PAGE 4 DIVERSU i' LDITION-j ADVANCE The Sportsmans Paradise In Waters and Marshes of Sound Many of t lie Lj iJi ; 1 :(.ts ,:' t' u:itry Find 1 Ins a kfi. i . I : ). i rsilicu Eastern 'arolina tli - -i ..r's man's paradise. That sentence m a repetition for i'ie 'steenth thousand time o, xxlu; sonic fellow s.iid ; 1 1 1 . 1 1 n in colonial davH. Nothing else ei. esses the meaning so well, however. Ituring the Winter moiiih hundreds of hunters i'iili:r vlith from New York. Philadelphia and New I Indian ' to seek ge e ducks, and oilier w ild xxatet'ioxxl 'Numbers of ilieni are nrl'ioii airs who come in their own Stftllll yachts, equipped with beats and the u-cessar j i ' ; i phernalin . I ii hers, lit..- ; ... Beach. I . w in 'obh. '! Mat hew son a ii, lie r ke. , , nil to the Winter oamps to snoot by day and chat and smoke with their kiiyl at nif'it . "Kire ligbting," that is slaughtering the feathered things bv hlind.n thein with torches, etc. .is i; booed bv law, and in the mis 0OUph of seasons tin- IVder;, government has taken a hand t prevent the ruthless de.-tructioi of the creatures to evi im-: on . The fame of i he N n-th 'a-o Uua banks at any s -ason is w..n dervul. On one strip of th beach where for ten or I e . miles there is no hunrii: l la tion there are pi -in o' i la where for simil ir d'j-tan w.-i is a trans e l onb m . found scopes of s - v 'I ". a.i loa-.c-ri the fe ding pla es n 1 1 : s inliles- that the law is aimed lginst. Capable, eon ..anions game wardens usually see to the law's- emorcenient, too . icese anj brandt are profuse .swans -white am) black abound The ( back is not so nuin enms here as in Man land, b' cause he is a hardier bird an. I needs no! conic so far South, but ee-y other tribe of his k.nd is rejilcs nle. by lllotis amis ii (in th' us.uids. The h'ghlamls to the West he Siiiiiids alioiiml in iiiail, robins, ami nearly every other ics kiio,. n Id the American continent. Squirrel. o'po-si':u raccoons, loxes ;mhI even deci are plentiful. Hear are to he found with very little trou hie . Many animals valuable for their skins are present along the creek banks and river shores . Law son. famed as ;i natural ;st in the days when North '; oi'iij was a very sparsely ii ; elated ilonv. claini 'd to 1 " ocnd :hi' linn' and the ' ' ::rd' here. Il's lion was 'i o'1 bi ilc )! im.i a n animal h ' ' f : i e e- e isled n these s : s 1 1 o i t i 1 1 1 I . His : " i W. I rob:; b! some bee r,,.( ic of be fViiiie ; rice, 'low e;.' esente, i II I bv 1 1 rial ; blaoksraithinfr a Bpecialty." That is James A. Evaiw. And be is :i thorough mechanic in any of the lines. Mr. Evans' business l as been established 22 years. M mi; m luring carts, buggies. wagons and so iii, he can make ii;! .; anything wanted in wood ..- -leel. lie has competent he p ;s. Mr. I Ivans has a splendid iicm . aiu'i is fond of his many !" lit and nut (re s. He is the !eik and treasurer of the ntnn -cipalitv of .Manteo, and has held office off and on for nine years. He is also register of vital sta tistics for Nags Head Township and the town of Manteo. t mm PJLCKIN6 USE, 1 I. JEIEIT ll. M. Jennetfc is a hustling dealer in dry goods, notions, shoes, clothing, etc. He makes a speoia'ty ladies' ilrres goods, and also features I in perial bats and Lenox sflioes. The business was established in WHO, exclusively for the dry goods, notions and shoe trade. The stock is large and the store is splendidly cuippl. Mr. lennett do s a 'arge business I nun patronage from all parts of Dare county and the neighboring 'hanks' towns. He is popular with the Manteo citizenr. and is re garded as a coining man locally CARSON W. 0AVI3 game birds are of coarse, more numerous in the cold season, be log for the most pan migra tovy by nature. The vaiious spe I ie of ducks flock III countless thousands of the niardes The rujlkest amateur is sure of ;i li.c mak'iig a day's ipiest i i! iiabc to his spoiliiej p:rii ll i ' professionals the men who lit urn moil. !;. te . ''a r ;a!i I! 'on .ii:' v i idea l. :u ' ; i .1 i and that h b 1 it . ll . iiina es e A yoniijj man and a hustler is (irson W. Davis, merchant. He is the largest exclusive gen tinmen's; and ladies' furnish ings dealer in Manteo. and his establishment is one of the most up to dale in this section. Mr. Davis has been in business nine years long enough for every one in the region to be come acquainted with him. Accorliu to one authority. . In interior of his store has In' sane appearance as a log ilv department store. Mr. I t is does ;i business of more iln SM). nun per annum. and . increaing e;n!i ( ' l 1 I ll I II O . s.( S. goods. mMions, tarried in large Some of the well known brands ban died are; Sell loss ros. t iieen Oualit , Ka sion and othei' prominent makes of ' footwear, (Sold l?ond hats, Cheney silk ties. Lion brand shiris and so on. .1. L. Tay b r kV t'o's custom tailored line tor men is another specialty i i w I -i In j nnu ll Mil I I 1 I IlUb . the oluiiic ear now . bats. dry etc., are quantities. ! in 0. J. JUS scparab i . io l.ast"ii; sec i . . - i ol .nr. ollic I, o l ; oXiTpl The Iiurnsvle Tacking Com pany, of which S. A. Oriflin and C. L. (Jriffln, father and son respectively, are the prime movers, has as its principal pro ducts "Golden Brand" high e,uat"iry canned foods anJ croa tan cut herring. It is a lead ing Manteo enterprise. 1 The Company has been canning veg etables and herring roe for the past five years. Only this season, the canning of crab meat an edible growing in popularity though only m the past five years eannqd hi this country, although the japs. have been at it for some time was commenced at the Mnnteo plant. The company wi 1 begin the packing of oysters next season. Ivoanoke Island, as everyone knows. is almost within sight of the great oyster beds of the Carolina sounds. The plant of the Kurnside Tacking Compa ny has a maximum capacity of .'.000 cases a day. The equip ment is being increased to take care of peaches and tigs. Th" new sanitary can will lie used at an ear'y date. This can is sealed bv machinery. and is the latest thing in the way of hygenic receptacles. The Burnside Tacking Company is now also shipping crab meat in bulk to other packers, and is just beginning to develop the crab indnstry in these waters. Tlui plant is on th site where C.enera,' Hurnsidp of the Cnion army in the war between the States had his headquarters for a while. Cecil U Griffin wns the property on which stands I he house that was occup'ed by Itumsido. The company has had larger orders than it could fill. Inability to get the stuff to can has been one handicap, and for that reason the cannery has not been ab'e to opera!" the entire time. The owners, who realize that thev are iu a business with an excel lent ili; for great develop n i ii t . are. however, cni'oui'agi 1 1 'J li-i'-king on tin- island, and wi I iih all those desiring to furnish raw material to "the cannery, -; Sweet pota toes is another article soon to be put up. Everytyhing e'se there is a demand for will be handled. The Burnside Com pany has made a reputation on the 'Golden Brand' Herring ro?, corned drum fish, tomatoes, green beans and pumpkin that it cans. Knnning full capa city, the concern gives employ ment to 150 people, paying an average daily wage of 1.50 Ordinarily, a thousand cases a day are turned out, Hrith two jdozen cans to the case. Costs oj raising crojw and se ling profits hereabouts are, about: An acre of tomatoes produced at an expense of forty five dol lars, will net about ten or twelve tons, worth fl 0 dollars a ton. An acre of beans can 1m raised for sixty dollars and sold for almost 100 ier cent profit . IJ. ty. He is a popular -official too Maoch 1 he moved big business to a Water street building; and then addqd some "more to the equipment. The soda foun-" tain is one of the nicest in this- part of the State. It c6s)ti SSOO. Handsome tables chairs were installed whenfW outfit was last moved, ladies cafe, a separate f cream parlor, and other n provements make the place as elaborate as many that one would find iu a city. Tke coffee here is a delight. iii mwioii itrait: A popular place in Manteo is A. H. Davenport's. He has a modern soda fountain installed in a sp'endid restau rant!, and does a big business. Ice cream is manufactured for an extensive wholesale trade. Mr. Davenport land ed at Manti in 1 SfHi, and then and there set up a barber shop, with, according to his state ment, "one razor, mug and brush." The chair was an old fashioned ftoof chair for five months. The business prospered. Then Mr. Daven jort installs I a second hand 'regular' chair. In 1807 he added to the business. taking on the ice rrenm and cool drink lines, ami again in lfKK) he added to his barber shop equipment. He has been do 'ng a lucrative business in a'l He has acted as deputy sheriff for various sheriffs until 1JM4. Then he went for the big job for h'mself. He was nomi nated and eld led and is now lb.- hi:;h Sheriff of Dare conn Jn winding np this discrip tion of historic Roanoke, its business men an bo on, it is well to give a few more facts and figures, since facts ad ligures invariabiy make inter esting reading. The jKrj nidation of the Island is three thousand. It will comfortably entertain some more thousands comfortably if the right jieople come, for this is a scrupulous, conscien tious population indeed. There are about five hundred negroes on the island and they maker good, peaceable citizens. This average of five whites to one colored makes it much more t the liking of the former tba is the condition experienced ky the people up-State, where i some of the towns there af fewer whites than coilored negroes have good schools, good homes, excellent churches etc.. and they are a solter industrious community. The Kpulatinn of Manteo isV SOO. It is a nice, roomy, at tractive town. Then' is plenty of induce ment here for the location of cooperage planrs for the man ufacture of boxes, barrel beads, etc. There is an abundance of green and dry wood in tke vicinity, not only on the island but on the neighboring banks in. I mainland . Koan"ke Island s trol only Concluded n Cage Civet Manteo Alive (o Modernism (('mil iiiiu l front 1'ii'ir '-') A. Griffin. U. One of he most important of tbe local business concerns is the Bank of Manteo, with K. r.( Evrins president, I, N. M'dget ' vice-president and It Truce Etheridgo, cashier. The bank , was orjraniml on dune 'JO, T.H7 wttU a capital of ffi.OOO. Its sur pills and profits are over $.',000. Tt has paid 10 per cent in dm detids to stockholders. The hank owns the property it now' occu pies, including a good frame bui: ding containing Itesides the bank me store and a large hall. The batrk will soon erect a brick buil ding on the corner of W ater an I rountv streets on it lot bought some time ago. Mr. Kther'k'e hfls bcn the cashier since the bank's inception, nud is popular with all having dealing with i: regularly. The detios tors live all oxer tin county. The Tank of Manteo is A good, substantially growing little institution . The directors are all strong men, including K C. Evans. L. N. Midgett. K. M iJennett. L. I. Tarkcnton and S. Ir . :' . A Griffin is a leading M inleo In sMiess man. lie deals in g oceries. hardware, lurni lure, feeiis'a f. . tc. gas ellg ties ;ilid motor boa: stlppl es. ami is the ajjent for many inanul'act u re;s. II is located in a spacious , xvostorx building. Mr. Griflin I as Ikm-ii in business a score ol years, since August lSil.". to he exact The bus ness w is orig uallx conducted by Griffin and and Siitnple. bit; some years ago wis incorporated upon the death of Mr. Sample. Articles of hum pirration were :iken out in -lami ary, TdOT. Mr. Grilfin succeeded the incorporation. wh'ch was named the !riff n S.unple Co.. in 1 ! 1 ! . lie 1i:k a stock o' ?."..(HI0 and d is an annual business of .:!0,Hii; l'e; iiilnre . 1 1 t house fur ishints are aaioie; lis sp-c:al ties, as well as eadiiig brands of hardware and licav groieries Mr. tiriff n d' es mostly a cash business. He is a public spirited and i opida man. affiliated with a Imost ever;. . hi ii" i or i he coin iiton ireod. im i raws "Coach n-aain-r. undertaker, dealer in wh.els ami coach mate- 1 Am; Mi itt; o l,:is :i print hop i . .1 .limes, he pn i iielor. s ;i capalM' crallsman, loo glance at bis sain li s w ill Jiow that Mr. I i'i -:, In v I,'-, 1 1 1 o 1 1 o la rge I .: -1 ncss in job rin I i i ha ll d'e i x i ew rili't s ami -appli s, lal one . books. iioxelties, ' " i . . ah In s. ch.i k . drug -en dries ami loib l pi '(; i t"J t ions gvsidiue engines and -appiii's. i iisii ; a nee iif all kinds. and oliier tilings. He is an ex I oiient of diversification . He vks a sin cess of ex i v ine handled, too, of course, or he wouldn't he handling them. His present h;siiie...s has been e. ' a Id' shed a yaar. lie! ore that he was for ten years the postmaster at Mantee. ; nd bad as a side business 'he a gen i y for gasoline engines and did a hi; ol job printing. Mr. Jones is a young man. He is tie only fire insurance agent in the whole of Dare county. Th n'k what a forKniate county this is. and what a fo'tnnate man Mr. .Jones is. He- a so of course, deals in lit'- insur ance, and has the agency for the New York Life Insurance 'onipnnx . O. I. .lones is a live wire, and has lseii very helpful to the press representa tives handling the story for which be is thaukru herewith. Mr. Jones is a native of Darej i county, and is anxious to see he public interest fostered He is active in chamber of com merce work. He is a mem ber of Creef and Jones. a firm d "aling in gasoline engines and supplier for the marine trade and fanners. Let Your Next Engine Be An "EAGLE" SAFE-DURABLE-ECONOMICAL MADE IN 20 MODELS HIGH SPEED MEDIUM WEIGHT HEAVY DUTY An Engine For Every Purpose CREEF & JONES, Distributors MANTEO, N. C DEALERS IM REBUILT ENGINES & ENGINE SUPPLIES OLD ENGINES TAKEN IN EXCHANGE Cash or Credit 'him JAMES A. EVANS Manteo, N. C, COACH REPAIRER UNDERTAKER , . DEALER IN WHEELS AND COACH MATERIAL Buggies, Wagons & Carts Made to Order BLACKSMITH1NG A SPECIALTY Ott The Job For 22 Years in Manteo B O 13 B IS