.V, W-". : Considering the unfavorable "-weather last nij;bt the awlieute at the Alkrauu was .u large aud jdativt one. fhe Columbia Stock CoMpauv Ln'oduivl the interesting drama, My Country Swc-1 heart." each plajsr taking his part an if es penally lined f"i ii. and ren dering the ro,lui ion in a maimer realistic enough t Iiiiike. ' the aud'i-in-e feel that the story was a real episode in the life of an KILzal.-ili City hoy and a Manteo 1 . Miss Lillian ISriht has re turned from Mnrfrceslniro win-re she Was a student at Chowan iCollege for the past session. ITALY ENTERS WAR Continued trom page one her answer always was 'it is not enough.' It now ap pears that' Austria did not really believe Italy would not enter the held against her. In the meaut4mu there had arisen iu Italy a war parly, led by the 'irredentists,' which made its voice heard iu no uncertain; terms. Dispatches from Koine for months past have iu dicatad that the sentiment fr active participation was stron ger by far than that for icon, tinued neutrality. For mouths diplomatic exchanges between Vienna a4 $u'e had been con stant, but? .tlfc most persistent efforts to keep Italy out of the war were futile. The Triple AljiSfire was denounced by Italy ." May 4th. Itut even afterthis diplomatic endeavors ver con tin tied, Austria of fering Italy .further concessions as late as May 10. Italy's first move on land Undoubtedly- will be against the Aiujk&au fnmitUT. The niouu Tafias character of the ter riaiV where the opposing armies fawjveach other, promises op erations and' lighting of the most ,'diflicuU nature. Tor several weeks past.. Imih the Austro Hungarians and the Italian armies have been' I'm ti fying aloig the dividing line. Italy hopes to gain posession of '"nnredeeiried Italy". a sweep of Austrian territory lv ingCijioith and east near the lieai&;)H' the Adriatic sea. This laucF'-'fornied pari of the Italian States' of the middle ages and the -penil;- oi- the iikisi part a re.', of Italian sto-k. It's area is aWut S.tKMt square miles and its population is mure than .me million. When the war lie gau Jtal s a rniy was in mor icoiidltion Inn for e pas) eight months she has been bu sily' preparing for this einer gency. In that period $-110, M0,(HMI has been spout in. mili y this tarribk wuU of nilwm.- sea a d.llrfly. Bar mm aai Ua4lr Why tolrmt a tUUttwml Kid rtv horn at Ual Shepard's Housf FTj Driver and Insect Exterminator Kills the-FlV and Prevents Dlseaie.. i y inincltMlMrilTU Dr. CC ChmodlT. IVid 4 ud'i Houm Fly Bbapard a Cbfimlciil Company or Wilmington , N . C. , nre produced a long felt want In a harmless preparation that will KILL Film, Roacbea, Moff, qultaat and other I NSKC rs. ij tbanaaof a small quantity used by (hi mouth. It Is -qui prerentlon ofdlseane and the v... ....i.. t n It kiOa tba Moaqultoeajike agS aiaawiica, Asia, Moina mim not injurWue to people Sold astmyar traa. Manafacttmd aad Gaaranteed bf SHEPASD'S CHEMICAL COMPANY, Inc. tarjr'piparaliQO 'lierv heavy gung are said to b3 superior to the famous German and ns trian type anl her artillery unexcelled in the world's ar mies. 'Austrian aeroplanes, destroy ers torpolo boats early yester day descended on the Italian coast of the Adriatic and bom barded several towns including Venice: while in the Tyrol aud on the eastern t'ontier Italian aivd Austrian advance guards have fired the first shots. The plan of campaign has not yet been disclosed., but is is generally believed attempts to inflict a quirk and decisive de feat, or at least one that will discourage the Italians, will be undertaken, largely by the Germans under FieLl Marshal von Hindenburg. Throughout Austria and Ger many there is bitter denuncia tion of Italy which has replaced England as the most hated enemy. In tlie allied countries, on the other hand. Italian intervention is hailed with delight and in the Italian quarters of Ixmdon and Paris there have been enthusiastic demonstrations and cheering farewells to the Italians leaving to join the colors. mil rais rot STUDENTS Continued From Page One The Wonians Hetennent As social ion met in the school building Wednesday afternoon Those present were: Mesdames K. IS. Ktheridge, S. A. Grif fin, G. P. Wescott. Nancy Meekins and H . M . dennel t . In response to their request the teachers and pupils will piv scni 'The Hoodoo' at eight o'clock next Tuesday evening in the new school auditorium and 'Mrs. Itriggs of the Poultry Yard", a comedy in three acts at e glit o'clo.'k Wednesday ev ening. Admission will be i w fitly live and (en con Is and the proceeds will go toward furnishing the new 'auditorium . Since two or three hundred vis tors will Ii!' he,e for i-uurt a large crowd is ex pet 4ed . .Miss l.elhia Payne. Maebelle Pa ue. IMitli Meekins, .lose phine Meekins and l?"lle Nixon and Messrs C. p.. Payne, (i. . Pa. ne. Luther Hooper. A . " . Hooper. A . 1! . Hooper and Cecil .Midgelt o-: Stnnip Point spent a few days last week in Miihti'o attending the 'oimiielii -elueli I exercises of .Manteo High School. Mam isitoi-s from Manns liar bur. Avon and oilier parts of llare County attended the ex elcises if Manteo High School coMiinenceaient . Miss Willie Grillin who has just finished a successful year's work as one of the faculty of TV. emmukitmbthm gr t Eurogun Wr mrm air r worm Motoa homamtr m uiiwi ioBBnfci ImtMif MmUmI lUmk, Dwtora awl Saswrintw J l Hli &i thaJFNM a tprxUr of oan ioua dia- jM lif k BO u arut u tk toll Uriad by tkm aaun to hmiih and cUaaUaMa? nifPVTD't rvnniiKUCNT SW.TIM.t Board alHhh, Eaaowaa Shap. ifi Driraf aad lut EaUrmiMtor. M 8brTport, La., March 17. 1914. aVriil ThU preparation K I LL8 Film and Boachea sprayed about the room by meaniorabfcwer w a valuable addition to the means for iba comfort of tbe pea VUII kl III I , V,U....i'..-...U. U . Preit. Bhrereport Board of Health and Health Offlcef. paiHTII IU lha Fllca and b lira death ta Bcdl y ana jmi uiner mmn. i n hinM at all store in the amber bottia with Ml 4i WUaaUaloas N. U Manleo Qigb. School left Satpr day morning to' attend a wed ding at High Point. She ex perts to be away two or three weeks visiting friends in Wes tem North Carolina and Virgin ia. Mrs. Mac Kay of Pupn is here viRiting her daughter, Miss Kit uice Mac Kay. Messrs AY. V. Johnson. T. I. Uagland. P.ob Wescott. Clary Tillett and K. W. Joyner went to- YVanchese last Thursday ev ening to attend a meeting of the Masonic Lodge. IN THK 1MSTHICT COI UT OF THK fTNPTKD STATES For thie-EASTKHN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA . Whereas a libel has been tiled in the District Court of the I nited States for the Eastern District of North Carolin, on the 22 day of May 11)15 by Schooner '-lame tWry'. C. S. Guthriei S. S. Neal & (loss (iibbs, owners of said Schooner, against the Schooner 'Eva D. Rose' her engines, tackle ap parel, furniture etj-., and against Make & YValtban & Co. owners, in a cause of action, civil and maritime and praying that process may issue against I the said Schooner "Eva 1. Rose' her engines tackle apparel, furniture etc., anyl that same may be condemned and sold to pay said libelants the amount of their claim with costs;., charges and expenses: Now therefore, in pursuance of the monition under the seal of Said Court to tne direct ed and delivered. I do hereby giye public notice to all per sons claiming the said Schooner 'Eva D. Rose.' or in any man ner interested therein. that I hey appear before said Dis trie! Court to be held at I lie Court House in the town of Kli.abolh City, in and for the Eastern District of North Car ulin i on the :51st day of May l". 1 at 2 o'clock in. of lhat day. provided the same shall he a day of jurisdiction, other wise on the next day -of juris diction thereafter then and there to interpose Iheir claims aiy I make their allegations in that behalf. Dated at Elizabeth City. X. C. this 22 day of May P.llo. Y. T. DOKTCII, I'. S. Marshal Eastern District of North Carolina. P.y .JOHN I! . WILLIAMS. Dept. I'. S. Marshal. .1 KEN Yi WILSON. Proi lei for Libellant . in v ) I TJ1J-: I ) I S'l'K I T t'Ol UT I of Tin: i v i ti:i statks. For Tlie KASTFKN IUSTUKT OF NOKTI! CAIfOLINA. ". I. Skinner and ( il. Itailev, Fanners trailing as Fjilin's Marine Railways. vs - Schooner Irene,' ami Owners Nofici; of sau: l!v virtue of a writ of yen (litioni exponas issued on the eighteenth t Ui v -f -May, 11)15. in the above entitled catiNe. 1 will on the l!!Mh vlav of May, MM.", at 1 o'clo-k, noon, sell to the highest bidder lor cash, the said scliooner .'Irene' her tackle, apparel, turnitiire ind niacliitier . I'la'e of sale, on board Schooner Irene' at l'ailiH's Marine Kailwavs, Elizabeth ('iff, N. ('. This notice dated and posted Huh .May lSth., 1!U5. W. T. DOIITCU, , U.. S. MawhaLi ' Ity .I01IN 11. WILUAirS, Deputy TJ.' S. MaVshal. W. A. WORTH, Froetor for Libellant. CUT OUT THE MIDDLEMAN'S PROFIT WHtN 'CONSIDERING."- . .. Take note of these facts: 1st Our clothes are cut in the latest styles but never go to fool jsh extremes. 2nd. Our clotnes are made into so many different models that men of every build can be fitted without any alterations whatsoever. Consequently we don't have to employ high price tailors in our store and make our expenses heavy which would force us to get higher prices for our clothes. rd. Our clothes are sold for less than other clothes because we make them ourselves and sell them from our own 1 J stores, 1 STORE FHI OF NEW SPRING AND SOIICEI PkTTERNS-GUT TO LOOK NT WHEN YOU EOT B TO ST1Y BIEHT SO TEAT YOB'U CC"E E.'.St WE MAKE OUR OWN CLOTHES THEREFORE SAVE YOU THE MIDDLEMAN'S PROFIT $15 THE QUALITY TAILORS ELIZABETH CITY'S GREATEST TAILORS Main and Martin Streets -:- Cor. Hinton Building ARTHUR BURGESS, Manager. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONlC. Vou know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 50 cents Sciiiur c;iniiiiiili(His art' "ii in thf t'ilv Ili",li Sclioul litis week, itn fvt'iit ol inipurtaiK't' .Mil! til 1 1 1 1 1 lOIICI'I 11 III IIK'llllx'I'S (ii ilti' lailna I i ii", class. Tlie ( 'ui'iiiiit'licciiictit exercises of tlie 'lih Sii hool w II ink - ill. ne on and tin I line the -The ;,, i (1 1 1 1 I II 1 1 I ' i M I 1 Ii I I r It Hi recei. ...eir iliplmnas. Diplo mas foi Hie graduates of the jrraiiiiuar snhool ami 'oiitiiience menl exei-cises for this depart ment are a new feature of the school and are heiu; looked forward to with happy antici patiou by the nieinhers of the class. Uurrins; the unforseen every re tail buyer of a new Ford car le(ween AugtiMt 1914 ami Aii)fUt 1015, will receive from $40 to $0 as a share of the Ford Motor Company's profits. The Ford our is everybody' utili ty, because it is easily adaptable to everybody's work or play. It Is reli able; serves everyone and brings pleasure to all. An economy because It saves money an average cost of two cents a mile to operate and main -IhIii. Runabout $440; Touting Car $4'J0; f. o. b. Detroit with all .equipment. On display anrl Rain at Auto & Gas En gine Works Dm Quinine That Dots Not Affect TIm Head Recuse of Ha tonic and lazativt effect. LAX A IIVK Br.OMOQUININH'o better than ordiunry Qnititue aad doel not came aerrounnrim ni rluglnt In head. Remember fbe lull name and WHERE TO GET YOUR NEXT Suits $15 and Up gw yw gU gu For Five Days Beginning May 25thV to 29th uejwtii utieratoi oi Portable Lamps, Toasters 20 to 25 per cent. Come early and get your choice oi f the lot, if you expect to buy a Dome or Portable now is your chance as no such bargains have ever;' been offered on this market; they must go as we must make room for Electric Fans and other goods. We mention a few goods that we are of fering: - . . 24 inch 3 light Fringed Art Glass Dome $22.00 reduced to $16.50 ; " 24 inch 3 light Fringed Art Glass Dome $20.00 reduced to $15.0CK 20 inch 1 light Fringed Art Glass Dome $20.00 reduced to 515.C3&' Portable Lamp Brush Brass Art Glass Shade . 18 in., -25 in. high $22.00 reduced to . $17,0&; Decorated Stem and Shade with Fringe 10 ' s in. 21 in. high, $10.00 reduced to $8 White and Mahogany Silk Shades, $5.00 Radiant Grill Toasters , .White Cross Vibrators Others too numerous Yours toServe W. S. WHITE & CO. 120-122 POINDEXTER STREET ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. SUIT gu gu l.. mi tuectnc Ligntine UomesVlv and etc. at a reduction of i Piano Portable Lamps reduced to $8.50 reduced to $6.C $12.00,reduced to. to mention. $9.csa f'C f v ; C, '.-??. 1 t m f m "'A I V "C S . " - : 'J i'.'-V tooc lor ttt iirtJature ol Hi w. gkovb zx ''Jv:',:w;V'Vr4!--:'v- : . ...... v , ,v

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