-f . r 777 7 7 n . v n 7 n n nrZD ny I '1v fl . - (Em ATETFS H77HOUrl : ' V)1 of BIAS WS WITHOUT COUNTY PREJUDICE ELIZABETH CITY, NORTHCAROLNA, TUESDAY JUNE IS 191S VOL V NO 48 I I II ' II m 1 X I. 1 III r II I varm? i ! .. ; i v ' I .1 IFZE ? :,?4 m PARADE FOR ciinouis And Prize Will be Award ed for Most Attractively Decorated Automobile in Line Chautauqua came to Kliza beth 'ity last year as an cx ipN-inuMit . Fdizabeth City people attended the first af ternoon's entertainment 1 1 i tli -'dently. It was necessary not ami musicians but to introduce and musicans hut to introduce Chautauqua itself. This year Chautauqua will enter and be welcomed in a blaze of glory. The parade (Will form at half past one o'clock Thursday afternoon at the court houise; The City officials, the military company 'aad Jbe fire company Will lead the parade and all autoiridniles and motorcycles that will join are most cordially invited to jdo so. All who participate in the parade will be admitted to the Thursday afternoon en ttrtainmetit without charge. ' The Texas Oil Company 1ms offered a barrel Of gasoline as a prize for the most attractive ly decorated automobile in the parade. The oporttrtrity is open to all who will try lift fhis prize. Pictures of the parade and views of the town it self will be shown on the screen at Thurs day night' entertainment. Those who take part may see themselves in the act of boost ing the town and perhaps be officials, tb miltarv company encouraged to do so again HAGS HUD SUS9H OPENS The season has opened at iNags Head, Elizabeth City's own health resort . The cool weather of the enrly part of June somewhat delayed the tqtening, but the Vansciver went down Sunday with a good crowd of excursionists. ami those who go down for the en tire season are leaving; t bis week for their cottages, though some will wait over a week and attend Chautauqua. The Norfolk Southern Hail road has made arrangements for eojinectoin with the Nags Head Boat in the afternoon and the south bound train for checking baggage and buying tickets straight through from iany point on its line, and the number of visitors from a dis tance this summer will pro bably be much larger than ever before. New boarding cot ta,ges are in readiness for these new comers and the old ones are awaiting the arrival of previous guests and new ones also. This season is expected to be the biggest and merriest in the recent Jiistory of the re sort . f0(W yards of figured enpe was sold i; a single day at the most popular sale of Mc abe and Orice . This eei' toinly shows that they must ' be giving wonderful values.' sNi in Those Who Fail to Get Their Tickets To-day May Find Themselves Too Late Chautauqua opens Thursday afternoon of this week in the big tent on Church Street . Half past two o'clock is the aflernoon hour set for entertain incuts throughout the 'seven joyous days'. Chautauqua will oiler on its first program two numbers, a lecture by the sup erintendent, the first in the week's series, and a concert by the Dunbar Soiree Singers, a versatile, artistic company of live. Their program will in clude music, comedy sketch and iniorsonations with numerous changes of costumes. ",, At the evenings entertain ment the Dunbar Soiree Sing ers will again appear in q var iety of number, after which a lecture bv 'liiiuiiccy J . Haw kins on "itifht Kyes and Wi f Hearts of our Northern Woods" will he enjoyed1 by all to whom an apH-al can Ik- nrade by realistic accounts of thrilling ex- x'iiences in the outdooV. The Chautauqua Courier iVs: If you are looking for "sAW thing different in the way Of entertainment that really ent ertains and at Jhe same time gives rni valuable informaiioii make font arrangements to hear Dr ChrtttMfpr J. Hawkins in Ids reat nature lecture, "Bright Kye aftd Wild Hearts of Our northern Woods." He will Imi on the first venin,p of the Chautauqua. Dr. Hawkins was one Af the xroin minced successes on another of our circuits last season. Iff cxmies naturally by his love of nature, as he is a direct i'escen dant of Daniel Ilonne. These natnre lectures are vivid ac counts f his Mrsoual ex jieriences in the fastnesses of the great woods of the North, where lie stfurel probably the finest collection of pictures ever t;ken id' wild animals in their nntive haunts. They are not dry recitations, but are crowded with humor. "It is not an cut Tiainment merely for children, but it is a thrilling, interesting lecture." Thursday evening's prognim will clone with pictures of the opening ceremony and parade, giving the participants in the scenes a chance to see them selves as others se them and showing many views of the town on the screen. No sale has ever caused such a sensation In (lie history of Illi.abeth cty as the one put on ley McCabe & Crice last Fri day Their entire force have not been ;i'e to half handle tin' ci.v1s that attended the -ale ndr Xoah M. Toy la r and Miss lini Mabel Reaves, both of this county, were married Sunday afternoon at the brides home. The bride was only fourteen; ) Chautauqua Programme acEast Junior Chautauqua begin, at nine a. m. At ternoon Session begins at two thirty p. in. Kven'mg Session liegins at seven-thirty. "V: . "'"v THl USDAV .1 I NK 17th , I Afternoouj .S'i-.e.s ecture SuiK'riiileiident Downey Concert Dunbar Soiree Singeis , Dunbar Siniv S.ne.-.s .!;...ii.i-.ttl l.miim- 'i;:lg!'i l-;cs and Wild lhi.rts .! Oni Noitliern ools" .... Chauiue,) J. Hawkins l h I'onophofogra dis --.t'yjv - IJIOAV JUNK 1Mb (Afternoon) Series LtHlure Superintendent Downey Magic aiwl Music 15enne(( Springer and Chautauqua Kntertainers ( Kvening) Magic and Music lteunelt, Springer auj Chautauqua Kntertainers .. Motion Tit tures 4rn - :. SATI DA V J INK tilth (Afternoon) Sericn Ifrhivr Siipeiinleiidinl owne ICointTl .. Crawiord Adams Triw t l-'.-ning) C. inert Crawford Adams Trio lecture -'Modern Italiy'oii"- Dr, S. l'arkes Catlman Motion I'ictures --' ."UNItAV II NI. A siniial progliun for Suntlay will be arranged and unnouined. hu . MONDAY JUNK 21st (Aflernoon) x,. Series ljeitufe Superintendent Downey Concert Colangelo's Italian Hand (Kvening) (Joucert C'ngeli's Italian lnm 'v Motion I'ictures -.. - "'Tfj?. x TUKSDAY JUNK 22ml v ( Afternoon , Series" -erture Superintendent I VJ ' Concert Boston Oratorio Art.t i Keniugi 'oncert Boston Oratorio Artists lrtnre "il'bttiHiiig the Tenie", Montaville Flowers .Motion Pictures wi:dnbmiay junk 2:tri I AfteriKMin Concert ., arkonv II ines Companv l,ect-tii-e "Friends tif Yesterday" Il Salle C.!-I.clc I'ick. II I Kvning Coutt-il . arkony Hi lies Cointiiiy "The Man- From Home'' P resen tet by The Avon Players Series Leriinv Superinfent Downey ENTERTMNMENT IT HOYOCK Moyock. June 12 - The Wes ley Bible Class f the JJlbyofk M. E Suntlay School enter tained its memliers on Th1r day evening. May 27th, at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. David' Cox. Music and conserva tion were enjoyed until al ar rived; then each in turn were blindfolded and requested to pin a IT S. flag to the mast of the ship thuit had been fas tened to the wall. Mr. Fritz Hitter proved sncceiMfnl and was given a minature ship. Next United States Flags were distributed aud matched tt find partners for a 'nation' contest which followed. The questions answeml with words ending in 'nation' were written on sketches of whips, tied with national colors. The success ful contestants, Messrs Fred Font ind Will Aytljett were given a box of candy. Much merriment was caused when Miss Authenea Flora received tn. booby-fllrum with the wish that she emiltl at least 'heat' iliaf After the games tin: guests were inivted to the dinning room Where cream and cake were served . Sinne organizing the class has Lrio n rjpidU in interest and in numbers, and ir8 first en lerlHininent jrroved a idelightful occasion. The class expects to entertain in June at the home of the teacher, Mrs. (5. P. Jamison. VERY FEW CASES GETJO JURY Litigation Long Drawn out Consumes first Week of Court. Sheep Wins Suit It now appears that the t w(": weeks term of : iijk i ior court in session here will im t re suit in relievng the congested dockel to any considerable ex tent. Hardly more than I lire:- case have gone to the jury since Momlay of last week'. ---- nwv- A ease involving tm great amount but still of unusual in terest in the city was that of S. L. Sheep versus the graded school 'trustees. Mr. Slieep brought suit against the U-us tees for l."0 whuli hail not been paid 1) "tin on his last year's salary here. Mr. Sheep's Hilary was paid in twelve annual inwia.ilmetils und the board held (hat he was not fiifilhfl lo one of these in stallmenls while he was away at the State Summer School that year. The case did not even go to the jury, the judge ruling after hearing the de fondants witnesses that the plaintiff was entitled to the ful amount with interest. The first ('tine coming up was that of L. Li. Vmder aguinXt the Keeling Faster Company, the plaintiff sueing to recover 11,250 commission claimed on lime sold by him as agent for the defendant. The jury gave Mr. WindVr won 477.77 The Richmond Cedar Works were the plaintiffs against Seligman, Williams and Coin puny in a tedious land caw in volving a question of title and trespass. The plaintiffs won jjrnctically all their con ten Hons. , Twit nf-groes. Peter Mark and John Bond, nm- involveI in a suit in regard to a deed. Mark claime'd that fht) deed was made out lo himself and Bond jointly and that both of (hem aid for the deed. The deed, howeyer. showed only Bond's nanir and he had sold the properly ami pocketed the proceeds. Mark was bringing suit for his share of the money derived from the sale ami was awarded fifty dol lars by the jury. F1. M. Cook got judgement against R. C. Evans for $117.0:! for demurrage charges. This morning the case of F. M. Cook gainst Foreman Derrickson Veneer Company was taken up. Miss Margaret Stokely, daugh ter of J. W. Stokely, prop rielor of the Arlington Hotel of this city was married at Norfolk Sunday to Mr Tommy King, a Norfolk eonliraji'tor . Mr. ami Mrs. King wd make their home in Norfolk A RKWARI),is olfered for return of gold link cuff button having initials n.H.F. Finder please return to Mr. Burton Southern Hotel MEET Willi CLOSED DOORS City Officials Appointed by Aldermen in Execu tive Session. Few Changes Made The board '' i:!'!erllieu met in executive session Monday afternoon and uHopted with out change the recommenda tions of the City Manager as to the various municipal offi cers who will work under aim. Manager Commander's Hi? oinmendations were as follows: For City Auditor, I) Otty Brock eft, for Tax Collector. M. W. Berry; for Chief of Police, J. B. Tholiias; for Sanitary Inspector. E. 1. Criffln; for Street Commissioner, J. W. Betts; for policemen, Ijeon Holmes, .fames Tarkingtonv n. F. Swindell, Brinkley White, and R. O. Cregorj'. It will bo observed that one man has been added to the politi? force a step that many have urged the need of for some time. u jj-, , J; The new manager lias rd taimnl most of the old officers, Walston and Benton of te police force being the only men displaced. Gregory, oneof the new policemen, b'as beeii'' made sanitary inspector. A tfj'f Home changes have been made in the salaries, however, mostly in the direction of greater economy. The tax coltectorV , salary has been reduced from . fifteen hundred to twelve htn-. dred dollars and fir? Vtreet commissioner's from sixty to fifty dollars a month.. TJlflT auditor's salary will lie twelve hiliijdretl dollars ami the man ager's will be eighteen hundred dollars. . r The ltai adjourned without elect infj school trustees and wilhotnt taking steps toward foi iiinlating the new ordinances. There are five trustees whose terms have expired; but only four are to be re-eletcte!, the new school charter making no provision for the election of a successor to (he trustee at large. CHAUTAUQUA FOR THE KIDDIES The Chautauqua is to have its charms for the children as well as the ojder peopel, A special department called "The Junior Chautauqua" having been organizefi jut jf)nr them, ami a jolly time is certain. The Junior 'Chautauqua will meet at the big tent every morning at nine o'clock where special leaders will, (each them games songs, etc, a young lady hav ing charge off the girls and the captain of the tent crew having charge of (he boys, both of these leaders trained for the work. The children will be classed according to age, and while having the best times they will be learning things. useful -.'): -.t

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