i j .- OFFICIAL PAPEUl : Kf OP 0 DM5 I Mr f ifVRRITUCK WSJ7JTII0VT prejudice ; t cr.-, , r rirN i r . ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY MA? 1 25 1915 r: -'- 4-' . ' : 'WW - ' : : 7" : 77 : 4 fra .4 i V ft vwmr fiREIT LEADED In the Death of Mrs, Zim merman Who for Eigh iteen Years Guided Or ganization The funeral if Mrs. Kate E.s Zimmerman was conducted at one "o'clock at the First Methodist Church. The Woman's fhristian Temperance Union of Elizabeth City of whijeh Mrs. Zimmerman was president for eighteen years at tended tlie funeral in a body and by her request the. casket -was tied with a band of white ribbon, the emblem of this orr ganisations ideals. As the pall bearers entered sfh ... churdh the congregation sAn& softly, .Nearer My Cod prayer by. He. J. TKtD9 and the solo jftce- 'to' 3Pee' tlie funeral meftaon was preached by Rev. CK- TV 8mith from the four teenth, verse of the fourteenth chapter of Job, and the ser vice, closed. with the quartette, 'Jeans is Mia'. BeautifnJ floral of eriugs expressed the respect and" love of those with wjwfr- Mrs. Zimmerman Had w6rkad and among whom Iu "IHffl 'Ufed . ; Accompanied by ilf. and 'f vs. W. B . Zimmer man the bodv was taken on the afternoon train to ljewis bur Pa. for interment. Mrs. Zimmerman died Man. day morning beween thrie and four o'clock at the borne of her nephew on Pennsylvania Ave nue, W. B. Zimmerman,, afer an illness of four weeks. She was seventy nine years ojtf 'and had been in failing health for the past two years. Two nephews in this city sur vivfc Hfif. W. B. and N. K. Zimmerman. Mrs. Zimmer man icajne. to Elizabeth City from Pennsylvania about forty( years ago. and for many years was a leader in the religious work of her church, the First Methodist rhurch of this city, being provident of the Woman's Missionary Society and actively interested in even- department f Church work. Her great itit interest perhaps, however as the work of the Woman's istian Temperance T nion BMd this she gave up last and t reluclantlv. To the ibers of this organization to many friends throughout city her death is a great and a heavy sorrow. SENilOH NUiIER JJKXT MONTli The next number of the High School "Magarane, the Tatler, .will cooje off the press dttrtng onunencjenint week if tl Cwning liteiiiry achieve ment of the Senior 1lass and wewd their prorcsv and ex periences. t,hii"hnmbeT wfff be, of more than ordinary in teret and merit. ; CAri FDD STiDEIIlS And Aftermath of Com mencement Festivities Continues During Court Week ""S Manteo, N. C, May 24 The Coniiiienceinent of Manteo High School closed last Tuesday even ing withthe presentation (f flags, choruses and instruineu tai uuiqki by the high school and' gram a r grade pupils. More than live hundred people gather ed in the auditorium of the new school building to enjoy these exercises. On Tuesday morning after a chorus by the high school and an address of welcome by the principal, upt. B. 0. Cirisp arose and in a few brief but appropriate words introduced Prof. U. E. Austin of the Science Department of the Carolina' Teachers' Training School who came as a substitute (or Preside Wright, the lat ter having been preveniejrt from coming on j account of the se vere illnes'oViExGovcrnor Jar vis, Mr. Austin spoke on 'Community Ideals'. ''Among the idealf necessary in any pejiopj community", sd he "are those of healthv morality, use fulness, and. religion. . vfS.U these go tormake up. -the truly educated 1 community." The speaker emphasized the impor tance of both heredity and en vironment but laid especial stress on the lat&f and by numerous and vmd illnstra tions drawn from the life of plants and lower animals show ed how great is the influence of environment upon the boys and girls. I After the address diplomas were awaijded to the seventh grade students, Iva Jennctt, Affie Midgett, Delia Midgett, Jennie Midgett, Marie iriffin. and ljrna Brothers, pupils' of Manteo, Kthfrl Meekins, Jose pliiue Meekins and Belle Nixon Of Stumpy Point . Next, the prizes were award ed. All the prizes offered were given by the teachers of the school. Mrs. V. U. (J ray who has )done excellent work in the primary depart, men I otrereof live hooks for thqse pupils in the first, second and third grades who made the most 'headmarks' in spelling during the year. These books were awardqd to Harry Wscott, , Margaret Griffin, Al ma Meekins Phoebe Gould and Samuel Midgett. Miss Eunice McKay who has worked so di ligently with the seventh grade gave each of the six seventh gradf , graduates beautiful gold pin. GoLl pins bearing the names oMhe 'Di' and ;;Phi' socifties & foonaers'of tfiewtl$iai Debating Union . were ' awarded to Naomi Daniels, 'TJillian Hiw- ; .atL liouisc MiJier and Madge mjei8v: i nese weTf given VJ Prof. Jovner. Continued oq Page Three A WORD IN FLY SEASON The Fly Season is here. Flies ere filthy and they carry disease. Dearth will claim its victims here in Elizabeth City before the season is far spent The fly is born in the manure heap, visits the slops and garbage at your back door, bathes in the di-vsease-laden privy vault and comes to your home directly from , the consumptive's cuspidor. His morning bath is taken in your milk pitcher; his loathsome specks fall upon the bread you eat Fresh from the most disgusting filth the fly dines with you, crawls over your food and your face, irritating you with his persistent and hateful touch, deposits his excreta, full of disease germs, upon the lip of your baby, pollutes the baby's bottle, nipple and food. The uncovered manure heap, garbage cans, dirty back yards and alley ways all invite the fly. Do these conditions exist around your home? Have you done anything this spring to clean up your premises? Have you screened your house? If not, now is the time for every good citizen to look out for the health of his family and community. Screen your doors and windows. Trap the fly. Clean up your premises and keep them clean and ' thereby destroy the breeding place of flies. Make your outhouse fly proof, Swat the fly and, if not inclined to swat on account of physical inertia, purchase some tanglefoot fly paper and catch the fly while you sit in ease and comfort reading your morning paper. job m n id Camden - Currituck Bap tists Will Dhows Many Features OHgipus ''"! $V-..fffi;,?y, ... The program for the Oaniden ICurrituck Union meeting to be held Friday Saturday and fcun day. of this ' week .at Kawyers Vitk Baptist Church in Caw den County, published ia The Advance a few weeks ag. pro poses a meeting of more than ordinary iutepest to the Baptist of this section. The introductory sermon on Friday will be preached . ' by Dr. B. C. Henning of this city at eleven o'clock. The afternoon discussion on the subject of "The Necessity for Intelligent Conviction" will be led "by Rev. 1. N Loftin, fol lowed by W. N. Gregory, Her bert Peele, K. F. Aydlett, and Rev. J. K. Henderson. who will scak of the service ren dered in this connection by the pulpit, the press, the Hunday School and the home. Saturday inoininfr's discus- sion will be led bv Dr. B. C HenniiHT. the various images rfl umi... A..xu si. 1 th subject. tut- AiiiuuniY of the Bible the Only Guide, Faith and Practice jn Bell gion", being taken up in detail by Rev. T. J. Ragland, Rev. IN. P. Stalling, Rev. C. R. Angell, and Rev. I. N. lxftin. Further announcement jf the program for Saturday and Sun day will be made in Friday's is sue of this newspaper. V BANQUKT THURSDAXv NH3HT The Elizabeth -City Iode of Oifoyenow, give: a -banquet Tlrday night in honor of their i representative for the Grand Lodge. II MIS BUS sura Considerable Damage Was Don By Vfin4 tn4 Lightning Lat Night M&uteo ,Mjr- 5M--The "Ankep itfll" t-esideAce on tho oVl fill ven faria just outside of town wa strut k by lightning - Jast night, caught tire and burned to th( around. The ruins of the house wen still smoking morning.. One of the .severest electric and wid -torjis of the. season struck Manteo yesterday even ing, and for a while the roar of wind and the rumble ' thunder and the rattle "of hail striking windows and roof made conversation difficult. ft was while the latest guests at the tranquil Housf- were at supjei, and when the storm wus just getting underway, that the sharp crack of a thunderbolt 1old unmistakably that the lightning had found a mark at no great distance. Almost immediately afterdwards the aici-id smell of smoke was observed in the air but it was some time before, the where abouts of the flame was dis- i , j . j i. covereo too iaie to save um l !IJ PflL building. The residence had just been left vacant. Sunderlin's Floating theatre also suffered in tlie.. storm the electric motor being entire ly put out of comniisaion at the same time that ttf ' - building wus struck. Mr, Sanderiin wa therefore able to put on Bo show on the first night of court week when he, had every prospect, of a big crowd. ' Miss jkiiinii) Tote.r lug return jl )roui Rjleigh- where be haa attended Meredith KJollcge for SiriMHb to The Advance limy Ellis D OF 17JIR With Army Ready For Conflict and Hope of Gaining "Unredeemed Italy" Italy is at war will Austria, Hungnry . With the issuance of tlie gen eral mobilization order Sunday the Italian goverunieul issued a proclamation.. declaring war on Austria to begin officially yes terdav. Prior to this and after a lenglhlv consultation, thc min isters of war ami marine pro claimed all the provinces bor dering on Austria and thi in lands and coast towns of the Adriatic hi a state rf war which was equivalent to the estab lishment of martial law, the step usually proceeding the formal declaration. Although drastic action had been looked for momentarily Italians of all classes have been electrified by the swiftly mur ing events. The entrance of Italy into the world war which began lat Au giist, irictfeasfs the number of states engttgejj in the conflict to eleven.. Italy aJHed ith GeTaanv and. Austria flun- gMX : uter 1882 in tie Alliance was called on last tfum frie shortly after the assassina tion of the Austrian crown prince, to support the Germanic empires. She . declined and there 'began a series of diploma tic negotiations which soon re solved themselves into efforts on the part of "Germany and Aus tria Hungary to induce her to remain neutral. Prifnce Von BuHow, an as tute German statesman, whose wife is art Italian woman was sent to Rome. He labored indefatigably for months. bu4 in vain. He offered Italv cer- tain parts of Austrian territory"1 ,h)' new school building 00 ax the price of neutrality, but Co i tinned id page thrct mm iiis on ludgiug from the appearance of business aHivity in Mitch ell's Department Store since, the opening of the big Mid Season 8ale last Thursday an observer would It' moved to sty. "Well, J they roust have sold out every thing"; and indeed the business done in the past few days would have cleaned up thhe average store. But Mr. Gil bert is always on the job and was never known to fail to rise to the Ocoasion. So far from announcing that the sale is over, he has surprised b'K pa trons new and old by supplying the demand for every thing need ed andBought for and J annonn dng thaC the sale continues in full force .tiponghont the week; with new, bapi everyday. Hla jBdyertilRemejit on the back pagebf W islrtie of The Ad ranee "suggests a few of the big hits Of hbj 'mideasoa sale rdi? RniinT:(ifi;;:;f;ir8:- U V U 1 1 1 U U U W U U V U ; Cases Chiefly are of Civil Nature. Report Of Thompson Case Gross ly Incorrect .Manteo. .May '2" Court COO- venes here to day with Judge 4 'hedltee on the bench. The criminal docket is short and without seusationol cases and it is thought that most of the time will he given to the civil issue locket. A reporter for this newspaper interyewed attorney B. G. Crisp with reference to the I alleged brutal tnduct of A. F Thompson, mently released, : from State prison ou pardon granted by Governor Craig tO-y ward his daughter a girl of IhV teen. Mr. Crisp said that the Mr port of the affair which bad gotten into print was grossly, incorrect and unfair to Thomty son. - "Thompson did kill hli ' wife after she had ran awtty, ; with another man," Mr. Orisp ' , said, "but the evidence which the jury believed was to thl . effect that the killing was acd, ' dental and resulted from a ' struggle beween the, 1 tiro 'jfoff,' the posesslon of .their1 -chttdr which the woman ' Ld -tatea son had left It to be cared for, "On I he night- of the dUegtft brutal treatment of his daugh, ter" Mr. Crinp went on to say, the girl had been out to quite' a late hour and was taken to task for it and corrected by Thcinpson. This is what ' the girl and her father both say and I do not believe that' . there is any substantial evidenc to the contrary." Mr. t'risp says further that'' Thompson did not run away af ter the occurrence but remain ed here until work was stopped which he had been employed and that he then went to New-' jiort News and at the present lime is at work in the shipyard there. Mr. Trisp also made the in teresting observation that as a matter of fact the contractor for the new school building IS W. P. Gray aud that Thomp son was employed by him as were other laborers. Neither, according to Mr. Grisp, has the girl in the case ever been a stu dent at the Teachers' Training Srhool at Greenville. HELP WANTED MAJIiCW Salesman wanted for Elizabeth City to sell our full line i gfcojds from bouse to house,.. Good paying permanent posl tioa 'if you mean business..; Salesman must own a horsA and furnish personal bond, Addre Grand JJjtoa-. Tfea- 4o 450 Granby Street, Norfllk maV5 28 Ju 1 npdf i i turned from Wake Forest Cot ' leg. '' . 1 I '-"(' - v . ' , ' ,. - - -" , '-, .- '.:. -i.

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