins.-d and the children are '"iiely. .n euterta itiiiieiit will be - i x 1 1 at Kilty H.ivvk School house Sal'Mdav night. April Kith for the he-. -lit ol the school. 'i r. 1 1'"! I iiie Tvv i ford and Miss ' 'era a ai , hi. ',: nf Cur. ,1 la, were in." ri'. in. in" lias ie I'M- an t runs. I " re Tin .lav iii:. 'it at the A!:". T T. iiaiiia Miss liatim a ; a. ':ii:g m i ei;!a tins win- a .' i ally i i iod by her pa- I . V. Sanderlin, of Shaw boro, treasurer of t'urritui'k count v. was in I he ( ity Wed nesday. Saleslady f.oin Nuuually's factories will have charge of N'unnally Demonstiation Fri day afternoon. April flth. 3 t Adv Aiming the inanv wholesome and delicious breads kept by I'aiker I'ros. is Zw ciback.' made as the dorm vs make if. Elizabeth Cityr North Carolina. PRINTING? -