. ., .1 ""yyL 777 ? j n m r n n r-r t OmCIAVPAP I newswithout OP I BIAS CURRITUCK IVZEfFS WITHOUT, i I PREJUDICE COUNTY VOL V ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROL A. DAKAPRL 23 1915 NO 33 J INTEREST GROWS WALKER SPEAKS III PRIMARY 11 POPLAR BRANCH Announcements by New Candidates Assure Plen ty of Excitement Next Tuesday Those who had predicted "Elizabeth City was about have a quiet aldermanic mary for imce, seem agah lull to pri-to have missed the mark. V? The definite announcement from XV. K. Williams that he. is candidate makes certain a warm aiil interesting race n'n the fourth ward between 'himself and -I. E. I'rili hard ; while, in the lirst ward interest 'has been added to interest by the coming nut ol' Hosyoe Fore iiiiin and S. 11. .l(dinson. With the apM'arance of these two candidates in the field rumors have lx,gui to float a bout that Mathias Owens would withdraw from the race; but in this paper he authorizes the definite statement that .he is in the race to the finish. Another new candidate in the (field is I). 0. Perry who in this issue is announcing his candidacy to represent the third ward. Previous pri maries bave shown Perry popu lar; but I'. C Column and c. C. Pappendick were in the lield before 1 1 , 1 1 1 ami both are expected : make a good show ing. Willi thr ciiir of new can didatrs and tin'- certainly lli.it ill 1 1 1 -; i -1 i ; 1 1 1 rvrn ward at least one of thr candidates have to tiglr lor thr noini na I ion popular interest is wat'iuiug up ami the indications are that the otr will be unusually large. Thr fact that the board now decided upon will ap point the citv oflicers and name the town's lirst city manager is causing public spir ited citizens to look forward to its results with unusual inter est . 6ILBERT SAYS II AGAIN Mr. O. F (iilben nails at tention again in this issue In hip recenl purchase of a f:?,500 M of men's clothing from L. "7 - Wt of P. Ill v"l3ore. irief & Company of Haiti Mr. (JillMMt was on spot when the large order tvas ready to le shiped to another firm and the (Irief Company learned tlmf this firm was financially involved and held np shipment. Seizing the opportunity to secure for his customers some unusual values Mr. (Jilbert took over the entire order and tells of the lMirgains which he is thus able to offer on page eight . adv Dr. O. MrMullan left Mon day for the Panama Pacific exposition at Han Francisco. He is expected to return about tJie fifteenth of May Delivers Inspiring Address On Occasion of Second County Commencement With hundreds of enthusiastic school children and loyal pa trons and citizens, Ciirritink county, April 17th, celebrated the second annual county coin mem ement of public schools. I'slicred in with an inclement sky that soon changed to fair, this occasion was one of the greatest educational days in the history of Poplar Branch and Currituck County. Early in llii- morning cars loaded with people began pouring into the village from different sec tions of the county, and by '2 o'clock the school yard and au ditorium were thronged with happy and jolly leople proud of the grand invasion which marks another milestone on the road of progress in Currituck. The weather threatening pre vented tile much expected parade and at eleven o'clock the ex ercises began in the. high school auditorium. The esereiseH were opened with music, after which the Hev. C. P. Jerome conducted the invocation. Supt. .1 . .M . Newbeni presided and introduced Prof. . W. 'Wal ker as one of Currituck's noble sons joyously returning to his native people who are always ileli.'rlilrd to see him. ) Prof. Walker delivered an interesting, insl rut I ive ami practical ad dress in an auditorium crowd i vviili cage" and anxious souls In hear his inspiring message. Alice Dr. Walker's address he w as asked l Supt . ! . M New bcrn J to deliver the cer tificate 'of promotion to the students finishing the seventh grade. P.efore he delivered the certificates he talked In the students urging them to enter high school next year. Pop lar Branch school received fif teen certificates for students completing seventh grade work. the largest number any one school received, while drandy followed next in order, receiving seven . After the tertiflcafes were de livered little Nettie Hnowden of the seventh grade presented an at tractive! y printed and painted and neatly fram ed copy of 'The Long leaf Pine' to Prof. Walker. She spoke as follows: 'Professor Walker, in behalf of the seventh grade I wish to present to you this little scrap of our handiwork. 1 know that in your travels through our great state you have had many nicer things said to you than a little girl can say. but I can assure you that there is no ones who loves you more or appreciates you more highly than your little friends at Pop lar Branch. As we go into higher grades we know that we have your strong arm upon which to lean. Be true t us and we will be true to vou, . -v .., I 1 i ' "W 1 I i L i Prof. N. W. Walker, of Chapel Hill NATIVE OF CURRITUCK 19 SPGKE Al SOUTH MILLS AND Al POPLAR to our Slate, and to our Nalion. "My dear l.itnl. please at cept this not for its intriupic value but is a toker o our ll- he lection. We I ul lire to ires- n.pe in il to you so. ne v alr.c.'' Jung ol mere In his addle ; I'roi. r lo lii'.V riiii iog Valke and 1 res.- urgeil .-el U tlic prop in re a .h-h .: Uiil olLa a he as ihis i live ( to I. ''il la lc i ! I I : 1 . 1 1 1 v a. . ili lirl , .'l '.car. I IV I' I ) niicr aim i I rani vv re srrv ed on the grniniils bv liie P.etter i . i' L'lelil .ssot la l ion. p;m e"iis ni which anioiin.ctl lo tiily live dol lars. Immediately after din ner Ihe s.-liool girls eiigagetl in a lively basket ball contest . Miss Irma l'orbes of Minnesota, acted as releree. Next the bnvs jilave a holly coiitestet' game of tennis. The declamatioa and recita tion contests which attracted the attention of the crowd next were of more than ordinary ex cellence. Blanche (Iriggs won the n.ojal for the best re citation. , Tlrs medal is giv en by lr. Uriggs. Julian Bau'm won the medal for the best declamation. This medal is given by Judge Ansel I of Washington. I. C. Both of the winners were pupils of the Poplar Branch Sihonl. Another interesting feature of the afternoon w;i an old fash iotied spelling bee conducted by Miss Morrow of (iraham, N. C. Fannie Simpson proved to 1m the best speller and won the Webstcrs 1'niversal Iitionary given by Ir. W. T. (iriggs. After the spelling bee Pearl White presented a copy of the Ixmg Leaf Pine' in tb0 name of the seventh grade to the High School. She spoke follows : "Fellow students, ladies anl gentlemen, language is inatle- I AST WEEK. (piate to express my feelings toward this school, if officers and teachei-s. The heart spcai.s mcsi wnen ttie lips move not. However, in hi half i), my class I wish to present ' this . hoiil ihis little iiieiiien- i ol our nvvn handiwork i h,. p K ed on the walls of i;'. I'lii.lin- as a reminder lo 1 1 1 ii . i cla-. ,i's of ill' class of ! ' ! r i I.:- s VV'i , il 'III a fail v i I a' a u i mi in I i v r i i.:'.t ' i 'a- - s ,o work as w r 'avr vv, ,:...,!. May llir '.v. ;ii - ol I he p in- l,r raililc.na I ii of n;,r iovr lor .air siale. our s' In .o . mi r homes and e.o Ii o iii r . Ma v I he I a r of I hr Miir lir rinlili nia I ii of our si ick ahiliiv our tenacity of purpose, our untlving aiai to maki the world better h making our selves better. May enough of the proverbial tar stick to our heels to hold us in the con tines of the Old North State, for there is no place like Car olina. Wishing vou my friends the best of everything good, I am yours for educational pro gress'-. Poplar Pram h won tirsi ami second prizes on its exhibits and I! randy won third prize. A musical program of solos, duets, and (pianettes wuw also greatly enjoyi! . At t.lie close of the day's exercise many of the people who had enjoyed tin main varied features of the pro grain liia-ered mi the grounds expressing their approbation and greeting friends from all parts of the county . FU Al.DEB.VI AN WAHD. FIKST 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for alderman from the first ward, subject to the Dein octal ie Primary next Tuesday. Your support will le apprc dated . Respect fully. Hi. n. JOHNSON . FAISON TAKES HIS 01 LIFE Man Who Once Represent ed Sixth District Discou raged By Poor Health News flashed never Ihe state ves.erdav of the dealh bv sui ide of Dr. J no. M. I'aisoii i x congressman ffrom the sixth district, nt his home in Paison Dr. Faison's health began to let I ne while in Congress about a year ago and despondency of mill; resulted but no thought of self destruction had been expressed by him to friends or family. About eight o'clock Wednesday niorninir Dr. Faison went into his house, after transacting business with a gentlemen in regard to his farm, and enieriug a small room adjoining his bedroom, placed the muzzle of his shot gun into his mouth and set ol) the charge with his fool. It Is supposed. Mrs. Faison was away from home al the time of the accident . Dr. Faison was about fifty five years of age and had Ineii actively engaged in the prac tice of medicine at Faison since early man hoot I. Me was elected to Congress in P.I 10 and hcl.l this position until lasl year when he refused lo again make cllorls for ie nominal ion and was succeeded bv Mr. Ceo. I i . 00l (if ( llllllslllli o "GENERAL" COMES TO TOWN The oilman's car Store operated by the M . I.eigh Sheep ( 'ompaiiv . is aiihouir.ing a gen era I 'learaiice of goods al bar gain prici's and on page three of ihis issue calls attention to ileitis of especial interest on account of their combination of price and tpialitv The al ways attractive vv indnvvs of this store are also featuring some of the many bargains of fered th women of the city ami section during this sale. Fill; M.DEK.MAN WAKD This is to announce that I a.n a candidate for member of the Board of Aldermen I roa the Fourth Want, subject to the Democratic Primary Apri XV. K . WIIJI.I AMS apr .' 'J7 FOR AEDEPMAN 1st WAHD d herebv announce aiv self a candidate for Alderman for the First Ward. Your support wrill l highly apprclciattd . TiesHM'tfully, j. IE Ft m EM A.N apr l!.". It Mr. J. B. Bell has returned to hix home in Wilmington, Del aware, after a visit to friends and relatives in this city and ad jaeent counties. CONTRACT E ii Bid Of Elizabeth City Contractor Accepted By City The contract for Elizabeth City's new municipal market goes to Mr. .!. W. Martiu of Elizabeth City. Bids 'or this contract were opened up yesterday, and Mr. Martin's hid with four out of town tout ra tors bidding against Inm, was mvo thous a;, i dollars below hai. of UiH next icompetitor. , file awarding of this coil tract means that work on the new building will begin at an early dale and that the work will be pressed to completion within a year. Mr. .Martin's friends in the city a iv congratulating him tn securing this big contract and the fact that the work is to be done by an Elizabeth City man is a matter in which all the community takes pride. INTERESTING TEMPERANCE ADDRESS The Woman's Christian Tem peraiice I'nion met with Mrs. I. W. Modliu on Church Street Wednesday afternoon. The annual election of olliccrs took plate with the following ivsults: Mis. Clay Foreman elected president,. Mrs. P. S. Shipp, Mrs. ( has Keiil. Mrs. W. J. Woi,lev. Mrs. M E. Mel ick. Mis .1. W. Motllin. elected v ice Presidents. M i s. Will. I'.oetlcher. sc. ret an . Mrs. It. T. v rnlrls, 'inilirrn 'rcasurer. Mrs. Kate ii. corresponding secrela rv . Following the election Mrs. Ilarihr of I larrisburg. Pa. made a very iulereMthog and in si rat i iv c talk, speaking upon the W. C. T. ('. work in Pennsylvania. Mrs. llartzler told of the friendship of the Covernor of her state for the W. C. T. I . work and of his slogan, 'Pennsylvania Dry in PUt! of the two member of the legislature who opposed stale-wide prohibition, one who had recently come over to the prohibition forces having been influenced to do so by the efforts of the W. C T. U. Mrs. llartzler said also that the liquor dealers realize that they have practically lost out in ihe tight ami are. getting ready to go into other business. The largest brewer in the stale is now erecting dred thousand dollai The governor has said the prohibitum bill a hun bakery . that if fails he will go into every city, town ami village and speak in be half of setting Pennsylvania free from ruin at the next legislature. Aftei- Mrs. Ilartzler's talk the Present of the W. O. T. U. appointed Mrs. R. XV. Fore man and Mrs. R. XV. Turner captains of a membership icon test in which the organization will engage. MARKET H II 'V f : 'A :V'.'

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