- tv- DITORJAL o Wmgh SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year fill Months " One .Month 10 Publish d Tuesday k Fridays tl . i AND SO ARK WK The editor of this newspaper baa from time to time enjoyed the privilege of sjieaking in the churches of his denomina tion as a layman. This fact has caused the misguided to thrust upon him the appella tion of Heverend', to which he ll in no way entitled and to ward which he has never as pired,. In this connection we father enjoyexl the following itory which we quote from the editorial page of this week's Biblical Recorder : "During the season of hon orary degrees which lias just passed, a deserving Doctor of Divinity in one state wrote a Congratulatory note to a some what undeserving new made Doctor of Divinity in another fiftate in which he finely said: 'May I te.1 you a story rela tive to the ordination of Rev. John Iceland that is appropri ate to many of those who are honored with honorary de grees? Mr Inlands objections to ordination were finally over come by the persuasion of his friends. After the oijdination service wasi finished, Mr. Ije land arose from his knees and said to the members of the Courtcil: Well, brethren, you have laid your hands on my head! but before God, I am M big a fool as I ever was! The 'school building aC Poplar Branch was set apart .to .the cause of education in Curri- rituck County and the word 'education' broadened and I'cepened its meaning to the people of the county that day. Rut the work of the school did not stop with this gather ing either. Throughout the yejr. the si liool building 'con tinued to bo a social and edit rational centre and this year's count v commencement attrartql the interest of a larger numlier of schools than did last year's There was no new building to dedicate this year, and we wondered what these wide-a wake and progressive Curri turkians would think of to keep the school spirit alive through the, Summer months. We did not wonder long. They soon made the announcement that they would celebrate "Indepeii deuce Day" with a big educa tional Rally that would in lude the entire county. The editor of this paper, who was one of the speakers at I lie de dication of the high school bulling, is on the program again this year -an honor in which he takes pride. A SANK FOURTH The I Diversity News letter sums up the advantages of th county commencement in an article we publish in this issue Of The. Advance. We hope that the schools throughout this sectin will note these ad Vantages and those which have not done so wi'l cooperate next May in such a gathering. Wit. it is not necessary to go SO far away as the State Un iversity for inspiration in this matter. The example set by ' Poplar Itratvh High School de serves the attention and the emulation of the other schools of the section and. indeed WOU'd serve as worthy ex ample for a majority of the counties of the State. Last year Poplar Branch nan its nrst count v com mencement and made it a sue Cess. The school year closed but the energy of the teachers and of the Woman's Betterment Association went on. Some thing was happening all summer , in the High School building to bring together the peoifle ' to bring together the peopjle . round about and to make a litt'e money for the school equipment. Early in Septeuibrr the new 1 High School Ruildiug was de dilated. Most of us had 'never heard of the word dedi-i- cation in connection with a 'HChool building. Rut, why .not?. That is what was done. of was The of won A SPECIAL OFFER The Advance is glad to be able to make a special offer to its readers in regard to the very interesting and instructive book". "In Ancient Albemarle", by Miss Catherine Albertson of this city. i This attractive volume Kastern Carolina History published, bjst (Jail by North Carolina Daughters the Revolution and has much favorable comment iroughoiit the State. The tirst edition lias been entirely il sposeil ot ail tlie second is ;:oinj; rapidly, many copies be ing sold at the summer schoo s o the State to teachers who are appreciative of the which this work tills. The .Vidvance bas made rial arrangements whereby is able to offer "In Ancient Al bemarle"' and a year's sub scription to The Advance for a dollar and a half. The price of the book is $1.11"). This offer gives the value of $2. 2." for the amount of fl..rl, and gives Advance readers an un usual ormortunitv to know their own section and State that which is true, that they shall escape the - pitfalls; Awhich lie in the way of those who walk alone and ungraded, as the people of a democracy must do. exhorts them that they should not neglect the children. Only in knowledge lies safety. , If thepeople of North Carolina are to pre serve their integrity, they must have intelligence as well as virtue, for without the first they will be robbed of the se rond . The great nel of North Carolina is that she shall press forward with the educa tion of the children 'far be yond anything heretofore at tempted.' That iB the great need of the whole South. it is the supreme requirement in South Carolina. The mes sage of North Carolina's grand o!d man is a message to us as well as to those to whom it was addressed." The above editorial is clipped by the Wilmington Star from the Charleston News and Cour ier and quoted as an example of how the simple and heartfelt utterances of Thomas .Jams' last wi.ll and testa ment are lieing far flung by the multitudinous agencies of the daily press. Great in his life now since his death it appears that the passing years will add to the lustre of his fame and that bis influence on the life of the Old North State will be more strongly felt as time goes on. Currituck's pride in her fav orite son was never greater than it is to day. versitji Edition' was a pleasure bemuse of . the "ease rwith which the extra' work was handled by the Advance force. Mr. C. Guy Bc'l who has runoted such publicity ventures in nearly every city iu the state and many outside of it, said that The Advance handled his matter with less fuss and effort than any newspaper he had ever worked for. This ought to be an interesting commen tary to Elizabeth City busi ness men on the increasing ef ticjiency of The Advance Shop. We are prepared to print any thing from a visiting card to an eight page newspaper on short notice. We invite those of our friends who want print ing done to buy it at home. FOR SALK 1 new 1915 Snidebaker at reduced pice for quick buyei . Also slight ly used Saxton has run less than l.(HN) miies. C. W. Ste vens Motor Car Co. jul 2 5 llinp FOR KALE Cadillac Car for $!.". First price. flSOU.OO ami now in tine running con dition. Car to last a life time. Also gas boat. Rea son for selling going out of business. ,1. W. Stokelv. FOR SALK House at Nags Head in good condition. A bargain see A. C. BELL Eliz abeth City N G jne 8 6t pd. need Mpe-it AND NOT CURRITI CK ONLY "Ex Governor .larvis, North Carolina's 'Grand Old Man, ivefl 'a plain and simple life,' to quote his own words, and Hie estate winch lie lett wan not large: but the will in which he dispos d of it, leaving everything to his widow , is a dorument which speaks with deep eloquence to those wko loved him and whom he loved 'The people of North Carolina have greatly honored me', he writes, 'and I desire to leave on rerord the final declaration of niv everastmg gratitude to them and to make this last plea for the education of their child ten. Intelligence and virtue make the standing of any peo pie in State and Nation, and I would therefore urge the people to press the education of their children far beyond any thing heretofore attempted'. It is never easy in the hurly burly of affairs to see clearly ami in perspective. We are confused by the heat and the din and in the' midst of the struggle our standards of yalue are apt to get mixed. Not so with the man who. after a loi.g ami nethe and useful life, sits down in the sunset, his work all' done, and seeks to formulate a last message to those who have trusted him and look d to him for guidance. He must brush a'l trivialities aside, must go to the heart of the matter. must deal only with thai which is vitr.l. So Governor .larvis, surveying the progress which his people have made, eager that they sha'l fro forward and not backward, that they shall hold fast to WE THANK YOU The Advamie wants to take this opportunity to express its appreciation for the reception given the "Diversity Edition" of The Advance. No work ever done in The Advance shop has afforded us so much grati Mention and satisfaction. hi the first place, we believe ilial this edition was in deed and in truth the best newspaper dicity ever given to this city and section. Coverintr the iniiiediate territory like a Man ket it was sent also into dis tant parts ol -the state and re mote parts of the nation. We believe that a copy went into every state in the I'nion and we know that numbers of copies were sent to every great com mercial center in the country. Moreover rea izing the value of this edition to one seeking in formation about this section we have kept a few hundred copies on our shelves to be mailed out upon request. If the move ment to establish a business men's league here does not la 1 to the earth, that organ isatiou will find the "Diversity Edition" a splendid compendium of facts about our town and its resources well worthy of dissemination. In the second place, the handling of this edition was a pleasure because of the sup port that it reeemvl in its home town. The Advance has been preaching for four years on the text "Patronize the home industries", and it was no more than human that we should feel gratitirnt ion at the response to this our first appeal, practically, for sup port in an advert ismjr vvav to Elizabeth City's hig wholesale and industrial interests. Not only was space liberally taken by all lines of business enter prise, but when came the mat ter of rollr-i t ing for this ndver tisiiifj the task was a real pleas lire. Many advertisers real izing that the printing of this edition would involve a heavy outlay aiifl expense, paid for their spare iu advance. And of those who waited until the edition was issued. payment was made, almost without ex ception, in a spirit that made the editur feel that each ad vertiser was a satised ens tomer . Filially, getting out the 'Di Wanted Copies of The Ad vancd, of April 6th and June 4. Advance Office. :.-V , 1 1 -"f.' . Twenty Four Years Faithful Service CHARTERED MAY 26, 1891 Not Open on July 5th, Account Legal Holiday The First National Bank ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. WANTED TO RKNT Cot tage at Nags Head for month or season. A. I! IIOI'TZ, jne IT) 20 jul 2 j Eliz City, N.C NAGS HEAD CART for sale First class condition. Apply at this office. t pd Ml IS YOUR CKJU9CE TQ BUY GOOD C10TKES HHP Hitf 'eduction In The Price All Men And Hoys Cloth in if And Straw Hats Have Your Gas Engine Repaired In a few weeks you will need your lias Engine mure than at any other time during the year. Are you sure it is in good running order? Dou't take any chances don't guess make sure that it will be ready when you need it. l-et us give it a thorough overhauling. We make a specialty of (la en nine building and repairing - boring kerosene Vngine (cylin ders, fitting piston rings, fete. Will make your engiue like new. Write us to-day for prices give size and make of engine and cause of trouble if you know it, but don't delay NationalMachine Corporation SUFFOLK, VA. jul 2 Hi 311 With malice and forethought I have stove the knife to quirk en all former low prices on men and Imiv s lothinc and straw hats. When von take in consideration the fact that all my ,gooils are brand new this seasons merchandise and that same was formerly pric cd at from three dollars to live dollars per suit less on an average than most merchants charge for a similar quality) and workmanship you will readily see that the reduction now given will make them among the lowest, if not decid edly the lowest, priced cloth ing ever offered in Elizabeth City at this, the prime season of the year. There is abso lute'y no fake in this announce ment. The original price and i i i ... nie rediNunt price hoth appear in plain figures on the price tag showing the exact amount sav ed on and every garment or Int For instance, suits that we sold for t2M0, we are now offering at fifteen dollars; and so on down the line according to the former prices and val ues. All straw hats are cut it east fifty per cent. We have again put the knife in our already greatly reduced tailoring line. This time the reduction is made on !;") suit patterns ranging from fj to $10 saving on each ami every suit made to your individual order. For inslnnce a suit that wou'd have cost you thirty live dollars last week, 'an be Iwoight this week for $-."". and the lower priced ones at a 1 import ion ate saving. We are still selling the very REST palm, beach suits at W.4.". Excellent quality pan i'liia hats at $2..r0 and good si k sox. two pairs for twenty rtve rents. We have just received a new line of the very latest crea tions in 'Lion' (collars and shirts. A new line of tie? expected daily. If it anything Father r or The Great Soap-Maker Red Devil Lye y" ll Cld Process or MOW II P-f 1 Four of the Big 5c. Cans of Red Devil Lye will make twenty pounds of the best soap. Red Devil Lye is pulverized, and dis solves as soon as it touches the water. Best for Cleaning, Washioah Scrubbing, the Roys want to wear, I have it. C. .' . Cooke. I'oiudexter St. lvizabeth City. Opposite Ouinu's furniture Store. 1. E.L OUSiBR The First Class of the T. Kk I j Raptist Sunday School held its regular meeting with Mrs. Sam Williams on Fearing Street. The reports of the different committees show that the class is still busy during the warm weather. Those pre sent were Mrs (leorge Cox, Mrs E. R. Hughes. Mrs. J. U Rritchard. Mrs. Win. Roett rher Mrs. S. (!. Sbott. Mrs. II. Scott, Mrs. .lohn Overman. Mrs. Kdel Oordcn. Mrs. O. I Harris. Mrs. R. C. Abbott. Mrs, Sam Williams. Mrs. Edna Fcrebee, and Mrs. Clifton. vAfter the business a social hour was enjoyod andd delight ful refreshments consisting of cream, cake and punch was served. t 8iid.ril GRHIJDY S CO Cotton, Grain Produce ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. July 2nd 191 i BUYING TODAY COTTON Strict Middling Middling EGGS Hen Eggs, per doz. SELLING TODAY FLOUR Patspsco, best patent GRAIN Corn,, White, per sack Oats, per bushel MEAL AND HULLS Meat, per ton 30.00 Hulls, per ton 8.00 MIDDLINGS 8 716i 16c $6.00 11.75 62o Spring, per bag Ballards, per bag HAY No 1 Timotty i.6r 135.00 V 8 , , 1;,.- y, t' ' .v", K -'' K -V i i ' '. : V i' til: e1-