nn i? Liv7U m LlVJ rnn The Greatest of All Sales Begins Friday, June 1 1th Store Closed Thursday at One O'clock to tiet Ready For This Great Event Theiirst six ladies attending this sale Friday morning will be presented with a dress, the latest material. To tell of the wonderful bargains throughout this great store and greater stock of merchandise would take more than this entire newspaper. We are the largest distributors of merchandise in this district buying goods direct from the manu facturers saving you from 25 to 33 1-3 per cent on your purchases At this great sale the knife will be put in everything pruning the prices to suit every one's poc ket book. Every department will be represented Shoes, clothing men and boys, hats, gents and la dies furnishings. Domestics, curtain goods, white quilts, sheets and sheeting,hosiery, underwear, cor sets, white goods, silks, dress goods. Ladies ready to wear suits, waists and dresses, every article placed on sale will be an eye-opener See hand bills for only a few items in this Great Clearance Sale. Remember the date JUNE 11th, 1915 2K J ri f v " f ITH, J. p. Harris enter- 'tadiwl the T. F. I,. class or ; the First Baptist Sunday School ill her home mi Cedar Btremt . Those present weir j - Mirs. Win. Boetlcher. Mrs. 4i'u Mis Chas Clillirs, r. (ieo. Cox. Mrs. . :. I iMarchnnl, Mrs. It . C. Abbott.! Mrs. W. A. .I.i- kson. Mr. .1 . ' ' L. Prirluird. Mrs. Sum Wil Hams. M.s. James Ball. Mrs. ..lid. i-rUoi.i. M'rn. John 4 her man. .Ir. .The visitors we.-': Ir. Osvar Bray. Mrs. An drew Univ. Mrs. Jml Ballard, x Ud Dr. Helming. After 1 ousinesH had b-vii I ransai led . the hostess served refresh - ments. Miss .fatiie lliinl of Oxford. '"3f. "C 1h visiting Mrs. K. K. , jOullaw on Riverside Drive. - Mpa. (i. W. Turner of Wiu fall iiH visiting lier son T. T. , Tur$n?r. ' .71 C. Muuden has (zone to .11-.- i Roanoke. A'a. in the employ -menj; of the Koyster Fertilizer Company . y Mpi. ('has Johnson has re- tumied' from a visit lo her peo 'pip fit rendleton, N. C. ''Ml. H. F. Spent e has re turned from' a visit t friends in Norfolk . , Mr. A. F . Kr.imir Manager of the AJk-i iva Theai.-e gave n theatre party Saturday night u IMiBS Camilla Jenkins and Mr. Oeorge' Bell in honor f their approaching marriage ou June 8th., The following composed "NT The Phila-thea Class of the First Methodist Sunday School held n meet-ion: last week and elect, oMrer for Idi-i year Miss M;ii Webb wa elected President-. Mis Man Nurney vn-e president. Mrs. I teorg B.ihle. Treasurer. Mrs. M. L Sheep, teacher, Mrs. L K Foreman. ;issisl;tnt teacher. th,' party: Misses Kslella Joh.ll son. M.iud and Vera Hyatt. E'er lli, i Mat-tin. NCMie, killiau and Camilla Jenkins, Miss Annie Barnard. Mrs. Thomas Tliun ton. Mrs. I'. !. Davis, Miasm's Will cx. Wright Jenkins, T. S. Sandeilin. W. K. Stalling, Taniplin Cox. Ix-slie Hooer, C.eorge W. Hell. T. II. Thurs Ion, I '. c, . hnvis. After the show (he party repaired to Dean's w -here l-efreshments were Siirved . l'rof. S. II. Kpragins left ye terday to sMMid Ui summer months at Mitehellville, Ml. Prof. K. YV. Joyner of Man-hoP b' lif,iuK i,tP paswxl thrtnigh the ntpimi1h '''K "os, ""hitch it. Farm teo assxl terday on hist way to the Sa rah Ijeigh Hospital at Norfolk. Pnvf. Joyner will enter this liosit:il .for an 0M'ration. (Mrs. J. P. boro was iu shopping. llarnard of Shaw the citv toidav W. J Alhertson of Newlanjil is here this week. BEOUGHT HERE FDI BURUl The IhkIv of Frank. Vaughn of Albany, New Yuri., was brought here on the ue 'lH'k train from Norfolk Frulav. The funeral serviees wen eMlu(tel at Christ Churth U Rev. A. Ashhy. The interment tok plaee in I he llpincopal eenieten . A larp eonpi-ega- lion allemletl tlu sehviees. The IksIv was aeeompanietl here from Allmny N. by Messrs W. k. anghn of Hu h inond. a; IVrev S. aiighn of Hampton, ami Carroll anghn f New York, hrolhers. f r fti- lc( easiE. and also (w sisters, Mrs. D. A. Alhertsoa, and Miss Annie A. Vaughn of Portsmouth. One brother. A. M. Vaughn, a ivswlent f Louisiana, wa.s preveiiteil from aeeoifipaiiN iug the IhhIv on ac nrrf of (he ,listanV. Mr. auglm was native tf l'3li.aheth City; was loru and rean-d here hut he had spent the iixuit of his life in New York. MIS HQG-P8GDF UICH Ait Klizalteth City man, Mr. J. ;. Haiun. lias jnst ptentetl and put on the uiarkel a latch guaranteed to make the farm gate hg proof . This la fat balds the gate down so that a era will no doubt Ik; very much interested iu this invention, which though simple and inex pensive is said to be quite effect ive for its piirMse. Mr; Wilfred Pwle of Clarks ville, Ya. arrived in the city to day to accept a position on the Advance force. 'jMisa Minnine Nash has re turned from a visit to friends at Raleigh and "Wake Forest. Mr. (leorge WaNhiugtiiw Hell -and Miss Camilla Vail Jenkins were married this afternoon at the home 4 the bride's parents ou Pennsylvania Avruue. Miss Man- Jen-kin a sister of the bride wjih maid of lewoor and Frank Selig wa the gruvins In'st man. The eeremBy was erformed in the partr of the home by Itev. 4'. A. Culhreth, a few iu tiniate tre nds d' the i.n ilv !e '.ng pi vent . Mr. ami Mrs. 1MI k-fl on ,,.,. (1,iu Ur C trip to norllMin cities. -. Hell is a promi ueiit young iirm of this it. howling a responsible Msition in Si'hgs Jewelry Store. Mrs. LMl is the liaiighter (if .Mr. ami Mrs. J. H. Jenkins, takes an active part in the varibus societies ami in the choir work of her church ami the large uuniber of bridal presents on this yeca-sion attest to her popularity. ELATED OVER HI Attorney B. i. trisp of Man teo iis in the city attending the session of the superior court. Mr. Crisp was elated at the result of the school election at Man teo last Saturday which en doraed the scliond bond issue by a vote of 71 to :tl S. A. (iriftin of Manteo pars ed through the city to day nn his way lo Richmond and Nor folk . T. 8. Meekins of Manteo her to day ou business. HEW OFFICERS TAKE CHARGE The new rthY of the Hcrean Bible Class for Young Men of BLu-kwell Memorial Sundav Svhool went in ottice lst Sun uday; morning. TIm- class is very foi-tnnute. in sw rtritig Mr. Ceo. J. Ss-ire as its president and In-. 1!. L. Kendrick as teacher -hk I the vice president, Mr. W. II. Han dei-s is going aNut his duties in a business like way. The ofti ers are- Dr. K. I,. Kendrick. fetisher Uev. I. N. foftin and Mr. C. fl. Siuill assistant tNK'hei-s; (ieo. J. Spence. jin-s-ident; W. II. Sailers, vice pies ilent : F. I . ( 'onglelon, -ond viT presidi nt ; I.uther Owens third vice president; W. I . Peal secretary : S. S. liur gess. assistcul secret a rv. F. 11. Johnson of tUirrituck was iu the citv to idav on busi t ness . llennoud Kooks of Townsend. Va. and Miss Sophie Annie Harrell, daughter of S. K. It. Harrell of Hollins, Vu. were rriitrl Monday afteruoxm hj Justice of the JVace. J W Mini, den, at h s oflice at the Oowrt. House. FOll KAiLK Two Flanders autmobllea. These cars cost 950 new. Now iu perfect running order. Will sell for f'!50.00 each. Heawn for selllpg, going out of business. J. W. HTOKKLY FOR WALK House at Head in pjood condition. Nags A Eliz bargain see A. C abeth City N C jne 8 3t pd BFIJL DEATHS IT HUNTED Manteo, June 7 Many friends ait' sorrowful on account of the death of Mrs. Kllen Johnson whUh occurred last Friday night. Mrs. Johnson was 77 years of age. The funeral services were lomliu -tl Sunday morning ,v KeV. T. J. lingbmd The death of Miss Camille Brinkle- of Virginia Be;uh has brought deep sorrow to relatives and friends at Manteo. Tho remains will be brought to Mailt and interment will take place in the ceineterv here on Tuesday. TEDIOUS CASE IN COURT The only case in court Mon thly tried before a jurv was L. P. Winder against the Keel ing Faster Company. This suit grew out of a claim that the plaintiff, Winder, made against the company, for com mission on (he sale of lime. NEW KM OF Mil Sidney Warren White, son of H. J. White, a prominent far mer residing near town, was swxurn in as prat J icing attorney in Monday's court before Judge Shaw and is now a member of the bar. . jWilliain T. Hoai f Hal timore M.d. and Miss Catherine Josephine Cherry of Providence Koute one, were married yes1 terday afternoon by Justice of the Peace J.. W. Miimlen at his office. M. W. Saunders of Nixon ton was in the city Friday.

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