Local Items Nixonton was Satur VTAS on a l. r of here Saturday. Mr. S. IT. "Roach left day fT Wiufall. J. . Walxton of Sliiloli was here Saturdiuy E. Mitchell of Old Trap in the city today. J. Ij. Fori wns lit'it business Saturday. O. I'. Hrown of Ufliross was in the city Saturday. J. Hooper of jMt. Hermon was here Saturday J. T. Davis of Providence was here Saturday. P. P. Markham of Weeksville was here Saturday. J. B. Sanderlin of Shiloih was here Saturday on business. Mrs K. L. Sherlock of Weeks ville was here Sntunlay. Mr. J. R. Moss sent Satur day in Norfolk on business. James Fvans of Providence was in the city Saturday. P. h Pritcliard of Providence was in the city Saturday. Frank Wilson of Woodville Was in the city Saturday. A. W. Stanton of Nixouton was in the city Saturday. William Brown of lielcroas wias in the city Saturday. Mn W. N. Sawyer of Norfolk was in town Saturday. Capt. Joe Lawrence of Berk ley is visiting relatives here. Mr. John Hughes and family left Friday for Nags Head. J. A. Harris of Nixonton wasi in the city Saturday. J. E. Cook of Indiantown was here Saturday on businej 0. A. Harrell of Nixouton was here Saturday on business. Mr. Joseph Berry of (Sregory was here on business Saturday O. S Forbes of famden was in the city Saturday morning. 0. W: Stevens has returned from h business trip to Norfolk. Wv. II. Pritchard of Weeks ville was here Saturday. John Paul Sawyer of Belcross was in the city on business Saturday. 11 W. Ferebee of V'-anideu was in the city Saturday after noon . H. K- Only of Okisko was in the city on business Sat urday. -W. (1. Ferebee of Belcross was in the city Saturday after noon. . Mr. Jesse (lartwHght, of Weeksville was in the city Fri day. jjr. A. B. Hughes of Mount Hermon whs in the city Satur day. Qapt Humphrey Lewark of Seagal was' in the city Sat urday. W. U. Andrews arrived in the city. Kutnrdtiy on a visit to his mother. J. If. Mrite of Mount lentnn was in the city on business Saturday. fieorge Ktberid:e is spend, ing the week at Ocean View. Virginia . Messrs M. T. Ualstcad and IJnyd llalstead were here on business Saturday. " Mr. and Mrs," T. K. New lieni of Powells Point were in the city S it urday. Messrs P.rviin ami -I. W. Jisher of .lar. isluiri; were here Saturday u business. ' l. W. .Morgan and Klislin Harris of Mt. Ileiiiiou were in the city Sat urda . W. F. Small. .1 ('. I .on- at'd Thomas .leuii'iijis ol Weeksville were here atumay n luisiness Miss Rose Stevenson of Hen derson is the ,riies1 if Misses Bessie and Annie lee 'olioou. Mrs. T. S. While lefl Sunday to visit her daughter. Mrs. .1 H Aydlett at Nag Head. Mrs. M. '.. Harris left Sal Urday for T'.drnt n where slie will visit her (daughter. Mr. .1. W. haw sou ami lam ily have returned from week's stay at Nags Head. Mr. W. hawson ami lain ijy left Sunday to seml Hie summer at Nags Head. Mr. and .Mrs. Zenas Prit'h ard and litillf son of SaPem were in the city Saturdayi Mr. it. i. Hull kin was here Saturday on his way home x fonm IlitK-iili.i'f u'lwi. Ink li.,s been to visit relative". M'ish Margaret Barclift enter , tained a numlH'r of frieufls Fri day nijrlit at. her. home on Main Stu'et. Miss Olive Wood entertained .a-number of friends' vesterday a i i ... r . , auiernoon ht ner nome on juhiu . A . .A etreet. tfil.lDnBer Catherine Jones, Pan " Me Owens and flntb Spivey hare returned from Nags Head where they are been the guests of Mr J. H. Aydlett. SL W. Harris of Mt Hermon was in the city Saturday on bu siness. Mis Jennie Ferebee of Bel (Tosh has accepted a position as teacher in the school at Belcross Mrs. J. Wi. Johnson of South Mills was here Saturday shop ping. Miss Alineta C-arr entertiined at her home on Church street Saturday. Misses Mae Chappell, Bertha Chapiell. and Lula Meryer left Saturday lor Manteo to speiul their vacation. Miss Lucille Batten of Smith field, Va. is visiting Miss Annie Wesitherly. Mrs. A. 1). Sawyer and Mrs. A. Harrell of Oirriturk were in the city shopping Friday. Mrs. It.' II. Wells and fain i,ly who have Iwen visiting friends in Morehead i'ity have returned to Elizabeth City. Mr. C. A. West of South Mills passed through the city Friday on his way to visit friends in Shawboro. Mr. J. ft. Lnydeu of Okisko Wia in the city Friday on busi ness. Mr. James M. Rodgers of Nor folk has returned to his home after a business trip to this city. Mrs. Louis Selig has returned from a visit to friends at Nor folk. (1. B- Harrell, V,. C Pritch ard and U. 14 Harrel, of Mt Hermon were in the city Hat urday;. Misn Mary White left Satur day for her home in Belvidere after fi" visit to the home of JX B. Walston. Mis Tlielma Millers of Win fall who has leen visiting Mrs. T. T. Turner returned home Saturday. Mr. K. R '.Rankin of Chapel Hill was iu the city last week representing the State Fniver si t v . W. II. Zoeller and family left for Nags Head Sunday where thev will sinnd the summer. Attorney I). Hi. Tillitt and county Sujierintendent of Kduca t ion F. M. hason of a in den were here Saturday Miss Olive Aydlett has return ed from Raleigh where she sjtent several weeks with her grand mother, Mrs. J. J. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. H. Martin Fearing have returned to their homo at Washington D. 0 after a visit to relatives here. Mrs. T. T. Turnee entertain fd at her home on Chimb street Friday evening in honor of her gust Miss Thelma Millers of Wiufall. ). A. tlregory of lioonville is visiting friends and relatives in this section during his va- eal ni.. Mr. ircgorv was formerly of Cainflen. Mrs. L (i. Middiekault and ch'ldren of Hagerxtown Mary land are seii(ling .a inoiith with Mrs. i:. L Sherlock of Weeks- ille. T. S. Winslow and ('has Whedliee of Hertford passed through the city yesterday on their way home from Nags Head. IM I. bearing returne ycKterday from Philadelphia where he has otH'ii taking a sn iial n nurse in the treatment of disease liv the X ra v . Or. Zenas Fearing who has Ik-cii sick for some time at his home on Frar'ng Street is im proving rapidly and is expect ed to lie out again w ithin a few days . Supt. W. M. Hinlon has lieen reelected to his ollice for the coming two years. 'Phis wlil niiike Mr. Ilinton's fourth term as county Superintendent f Sih(Mls. Louis Selig. II. Hright. ami lite Alliermarle Pharmacy nave installed handsome new electric self winding clocks and now gel the correct naval ob servatory time every hour from Washington . Mr. and Mrs. ('. U. Callop, Mr. lu M. Siiwyer, ami Mm Joseph Moss niKon-d nwer to Ocean View hist wTk. Mr. Oallop and Mr. Sawyer return ed Friday night. Mrs. Oal lii and Mrs. Moss went on to Petersburg to visit Mrs. S. A. Rucker. v Miss Helen Bright is send ing the week at Nags Head, the guest of Miss Francis Weeks. Mr. A. S. Daniels spent Sun day at Nags nead. Miss Pearl Duncan of South Mills spent Sunday at Xags nead. Misses (Jessie and Nellie Ta- tnm left for Nagj Head Snnday Mr. lx B. Jennette and fam ily left Sunday for Nags Head where they will spend a week at their cottage on the Sound side. Mrs. T. a White left Sunday for Nags Head where she will send Home time with her daughter, Mrs. James Weeks. Mi .1. R. WhiMiu-st spent Sunday at Nags Head. Miss Hesse tones .spent Sun day at Nags Head. i. 0. IV. Pr chard spent; Sunday at Nags Head. He was accompanied home bv Mrs. richard who had been spend ing some time there. W. J. Albert son of New land was in the city yesterday. H. M. Pritchard of Weeks ville was here yesterday on bu siness. J. W. Trafton of Belcross was in the citv vesterdav. J. 0. Baker of Old Trap was here Saturday on business. T-aptain Nelson Homes of Cape Henry was here Saturday- Misses Evelyn. Sallie and Ruth Bright have returned from Nags Head where they were for a week the guests of Mrs. 8. J. Twine Mr. H. C. Bright spent SHn day at Nags Head. Messrs A. Jk Jennings, W. J. Panders, and Rart James of Weeksville were in the city yesterday. NOTICE WANTED October - first young marrjed man to work and supervise work on eighty acre truck farm near Nor folk, Va. N Most be sober, in dustrious, and know how to successfully raise Irish Potatoes Sweet Potatoes and corn; niu.4 also know how to raise hop, poultry milk, cows, make but ter and other geueral work about farm. Fifty dollars ler month, free house of six rooms, share in garden, fruit eggs and milk for own living, down timber for fuel Must stay on place. . Referencies required with application. Address Industrial Agent. N. S. R. R. 204 Futon Station, Norfolk. Virginia, jiil v 13 tf Whenever You Need Oeoeral Tonic Take drove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Driver out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds no the Whole System. V) cents. , CABD OF THANKS We wish tp extend to our ffliends many thanks for the kindness and ' . sympathy shown us in the recent illness and death of rar little sou. Richard, Jr., also for the beau tiful floral tributes;. Mr. and Mrs. Riclmrd Owens, Eliz alieth City. N. V. u 11 Tbs QubriM That Does Not Affect Ths Hi Because of its tonic and laxative cficct. LAX A. 1 1VS Br.OMO 0CININ8' better Uwa ordinary Quiniue and doea not caaae nerronaiMM not ddging in head. Remember 'he fall name and took for the sicnature of B. W. GBOVB. Kc v ' ' tAATtRN CAROLINA - TiAHSPtJSTAnoi twm D. B. Scott, Mgb. sty line offering reiular sertice W NAG8 HI AD and MANTBO All the year round. STEAMER TRENTON Leaves Manteo 5:00 A. M. Leaves Elizabeth City 1:30 p,m. DAILY EXCKPT SUNDAY STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Owing to the dullness of the shingle market, ' ..rill tliA nnvt civrv Javc chincrlps !lt WC Will SC11 1VI "Vai oiaij uajn J"e""' ".-ni", wholesale prices locally, therefore if you will JK be in need of any shingles during the next twelve months, now is me time to Duy. Dare Lumber Company. June 13 T&F. tfxxxx Louis Selio MAKE ROOM JEWELRY SALE aet'ejes. Louis Selio Inquiries are donfing to me re- erardinp Msitions as tejicher iu the public schools of this conn ty Currituck and to five the public Ihe information necess ary, l Deg to state tnat both Rtate and County 'Board of Education thinkiw: it lsst pledfieil to employ a whole time conntv superintendent. and severed my connection with the schools of tliis county on and after the 5th dav of July 101.-). J. M. NEWBERN. stet tf Com CM Sores. Otter Rsmedhw Won't Cure. The worst caaea, no matter of how long itandins. V coreU by the woaderinl, oia reuaote ut. Porter's Antiseptic Healing mi. i iriirrr Pain aid Heal ft Uw aatne time. 23c.80c,lixr TO MAKE ROOM for fall goods now arriving, have arranged a Dollar Window, the original price of these goods were from $2.00 to $5.00. But for a few days ONE DOLLAR will be the price. LOOK AT OUR WINDOW Brooches - China Plates - Watches - La Valliers Smoking Sets - Bracelets - Buckles Soap Dishes - Alarm Clocks tt')a. ir'oia( Your Choice $1.00 Louis Selio Louis Selio- 5TILL DEEPER CUTS IN PRICES ' ZZZIZZIZ IS GREAT SHREK SALE of : 7 McCAEE & GRICE 7 This has been one of the largest sales ever conducted in Elizabeth City and has already reached far beyond our expectations, but we still have thousands and thousands of dollars worth of seasonable merchandise that we must sell in the next few days Hence THE PRICES TAKE ANOTHER TUMBLE in nrHpr to rlpnr mir siimrner stock in a verv short oeriod. we aref offering brand, spanking new merchandise (not old stock but thej6 -.T-r rkva r nn a tho minnto morrhannicp ) or onri in mcinxr v w Y ejj. y VXC1111 Ul Will -t IA1 uiiiiuiv mvi vuunuiuv uuu j ft this, the greatest opportunity to buy your summer needs from one of Elizabeth City's most reputable houses, and save your money. We are trying to make your dollars do double duty. Give Us An Opportunity To Prove Our Claims, RfcA WE a BmmE THE BUSY STORE. 4 u ,

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